paleobird · 11 months
Ava had just popped into this bar for a quick snack--gotta keep one's self fueled and ready to go when on the job, after all! She hadn't expected to get distracted by the beautiful patron and her incredible dancing skills. It was all she could do to avoid staring dumbly at the other woman in front of her... and she still mostly failed.
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misanthropicmegara · 11 months
Three bags worth was all she’d dragged out of her former apartment. That godforsaken pissant she’d called a boyfriend was out of the picture, and somehow she was off the paperwork, but he wasn’t. Duplicitous skankmonger.
“Malaka,” Megara whispered to herself and kicked the curb outside Esmeralda’s apartment building out of impotent spite. Good thing her boots were tough leather. The shockwave went up her leg but it was good to remind herself she was alive.
Someone called her. She didn’t care. She hauled herself through the front doors and threw her bags into the elevator just to hear the impact. “I’m off the clock,” she mumbled as she silenced her phone. “You don’t get any more of me than I give you.”
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tenebristhequeen · 8 months
Triangle ask
Send ▼ for my muse reaction to yours sitting on my muse's lap.
The Queen had been dealing with some paperwork, mostly things related to Halloween, since it's a big deal in her kingdom.
This, until Esmeralda arrives and sits on her lap, causing her to rest her back against her chair, smiling at the dancer.
“ Do I have to take this as a request for attention?”
Jokes The Queen, gently embracing the dancer.
“ It feels nice to have a break, with you, darling ”
She whispers, leaving a kiss on her cheek.
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archdeaconofjosas · 9 months
"I love you!" blurted out Claude upon seeing Esmeralda.
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hamadaprodigy · 10 months
The young prodigy was seen running away from a group of people that were threatening to beat him up. One of them had a gun in his hand. It was clear as day that he was involved in a another bot fighting tournament and the boy had won against the leader of the group. He turned the corner and to his horror, it was a dead end. He gasped and turned around, just as the group was approaching the boy.
"Heh heh heh. Nowhere to run, kid. Any last words?" The leader of the group put his gun away and cracked his knuckles. Hiro backed into the wall as man approaches him. "P-Please.. don't hurt me, man."
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teenagedkraken · 11 months
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"Thank you for the help. I can get a little too twisted when stuck in a crowded area." Having no bones means it's easy for her limbs to go flying sometimes especially when people are bumping and moving each other all the time.
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peculiarbeauty · 10 months
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" i've never seen something so beautiful in all my life. " @streetwisetemptress
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strawberry-barista · 11 months
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⚅ — Starter for @streetwisetemptress — ⚅
— ★ ⚄ ★ —
Maybe today really wasn't a good day to open, but Hanekoma really just couldn't help himself.
He'd spent weeks inside the Room of Reckoning, connecting with his city through his soul instead of through his words and his touch and his love. He'd been isolated and agitated. He started fights over his phone, made enemies and made up. He'd been told he had no friends...
He had friends. Didn't he?
But that had been needling him the whole time he'd been locked away, in that solitary room that seemed to be built specifically to make him overthink everything. He tried to think of every person he met and fell in love with, every soul he connected with, every face that entered his cafe. But the longer he thought about it, the more he realized that as much as he loved those people, he had never had someone who'd ever worked to get close to him. He didn't have any real...
And then the bell rang, and someone entered, and he tried to smile wide while he answered, even as emotionally exhausted as he was.
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"Welcome to Wildkat!" He called in his native tongue. "How can I help ya, sister?"
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xdeerxhealerx · 9 months
{{ @streetwisetemptress }}
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Danetta was copying Esmeralda's moves, but fell on her backside, "I'm okay" she grins happily.
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writtenxbeginnings · 9 months
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Starter made for @streetwisetemptress
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"I'm sorry, can you lower your voice before speaking? My head is pounding." Megara groaned quietly, her hand rubbing along her jaw before raising to cover her eyes. Those last two glasses of wine the night before had been a mistake.
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wolfdragon88 · 8 months
Ben beamed as his long ears twitch in happiness when Esameralda offered to teach him how to dance . When she asks if he had any dance experience he gave sheepish smile as he answered " I know a little bit but I do know how to sing and play the ocarina."
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judexirae · 11 months
Amor et melle et felle est fecundissimus.
"Minister Frollo, the gypsy has escaped." 
"What..?!" "She's nowhere in the cathedral, she's gone." 
"But how..?" The ultimatum was presented before him; to leave or to pursue. But at what cost? Paris? His own eternal damnation? The light of the flames from the fireplace danced upon his face, mirroring the raging inferno within. In the midst of chaos and turmoil within his own mind, he could feel himself edging towards the abyss, his knuckles turning white as he seized the scarf within his grasp. She was worth every sacrifice. He would burn Paris to search for her. Anything, just for her- “Cease the search for her. There are more pressing matters at hand.” -----------------------------------------------------------------------
The subsequent days were inching along, and for Claude Frollo, it was indeed a test from the Lord himself. Time seemed to creep by, stretching every moment to its fullest extent. Vigils stretched into the dead of night, as when he finally sought rest, his sleep was haunted by the emerald green that flooded his mind the moment he closed his eyes. He could feel her soft, plump ruby lips on the tip of his nose and the slightest brush of her index on his cupid’s bow. The only thing that kept him within the planes of the natural world was the slow but steady trot of Bucephalus. 
Between the pendulum of deliriousness and clarity from the lack of sleep, he had managed to make time for the boy. He knew that Quasimodo was skittish around him after the incident during the Festival, and he knew that she had been up here as he noticed a new addition to his whittling collection that bore a striking resemblance to her. Astonishingly and much to both of their surprise, he had reassured his ward that it was a matter of the past, which seemed to uplift his spirits.
And just when he had thought that he was finally freed from those hauntingly beautiful emerald eyes, his breath hitched at his throat. During his covert vigil on Bucephalus, he once again caught sight of them from a distance. Throngs of crowds gathered around her as she danced in the square. Frollo found himself completely helpless, captivated by her graceful and calculated steps. The moment the dance ended, the spell was broken and he managed to regain his composure, grateful for the hooded cloak that shrouded most of his face. From his years of tracking down criminals and outlaws, he discerned that the two men approaching La Esmeralda had malicious intentions. His grip on the bridle tightened and with a gentle nudge of his heels on Bucephalus' sides, they slowly trotted forth.
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asktirimor · 9 months
Closed rp with Streetwisetemptress
He had only been roaming the streets for a few moments before he heard someone call out to him. While he had only been here at this city for a few days he could had sworn he had seen her before around the area. Dark skin, black hair, green eyes he was sure of it as she reminded him of the people that have set up camp outside of the city. As for her question he thought up a responce quickly. “When the day has finally wound down, I like to roam the streets a bit, enjoying the overall night that replaces the day. The stars and moon are always amazing to look at. A vast shadow from the dark may overcast the land, but even in that vast darkness, there is always a light that shines bright.”
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tenebristhequeen · 9 months
@streetwisetemptress said: “I think you’re really cute as well. Gorgeous is more of the word.”
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“ Oh my... Someone is in a very happy mood isn't it?”
The Queen jokes but she truly appreciates her words, softly brushing her own hair with her finger without even noticing.
When a compliment comes from a woman she's a bit more comfortable, not that a man would make her instantly uncomfortable, but due to her past she tends to be more wary.
“ I may be speaking the obvious here, but the same compliment goes for you darling...you are one wonderful woman, both in personality and look. ”
Since Tenebris isn't in her true height right now, she can easily look at the other with a tender smile.
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prettycdds · 6 months
@streetwisetemptress || ♥'d
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✨ " I can see that you have had... quite a few hardships before arriving. I'm so sorry. " His voice can sound so kind, so warm, because he believes himself to be so, because he wants to be such a man- that so, even more. And in that want, there is not a sign of insincerity in the enchanted king's blue eyed concern. Though there's a confidence about it. A self-assuredness. Despite how every tale of struggle risked reminding him of his own.
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" Well, henceforth those hardships are over. Every weary traveler, from every land and every world is welcome to find sanctuary within these walls-- that is the dream from which Rosa was built upon. You need only respect our customs-- As I'm sure you've heard. " He gestures vaguely, nonchalant, like it was no big deal. And he does assume she will be staying, surely.
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fantasycorrupted-a · 9 months
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She has been noticed by a human! Zira jumps, dropping the flower wreath she has been weaving together, and flies up a nearby tree. She's not small enough to hide entirely, but at least she's safe now.
"Hello to you, too..."
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