#star ocean first departure r
jessjustplay · 7 months
Review: Star Ocean First Departure R
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1 Meh / 2 Okay / 3 Good / 4 Really Good / 5 AMAZING
Story 4/5
This is a sci-fi fantasy "save the planet" story with time travel and space travel. Earth is part of the story, but it's not the focus. Instead, we are trying to save another planet called Roak and along the way we meet so many different people from various locations.
Characters 6/5
The character are amazing and the dialogue between them is the best. There is a lot of silly chatter as well as more meaningful conversations that help you learn about each one.
Narrative 4/5
The story has a good pace. The characters tell you a lot about what's going on and all the info you need to know. There aren't any extra notes in the menu or any data logs telling you what has happened, so you definitely need to pay attention to the conversations!
Going out of towns and re-entering with "Private Action" selected is very important. A lot of extra details, and sometimes just silly scenes, are told in these interactions.
Gameplay/Controls 3/5
Moving around is very easy and feels good. On a PS4 controller, you can hold down the R2 button (PS4) to walk faster which is nice. A few things are missing that would have made this a 5. There needs to be a better world map - one that you can open and see full screen, and that is also labeled with location names.
There is a mini-map, but it's not labeled. Maps inside of each location would be nice, too! The dungeons are very maze-like so if you forget where you left off easily, you might get lost.
There also needs to be a *what to do next* notification somewhere. For example, "Go see Millie" or "Head back to Tropp". It's not exactly clear in the beginning what you are supposed to do or where you're supposed to go, so that would be very helpful.
Battle System 5/5
The game is full of random battles and they are all very fast-paced. You only control one character at a time, but you give instructions to the others (via the menu) of what you want them to do. For example, I always had Millie set to heal the team and I had Ronyx set to use all of his MP so that he would always cast magic.
Customization/Development 5/5
You earn EXP and Skill points from each battle. All of your 8 characters will earn Skill points regardless if they are in the active party, but only the 4 active party members will earn EXP, which they need to level up. While leveling up is straightforward, activating Skill points is essential and something you don't want to miss. Activating Skill Points increases attributes and skills (such as Cooking and Appraising) which come in handy. It's a very unique system and one that I neglected a bit during my first playthrough, but during this 2nd one I was better prepared.
Music 2/5
The music is, unfortunately, pretty weak. I remember really liking one town song and that was at Eckdart. The world map song is pretty catchy, but that's likely to hearing it so much that it gets stuck in your head. I wasn't a big fan of the boss fight music.
Graphics 5/5
Absolute perfection. The old AND updated art models of the characters are very nice. (The updated versions are, of course, a tad bit nicer because they are so vibrant!) I especially love how expressive the pixel art models are! You can tell when they're happy, sad, angry, confused, embarrassed... it's great! Even in-battle, they get these huge eyes when they are attacked. It's so funny!
Overall 34/40 Highly Recommend!
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daihime-sama · 5 months
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Look alive, henchbuns! Our vacation is over! Time to get back to evil deeds and evil streams!
This week: finishing Order of Ecclesia, starting Star Ocean, Master Duel with viewers, and a very special Ultrakill stream.
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Schedule art by Yokoshi.
-RRA Social Media Team
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badragonplays · 5 months
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what do you think he means by this?
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hellman55 · 5 months
Star Ocean: First Departure R (PS4) - Walkthrough (Part 16 - FINALE)
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trustygem · 6 months
Part 20 of Star Ocean First Departure R is Now up on YT
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jaebird88 · 2 years
Picked up Star Ocean: First Departure R on sale for Switch. I’m only roughly two hours in, and what an odd story. It’s like someone decided to write up their own episode of Star Trek based on a handful of episodes and at least two movies.
And I don’t mind how tropey it is. Just doesn’t seem like it’s a good execution on the ideas that make them up.
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nintendowife · 2 years
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Cyuss: “Cats can be such bastards. I love that.”
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scornedhoney · 2 years
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Finished drawing Ilia Silvestri from Star Ocean First Departure for my latest piece. All spicy 🌶 versions will become available on my Patreon.
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Another few assorted things, I guess, since I've been bouncing around between stuff again.
Death end re;Quest 2 will probably get its own post at some point after I decide whether I'm willing to subject myself through NG+ to see the true ending. After getting to the normal good/bad endings though my opinion so far is that I'm absolutely flabbergasted that there's so much debate over whether the first or second game is better because my experience was that literally the only thing improved in the second was the framerate, and most other stuff was at least a little bit worse.
Geometry Survivor is so close to good but just didn't click for me. The cooldowns on the abilities are all so long that I just feel like I'm sitting around with nothing happening way too much of the time and can't rely on most of them to do anything useful when I need them, and I'm pretty sure my brain is convinced the hitbox on the...ship? is like 10-20% smaller than it actually is because that's how it usually works in games like this. It seemed like most times I got hit were in cases where it seemed like I should've been able to make it through a gap just fine. I think I'd probably like it a decent amount with some small tweaks to stuff like that, but as it is it just isn't doing it for me.
I mostly only got and played Star Ocean: First Departure R because it was on sale pretty cheap while I was still in the good part of SO2R (read: the first half). I wasn't expecting as much from it because it's not a remake to the degree of the second game (it feels more like playing a PS1 game in an emulator with antialiasing enabled and a widescreen hack), but even then I still couldn't really get into it. It's so unclear what will trigger the progression of the story a lot of the time, and like three hours in I still hadn't found a compelling reason to do literally anything other than mash the A button in combat. I do hope they keep going and give the third game (I guess the PS2 one is SO3? even though there was a GBC game between 2 and that one) a proper update too though, since I never really played much of it myself back in the day but had friends into it.
And then finally A Time Traveller's Guide to Past Delicacies is saved for last because I liked it more than all of the other things in this post combined. It's short, it's weird, and I have no idea what it's trying to say, but I love the way it says it. It perfectly captures the bizarreness and jank that 90s FMV games frequently had, and it also reminds me of the early 2010s when I had the energy to keep up with weird, obscure, experimental indie games being released and saw all sorts of strange and fascinating stuff people put out there. Not enough games have live action sock puppets these days.
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gorematchala · 4 months
I have completed Star Ocean!!!!
So I only have one negative thing to say about First Departure R and its minor. To get it out of the way, this game has the same disease many RPGs have which is "bad final area and last boss" syndrome. I made the strongest sword I could possibly get for Roddick and half the enemies at the end, including the final boss, are healed if you hit them with it, I assume because they absorb dark element. I will be maining the Soul Eater next time
But there is currently a next time because I really liked the game! Its old and arcane and items are super important even though you'll never need even a fraction of whats available, and all of that PSP jank is so good, I love it. As a remake/remaster/port thing I really love the way the devs stayed true to the SNES game and the PSP game at the same time somehow. Its like the most respectful remaster ever
Besides just liking the game I've started a second playthrough because there are a lot of characters and I want to play with some of the ones I couldn't get before. Unfortunately it would take 3 playthroughs to use all of them and idk if I would go that far so soon after my first clear but the other reason I'm playing again is I understand the skill system now and I wasted so many points and so much EXP before that i basically just wanna see how broken overpowered I can get lol. I feel like theres an upper limit for sure cuz damage caps at 9999, but I wanna max out all skills for everyone and smith some fucked up armor and buy all the expensive items and stuff. Its got all the components of the kind of RPG I'm always looking for, even though just like with FF8 I wish it was just normal turn based combat. The spritework is really good though and it helps the fights be fun
I started the demo for second story and so far I really like the characters and the art and stuff but it kinda encapsulates a problem I have with sequels and modernizing things. The stagger system and all the battle stuff is fuckin awesome, I love it and its what drew me to the game in the first place, but the 3D environments look kinda crusty and the menus are all just blue and samey looking. The SO:FD menus let you change the background color and all the different tabs have colored icons next to them. And its nice cuz theres a lot of menus in that game. With Second Story its like you trade the PSP swag for convenience and sick battle systems. But I reallyyy like the PSP swag is the problem
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operationrainfall · 1 year
oprainfall Week in Gaming: Dec 11 - 17
oprainfall Week in Gaming: Dec 11 – 17
While we here at Operation Rainfall love covering the latest in gaming news and sharing our reviews of titles new and classic, we also just enjoy playing games in our downtime. So with that, sit back, relax, and check out what the oprainfall gaming crew have been up to this week! It was my birthday this week, and my husband got me both Star Ocean: First Departure and Star Ocean: Second Evolution…
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jessjustplay · 7 months
I replayed Star Ocean First Departure R and it was amazing!
November 11, 2023
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Game: Star Ocean First Departure R First Time/Replaying: Replaying Game Time: 24 hours Console: PS4 Started: October 30, 2023 Finished: November 11, 2023
I first played this game last year (funnily enough, also in November) and I loved it. I decided to replay it and I had even MORE fun this second time around! I knew it was a great game, but I didn't really know how replayable it was until I started it anew. The fact that you can recruit a different party each time makes things super interesting because the dialogue between the characters will (obviously) be different. I am already excited to replay it a third time! (Next year, maybe.)
In my both my first and second playthrough, I admit I didn't know much about the character recruitment stuff. I just got who I could, but I managed to fill in all 8 spots this time around. I did look up how to get Phia because she was someone I really wanted. Apparently recruiting 7 characters makes her impossible to get, but somehow I got lucky and was able to get rid of one of my 7 characters. This allowed me to find Phia and get her in my party. I was so happy, I think Phia is great!
My 8-team party ended up being: Roddick, Millie, Ilia, Ronyx, Cyuss, Ioshua, Mavelle then Phia, and Pericci. (I thought Cyuss was funny, but in this playthrough I learned he is very rude. I am not recruiting him next time!)
As far as battles, I did much better this time around. I actually understood battle concepts and I leveled up each character's skills properly. Roddick was appraising and cooking left and right. I definitely need to learn how to do the other stuff next time.
Here are my final endgame stats!
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(Note to self: wait for the PS screen capture sign to disappear before taking more screenshots... 🙃)
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daihime-sama · 5 months
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End of stream report:
Thanks everybunny for watching Hime-Sama finish Star Ocean tonight! A very unique retro JRPG with a derange skill system, aren't we all glad we got to experience it?
Hime-Sama says: "That last dungeon was really bad though."
-RRA Social Media Team
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grauspitz · 5 months
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wanted a visual representation of all the games that i played this year, some of which very quickly became some of my favourite games
the two backwards switch games are meant to represent ff2 pixel remaster (which is on the same cartridge as the ff1 pixel remaster) and star ocean first departure r (which doesnt have a physical release as far as im aware). and the fe fates conquest is meant to represent the revelations route, which i finally got around to this year.
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hellman55 · 5 months
Star Ocean: First Departure R (PS4) - Walkthrough (Part 15)
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trustygem · 7 months
Part 9 of Star Ocean First departure R is Up on YT
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