#sterek valeintines day imagine
imagine-sterek · 4 months
Imagine every Valentine’s Day Stiles’ mom gave him these beautiful flowers and when she died stiles still received those flowers, turns out she ordered them in advance. But it kept happening the next year and the next year, and stiles is always so happy every year for them. Then one year the morning of Valentine’s Day stiles didn’t get his usual flowers, he’s obviously upset and cries all day, his dad gets him flowers, but it just isn’t the same, until it’s late at night that he hears the doorbell, he runs down and there they are, the flowers. Sometimes the flowers show up in the morning other times it’s late at night, but they always show up.
The year scott gets bit, stiles is pretty sure that he won’t be getting any more flowers. He older now, it’s been a few years and he doesn’t know for how many years in advance his mom paid for. But he still gets them. He tries to look for the flower shop but there’s no logo and all the flowers shops say they have no records of his mom ever ordering from them.
Later when he’s hanging out by the hale house he notices Derek garden in the back. And there are the flowers his mom always got him. So he asks Derek about them.
Turns out Derek’s family owned the flower shop where Claudia got the flowers and they’ve been sending them to stiles for Claudia’s request. But then the fire happened and Laura he Derek left the shop. Derek was the delivery boy and he went back to deliver stiles his flowers because he knew how important they were to him. And he kept doing it cause it was nice doing something genuinely nice for someone else. But then he got to know stiles and so he kept doing it. He tells stiles how his mom paid in advance until he was 18 but Derek planned on giving stiles the flowers even after cause he know how it feels to loose his family and that those flowers gave stiles a connection to his mom and he didn’t want him to loose that.
Those flowers are the flowers they have at their wedding and stiles still gets them every Valentine’s Day. But Derek always has them growing in the backyard.
(Sorry if this long and messy I was just trying to type everything down as fast as I could)
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