#surface level stuff chdm yeah thats the thing hahah
cheemken · 7 months
Hey Knight how do you feel about Ash and Iris from the anime? At least what you know about them, since I don’t think you’ve ever mentioned watching BW
For me I see them as those friends that are like siblings towards each other, especially because Iris and Ash always teased each other in BW and JN
Although whenever I try look at content about them 70% of what I find is just “Ash hates Iris cause she always called him a kid”…which is stupid cause she’s teasing him like kids do
But one thing I love about them is that they’re both Champions. Ash has something he can relate with towards Iris that he doesn’t with his other friends. They both know what it’s like to hold such a title at a young age
Last thing, but I like to think that whenever they meet up, whether it’s by coincidence, annual champion meetings, or something else, they’ve ALWAYS got to battle each other. Doesn’t matter the situation, it’s like they get the Cain instinct™️ everything they see each other
Your honour pls they are siblings for me chmxxj like ofc since Ash was really supposed to be Alola champ in my hcs, my dynamic for him w Iris is that they're siblings y'know; they always got each other's backs, they're always so supportive of each other, they tease each other but y'know that's normal, and you are so right if they don't battle immediately after they see each other they're gonna fucking combust lmfaooo
Omf okay sorry I wasn't done I accidentally posted this instead of pressing edit cjxkchdj
Anyways yeah even I see posts abt how some peeps are like low-key projecting too bc yeah Iris calls Ash a kid so she's a shit character they say and I'm like?? Mfer they're kids what do you fucking expect that's how kids are hcmdndn and also, I remember seeing a post back then on how the reason Iris is like that in the anime bc people in her school kinda looked down on her and saw how different she was and acted more of a kid than them, which was understandable bc she was a kid during those times so ofc she's gonna act like one
So for her to feel some semblance of control in her life, that yeah she's not just a kid, she calls Ash kid bc she knows the way Ash acts is how she always acted back then which caused people to not like her and your honour I think abt this from time to time it just cjdmbd Iris deserves a hug man
Anyways pls your honour you are so right they're siblings😭😭 like I had this one concept of them back then y'know, that one time Iris accidentally called Diantha mom and she panicked and ran away, and Ash was the only one who knew where she was bc he just knows just where Iris would hide during times like this, and he's there trying to comfort her, also telling her that one time he accidentally called Kukui dad as well and ough,,, ough your honour it's just soft bcmdhdns
Also it would be so funny if these two just,,, attract anything main anime character related things fucking imagine Ash saying he met Giratina once and he was nice and then Iris going that Kyurem is also nice too and they just try to summon Giratina for him to meet Kyurem, Cynthia has never been so stressed in her life lmfaooo homegirl just vibing with the other Champions, sees these dark clouds over Mt. Coronet and just fucking grabs Dia and begs her for her Gardevoir to teleport them there right the fuck NOW
Imagine as the others got there they see Ash and Iris feeding Giratina and Kyurem poffins😭🤣
But y'know this makes me think now how Ash is like in my hcs bc I did change a lot of stuff in my hcs from the actual games/anime/manga, it would be cool to see him as a wandering trainer always out to battle anyone and be stronger to be the master he always dreamt he'd be, maybe less main protag things and such if that makes sense hahah
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