#story time with villain and melonllama
thebenchcast · 10 years
Valentines Screenplay
(For the Bench's Valentines holiday special)
>see shuld fin your polymand >it'll be funded when times collide >but you ned ta fund et so can trad er bottle >traitor bottle will time comes when destiny >but dat 2 lung >lung bottle will revenge bottle for polkamun, but everything was defeat >like spihder? >spider is no hollyday >i kno dat but deafeat is spihder >the feet spider will time when battle bottle revenge polkamun traitors cheeseburger dust tiny >but 12 cheeseburger dust tiny camt traitur polymans bottle tim spihder scare! >The trader bottle battles when the dusty times come to fund the polkamun adventure >but trador bottles dusty tims not cam becas spihder stupd et al becas polymands abbentshur tims not cam! >but star crossed battle bottles fund dusty chess burger holiday pokkimin >lik uf yu cri ever tim
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