#still not rereading things y’all should except this from me for a hot min
breaddaerb · 2 years
hi bread!! how are you? and can i please request killjoy, viper, and sage’s favorite date to take you on c;
<3, elle
[ sage, viper, and killjoy x reader I ]
✎↷: i’m good!! i went out on a run today for some Gains and it was honestly refreshing to do before my exam today! which went well, i think? wasn’t expecting this honestly LOLL i read it this morning and i was like oh?? getting the ladies? on another note— wow you guys are so sweet wishing me good luck;; someone said best of luck (misspelling the best so, beat) on your exams and i thought it said beat the fuck out of my exams… which i will! don’t worry guys— although, do expect posts to slow down a bit, i’m doing this post between my reviews <3 (and these hcs are in second person because i’m not about to say ‘yeah, sage and i go on dates every week’. although i wish i could!)
sage is a simple woman, and judging by said simplicity, it’d be easy to turn everything into a date. i hc that she’s someone who shows her love with quality time, and that’s exactly what she does. sage’s preferred date (with me, so my interests are also included here actually) is staged on a sunny day, featuring probably a small business’s food of some kind, or even homemade! trying new foods and eating it with others as the company falls into one of her favorite activities, and it wouldn’t be any different if it was with you!
for that day, you and sage had ended up flying kites and going through a few rounds of volleyball. it was nothing crazy, it was just a simple outing. but filled with joy and love and laughter, you both had ended up falling asleep on a checkered picnic facing the blanketing sun from above. it’s not much, yet around her, it never has to be. in another life, you would’ve loved doing laundry and taxes with her. (hehe.)
killjoy’s preferred dates are definitely something of a night in. although she’s generally extroverted as a person, being placed in vibrating raves or bars don’t make for the best environments to really get to know someone. instead, the evening is spent posting video games and watching movies and documentaries and basically anything nerdy under the sun. for the record, killjoy looked like the epitome of sex— mismatched socks and a hoodie and some torn up jeans. you end up spending the entire night like that, huddled against each other and wordlessly holding hands beneath the blanket.
(most times, killjoy would go on to ramble about computer software, the types of camera angles used, and the equipment used in the films you watched. and despite not understanding, her insanely detailed nitpicks put you at a comfortable ease.)
on the few occasions where you two would actually go out, an arcade turns out to be frequent stops. killjoy isn’t insane at video games despite understanding the mechanics, so instead the outing is spent like a competition. and then also losing most, if not all of your funds on claw machines. your losses might feel like a waste, but buying ice cream for her and seeing her smile certainly wasn’t one!
viper's dates are a little more complicated. she’s not your stereotypical romantic, and probably far from it. the whole “art of courtship” actually turns out to be a game of cat and mouse, and by the time dating has solidified, she has no idea what to actually do. so she ends up resorting to the traditional, highly spoken of things. she’s been recommended dinner places, coffee shops, parks, all kinds of places that detail some kind of chatting environment.
it’s a lot of trial and error, figuring out what the perfect date spot is. viper gets so into dissecting which place results in the best chemistry that she nearly forgets that it’s a dare in the first place, honed in on agenda over enjoying herself. it had taken a careful reminder for viper to snap back to reality, although, what can she say to explain herself? perhaps trying all of these new spots had really made the perfect adventure of all.
(except for hikes. hikes will forever remain removed from the adventure list.)
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