#suddenly y’all know what a mixed or biracial person is then
sanyu-thewitch05 · 1 year
The Black community: Oh! We’re not being represented on television and movies! They’re casting light skins and biracials to play us! They’re choosing people with looser hair textures to play us!
Someone: Ok then, let’s acknowledge and say biracials aren’t black just because they have a parent that’s black. Let’s set a standard for what a Black American is.
The Black Community : “How dare you erase their blackness!”
“Blackness comes in all shades and textures!”
“If they have a black parent they’re black!”
“They experience the same discrimination black people face!”
“They won’t have anywhere to go since the white community don’t want them!”
“You’re just jealous cus they’re pretty! You’re insecure!”
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