shubhgem-blog · 6 years
Gem Therapy: Gemstone for Heart Disease and Cancer
Gemstones are very helpful to cure mostly Health issues. In this article, i am going to write about gemstone for Cancer and Heart Disease.
 Amethyst Stone:- Amethyst is one of the best healers in the mineral kingdom. This crystal is thought to help remove all kinds of blockages and could work on the refined levels to sort out and release the primary factors behind disease. Amethyst is often used to improve lower energies to an increased vibration, and to decrease pain and stress.
Smokey Quartz: - Natural Smokey Quartz is excellent at dispersing negative energies, alleviating pain and reducing stress.  That is a very protecting, grounding stone, which has the quality of the helping those who find themselves working with long-term medical issues, by raising the depression that often accompanies those types of conditions.  Smokey Quartz is often used as a detoxifying crystal as well so that it is especially ideal for those interacting with cancer.
Rhodochrosite Stone: - Rhodochrosite is a great stone for the heart, which is thought to clear blockages in the Heart, as well as bettering blood pressure and circulation.  Rhodochrosite is often put or worn over the center to improve heart disease.
Rhodonite Stone: - This is another beneficial stone for the Heart since it works perfectly with this chakra.  It really is specifically used to help clear the Heart blockages and provide stimulation.  Rhodonite stone is also thought to focus on the fine bodies, thereby addressing conditions that may have preceded the real disease.
The stones that are ideal for both heart disease and Cancer are Carnelian and Red Jasper:
Carnelian Stone: - This is an invigorating gemstone that is thought to improve blood flow and absorption of nutrition by the organs in the torso.  It is considered to reinstate health and vitality to your body.  This two attribute makes Carnelian helpful, especially during long-term diseases.
Red Jasper:  this stone grounds energies and heals the aura.  It's really ideal for circulatory organs and is also supportive during persistent or long-term diseases.
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