#surely it's common sense that they shouldn't be tagged with the main ship
dxringred · 2 years
took the bullet, went through the first three ste/ddie fics that appeared in the ronance tag, and-
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except you are.
so. fic #1. 6k words. robin’s name is said 12 times in the first chapter, but there are no ronance interactions. it’s said 3 times in the second chapter, but, again, nothing ronance. it’s just steve briefly talking to robin about nancy at one point and suspecting that she likes her.
fic #2. 11k, 7 chapters. robin’s name is said 33 times. for the most part, there's no ronance apart from a few chapters where it’s incredibly minor or referred to. there’s actually more rock/ie, and nancy doesn’t seemed fazed by them at all. 
fic #3. 39k. 10 chapters. it’s also tagged with rock/ie even though they’re not going to get together, so i don’t know why the hell you’d do that. robin’s name is said 150 or so times. there’s no ronance for several chapters and then either very minor interactions or interactions that are only referenced. in chapter eight, robin finally admits to steve that she likes nancy, and then it’s more background interactions. 
doesn’t take a genius to see that none of these should be tagged ronance lmao, and if i’m being honest, besties, i think we’ve just gotta start oppressing ste/ddies at this point. 
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