urwarriorangel · 7 years
dine and dash (stefan salvatore ft klaus mikaelson, pt iv)
Plot: You and Stefan dated for three years while in high school. You both thought your relationship would last, but college managed got in the way. You wanted to move out of the region and Stefan couldn’t find the strength to let go of his life and home in Mystic Falls. So you two decided to break up. You left to college in Massachusetts and Stefan stayed in Mystic Falls. While you were gone, things changed between you and a certain original, but you hadn’t yet let go of Stefan. Now, almost six years later, you’re both invited to Bonnie and Kol’s wedding. It’s time for a reunion. While trying to figure out what to do with Stefan, you lose another lover.
Pairings: Delena, Carenzo, Jalaric, Mebekah, Tyliv, Stefivy, Haylijah, Konnie/Kennett, Damon x Bonnie x Reader (friends), Klaus x (you’ll have to read and see)
Warnings: anger, cursing, heart-wrench (sorry no smut)
A/N: I know I know I know... I need to work on the stupid plot :( sorry! I just wanted to get this out bc I really love it. thank you for reading this series! this part is a little more based around your friendships than anything. Your feelings for Klaus remain a little unclear but also become a little clearer... if that makes sense? pls let me know what you think!!! (no gifs are mine!!!)
dine and dash masterlist
“Looking for this?” Damon holds out the clipboard, eyes on Elena as she help cleans the mess they all made.
“Yes, and shouldn’t you be helping?” You grab the clipboard and Damon raises a brow.
“Do you really think I’d get in the middle of that chaos with the threat of you ripping out my throat hanging in the air?” He turns around and faces you, feigning hurt.
“Are you telling me you had nothing to do with this mess?” You raise your brows at him and Damon scoffs.
“I didn’t say that. I just said I wasn’t in the middle of it,” he smirks and you roll your eyes, flipping through the pages of the clipboard.
“Why am I not surprised?” You whisper, not really paying attention to Damon anymore.
“Because you know me too well,” he shrugs and keeps an eye on you. “How did the talk go, by the way?”
“It went well. He’s moved on, he’s happy. He’s in a good headspace and I’m happy for him. It’s time for both of us to leave the relationship in the past and open our hearts to other people,” you look over to Damon, a soft sigh leaving your lips. “It’s a bit of a relief. I don’t have to feel guilty now.”
“Feel guilty for what?” Bonnie walks over to you two, grabbing a bottle of water as she sits next to you.
“Stefan and I talked and it’s a weight off both of our shoulders I think,” you whisper and look up at your best friend. “I don’t feel guilty about wanting something else. You know?”
“Yeah, I get it,” Bonnie whispers and makes eye contact with Damon as you look back down at the clipboard.
“So have you--?” Damon speaks up and you cut him off.
“Wait… Klaus has a plus one to the wedding?” You whisper, catching both your friends by surprise.
“What?” Bonnie grabs the clipboard.
“There’s no way,” Damon narrows his eyes and takes it from her, staring at the page. “Who the hell is Val--WHAT? There’s absolutely no way.”
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“Who’s his plus one?” Bonnie raises a brow and rests a hand on her hip.
“It’s no one, I’m sure it was a mis--”
“Valerie. Klaus’s plus one is Stefan’s Valerie,” you clench your jaw, staring straight ahead as you try to steady your breathing.
“Excuse me? There’s no way she’s-!”
“Guys, please,” you whisper and your friends immediately turn to face you. “It’s okay. As long as he’s happy, it’ll be fine, yeah?”
“Don’t give me that shit, Y/N. Everyone knows how much you care about him,” Damon scoffs and shakes his head as you let out a weak chuckle.
“I just feel like a jackass for pairing us together in a room, you know?” You shake your head and sigh. “I’ll let him know he can share the room with Valerie. I’ll make other arrangements.”
“I’m so sorry, babe,” Bonnie wraps an arm around you and rests her head on your shoulder while Damon kisses the top of your head.
“Seriously it’s only your first day back and everyone’s screwing you over,” Damon observes and you laugh.
“I’ll be fine. I have a wedding to plan,” you kiss Bonnie’ head and Damon’s cheek. “Now, you two finish cleaning while I figure this shit out, yeah?”
“Do I have to?” Bonnie sighs and looks up at you.
“No, you can grab a glass--just ONE glass--of champagne and lounge for a little, somewhere I can see you,” you raise your brows at her and Bonnie escapes while she can.
“Do I have to?” Damon gives you puppy eyes.
“Yeah, what the hell are you thinking? Get your ass over there and clean,” you push away a grumbling Damon and head over to the hallway in search of Klaus. He doesn’t seem to be anywhere in sight.
“Hey, Tyler,” you grab the person closest to you.
“Yeah, what’s up Y/N?” He and Liv look over to you, a few bags in hand.
“Have you guys seen Klaus by any chance?”
“I saw him leave right after you walked away earlier,” Liv speaks up, shrugging. “He kind of ran off.”
“Wierd. Thanks, guys. You’ve been a great help,” you smile at them and walk back to the bar, taking a seat. “Alright, here goes nothing.”
You look at your phone for a few minutes, not sure what to say or how to say it without conveying your hurt. You realize this won’t get any easier, so you just go for it.
After the deed is done, you set your phone aside and make yourself another drink. You turn around to see that the cleaning’s finally done and all your friends look more than just a little exhausted. So you follow through on your deal: you make everyone drinks, and they could not be more grateful.
You all spend the night talking and laughing and catching up and playing drunk charades/pictionary. If you were being honest, this is how you wanted your time back home to be like. You apologized to Ivy. You and Stefan managed to smile at each other a couple of times. You got to know Kai, Luke, and Liv better. You had some intellectual conversations with Marcel. It was overall a great time.
“Alright, I think it’s time for us to hit the hay,” Kol announces as Bonnie yawned yet again. He waved goodnight as he picked up his bride-to-be and took her to their bedroom.
“Yeah, we’re gonna head home, too. We’ll be back tomorrow, eight am just like it says on that damn clipboard,” Alaric groans as Jo smiles at you all and they head home to their precious little ones.
“Us too!” This comes from Damon and Elena.
“And us!” This from Tyler and Liv.
“Same here!” And this from Caroline and Enzo.
“Alright, you old geezers,” you roll your eyes as Matt and Rebekah chuckle nervously.
“Oh all right. You guys go, too,” you shoo them away as all four couples make their way to their respective rooms.
“Hayley and Elijah, you two should also probably head out. Hope is in the guest room at the end of Kol & Bonnie’s hallway,” you smile at the couple who hugged you and said their goodbyes. Yes, they grabbed Hope.
“Stefan? Ivy? This is your chance. The night is only gonna get wierder,” you shrug as the couple looks at one another.
“Yeah, we’re gonna take off, too,” Stefan holds Ivy close and you smile at them.
“Your room is less than 100 feet away. Go to sleep, losers,” you scoff as the couple laughs and leaves.
And, true to your word, the night got a lot wierder. At one point, you all played strip poker (you’re very sure that was either Marcel’s idea or Kai’s); sometime later, you guys went skinny dipping in the Salvatore pool (definitely Luke’s idea); soon after that you guys drank some more and finally managed to pass out in the living room.
Freya and Cami managed to snag one couch and Luke and Jeremy another. You were left on the floor with Marcel, Kai, and Davina. You were tossing and turning for a while until you felt someone lay next to you and hold you close, calming you almost immediately. You slept the whole night through.
You wake up the next morning to shouting around your head and some slight nudging around your feet.
“What the hell?” You whisper, groaning as someone snatched the sheet off of you. “Leave me alone.”
“Y/N you need to wake up before Klaus murders someone,” you recognize Damon’s worried voice and you sit up, rubbing your eyes open as the arms from the night before rest on your lower stomach..
“Why the fuck does Klaus want to murder someone? And--ooh here’s a better question: why the FUCK did you guys wake me up?” You whisper aggressively, opening your eyes to glare at Damon.
“Because of THAT,” Damon hisses, pointing at the person next to you.
“What is THA-oh god, no,” you murmur as your eyes rest on a sleeping Marcel who’s got his arms wrapped around you. “Oh no no no no no.”
“What the hell happened last night?” Damon helps you up, careful not to wake Marcel.
“Nothing happened, Damon. We all passed out, and I guess I couldn’t sleep so Marcel helped,” you shrug, stretching as Damon leads you outside.
“Yeah, well Klaus seems to think something happened, so--”
You two step outside and are met with the sight of Klaus and Valerie making out.
“Did you need me for something, Niklaus?” You mutter spitefully as he slowly pulls away from that demon witch.
“Me? No, not at all. Please meet--”
“Oh you don’t want me to meet anyone right now,” you glare at the two asshats and walk inside, brushing against an apologetic Damon.
“Look, I swear I didn’t know she was gonna be out there. He saw you two and kept spewing angry bullshit and I don’t--”
“Damon, sweetheart. I’m too hungover to feel anything or say anything. I’ll be fine. I just have to show him what he’s missing… after I get some food and coffee.”
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