#stormy procrastinates schoolwork
unexpectedstormy · 6 months
If you want, something for Recharge?
I was so surprised to find that I've actually written 2k more words on it for the next chapter. I don't remember doing that. Awesome! It wrote itself! Anyways, here's a little bit for it:
Wild lay pale and still, covered in blankets, and with his feet propped up on someone’s rather full laundry bag. Hyrule fretted nearby, digging through his own bag and pulling out yet another blanket though pitifully thin and draped it over his prone friend. “Hyrule, it’s fine,” Warriors said. “Wild doesn’t need any more blankets. We don’t want to overheat him.” “But… he’s so cold. His hands are so cold,” Hyrule said squeezing Wild’s hand. “If his hands are cold then put them under the blankets.” “Come here, there’s nothing more to be done for him,” Twilight said and motioned Hyrule to come take a seat next to him. Hyrule reluctant tucked Wild’s hand away under the covers and came over and sat down next to Twilight. “Okay, I think it’s time we address the dragon in the room,” Legend said. “The Master Sword broke. What does that mean for the rest of us? And is that what caused Wild to… be in the state that he’s in?” “No, the two things can’t be related,” Sky said quickly. “Fi would never hurt someone like that.” “We can’t discount the possibility so quickly,” Time said. “It is a little too coincidental in my opinion.”
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so-lychee · 2 years
CYM as Very Specific Aesthetics
ajksjkd oml okay okay i’ll try-
i haven’t done ALL of my moots and im so so so sorry ily all v v much <333333
@fierreth-who : a not very successful study date, the place littered with stationary, talking about anything and everything, drawing on someone's hand
@drabbledealer : sitting in a cafe, a million ideas in your head, notepad in front of you to try and write them all, the background noises only comforting
@11nolongerhuman : a stargazing picnic, a cool calm atmosphere, the moon looking beautiful as ever, thinking only about the stars
@akuutaguava : taking a walk in the woods, pretty orange and yellow leaves decorating your path, a soothing breeze blows
@panic-at-the-gender : bingeing anime, movies, shows, with the lights turned off, a buttery smell of popcorn and something sweet fills the air
@ikin-y0u : dressing up in each others clothes, taking a million pictures with different filters, a pretty fragrance of perfume all around 
@astrqnova : art museums, trying to understand all the meanings behind a painting, imagining themselves to be in the settings of the paintings
@jesperisamfbicon : procrastinating on schoolwork, exploring old fields, picking flowers, brainstorming pranks, seems like an innocent picture, but is it really?
@narcissisticvictorian : a dark stormy day, reading a book indoors, huddled up in warm blankets in front of a fire, eyes slowly growing heavy
@elvearryn : a ballroom, regal gowns, light piano music, pretty diamonds and light-hearted conversation
@the-unhinged-fanwing : sitting in the open grass, braiding hair, a delicious smell of something fruity, the sun, not too hot, but still making its presence known
@cleansing-evil : up late finishing work, then being coaxed by someone to take a break, making sandwiches as a snack, going up to the roof where a cool breeze is blowing
@gothicxcherry : 1 am car drives featuring music, humming along to the songs on the radio, not a lot of talking, just comfortable silence
@goreinahailofbullets : a library, poring over books late in the night, travelling through the deepest, most mysterious parts of history
@boombboi : a day spent at the arcade, laser tag, claw machines, video games, the whole place lit up with neon lights
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