starfilledsky2810 · 3 months
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A thread of Palestinian businesses to support!
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Link to Sunbula
Link to Soap
Link to Hanmade Palestine
Link to Palbox
Link to Shop
Link to Paliroots
Link to Taita Leila LTD
Link to West Bank Apparel
Link to Kufiya
Link to Nōl Collective
Link to Fyrouzi
Link to Tatreez on Tea
Link to Hilweh Market
Link to Darzah
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gayforgarica · 4 months
Brands that support Palestine/ Palestinian brand products 🇵🇸
West Bank Apparel
West Bank Hoodie
Anat International
Nol Collective
Holy Land Boutique
Balady Stich
Nadine Khalili Jewelry
Dar Collective
Handmade Palestine
Darzah designs
Haute Hijab
Huda Beauty
Rising Cane's
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queerprayers · 6 months
christmas postcard announcement!
One of my favorite parts of Christmastime is receiving physical mail from people, and I want to share that joy! A couple(?) years ago, I sent some cards out to followers, and I've decided to do a similar project this year. I'm going to be realistic with my time this year, so I won't make the cards myself or write five paragraphs for everyone, but I'll handwrite a postcard with love and prayers!
If you (or someone you know) would like a postcard from me, I have prepared a Google form! I'll keep the form open until Dec. 24, unless for some crazy reason so many people respond that I run out of postcards, in which case I will have to close the form early. Just in case, I'd ask that you request just one physical postcard, so more people will have an opportunity. If you would like a message but would not like to receive physical mail (or you've used your one postcard request), I've included an option for a virtual message.
Five lucky people (if I were rich it would be more) will receive a postcard made by @and-her-saints ! The rest of the postcards are cool too, though, so don't worry. I will try my very hardest to have these all delivered as soon as I can, but if you request one the day before Christmas or I'm late or you're outside of the US and it takes a long time or the postal service messes up, I hope you'll forgive me. Christmas is 12 days, remember?
No, you don't have to be Christian, although please be aware these are Christmas cards. I've included an option to request a more secular holiday card, but if you hate anything to do with Christmas, this might not be for you.
I'm praying for all of you as we approach Advent, and perhaps this can give you something to look forward to.
<3 Johanna
In receiving love, we work to give love as well. I don't pretend to be changing the world by sending postcards, but it's something I can do that can perhaps bring someone joy.
If you are able, I'd encourage you to give some money/time/energy this Christmas to those who need it. Sending cards, visiting people, volunteering, and donating can all further the Christian calling of love. If you are someone who needs help, I pray the people around you are moved to provide it.
I'm especially thinking of the Holy Land this year. Jesus's birthplace is being destroyed, and Christian communities there are in danger of extinction. Christmas celebrations have been cancelled in Bethlehem. It's hard to know if/how/where help will actually reach those who most need it, but I'd still recommend donating to the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund, Islamic Relief USA, UNICEF, UNRWA, Hakini Mental Health Services, or Sunbula Emergency Aid. Even if immediate resources are not able to be sent, this is a long-term crisis.
Jesus was born into occupied territory, and Christians born there today are sharing this burden. You know what God has called you to do. Mary's response to receiving Jesus was to sing a song of liberation. Christmas has from the beginning been about lifting up the lowly. His law is love, his gospel peace. Chains shall we break, for the slave is our brother, and in his name all oppression shall cease. Amen.
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rikaklassen · 3 months
There are reports Atfaluna School for the Deaf in Gaza was bombed the other day. Their website stopped working.
Atfaluna Society for Deaf Children has a donation page, but it doesn't always work, or you can wire directly to their bank account. Alternatively, you can contribute to Off-The-Grid, Deaf Gaza or donate eSIMs if you can.
You can also purchase crafts from deaf artisans here, and there's an ongoing fundraising campaign hosted by one of their partners, Sunbula.
Atfaluna's social media:
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i-love-crona · 7 months
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
Here are some more links !!!
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la-femme-en-rouge · 3 months
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Inkwell with Twelve Zodiac Medallions
From late 12th–early 13th century
I like how Virgo is represented as a sunbula, "ear of corn" and named Al-Athra /the virgin in Islamic astrology due to Virgo season having the brightest star
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dinaive · 8 months
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samosazindabad · 4 years
Virgo in Astrology from the Islamic World
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In the writings of medieval Muslim astrologers, Virgo earned a reputation as a sign of the wise. Today known as The Virgin in the zodiac, Virgo had a far more complicated depiction among Muslim astrologers.
Those born under Virgo or Al Adhra are said to be pleasant, but anxious about the future, playful, but restrained. They grow to be wise, are just, generous, judgmental, and cultured. They enjoy music. Al Biruni says they have good-manners and truthful. Reputedly they have a tendency to spend money early in life, but will grow wise with their money as they grow older. Virgo is described as feminine, nocturnal, cold, earthy, dry, and melancholic. Its season is the end of the equinox. Green is a good color for them to wear and they find much of their fortune on Wednesdays but Sundays will be difficult for them. They are sterile or have few children and have marks either on their chest or abdomen. Virgos are said to struggle at 19 and at 30 will face a great adversary. It is said Aries obeys Virgo who is friendly with Capricorn and Libra. They make good administrators, bureaucrats, secretaries, bosses, philosophers, poets, singers, and thinkers.
Virgo is said to be the home of Mercury. Interestingly, Al Adhra was also commonly called Al Sunbula after the constellational star and so Virgo sometimes is depicted as a man in harvest. You can see such a depiction from the 14th C Kitab al Bulhan above in the first image. The image of the virgin will come from Abu Ma’shar’s description of its first face: a virginal woman with a baby in hand and wheat in the other.
The human body was divided up by the zodiac with Virgo associated with the stomach and belly. Muslim astrologers also designated parts of the world as governed by the Zodiac with Virgo corresponding to Syria, Persia, and the lands of the Tigris and Euphrates and all places women gather. Because of its connection to Mercury, Virgo became the prominent sign of wisdom. If Gemini was intellect, games, and science then Virgo was memory, philosophy, and wisdom.
One famous charm involved making a ring of power under the auspices of Mercury, the Moon, and Virgo. Done properly, it would bestow upon the wearer vast powers of memory, hidden knowledge, and skills in philosophy. 
Some famous Virgos from Islamic history include the 9th century caliph, Al Ma’mun who deposed his brother & established a caliphate of philosophy and science. He held ideological purity tests and favored and patronized scientists, mathematicians and fancied himself a philosopher. When he defeated his brother, Al Ma’mun reputedly marched into Baghdad with his retinue all wearing green, the color associated with Virgo. Like in the case of Baghdad, many cities were built using astrology. Lutf Ali would claim the great city of Shiraz, the home of poetry, philosophy, and wine, was rebuilt when Virgo was in the ascendant. Virgo would also appear in the poetry of Hafez.
The Mughal emperor Akbar the Great would have two horoscopes cast, one would have Leo on the Ascendant the other Virgo. The difference was a result of the Hellenic tropical zodiac favored by Muslim astrologers versus the sidereal zodiac favored in Vedic astrology. Abul Fazl would favor the Virgo chart arguing the judicious, philosophical nature of Akbar was best reflected by Virgo. It also gave explanatory power to the preternatural memory attributed to Akbar who claimed to remember his own birth.
Abu Ma’shar also set Virgo to Jesus’s ascendant. Describing the Isis-like image of the first face of Virgo as the Virgin Mary nursing the infant Jesus. The Catholic cardinal and astrologer Pierre D’Ailly would use Abu Ma’shar’s description to cast Jesus’ horoscope, reproduced here by James Holden
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Virgo would become the sign of a just leader (one who could be harsh, but only righteously). It would also be strongly linked to truth.
In a famous tale about Abu Ma’shar, a client approaches the astrologer to ask if a woman accompanying a man was his wife or his mistress. Abu Ma’shar casts an interrogational and consultation chart and computed a lot from Jupiter and Venus which fell on Virgo. The astrologer declared the woman the rightful wife.
Virgo for medieval Muslim astrologers would become the sign of the philosopher, the poet, the wise and just king, and even a little wine.
All credit goes to @aaolomi, historian of Muslim politics, gender, Islamic esotericism & folklore on Twitter. 
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ayudistore-blog · 5 years
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Madu merupakan cairan yang berasal dari lebah yang memiliki banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan. Madu memiliki sifat antiseptik dan antibakteri sehingga dapat juga digunakan untuk pengobatan. Madu memiliki tekstur kental dan rasa yang manis sehingga nikmat untuk dikonsumsi. Jenis dan kualitas dari madu pun bermacam-macam. Tergantung dari jenis lebah, makanan lebah dan habitat tempat lebah hidup Madu Al Shifa natural honey adalah madu berkualitas tinggi yang diimpor langsung dari negara Arab Saudi. Madu al shifa dihasilkan oleh lebah terbaik sehingga mengandung lebih banyak vitamin dan nutrisi. Madu al shifa istimewa karena dihasilkan oleh lebah yang memakan serbuk sari dan nektar dari bunga pohon kurma dan pohon shidr. Kedua pohon ini hanya bisa ditemui di semenanjung Arab dan terkenal akan khasiatnya bagi kesehatan Aturan pakai : 2 kali sehari, 1 sendok makanDiminum pagi dan malam hariJangan dicampur dengan air panas isi madu al shifa : Isi 250 gram Isi 500 gram Isi 1 kilogram Produsen Sunbula Group, Saudi Arabia Didistribusikan oleh PT. Safarindo Indonesia Hubungi kami : ''Jangan sungkan untuk menghubungi kami jika anda punya pertanyaan seputar infromasi poduk, harga jual, dan cara pembelian'' WA : 0812 2800 2207 ''Dengan senang hati kami akan segera melayani anda'' https://www.instagram.com/p/BzLPk8KJHS-/?igshid=1mhj1tmdg42je
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gallerypeice · 3 years
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let it be known that if any of you lovely girls buy these for me on sunbula i will kiss you gently on the lips
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digitaldialogueus · 4 years
Israel: 10 Unique Things to Buy in Jerusalem
Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and is considered to be the most visited country of Israel in terms of tourism. It is also known as the “City of Gold.” The place includes a lot of religious sites, landscapes, parks, gardens, and other attractions. Also, it contains a lot of museums however, when you come to Israel, you get tired of all that site seeing so go for a bit shopping.
That’s where we come for help as we are about to guide you of what unique things you should look for to buy in Jerusalem so that you can find your way from the maze of outdoor shopping, in search of that one beautiful and unique memorable thing. Those items are mentioned below;
1.      Eliot Stone Jewelry
The Eliot stone jewelry is one of the prized possessions of the people of Israel. Since Israel has a giant diamond industry, the jewelry is filled with beautifully cut and shaped Eliot stones and diamonds Petra shuttle service. People from all over the world come to see the “Eilat stone Jewelry (CADURIT) Ltd.” which was established in 1972 and is quite famous for showing live Eliot stone cutting and shaping to visitors. Also, such jewelers often contain religious symbols other than stones for those who are fond of religion. Eliat itself is a beautiful national stone of Israel and appears in green, turquoise, and blue colors.
Where to buy?
If you are looking for the best Eliot stone jewelry, then you can find it in “Hedya Jewelry Shop” located at the 23 Hillel street and inspired by Sara Einstein, a jeweler of New York. If you want to visit the shop, it is recommended for you to first call on this number just in case “054-4247452.”
2.      Armenian Pottery
Next up is Armenian Pottery. It’s a traditional distinctive ceramic pottery, with beautiful oxidized glazed colors and designs. Such types of ceramics are only produced in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel and almost nowhere else in the world. It is highly recommended to not go for cheap ceramic pottery as they are produced at a large scale and can break easily. Instead, go for a unique original ceramic pottery sold by “Karakashian Brothers.��� The will offer you cups, mugs, plates, spoons, bottles and much more in their pottery collection.
Where to buy?
If you are looking for authentic Armenian pottery, then it is highly recommended for you to buy from “GaroSandrouni located at “87 Armenian Patriarchate Road (www.garosandrouni.com)”, “Baslian Armenian Ceramics located at 14 Nablus Road (http://www.armenianceramics.com)”, and “Jerusalem Pottery located at 15 Via Dolorosa (http://www.jerusalempottery.biz)” which is the shop of the “Karakashian family.”
3.      Antiquities
Antiquities are clay oil-based lamps like that of a candle except that they use olive oil to lighten up instead of wax. They have been used for centuries long before candles came into existence and are a perfect traditional gift for loved ones. There are a lot of fake copies of these so make sure to buy those who are authenticated by the “Israel Antiquities Authority.” Such lamps are small and come with either a handle or a small hole to carry it around.
Where to buy?
If you are willing to buy the authentic version of such lamps, then you can find them at “The Baidun family” shop located called “Baidun Antiquities” located at 28 Via Dolorosa (http://www.baidun.com/). The family has been prized with thankyou letters by many famous people and politicians such as “Bill Clinton.”
4.      Palestinian Traditional Embroidery Items
In past, Palestinian woman, typically villagers used to gather in groups for gossips and doing embroidery. Their dresses were embroidered, long beautifully colored items. To keep the traditional embroidered items keep their charm for a longer period, these are still found and loved by the people of Israel shuttle from Tel Aviv to Petra. These items include; dresses, bags, purse, clutch, caps, wallets, etc.
Where to buy?
You can find these items at “Sunbula” by visiting their website www.sunbula.org Also, you can find them at Jerusalem at “House of Palestinian Crafts located at 7 Nablus Rd.”
5.      Hamsa
Next comes Hamsa. Hamsa is a hand sign which is used to protect evil. It looks like a warning given by hand to evil to stay away. It is made from almost any material including; metal, ceramic, wood, gold, silver, platinum, white gold, etc. It can be found anywhere in the country. People there use it widely so if you are willing to buy one, then you’ll find it very easily.
Where to buy?
If you want to go for the best Hamsa jewelry, then you can look for it in Peretz’s studio, located at Mahane Yehuda market. There, you’ll find it embedded with different stones and gems and often in color blue which is considered effective against the evil eye.
6.      Kakadu Artisans
Artisans are hand-painted images on wood, making them durable and a wonderful piece of art to hang on your walls or frame and place on decoration tables. Such items are highly bright-colored, and each of the paintings always tells a different story. This began in 1990 when an official “Kakadu Artisans Workshop” was found by a Jerusalem couple named “Reut and AharonShahar.”
Where to buy?
items can be found in the “Kakadu factory” (http://kakadu.co.il) where many people as tourists come from all over the world to explore, learn and create such artistic pieces. Also, if you are looking for a shop selling such items I suggest you go for a visit to “King David’s Treasure” located at “14 Ben Yehuda Street on the Midrachov” which sells a lot of such souvenirs.
7.      Metal Lace
The last one on the list is a metal lace. This lace is inspired by an original cloth lace except the material used for its making is metal. The lace was inspired and developed by an Industrial Israeli artist “Talila Abraham” with delicacy. He wanted to experiment whether we can create the same form of prints and designs on metal that we do on cloth.
Where to buy?
The product can be found at a “Metalace” shop located “34 EmekRafaim” and also in “Mamilla.” You can also purchase it online by visiting http://www.metalaceart.com/.
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i-love-crona · 7 months
I'm not really sure what to write but here are some links to help support Palestine. If there is any problems with the links please tell me so I can try to fix them !!!
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dinaive · 8 months
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dinaive · 8 months
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ayudistore-blog · 5 years
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Madu merupakan cairan yang berasal dari lebah yang memiliki banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan. Madu memiliki sifat antiseptik dan antibakteri sehingga dapat juga digunakan untuk pengobatan. Madu memiliki tekstur kental dan rasa yang manis sehingga nikmat untuk dikonsumsi. Jenis dan kualitas dari madu pun bermacam-macam. Tergantung dari jenis lebah, makanan lebah dan habitat tempat lebah hidup Madu Al Shifa natural honey adalah madu berkualitas tinggi yang diimpor langsung dari negara Arab Saudi. Madu al shifa dihasilkan oleh lebah terbaik sehingga mengandung lebih banyak vitamin dan nutrisi. Madu al shifa istimewa karena dihasilkan oleh lebah yang memakan serbuk sari dan nektar dari bunga pohon kurma dan pohon shidr. Kedua pohon ini hanya bisa ditemui di semenanjung Arab dan terkenal akan khasiatnya bagi kesehatan Aturan pakai : 2 kali sehari, 1 sendok makanDiminum pagi dan malam hariJangan dicampur dengan air panas isi madu al shifa : Isi 250 gram Isi 500 gram Isi 1 kilogram Produsen Sunbula Group, Saudi Arabia Didistribusikan oleh PT. Safarindo Indonesia Hubungi kami : ''Jangan sungkan untuk menghubungi kami jika anda punya pertanyaan seputar infromasi poduk, harga jual, dan cara pembelian'' WA : 0812 2800 2207 ''Dengan senang hati kami akan segera melayani anda'' https://www.instagram.com/p/BzLPk8KJHS-/?igshid=hxboj8xyurkt
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ayudistore-blog · 5 years
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Madu merupakan cairan yang berasal dari lebah yang memiliki banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan. Madu memiliki sifat antiseptik dan antibakteri sehingga dapat juga digunakan untuk pengobatan. Madu memiliki tekstur kental dan rasa yang manis sehingga nikmat untuk dikonsumsi. Jenis dan kualitas dari madu pun bermacam-macam. Tergantung dari jenis lebah, makanan lebah dan habitat tempat lebah hidup Madu Al Shifa natural honey adalah madu berkualitas tinggi yang diimpor langsung dari negara Arab Saudi. Madu al shifa dihasilkan oleh lebah terbaik sehingga mengandung lebih banyak vitamin dan nutrisi. Madu al shifa istimewa karena dihasilkan oleh lebah yang memakan serbuk sari dan nektar dari bunga pohon kurma dan pohon shidr. Kedua pohon ini hanya bisa ditemui di semenanjung Arab dan terkenal akan khasiatnya bagi kesehatan Aturan pakai : 2 kali sehari, 1 sendok makanDiminum pagi dan malam hariJangan dicampur dengan air panas isi madu al shifa : Isi 250 gram Isi 500 gram Isi 1 kilogram Produsen Sunbula Group, Saudi Arabia Didistribusikan oleh PT. Safarindo Indonesia Hubungi kami : ''Jangan sungkan untuk menghubungi kami jika anda punya pertanyaan seputar infromasi poduk, harga jual, dan cara pembelian'' WA : 0812 2800 2207 ''Dengan senang hati kami akan segera melayani anda'' https://www.instagram.com/p/BzLPk8KJHS-/?igshid=3rkhp9trbm95
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