#still don't if she was a peredhel or a halfblood witch
Elemmírion's First Main OC (Original Character)
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Nadezhda Boyadzhyeva of the House of Atanasov (b. 23 July 1992)
"—whose waist-length wavy hair was the brown of aged mahogany, rich and deep, and her skin was fair as the alabaster. Her dress was red as rose fair with the hues of gold, and her gazelle-like eyes were dark as the evening skies." —The Elemmírion Chapter 3: Legacy of the Three Jewels
Nadezhda Boyadzhiyeva, known as Nadia, was one of the new wizards who became the next bearer of Carninárë (Red Flame). Paternally, she was descended from the union of a mortal founder Vladimir Atanasov and the unknown figure named Ilwenárë who shaped the legacy of the House of Boyadzhiyev–Atanasov.
As the bearer of the Carninárë, the red flame jewel, Nadezhda embodies the fiery spirit of Gryffindor house, wielding her power with courage, passion, and unwavering determination. The jewel pulses with the essence of her lineage, a beacon of strength and resilience in the face of adversity.
1. Origin: Nadezhda Boyadzhiyeva-Atanasova's journey begins in the bustling streets of Sofia, Bulgaria, where she is born into humble beginnings on July 23, 1992 (either during 90s Yugoslav Wars or Voldemort's rise in power).
2. Journey From Waitress to Courtesan: Though she faced multiple threats from her family's enemies, her path leads her to the glittering world of courtesanship, where she discovers a newfound sense of liberation and autonomy. Embracing her natural allure and charisma, she rises through the ranks to become a celebrated courtesan, captivating clients with her charm, wit, and sophistication. Through her encounters with clients from all walks of life, she gains invaluable insights into the complexities of human desire, forging deep connections and fostering a sense of intimacy that transcends the physical realm.
Note: The entire backstory of Nadezhda Boyadzhiyeva will be revealed later.
Description: in the background of the shades of red, Nadia/Nadezhda was described as the book said—Mahogany-haired, fair-skinned like the alabaster, dark gazelle-eyed one who donned the gown of blood red with a corset which was designed with a flower surrounded by the six pairs of red leaves.
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Next OC: Nadia Boyadzhiyeva–Atanasova (Work in Progress)
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