#such a huge difference to me between how i view his treatment of lancer if he IS actually gaster larping as a twink. like why the fuck woul
stunfiskz · 10 months
i really do think that the most interesting way for rouxls to become a serious character is for him to keep his incompetence. like. as in he may have weird ass powers but he doesn't really know how to fully use them or even be fully aware of their full extent. i just CANNOT see him as someone with some huge overarching plan- he couldn't even be assed to come up with a real plan with what would happen after he played the houses game against ralsei and kris. he's just. not some sort of mastermind. at least, if he by some miracle he does turn out to actually be, i'll honestly be really disappointed because i feel like this angle is just so much more interesting. hell, you could even tie that in to his desire to serve- just because he may not know how to take advantage of those powers doesn't mean someone else won't, and i feel like the idea of him following along with someone else's plan fits a lot better with what we know about his character. i just really dislike the idea of "rouxls is the knight/gaster/deltarune version of sans" because it all just feels like it's trying to twist his character into some genius with a larger plan when i really just. love his character for being a fucking idiot. yknow.
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darrowsrising · 5 years
(this is about your previous two post and i fear gonna be several ask long, i apologize for it but i wanted to express my unasked opinion😅) i don’t think there should be necessarily a reason for her seeking power and an important position. First of all, she is born in a society (and i mean it without capital letter) that consider all those without power and prestige Pixies. So first of all she grew up knowing that she had to get the best position she could afford (an high one considering...
...her brilliance). Then she became a Reformer, because she wanted to change negative things in her Society, but there’s a gap between being a Reformer and a revolutionary. She is not Darrow. We don’t know what she expected without the war (because when she was Octavia’s lancer nobody would have guessed a war like that was coming) but what if she wanted to be Sovereign because it was a childhood dream just as Cassius’ one was to be an olympic? being ambitious is not being bad or good. It was...
...It was after she considered darrow’s cause, after golden son, that she decided there was the need for a deeper change. i love her and i think that the best thing about characters in RR is their humanity, flows and all. Yes, she was marrying cassius to protect her family, and she wanted to do good things for the others, this is for sure, but humans are allowed to want things for themselves without shame. This doesn’t mean she is like Nero or Adrius. (And now that my rant has ended, i want...
...(And now that my rant has ended, i want to specify that this is not meaning hate towards Virginia, who’s one of my all time favorite, or (more important) towards the opinion you expressed. On the contrary, i really like reading your rant post since you always provide excellent points. hope i don’t annoy you)
Ok, let’s establish right now that opinions other than mines DO NOT BOTHER OR ANNOY ME. What bothers and annoys me are haters and self-rightous arseholes. What I can’t tolerate under no circumstace are sexism, racisim, lgbt+ - phobia, bullying and people telling me how I should live my life.
I have literally begged people to send me asks with their random thoughts about the RR series for...2 or 3 years now. Since I havemade this blog in any case. Do not worry, you do not annoy me. You’re always welcome to state your opinion.
Now, to delve into the answer:
People are totally valid if they want something for themselves, especially careers. VIrginia is as well. But, let’s be clear on one thing - in my previous posts I argued against Virginia wanting power for selfish reasons/for the sake of power. It’s one thing to have no specific reason as to why you want a position of power (you’re good at it so you might as well do it) and quite another to want power for yourself.
The society (no capital letters) doesn’t consider powerless and prestigeless people Pixies. They consider them Bronzies like Sevro and Fitchner. Pixies are entitled Golds who never worked a day in their lives to deserve the power they have, but they abuse it like they own it. Pixies are not Peerless Scarreds or Bronzies, they indulge too much in very expensive vices and thus they get addicted (Pearl Clubs, caviar and champagne, drugs etc). Tactus and Apollonius are borderline Pixies, because they indulge in vices to the extreme, but they are never overwhelmed by them and they are fine warriors compared to the soft Golds that die first in the Iron Rain, not out of unluck but because they are not skilled.
I think that Virginia’s open stance as a Reformer even though she is an Augustus and a protegee of Octavia au Lune was not only bold af, but a statement. She pushed openly for reformist legislation to help other Colors, she never hid her political colors. That is dangerous to do in the Core, but she did it nonetheless. I agree to some degree she did it for herself - she wanted to carve her own path. You can’t tell me that she had to do that, she didn’t. She is the ArchGovernor’s daughter, she could have easily got into one of Nero’s projects, but instead she rebelled. We all know what Nero thinks of Reformers, but this is his daughter. He was clearly more disgusted with Adrius’ media empire buissness than her political agenda. Still, her stance is very far away from his views. Not only that, but she could have done just about anything else with her life (buissness, charity, military career, etc). But thing is, she believed in that stuff and she showed it. She is a genius at politics, she used her abilities to push for fairer treatment of Colors in the bloodydamn Core. Of course, she idealised things and the Reformer agenda is still a milder kind of slavery, but I think that her reasons for craving Octavia’s power are totally different from Nero’s. Nero wanted it for himself, to be just another tyrant. Virginia wanted to Reform the Society, though. Because that was what she felt was right, in a world that doesn’t care at all about what’s fair or not when it comes to other Colors than Gold (and not much when it comes to Gold either).
I also said in my previous post that she learnt the answer after Darrow revealed to her who he is...she felt betrayed, because she felt she didn;t know the man she loved, but she would have shot him in the tunnels if she thought him a threat. The fact that she didn’t says that he was right. Her feelings aside, the Society was too putrid and had to be broken and re-built. It took her time to understand what was Darrow’s plan with the Rising. But that’s fair, as she had to be sure that the plan included a rebuilding, a better future for everyone, not an upturning of the pyramid.
I said that she had to change her views and she did after she came to understand Darrow and the Rising better. I have never said that that happened in Golden Son while being Octavia’s protegee, it obviously happended at the end while she was away from Darrow and through out Morning Star. But that doesn’t mean she just wanted power for herself or that she just wanted power for no reason at all, just an ambitious career path. Cassius wanted to be an Olympic Knight to protect the Compact, the Sovereign and serve the Society - the status quo Society, fascist shitpit. Virginia wanted to reform it (kinda like Romulus did in those 10 years as Sovereign of the Rim Dominion). And she did that without knowing about the Rising or the upcoming war. She actively pushed to change it. Just because she is not Darrow/a revolutionnary doesn’t mean she didn’t care about the lowColors enough to want a better/fairer life for them and actively pursue that on a more peaceful path. She is ambitious and it’s normal to set eyes on such a high position as Sovereign, but...a childhood dream? Sure, sounds plausible...but there is more to it than just that. She surely wanted to be a Reformist Sovereign,
It wasn’t that dramatic of a change in my opinion - how she allied with the Rising. She was halfway there. She comes to agree to war - to build, you need to destroy first. And she gave up most of her power so she wouldn’t be tempted to abuse it. Everyone, except Darrow, expected her to want that throne very, very badly and abuse power. She didn’t want it and she is walking Silenius’ Stiletto. No way she went from ‘career path’ to ‘some measly change’ to ‘full on Demokratic Sovereign of the Solar Republic’. From her reformist views to her stance for demokracy when even her closest allies didn’t like it one bit, it can’t be that much.
In Golden Son, when Nero invites the Reformers to the table and offers them a chance at...well, reforming in exchange for help against Octavia, she is hopeful, she still wants to reform the Society and she is not under Octavia’s wing anymore. It wasn’t for show or just plain rebellion or whatever. She did crave Octavia’s power, but her stance as reformer is not capricious. And I can;t believe that her wishes for Sovereigncy were capricious either.
I know it sounds weird for me to defend Reformer!Virginia. I love and adore Demokract!VIrginia way more and I am happy af that she got over her reformist views...she herself looks at them like I look at my teenage self. But I think that the reformer current was part of what made her who she is in Dark Age. In Dark Age we come to understand how she sees other Colors...I mean, Faust tortured her son and she feels no small amount of pity for what Golds, her people, did to him. She has huge respect for Holiday and Theodora. I know there were 10 years, but Romulus is also a Reformist and look at what he did. His regime is still slavery, even if it is more merciful. He is obviously cruler than she ever was, but still, her seeing another approach, the best one for all Colors, even if it’s hard as fuck, and painstakingly walking that Stiletto for 10 years tells me one thing - it wasn’t a world-turner for her to change. I always though her stance as bold and ballsy and a breath of fresh air compared to all the fascist pigs in the Core. I knew she could do better and was a just a step or so away from that. 
So, craving Octavia’s power...good? bad? I can’t say. But it wasn’t a career for her, it was an ideal - she’ll have all this power and change things how she wants them. When you look at Silenius’ Stiletto, you have to laugh at the thought, but truth is, at that moment, it sounded good. Too good. No more debating silly Senators and Politicos, no more sucking it up to Octavia (who apparently made her wait for hours until her meditation eneded) to pass laws that grant some Colors a few basic human rights and some resources (Jove knows they have enough of the latter anyway). 
Of course, you are entitled to your opinion and I’m entitled to mine as this is more of a thing of interpretation. I’m not trying to change your mind here, so we can agree to disagree, of course. That’s just how I see things...
Hope I’m making sense...
Howl on!
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