#st4 leaked info
beepboop358 · 3 years
Who will die in s4?
Let's begin with the characters we have some evidence for, of their possible deaths in s4:
Steve - Last year the stranger writers twitter kept tweeting telling people to "stay hydrated", and make sure they were "drinking enough water"; here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Water has an underlying significance in the show, it is usually depicted surrounding the upside down creatures/people's special powers. There’s definitely something going on with the water references in the show as well as in the tweets. Steve was shown underwater during the st4 sneak peek teaser. The stranger writers tweeted that Steve wasn’t drinking enough water. That tweet about Steve not drinking enough water could allude to his possible death/serious injury.
Dustin - In s3 ep.4 Dustin says to Steve, “If you die, I die.” I think whenever/if Steve dies, Dustin will die as well. Steve just shrugs and says "okay" after Dustin's comment.
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Nancy - (based off of these comments from Natalia in interviews)
W mag interview:
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The Last magazine interview:
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is she...hinting towards Nancy's possible death??
Chrissy - Chrissy was officially revealed as a new character in s4 in the 2nd new cast member announcement on insta. Chrissy is described as "Hawkins’ High lead cheerleader and the most popular girl in school. But beneath the seemingly perfect surface lies a dark secret." In the 1st new cast member announcement, Jason Carver was described as "a handsome, rich athlete dating the most popular girl in school."
We know from those captions Chrissy and Jason are dating. Based on some *leaked info*, it appears as if Chrissy will die. I have a theory that this will be the event that sparks the party's attention, and causes Robin and Nancy to team up and investigate if the Upside down/the gov. is involved again, and it will also spark more hatred towards the hellfire club, because Eddie sells drugs to Chrissy, and and her death will be passed off as an overdose, which will cause Jason to blame Eddie for her death.
Eleven - Eleven was not originally intended to survive in s1. It was planned for her to make this big sacrifice for her new friends, and mainly for the person who took her in (just like Elliot does with E.T.) I think it's highly likely the Duffers will want to use this E.T. parallel for Eleven in the show again (but more permanently).
In the show's original pitch the Duffers wrote, "If Mike is the Elliot of our show, then Eleven is our "E.T."
from my byler proof master slides (145-147):
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(*possible spoilers - There was also a video going around awhile ago that someone who snuck onto the set took, and claimed it was "Eleven" being wheeled out of a building by EMT's. It's very hard to tell from the video if it actually is Millie Bobby Brown or not. In the caption the person claims in one other scene he captured, it was her "photo double")
I kind of doubt they will kill her off until s5 if they do, but who knows.
Other characters who we don't have as much evidence for but could be contenders:
Vickie - She will probably be Robin's love interest given that she is described as a "cool fast talking band nerd, who catches the eye of one of our hereos" - Robin is also in band. Since she will spend time with Robin probably, Vickie could be involved with the upside down stuff, or most likely at least some kind of battle with the rest of the Hawkins group as well (Nancy, Eddie, Robin, Steve, Dustin, Lucas, Erica, and Max).
Maybe? :
Max - I think Max will play a more key role this season in discovering how the upside down is involved this season, which puts her more at risk. During the st4 sneak peek, Max stands in the CENTER of the hawkins group formation, as if she led them over to see something:
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Steve also looks like he is looking directly at Max, as if she was just talking or about to explain something to them. I doubt the show would kill off 2 kids in the group of 6 (Will, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Max and El) before the final season, so I don't think Max will die if one of the other 6 does.
Other possible characters who might die this season that I have no concrete evidence for but are still possibilities because of their plot lines/descriptions:
Murray (dies trying to rescue Hopper)
Victor Creel?
Unlikely to die this season because they were signed as a new season regular/for a recurring role, meaning they were signed for s4 and s5:
Peter Ballard
Eddie Munson
Lt. Colonel Sullivan
Jason Carver
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Source: indie wire
Because Argyle will be a new series regular, I don't think it's likely that Jonathan will die this season because they are described as "new best friends".
Very Unlikely to die this season:
Will or Mike - (I don't think either of them will even be contenders to die until POSSIBLY s5) I believe Byler is endgame because of all the evidence that they are endgame in the show, but there is always the possibility that the show will pull a 'reddie' parallel and kill off either Mike or Will. There is a decent amount of Stephen King/IT influence in the show, which is why I'm even mentioning this possibiltiy- and we all know how much they love using references to other things, especially 80's media. HOWEVER, just like fear street (directed by Leigh Janick, who is marrried to Ross Duffer, and also is set roughly in the 80’s where kids fight supernatural evil and is filmed in a lot of the same locations as ST like the mall, the town streets, etc.) I trust that the Duffers will break stereotypes and let the gay people live and be happy together.
Even though I think it's highly unlikely Mike or Will will die in s4, Mike wasn't seen in the recent st4 sneak peek teaser (but neither were Jonathan, Argyle, and Joyce -unknown if Will is the one in front of the burning car but I think it is), and Finn was the only person who posted a picture of the clock with the caption "In the upside down, meanwhile..." and not "Meanwhile, in the upside down...", like all the other cast members and official ST accounts. He never fixed the caption, which leads me to believe it wasn't a mistake, but rather a clue. I wonder what this means for Mike's storyline this season - does he get stuck in the upside down somehow?!?
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hawkinslibrary · 4 years
this is for the anon who sent me a message about the ‘mrs. kelley’ audition. i wanted to put your question under a ‘read more’ bc it’s a little spoiler-y. obviously there will be potential spoilers ahead, so please stop reading + blacklist/filter out the ‘s4′, ‘st4′, and ‘spoilers’ tags if you don’t want to see anything.
Anonymous said:
Hi! In the casting leak about Max with Mrs Kelley, how do you think they are going to take the issue about her home life? I couldn't catch well the situation (I'm not an English speaker), who is the parent that drinks, who is the one that works 2 jobs, is Neil gone? Is Sam (Max's biological father coming back? They mentioned Billy's death?
hi !! ok, so, in the audition, i believe that ‘mrs. kelley’ is talking to max, that susan is the one supposedly working two jobs and drinking, and that neil has left. billy’s death wasn’t mentioned explicitly in the video, but i kind of remember seeing the complete version earlier on where i think there was a mention of the death of a sibling. i could be remembering things wrong, though.
we still don’t know 100% if these characters will be part of the next season or if the audition videos have any truth to them at all. i’ve kind of just been using them for speculation since we don’t really have any confirmed info outside of what we can infer from the s3 finale and the hopper teaser.
now, some people believe this could be a scene between ‘mrs. kelley’ and another potential new character -- ‘chrissy’. ‘chrissy’ is the typical popular cheerleader type who is “holding onto a deep-rooted darkness as she suffers under her mother’s emotional abuse”. i suppose this ‘chrissy’ character meeting up with the guidance counselor makes sense, but i don’t think they’d introduce a counselor character without having them talk to someone from the main cast. after s3 and with where i think max’s character is going in s4, she’s the most likely to be having meetings with ‘mrs. kelley’.
the full audition video was deleted and this tweet includes only a snippet of it. i vaguely remember watching the whole video back around march and i’m thinking (possibly misremembering) that there was a mention of a sibling passing away. max’s final scenes in s3 show her having to watch billy die, saying goodbye to two of her friends, and then ending the season alone in billy’s room. we have no idea what could be happening with her family after this. but, neil leaving, susan and max moving to a new house, and susan having to work two jobs + turning to alcohol sounds like a realistic view of where they could be at the beginning of s4.
i know in the scene, ‘mrs. kelley’ says that the student’s dad is the one drinking and the stepmother is the one who left, but it’s totally possible that they’ve just switched the pronouns around. max is the only character we know that has a stepparent, especially a stepparent who happens to be “an asshole”. she definitely would think life was better without neil around, regardless of how much she and her mother might be struggling at the moment.
i think that in the beginning of s4, max will be distancing herself from the party. she’s gone through a lot -- seeing billy die like that, having to say goodbye to el after the two of them just became best friends, dealing with whatever went down with neil and susan. it’s no surprise that her grades might be slipping or that she’ll be on the counselors radar or that she might be retreating into herself.
i have no idea where they will take this plotline. there are so many people max could open up to about this but it seems like she might be keeping to herself instead. although, the student in the video didn’t seem to be having much of a problem opening up. that’s either a testament to how many times this student has met with the counselor, how comfortable they are, or how the scene probably isn’t exactly what we’ll see in the show. i hope we’ll get another ‘on the bus’ kind of scene, or just some great lucas and max scenes in general. i also want her and mike to become better friends. i think s4 max is similar to s2 mike and i could see him recognizing what she might be feeling and what she’s doing and trying not to let her push them away like he did. she could bond with will and jonathan, with what she’s gone through and what they must have gone through with lonnie. that would have to be something later in the season, though. i’m not saying any of this will happen but there’s just so many possibilities.
i don’t know if they’ll bring max’s dad back. if this is a scene between ‘mrs. kelley’ and max, then they just switched the pronouns for the adults and it’s just supposed to be neil and susan. it is interesting, though, bc he’s in california and there were rumors that jonathan would be working at a pizza place and then there was a pizza delivery vehicle with a ‘surfer boy pizza’ logo and california area code spotted with the other cars from the show. probably doesn’t mean anything, though.
anyway, i think mostly what we can take from this audition is that max is having a hard time. her home life isn’t the greatest at the moment, whether they have neil stick around or not. she’s got a lot of stuff to work through from the previous season. her grades are slipping, she’s probably pulling away from her friends. and if ‘mrs. kelley’ is a real character, then she’s very likely to end up talking with her at some point. i’m hoping that everything will work out for her by the end of the season -- her home situation will be better/more secure, her friendships will be stronger, and she won’t have so much weighing on her shoulders. 
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From what I understand most of the st4 leaks have been made by a bunch of crew members who feel bad that we’ve had to wait so long, and we’ve just been piecing it all together. I know some ppl think one of the leakers is a Netflix higher-up, but idk if that’s true bc I feel like we would’ve gotten more info. Literally 90% of the reddit leaks have been abt Vecna + lab flashbacks. Everything else is pretty much just pieced together from random details we’ve found.
Obvs the crew is not gonna be happy abt working for so long, but it’s not like that’s totally Netflix’ fault. This is the biggest/longest season yet, each ep is over an hour, there’s tons more characters, more SFX, and it’s during a freaking pandemic too! I agree Netflix is going thru it right now, but it’s not bc of ST. ST is arguably Netflix’s biggest show, if anything they are what is keeping Netflix relevant. Subscriptions are down for a few reasons. 1. Netflix will buy a show for 30 mil, do it for a season or 2 and then cancel it, and then repeat the process with a diff show. Fans of the canceled shows get pissed, and a lot of them will eventually leave bc Netflix keeps canceling shows right as you get into them. And two, slowly, Netflix’s whole catalog is disappearing. The reason Netflix was so massively popular is bc for so long it was the only streaming service out there. There was no real competition, so they literally had like every single show and movie on there. But then networks realized they could make money by making their own streaming services, and putting all their shows and movies there instead of Netflix. So many shows and movies that ppl got Netflix specifically to watch went away (Friends, HIMYM, The Office, Disney/Pixar movies). Now Netflix is p much just original shows and movies, most of which are so-so. Anyway, Netflix is scrambling right now, they’re trying to get ST out and promote it as fast as possible to get subscribers back, so there are gonna be a few mixups and delays.
There’s also this interesting article from THR about all the drama going down bts at Netflix; but yeah you can def see how it got into trouble.
But, agreed, based on how much was revealed and how, for instance, the pics Reddit posted, it had to be some crew. If anything Netflix should be thanking them because it kept interest in the fandom while production was taking so long. And then the latest leaks like via monopoly and the vid they took down seem to have come from chaotic marketing
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Re: Vecna– I haven’t seen any negative reaction either, but I’d have to guess it’s bc ppl are upset that the spoiler accs on Twitter and Reddit were right abt it. There are a lot of spoilers I’ve known abt for months b4 they were officially revealed bc i follow spoiler accs, and I’ve seen ppl continuously accuse those accs of being liars and insult their followers for being stupid and naive for believing them, no matter how many times the spoilers turn out to be true. It’s rlly astounding. I understand some ppl don’t want spoilers, but then that’s their problem not ours, they don’t have the right to come after us for trying to get our hands on content when we’ve only been given crumbs by ST for the past 2 years and won’t even be getting ST4 for another 8-10 months.
Re: Yuri– I mean, he’s a smuggler. That’s his literal confirmed job, smuggling ppl into Russia. He doesn’t have anything to do with Hopper, unless he ends up tagging along with Joyce and Murray after he smuggles them into the country. Anyway his IMDb hasn’t been updated yet so we don’t know yet what eps he’ll be in, so we don’t know exactly when Joyce will leave. But I’d say probably ep 3. Gives enough time to establish Cali backstory and get Murray and Joyce started.
Ah if it’s that people were annoyed at the leaks being right, agreed that doesn’t make sense bc the spoilers/leaks (except that one Camilla acct that didn’t seem reliable from the beginning) have been reliable and also helped get thru the long wait for the show—and hopefully still will, since it’s coming out so late smh. Also that Reddit spoiler was so detailed and all leaks have been p clear abt holding back sources. I’d get it more tho if people were just confused for the other reasons, for instance, how vecna ties into prev seasons of the show and if they’ve just introduced a new monster that hasn’t been hinted at before.
And yeah I don’t think Yuri would have info on Hopper exactly; they’d probably have to have the info of where they need to be smuggled into? But good point that whenever IMDb updates and doesn’t show Yuri in 9 eps, it would kinda give away when Joyce and Murray leave Cali/are at least in Alaska.
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