#stede is a sweetheart who will also rip your throat out if your threaten him or his loved one
follows-the-bees · 3 months
I've seen a lot of people phrasing the fancy ship party on fire incident as if Stede is the one who actually lit the ship on fire. I think that phrasing can be a detriment to Stede's character and one of his main qualities.
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He doesn't set the ship on fire, he uses his words — passive aggression — as well as his crew's (Frenchie's) knowledge to get the leverage he needs to beat the fancy crowd at their own game. It's a unifying team effort that shows Stede's smarts at playing the passive aggressive game while trusting his crew wholeheartedly.
But more importantly, Stede uses people's own vices against them; to the point where they self-destruct.
And he does this multiple times.
The same thing happens twice with Ned Low. First, he talks to Hellcat Maggie and Ned's mercenaries to get them to mutiny against Ned. Part of this is simply treating/talking to the crew with respect. The opposite of Ned, who treats them as indispensable workers. We see Stede and Ned's old crew have connected further when Stede inquires about one of Ned's former crew's family.
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Next, when it comes to dealing with Ned's fate, it's important to remember that Ned has to die. He was not going to stop trying to attack them, so Stede kills him out of protection: protection for his crew, for Ed, for everyone's safety.
And once again, he isn't flat out killing Ned. He uses Ned's fiddle to knock him into the water. The pirate's instrument of torture is turned upon him and becomes the catalyst to his demise.
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Stede is kind but he is also ruthless when it comes to certain things, and that includes protecting his loved ones.
He is also cunning, intuitive. His ability to turn people's own vices against them is a trait not spoken about enough!
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