royking · 7 years
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State of the Nation 2017... Even with all our internal drama, we are still moving forward... The relentless drive of our People of Kenya🇰🇪, always astounds me. Let's keep it going, I think the president pointed out most of the issues at hand. Growth is Growth, and the focus on Massive infrastructure projects will only be clear in time for most Kenyans. He also outlined the Governments vision to take back Kenya to being a Manufacturing Nation thus the Emphasis on Infrastructure. I think it's very doable we have a very well educated and skilled labor all we need is investment in that sector and we will thrive, we have grown our purchasing power through the years ensuring products made in Kenya already have a ready local market.He also mentioned the negative effect of the interest cap which really affecting the access to loans for so many SMEs and the entire Economy. I like that he mentioned the growing Government Wage Bill, over half of our Tax revenue goes to service the Wage bill that covers all public servants including Teachers Doctors MPs etc Only 700,000 People get paid over 690 Billion in one year... Imagine 2% of the entire population consumes half of our Tax Collection. Am glad he pointed out that the growing appetite for further increases in salaries by the Public servants is mainly as a result of the aggressive increases by the MPs, thus setting a bad precedent. I hope the reductions outlined by the salaries commission for the next Government are implemented so that we may have more money to invest in the economy... All in all am happy we are still moving forward. #Stateofthenation2017 . #ProudlyKenyan #uhurukenyatta #kenya #SOTN2017 #SOTN2017Kenya (at Nairobi, Kenya)
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