#supervoid ramblings
supervoidheart · 1 year
There's just something so incredibly therapeutic about having your guts pumped full of water. The stretching of your intestines, the rush of cool fluid that you can feel reaching the deepest parts of your being. The tight swell as your belly grows to accommodate its load. The heavy weight of the liquid sloshing to and fro inside...
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howlingbreeze · 2 years
oh! before I forget!!
happy Storyteller Saturday!! please ramble 🥰
you made it well and truly in time today, 5pm! thank you for letting me ramble once again, today's space topic is: cosmic voids!
this topic is still new to me, i don't know a lot about them i watched a couple videos about the cosmic web, which touched on these.
so, what is a cosmic void? well, they are 30-300 million lightyears in size and sit in between filaments (made of superclusters of thousand/millions of smaller galaxies clusters), the most significant structures in the universe. you have probably seen what this looks like, the cosmic web.
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what's in them? a whole lot of nothing. from memory, it was like one particle for every 5 light years or something... EMPTY! sometimes they will have a galaxy floating around, but because of how they came to be (a result of fluctuating waves from the Big Bang) galaxies can't necessarily form there.
whats the biggest one, i hear you ask! the CMB Cold Spot is sent to be the largest spot under the average cold temp of the CMB, there isn't confirmation about this being a supervoid just that it's a possibility. 500 million to one billion light-years across, hugeee boy!
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videos: 1, 2, 3, 4
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drenchedinmoonlite · 3 years
aight. time to ramble about space
so, out there in the observable universe, there is an absolutely massive section of empty space named the Boötes void, or “The Great Nothingness”. this void is one of the largest, most lonely supervoids that we’ve been able to detect, home to a measly 2,000 galaxies (estimated). now, how large is this void you, ask? oh, just about 330 MILLION LIGHTYEARS in diameter, which (if my math is correct) is about 2,200x larger than our galaxy. this thing continues to perplex astronomers and gives me existential crises.
here’s a map of this void; 
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now, you may or may not have seen pictures of the Boötes void, ones that look like this;
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however, this is not the Boötes void. this picture is actually of the dark molecular cloud by the name of Barnard 68, which blocks the light from the stars behind it. though they are often mistaken for one another, these two features of space have practically nothing in common; one is a supervoid while the other is just a big ol cloud waiting to collapse and become a star. 
anyway, just thought all this was interesting (and a little frightening)! 
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