#strong contender for my fav video of all time
icedteabri · 4 months
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thagomizersshow · 11 months
Content warning: blood, gore, sexual content, sexual assault, parasites and body horror
This is a heavily modified version of an essay I originally wrote for a literary theory class and then turned into a script for a video essay that I never finished. 
Enjoy :)
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One of the things that really bothers me about the critical conversation around Alien (1979) is the long-running idea that the alien and its various forms are so enduringly horrifying because they break the sexual/gender binary.
The worst example I can find is this excerpt, from Alien Woman: The Making of Lt. Ripley, by Ximena Gallardo and C. & C. Jason Smith:
The Alien species disregards the sexual difference that is so essential to our definition of what it is to be human. The male body is repositioned to correspond to the female body: the male mouth becomes the vagina, the chest the womb. The dichotomy male/female is broken down, as all humanity is female (a womb) in the face of the alien.
I get that this was published in 2004, but Gender Trouble had already been around for over a decade, so that’s not much of an excuse for weird ass gender essentialism in academia.
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Art by AlexanDraxleean ↑
The idea that the xenomorph and its various stages are scary because the gender binary is being broken down is comically disregarded by the simple fact that trans people (like myself) ALSO find the damn thing scary. We are living embodiments of a shattered binary, but we aren’t shitting ourselves over our own existence (usually). I contend that the alien is scary not because of a violation of gender or sexual norms, but because it utilizes a much more widespread and visceral kind of horror: that of the parasite.
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Most other animalistic horror monsters rely on the fear of the predator: monster wanna eat you → you run away → get caught → get eated. This is an oversimplification, obviously, and if you want a really good exploration of how the fear of predators effects us, read Val Plumwood’s Eye of the Crocodile. For real, my fav ecophilosophy book.
No, instead of the more straightforward horror presented by the predator, the alien uses the inescapable, cloying, and violating horror of parasites and parasitoids. Where the predator hunts, kills and eats, the parasite clings, defiles and tortures. When the predator catches you, you’re dead. When the parasite catches you, you don’t know what is going to happen. Is it going to bury inside you? Is it going to feed on your body? Is it going to lay eggs in you? You literally don’t know, and that’s what makes them so scary. Hell, they could get inside you without you even knowing. It isn’t just the fear of death, it’s the paranoia of violation AND the fear of the unknown. This makes Alien akin to a Lovecraftian horror in many ways, but instead of the fear of race-mixing or disabled people, it is the fear that whatever you do, wherever you go, there are beings that can enter your body and use it against your will.
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Hell, the whole premise of the movie, at least according to the screenwriter, came from the thought “what if ichneumon wasps laid eggs in us instead of in worms?” That basic idea is glossed over constantly in analysis of Alien in favour of more Freudian explanations that rely heavily on antiquated notions of gender essentialism. When early screening audiences were throwing up in their seats in 1979, were they thinking about how “this monster really transgresses gender norms :/” or were they thinking “fuck what if that thing was growing inside me?!?!”
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The only time I agree with these old school interpretations is when they view Alien through the lens of sexual assault. The fear of sexual assault and the fear of parasites are fucked up sisters in a way. They are both fears of bodily violation that induce a strong paranoia, and their symbologies easily feed off one another. Sexual imagery (e.g. a penis shaped head with a mouth on the end) combined with parasitic imagery (e.g. a creature grabbing a hold of you and doing unknown things to your body) are both niggling at the part of your brain that is repulsed by internal invasion.
However, I’ve seen arguments that Alien specifically targets fears for cis men being sexually assaulted, and I think that’s a very limited approach to the movie. The idea of a creature latching onto you, ignoring your autonomy, and using you as an incubator is pretty universally scary if you ask me, and I think for most people, that idea connects to a primal and often unaddressed fear of parasites far more than sexual violation. Just look at videos of botfly maggot removals and tell me you don’t get the same yucky feeling as when you watch Alien.
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Even for people like me who find these creatures fascinating, I still get that skin crawly feeling when I look at images of them for too long. And it isn’t just a short-lived disgust reaction happening, it’s also that feeling of paranoia that it could be happening to you right this minute. This is all a part of what is called the behavioural immune system, which is the brain’s first line of defense against infection and why most people are grossed out by signs of disease on the body (pus, rashes, body odours, etc.).
We really don’t like thinking about parasites, and it shows across our culture. Deadly predators of all kinds have been worshiped all over the world, but is there anyone in history who paid fealty to the tick? Who invoked the name of the roundworm for strength? Are there cartoons about anthropomorphic scabies and their kingdom of flesh? (If any of these exist and I just don’t know it, please tell me.)
I’m not saying that this is an innate feeling in all of us (the human experience is about as diverse as it gets, and I’m sure some people just don’t have this reaction and never have) but I do think it’s widespread enough and so infrequently felt that when this parasite repulsion is triggered it makes for a horror that is far harder to shake than any socialized fear of gender violation. Far more than any Freudian psychosexual imagery, the horror of the parasite is what I believe has made the xenomorph such an enduring cinematic monster.
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I wanna leave this post off with one of my favourite quotes about parasites from Annie Dilliard’s book, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek:
It is the thorn in the flesh of the world, another sign, if any be needed, that the world is actual and fringed, pierced here and there, and through and through, with the toothed conditions of time and the mysterious, coiled spring of death.
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indimlights · 3 years
Thank you so much Laurien @onzeziggy for thinking of me and tagging me in this, I might have taken some time but I'm finally doing it :) (Also I'm considering myself tagged by Vanesa @vataraxia just cause I want you to see how close we thought). This was incredibly hard (and long) to do but it was very fun
Fav wtfock s3 things: *Screaming* NOOR!! I Love her and that's enough to show that they changed her, she's not like the other Emmas who are very unlikeable. Also her whole style and dynamic is amazing. *Screaming again* SANDER!! Okay yes it's Bel!Even BUT his style is so different, I love that he is into art and the bleached hair makes him so unique! Also the fact he didn't lose a year and stayed behind! I like that change. *Screaming for third time* ROBBE! Robbe might be Bel!Isak but he is so different from the others, the fact they made Robbe hold things inside and only crash once made him so much more relatable to me. They gave representation to those people that keep it to themselves the most they can and me, as a person that does exactly that, really enjoyed the change. (Also the fact he's the biggest baby in this earth hihi)
Favorite clip: I do have one but I'll have to mention others that are super close, I think (emphasis on the "I think") my favorite is dinsdag 7:27, there's just something about that (start of) clip that always makes me smile :) However I must say vrijdag 21:21, woensdag 21:21, maandag 11:03, zaterdag 08:44, maandag 15:12 (I might be the only person to love this clip as much as I do but yeah) and honestly...alot others are all very close and I love them all.
Favorite scene: omg can't possibly pick one, the sinterklaas clip is amazing in it's entirety but I have to say the third clip of season 3, I think it's not talked enough but just the entire atmosphere with the spraying and the secret codes plus we seeing sander for the first time there, it's such a cool scene! (I could mention others but I'm pretty sure I'll be referring then in the next topics haha)
Favorite shot: The one in dinsdag 7:27 where Robbe is caressing Sanders hand with his own hand, that's so sweet. Also the date night when Sander and Robbe are forming a heart figure with their position, that's just breathtaking and I could talk about it for days! Also the one from zaterdag 8:44 where they are in slow-mo moving in the shopping cart, that's an amazing one aswell!
Favorite kiss that Robbe initiates: The one in woensdag 17:21 is amazing and of course the one from dinsdag 7:27! How could I not mention that one. The one from woensdag 21:21 is also a milestone and it's amazing. Ah and there is this moment in Woensdag 16:36 when Sander gets the text message and he's about to go check it but him and Robbe are laying together and Robbe gives him a small peck in the cheek and that's the sweetest little thing.
Favorite kiss that Sander initiates: The one in zaterdag 9:41 hands down! It's the one that stands up for me, he just spins Robbe around and kisses him while saying that iconic line... it's perfect
Favorite Sander dialogue: “Jou en Ik, 100% altijd, in elk universum” if that isn't the best thing to say in that moment I don't know what is...also "I'm holding you and I'm never letting you go" in zaterdag 9:41 is a strong contender and "Just because other people are narrow-minded, doesn't mean you have to make your world smaller" that's an unbelievable line and it makes me think alot everytime. Sander has so many amazing lines
Favorite Robbe dialogue: The few lines he said in maandag 11:03 are amazing and I think it's the best thing he could've said then, also have to mention the famous comeback “Where's the manager when you need him?” that's iconic!
Favourite hug: Between Sobbe it's undoubtedly the one in maandag 11:03, so soft and sweet and it was the comfort Sander needed but I also have to say the hug between Robbe and Milan in maandag 7:54 is so good aswell and Robbe really needed it then.
Favorite 21:21: How am I supposed to choose this?? Okay I love both but I'll say woensdag 21:21, it's their first kiss, the moment Robbe breaks all his internal barriers and kisses the guy he is in love with. Plus we get to to see new parts of Antwerp like the tunnel or the pool at night and it's just them two and silent city. It's beautiful clip✨
Favorite Sobbe Instagram photo: The three b&w photos Sander posted for Robbe's birthday :) Not only was that an amazing way to end the day but it was also the first big date I caught while in the fandom so it means alot more to me. And I'm still not over those posts, the fact they are blurry like they were taken without preparing, just naturally, that's the type of posts I love the most.
Favorite scene x song pair: It's probably maandag 11:03 and wildfire. Firstly I love the song and that's the reason my bio has a line from in it and then...both versions playing starting in the slow one and then picking up as we see the scenes from their relationship, I get chills every time and I love that clip and song so much. Wondering romance in vrijdag 21:21 is perfect for the moment aswell :)
Favorite message between Robbe and Sander: It's the wtfockdown ones, every single one of them. The videos Sander sent to Robbe were just amazing. I wasn't here in s3 so I missed most of their messages then but I do remember the one where Robbe is going shopping with Zoë and Sander tells him he is the only gift he needs. Please...my heart
Favorite banter on Instagram: pretty much everything BUT the emoji convo in their anniversary post was amazing and the “photograph me like one of your french girls” that's an amazing one and I remember all of us wanting to throw water at Robbe xjjcdjdjdk.
I'm pretty sure I'm the last person doing this cause of my break but I'm very happy I decided to do it late or not cause it was very fun, if you haven't done this and want to consider yourself tagged by me cause I don't know who to tag. Lot's of love to all💛
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stand by me
1 - Are you one of those people who can watch TV shows and movies over and over again without getting bored?                                                            yes!!! I prefer to water my favs over trying something new, I’d really have to be interested to watch something else
2 - If you drink coffee, do you like it plain or would you rather have something like a latte or something flavoured?                                              latte for sure, preferably a matcha latte (from pret :))))))
3 - How did you used to dress ten years ago? Do you dress in a similar way now?                                                                                                                so aged 11, a lot of stretchy jean jeggings and colourful tops, no elaborate accessorising, very simple and basic and most importantly comfortable 
4 - When you’re grocery shopping, do you buy known brands or are you happy to go with the generic store version?                                                      I can go both ways
5 - Do you have a close relationship with any of your cousins?                  not really
6 - Who was the last person to sleep over at your house? Does this person stay over often or was it more of a one-off?                                                      I had a one night stand last year
7 - Does bad weather put you off going out if you’ve got plans to do so? Have you ever cancelled plans due to the weather?                                  depends if the plans are spent outside but if we are going to a bar or restaurant then the weather wouldn’t stop me
8 - When you’re on vacation, do you prefer doing the typical tourist things, or would you rather explore somewhere off the beaten track?                  typical tourist things but once they’re done I could go off the beaten track
9 - Did your family travel a lot when you were younger?                              we went to places around Europe but never outside of it
10 - When was the last time you went shopping for clothes? Did you get anything decent or find any bargains?                                                          shopping online for clothes, literally had a delivery yesterday, I needed a raincoat
11 - Is it true that accessories can make or break an outfit?                          for sure, I wish 11 year old me knew a bit more about accessorising!!
12 - What is your worst memory from high school? What about the best? worst memories were probs fighting with my friends, it was an awful stressful feeling but the best memories is laughing around with those same friends!
13 - Is there any trait in a potential partner that would be a total deal breaker for you?                                                                                          different sense of humour probably
14 - Do you insist people use coasters if they’re putting drinks down in your house?                                                                                                    nope but I think they do automatically
15 - Have you ever been arrested? Were you guilty of whatever it is you were arrested for?                                                                                          nope never
16 - Name five items on the shelf nearest to you:                                            vinyl player, ben e king record, camera, camera bag, passport
17 - After meals, do you wash dishes up right away, or do you leave them in the sink and do a whole days worth at once?                                        leave them on the side for the dishwasher
18 - What websites do you find yourself spending the most time on? recently, netflix, asos, twitter, tumblr, redit, insta,
19 - Do you still download music and TV shows?                                         sure if I’m going on a long journey I download them to listen to offline 
20 - Does your phone have a good battery life? How long does it last before you need to charge it again?                                                          depending how much I use it but I can usually get through the whole day before I charge it at night
21 - When was the last time you hit snooze?                                                      this morning
22 - Did you ever play The Sims? Which expansion pack was your favourite, if you had any?                                                                                    I used to play Sims castaway but it was ages ago
23 - Are there any popular film series or TV shows that you just don’t get the appeal of?                                                                                                    cooking shows, I find them quite boring and they make me hungry!
24 - As a child, did you receive pocket money or an allowance? How much did you get? Was it dependent on you doing chores of some kind?            yes I think it was £10 a week or something, nope no chores I guess I was lucky
25 - Do you think your parents did a good job of raising you? Would you do anything differently with your own kids?                                                      I’d try and go outside of europe for holidays, but I guess that will depend on my finances and what my children are up for
26 - If something is bothering you, do you have to fix it right away?          my brother is talking to his friend and its really annoyingly loud                        
27 - Are there any household jobs you enjoy doing? If so, what’s the reason that you enjoy those things?                                                      hoovering my room and seeing my floor become cleaner
28 - Do you still live in the area you grew up in? Would you like to live somewhere else one day? Where would you go?                                              I had to move back home after uni but I really want to go back to London once everything resumes
29 - Do you smoke, drink or do drugs? How old were you the first time you tried those things? Do you want to quit?                                                  drinking happened at 15/ 16 and marijuana at 17
30 - What’s one thing that really grosses you out? Is it something you have to deal with anyway? How do you cope?                                                        hair in the shower drain GROSS or I guess anything in the shower drain just grosses me out 
31 - Have you ever grown your own fruits or veggies? Did it work out okay or was it a bit of a failure?                                                                                my padre does! tomatoes and blueberries, used to grow raspberries
32 - Could you ever raise animals only to kill and eat them later on, or would you struggle to kill a living thing you’d formed an attachment to?      If it is my last resort you gotta do what you gotta do
33 - When was the last time you painted your nails?                                        I got my nails done just before lockdown happened last week
34 - If you regularly sit in the same place (on your bed or the sofa, for example) do you have a cupboard or something to keep supplies in so you don’t have to keep moving all the time?                                                              I have a snack tin next to me and a jug of water, been thinking about moving my spare kettle into my room to make teas instead of having to go downstairs but that would be the height of my laziness
35 - Have you ever been a witness to a crime? Did you have to make a statement to the police?                                                                                  nope
36 - Do you prefer Harry Potter or the Lord of the Rings?                          Harry Potter ofc
37 - Do you like to air your house or room out every day to stop it getting musty?                                                                                                                  in the summer yes
38 - Have you ever visited a landmark or place made famous by a TV show or film? Did you go there because it was featured on TV?                            not yet but I want to  
39 - Who taught you how to tie your shoe laces?                                        parents
40 - Do you have any pets? What are they all doing at the moment?              I don’t but wished I did
41 - Do you prefer sweet or savoury snacks?                                                    sweet
42 - What’s the most painful place you’ve ever had a spot? Was it a big relief when you finally managed to squeeze it?                                          forehead spots can hurt like a bitch
43 - Talking of spots, have you ever watched videos like those by Dr Pimple Popper? Do you think that kind of stuff is cool or gross?
44 - When was the last time you attended a bonfire?                                        literally last week, dad had a bonfire for 5th November to remember his mother
45 - Is there anything you wish you enjoyed, but you just struggle with for some reason? Maybe you hate the crowds or the noise?                                I wish I liked running
46 - What’s worse - someone constantly blowing their nose or someone who’s constantly sniffing?                                                                          sniffing
47 - Do you have any genuine phobias? What are they and have you ever done anything to address them?                                                                      nope
48 - Do you hate the feeling of being sweaty and dirty from exercise? Is this something that’s put you off working out in the past?                              I don’t like that it makes my hair gross and that sometimes prevents me from working out
49 - Is there anything “normal” that you have a real aversion to? Like a certain noise or smell or taste?                                                                        I’m not fond of fireworks, high risk low reward imo
50 - If you’ve made plans with someone and you really don’t want to go when the time comes, do you suck it up or make an excuse?                          I usually don’t make plans that I don’t wanna go to, I’ll make plans that I can be excited for
51 - What’s your favourite thing to do with each of your parents? Do you get a chance to do that regularly?                                                                Used to go for lunch with my mum most weekends but that doesn’t happen anymore
52 - If you were to adopt a pet, is there anything that would put you off, like a certain colour or breed?                                                                                    If I was to adapt a dog it would be a golden retriever otherwise I just wouldn’t get a dog, for a cat I’m less picky, just no completely white cats and no hairless ones.
53 - Would you ever like to give circus skills a go? What would you be most interested in trying?                                                                        trampolining looks like fun  
54 - What are your thoughts on circuses that allow animal performances? shame shame I know your name
55 - Are there any habits or traditions you’ve picked up from your parents what you’ve carried on in your own home?                                                        I don’t have my own home yet but I’m sure I will
56 - Are there any remakes that you think are better than the originals?    the shrek series and Ice series are strong contenders
57 - How about cover songs? Do you prefer any of those to the original versions?                                                                                                                I used to only listen to the glee version of songs, it was so weird hearing the original
58 - What’s the first movie you remember seeing in the cinema? What about the last?                                                                                                HSM 3 when I was 9 and Pixie at 21
59 - Do you listen to more music, or watch more TV? Is this something that’s changed over the years?                                                                      over lockdown I’ve been really into blasting my music but before then I deffo wated more tv
60 - Do you have any weird fears or worries? Like thinking you’ve forgotten to lock a door or blow out a candle? What do you do to reassure yourself you’ve not forgotten?                                                                            whenever I go somewhere I have to triple check I’ve not left anything - it almost happened to me a couple of weeks ago with my purse and thank god I triple check because I saw it and thought that would have been hell for parallel universe me
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Current Music Obsessions: March 16 - 31, 2017
I’m FINALLY sharing my obsessions for the last two weeks of March! ALSO, there’s A LOT of honorable mentions because I PURGED my watch later playlist, and here they are!
Svart Crown - Orgasmic Spiritual Ecstacy Vitja - Heavy Rain Semi Precious Weapons - Magnetic Baby GOTH - Only One Aeternitas - Falling Star Last Leaf Down - Ghost Trails Downcast Collision - Overthrown Erdling - Absolutus Rex Vitas - Opera No2 The Silent Wedding - Silence Memoira - Medusa Adna - Thoughts Lost in Grey - Road to Styx Ray Noir - All Alone feat. Mariann Rosa Parasite Inc. - The Pulse of the Dead Last Leaf Down - Purple Skies String Theory - At the Edge of Universe Midnight Sorrow - Lost for Eternity Symfobia - From the Ashes Arthemis - Undead Aeverium - Vale of Shadows Doxa - The Spring in You Sinheresy - My Only Faith Carach Angren - Song for the Dead Lorelei - Gallows Hymn Mycelia - Drop the Baby Valhalore - Voyage into Eternity Synaptik - The Incredible Machine Alcest - Les Vogages De L'Ame Thallium - I'm Death Avelion - Fading Out Distant Landscape - The Change N.O.M. - A Guys Kobra and the Lotus - You Don't Know
Now for the obsessions!
1) Skies Collide - Run Wild
I came across these guys a few years ago and have been really into them ever since. This is their latest release and I'm really digging it. It's absolutely gorgeous and a bit softer (riff wise) from what they've released in the past, so it's nice to see something a bit different from them. Can't wait to see what else they bring.
2) Black Mirrors - Funky Queen
If you're a fan of psychedelic rock and/or rock n roll, DEFINITELY give this song a listen. This was one of those unexpected gems you find from a sponsored post from a page you like on Facebook. So glad I decided to give them a listen. It's so fun, catchy and such a great song to jam to.
3) The Charm the Fury - Echoes
I've known of these guys for a minute, but I haven't listened to that much from them yet. But out of everything I've heard from them, this is by far my favorite track. It has a great sound, a lovely sounding chorus and is just a badass hard rock track. Got a new band to add onto my Dutch favs list.
4) Sunburst - Symbol of Life
This is a song I rekindled my love for all thanks to it being a recommended video. Sunburst are an EPIC progressive power metal that I discovered sometime last year. Fragments of Creation (the album this song is taken from) is such an amazing album and was a contender for my top 20 list. The lead singer has this powerful and unique voice and you can tell he puts his whole being into their songs. HIGHLY recommend this track!
5) Moondust - Our Fantasies
I discovered this song MANY years ago through a channel named "theabt" and have loved it ever since. Randomly one day in the middle of the month, it popped into my head and I rekindled my love for it. It's such a beautiful gothic metal track that is so underrated. It's such a huge bummer these guys didn't last long. They really could've evolved into something really epic.
6) In Flames - When the World Explodes feat. Emilia Feldt (live)
This was a video that popped up on my recommended videos one day and I immediately got interested because I never knew that In Flames had a song that featured a female singer. I'm so glad I decided to check this song out because it is so beautiful. I also wasn't expecting her to be an opera singer, so when them soprano notes started to come out, I was shook. So good. So good.
7) Bare Infinity - In Desertis
This song is such a ball buster! I never thought I'd ever say that when talking about Bare Infinity, but it's true! This song is aggressive, very proggy and symphonic, but it's still very them and atmospheric. I'm so hyped for this album. I can't wait to listen to it in its entirity because I know it will blow me away and send me to another world.
8) SubRosa - Troubled Cells
If you are into very chill and easy going post rock/metal, DEFINITELY give this song a listen! It's so lovely and relaxing. Post rock/metal like this is my ASMR (the real thing give me terrible anxiety and literally makes me ill). You just feel the music and the ambiance float around you and you feel as if you're part of the atmosphere. It's so wonderful.
9) Caleb Hyles and Jonathan Young - The Plagues (Prince of Egypt) cover
THIS COVER. GURL. It's so epic, powerful and just so good! It has this creepy and dramatic beauty to it, and the video adds to that feeling. It's absolutely amazing. And the cover they did of Savages from Pocahantus is also worth mentioning because it's epic and is how I came across this cover. Go check them out!
10) Emerald Mind - Astronaut in Her Space
I'm pretty sure I came across this song/video from a sponsored ad on Facebook and I'm so glad I checked it out! Symphonic, progressive power metal + sci-fi lyrical themes = HAPPINESS. I am a huge sucker for metal bands whose lyrics are sci-fi themed, and this song is that. This song is absolutely gorgeous and the video is so pretty. So much yes.
11) That Which Remains - Touch My Face
I came across this project while listening to Trees of Eternity one day on YT and learned this was one of Aleah's projects outside of Trees of Eternity. It has an alternative rock/shoegaze kind of feel to it and I love it. It's so interesting hearing Aleah's voice in front of something that isn't doom metal or some sort of ambient music. It's such a lovely track and I definitely plan on listening to more from this project.
12) We Butter the Bread with Butter - Klicks. Likes. Fame. Geil!
WBTBWB is a band I discovered back in the days leading up to my dreaded scene phase, but I only knew one song of theirs and didn't go much further than that one track. But a couple years ago, they came on Music Choise and I really liked what I heard, so I've sorta kept up with them ever since. They're still very much a metalcore band, but they have a strong electronic element to them that I LOVE and they also don't take themselves too seriously, which is EXACTLY what this song is and it is AMAZING! So catchy, fun and fun to blast through headphones.
13) Crimson Sun - Towards the Light
This was a song that I randomly came across in the recommended videos on YT. I wasn't that impressed at first, but I kept it on my watch later so I could listen to it a few more times till I developed a better opinion of it and I'm so glad I did. This is one of those songs that grows on you and sticks with you. Catchy tune with a great singer. Do recommend.
14) Persefone - Living Waves feat Paul Masvidal
I discovered Persefone through Facebook a few months ago when I saw an ad for a preview video (I think) for their upcoming album, AATHMA, that is to be released later this year. Let me tell you this: I have a strong feeling this is going to be one of, if not THE best progressive metal album of the year for me. This track is just so epic and experimental and powerful. This is some proggy epicness that you all need to listen to immediately!
15) Garbage - Magnetized
I saw this video pop up and decided to give them a listen as I've always heard about how good they were, especially when it came to talking about iconic 90's grunge bands. I need to listen to more from them because this song is EVERYTHING. So catchy and fun to jam out to. I so recommend this.
16) Voyager - Ascension
Guys. This song is epic. This is the first single Voyager have dropped off their upcoming album, Ghost Mile, and I am so excited for it! I LOVE the atmospheric nature to this track. Such an epic progressive metal track. Their lead singer's voice is so lovely and his hair is amazing. It's also the first track that I've heard from them that features growls. The bridge is my favorite part. It's so simple, but it packs such a wallop.
17) Ionnalee - Samaritan
This is a new project from the iconic artist iamamiwhoami. Being completely honest, I only know one song from that project, so I can't compare the two projects together, but I can say that they are both ambient/experimental projects. I am in LOVE with this song! It's so fun and catchy. And the video is so interesting and artsy af.
18) D-A-D - I Want What She's Got
Four words. Heavy. Metal. Drag. Queens. I had gotten a song stuck in my head one day and was snooping around through different record labels' channels and I randomly came across this video and thought "is that a drag queen in the thumbnail?" I watched the video and GAGGED. I LIVE for this video! They all look so polished in this video! I wish they were always in drag instead of only in this video. But hey, at least it's really great and catchy tune.
19) Gonin-Ish - Jinbaika
I randomly came across this song one day on YT. I was drawn in by the cover art. I mean look at it, it looks like a cross between Studio Ghibli and Tim Burton and I love it. I decided to give it a listen and I'm so glad I did because it's absolutely gorgeous. Japanese progressive metal. I've never heard a progressive metal band from Japan and now I'm seriously wanting to search for others! Their front woman has a pretty voice and has some pretty intense screams. HIGHLY recommend it just for the extremely beautiful intro alone!
That’s all for March! My lists are probably gonna be shorter for a while, since I PURGED my watch later list so much that now I only have less than 30 songs on it, so that will be nice.
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van-whoa · 7 years
Get to know me tag
I was tagged by @occulant <3 <3 <3 <3
Tagging | @acertracerr | @whimsicaldragonette | @shalar0s | @kristinisajedi | @gaysers
I am just curious bout u. Don’t feel obligated!
1. What is your name: Shannon
2. How old are you?: 22 until March 13th
3. What kind of blog do you run?: It’s basically just the worst. Aesthetic I GUESS and like a thousand random fandoms. And some good ole fashioned memes.
4. What is your biggest nerdy obsession?: Books, video games, comics (if anyone wants comic recs, hmu). And Star Trek is its own category.
5. Who is your favourite character of all time?: Li’l Sebastian.
6. What is your favourite book of all time?:  I was just revisiting this book today, and I have to say it’s still my favorite after quite some time. Everything Is Illuminated by Jon Safran Foer. 
7. What is your favourite magical creature?: This question is asking me to choose between dragons and mermaids and I feel like that’s illegal.
8. What made up object do you wish was real?: The frickin time turner I mean how sick would that be.
9. Where do you wish you went to school?: STARFLEET ACADEMY.
10. Name your favourite ships: Real talk, most of fandom has ruined my ships for me. I don’t know why they must do that. Take it up with them.
11. Which character do you want to marry?: All of them. IDK.
12. What is your favourite song?: I love a lot of music and I mean A LOT of music-- there is very little that I do not enjoy. It’s hard to choose just one song because I am able to feel a connection with almost anything, and there’s also a lot of nostalgia attached to some. BUT since childhood I’ve always said that my fav song is I Want You Back by the Jackson 5 and I’m gonna stick with that bc it’s a great song idec. A strong contender is this very specific live version of That’s The Way by Led Zeppelin.
13. 3 facts nobody knows about you?: Some people know these things but here goes!
a. I love early mornings and I love road trips, in that order. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that when I was a kid some of my happiest memories were when my dad would sometimes wake me up very early on Sunday mornings and drive us into the next state over just so we could be at a bakery in his old hometown when it opened. We’d listen to music on the way down and eat fresh rolls on the way back. Now some of my most calm and happy moments are on sunny mornings or in the car.
b. I’ve spent some time in Iceland and I’m still not sure if it’s a real place or if it’s a fantasy writer’s brain-child.
c. I would definitely try stand-up some time. I’m not like an expert on comedy but making people laugh makes me LIVE and it’s something I always try to do. I also have a way of telling stories that people seem to really like. I just think it would be fun. If I could get up there and make even a couple people laugh it would be worth it.
14. Least favourite book of all time: Johnny Got His Gun. Hated it. I am haunted. (And I’m a huge sucker for moody anti-war novels, so).
15. What characters are your role models?: Li’l Sebastian.
16. Favourite video game: Fallout, any fallout, every fallout, always been Fallout. It holds a special place in my wasteland heart.
17. Are you proud to be a nerd?: I mean I’m definitely not ashamed but a nerd isn’t all that I am.
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