drstonetrivia · 5 months
Chapter 224 Trivia
Happy birthday Senku! He's finally in space! 🎉🚀
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We can see the approximate distance to Treasure Island from the mainland in this shot, the only other indication of where the island is is in the (non-canon) Reboot side story. My guess is the exact island used is Aogashima.
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Another summary of the journey, this time including prehistory. We have depictions from the most recent ice age (though could be later, mammoths and sinomegaceros were around for a while afterwards, even in Japan), early civilization similar to Ishigami Village, and ancient Rome.
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For the parts present in the manga itself, I've added the chapter numbers to each of the panels.
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The books Senku has here are "General Chemistry" and "たのしい 科学" ("Fun Science"). The latter may be a reference to a children's science education book series named "たのしい! 科学のふしぎ なぜ?どうして?" ("Fun! The Mysteries of Science: Why? How?").
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We get a glimpse of the docking system here. Possibly based off the SSVP, as it was used with almost all the Soyuz craft and Russian space stations to connect modules.
This docking area then opens up, becoming the transfer tunnel so astronauts can enter/exit.
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I suppose the astronauts were completely naked in their space suits so that when the revival fluid is released, their skin will definitely get touched?
I can't think of any other reason for it, but it does make the previous chapter funnier.
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Senku's petrification scars are now fully healed!
(Stanley's are too, poor Xeno is the only one with them now.)
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The mystery of how Stanley is meant to use these "cigarettes" remains.
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These belts are the middle part of the external space suit, so it's probably how the top and bottom parts are locked in. After they change, they tighten the fabric inside so that it stays attached to them.
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I'm not entirely sure why they need it, since current space suits usually just attach the top to the bottom directly.
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They're using both CRT and LCD screens. My guess is the LCDs are more convenient (it's easier to display things from computer->LCD than it is to a CRT, also text is more legible due to the pixels), but they still have several CRTs from earlier so they may as well use them too.
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Stanley asks about their oxygen supply, meaning they may be limited until the rocket is assembled. Normally, there's recycling systems onboard to collect waste products and convert it into clean air or water, but Stanley and Xeno's discussion makes me think they don't have one.
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Obviously, the astronauts have new outfits, but they don't seem to follow any previous astronaut outfits depicted in the series.
Senku's popped collar is still present, but now he lacks his signature equation.
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Stanley's outfit changed the least, it remains form-fitting and solid black, with white gloves.
Oddly, Kohaku is still wearing a dress in space, but it's a lot neater and more modern than her previous roughly-hemmed one. She's also got both long socks and boots without a heel.
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The spray dryer does a similar preservation process to what they did when freeze-drying ramen, however this process is better for foods (and pharmaceuticals) that are sensitive to temperature.
Here, they dry a liquid (like ramen broth) using a hot gas, turning it into a powder.
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In true Francois fashion, the ramen packets made by them contain more meat and garnishes than the ones Byakuya ate. They're also visibly more delicious-looking.
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Without regular boosts, the ISS would fall to Earth in around 6 months, however this number can vary a lot depending on atmospheric conditions and the relative angle/position of the ISS to the direction of travel.
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Basically, unless someone/something continued to control it almost immediately, the ISS is definitely gone.
(Rei didn't, the Reboot isn't canon.)
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actu24hp · 1 year
Mort de Bruno Dardelet, ancien président de la Société de Saint-Vincent-de-Paul (SSVP)
Il savait convaincre à coups de campagne pour les causes qui lui tenaient à cœur. Bruno Dardelet s’est éteint dans la nuit du vendredi 10 au samedi 11 février, à l’âge de 81 ans. Imprimeur de 1961 à 1991, Bruno Dardelet fonde en 1982 BD/Consultant, une agence de communication au service de l’Église, des diocèses et associations catholiques. C’est dans ce cadre qu’il lance en 1988 la première…
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portalg37 · 2 years
Vila Vicentina em Divinópolis emite Nota Oficial após casos de Covid-19 na instituição
Vila Vicentina em Divinópolis emite Nota Oficial após casos de Covid-19 na instituição
NOTA OFICIAL –  CASOS DE COVID – AGOSTO/202 Louvado Seja Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo! As Obras Assistenciais São Vicente de Paulo, conhecida com VILA VICENTINA PADRE LIBERIO do Bairro Niterói, Divinópolis, MG, através de sua direção interventora nomeada pela SSVP do Brasil, vem dar ciência às famílias e à comunidade no geral, especialmente aos órgãos de imprensa que são parceiros da sociedade e…
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todosomosinvisibles · 5 years
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San Vicente de Paul
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canalededeus-blog · 6 years
E aí, abençoados!? \o/ Nosso tema de hoje será sobre a Regra Vicentina que norteia todas as ações e a espiritualidade da SSVP, e quem vem nos ajudar a expor esse assunto são as meninas do Amigos da Caridade! Se você curtiu o vídeo, compartilha com todos os amigos, familiares, colegas, vicentinos, aspirantes. Deixa o seu like pra ajudar que nossa evangelização atinja mais pessoas. Se inscreva no nosso canal e no canal do Amigos da Caridade para saber mais sobre esse e muitos outros temas da Família Vicentina. Nos sigam nas redes sociais também: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ededeusfs Instagram: @ededeusfs Tumblr: http://canalededeus.tumblr.com/ Twitter: @sarassvp E-mail: [email protected] Muito obrigado por todo o apoio de nossos inscritos! #619 DEUS OS ABENÇOE, LOUVADO SEJA NOSSO SENHOR JESUS CRISTO!
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ohwhenthesaints21 · 3 years
Lundi 27 Septembre
Saint Vincent de Paul
Notre saint du lundi est un gros ponte du catholicisme. C'est un bon petit landais du XVIIeme, saint Vincent Depaul ou saint Vincent de Paul, une petite ref à saint paul ne faisant pas de mal.
Il a 6 frères et sœurs et ses parents galèrent à tous les nourrir. Du coup il se retrouve à garder les moutons, les vaches et les cochons. Pour qu'il puisse ramener un peu de thune plus tard, son père l'envoie étudier chez les frères franciscains. Il prête serment chez les frères n, reçoit la tonsure de circonstance et trouve un job de précepteur à la fin de ses études. Il se fait ordonner prêtre et paraît il qu'il se serait fait enlever et revendre comme esclave en afrique du nord avant de convertir son maître qui l'aurait ramener au bout de 2 ans directement à Rome en s'excusant auprès du pape. De toute façon dès qu'on commence à devenir un peu célèbre, faut toujours que certains en rajoute des caisses, surtout dans les histoires de sainteté. Les historiens ont que ça a faire de démêler le vrai du faux sérieux. Bon là ils ont au moins fait l'effort que ça ait l'air crédible mais quand même. #historiensencolere
Ce qui est vrai c'est qu'avec ses bons contacts et ses relations notamment à Rome, il devient aumônier de la reine Marguerite de France et curé de Clichy. Mais apparemment c'est pas la reine qui l'occupe le plus puisqu'il reconstruit l'église de Clichy et devient précepteur dans la famille de Gondi, une grosse mifa de bourgeois. Il est le confesseur de la daronne et franchement c'est pas le job de sa vie. Les préoccupations de drama queen de la mère Gondi ça lui file le seum. Il est toujours prêtre à clichy et un jour il va voir un mourant dans une campagne paumée aux alentours et il se dit que c'est là qu'il doit être, dans les campagnes pour redonner la foi aux pauvres. Il pose sa dem chez les Gondi et demande sa mutation à Châtillon sur Charonne en campagne de Lyon.
Les Gondi l'aiment bien quand même et comme le père est général des galères il voit bien dans quel état spirituel sont les galériens(c'est le cas de le dire) et il demande à Vincent d'être leur aumônier.
A Châtillon il fait une petite asso de dames riches pour aider les pauvres: les dames de la charité. Et avec deux meufs, louise de marillac et marguerite naseau , il crée la compagnie des filles de la charité, une congrégation de meufs au service des malades et des pauvres . Elles installent la maison mère à Clichy et se développent dans toute la France.
Comme madame Gondi l'a toujours dans son cœur, elle lui file de la thune pour qu'il crée la congrégation de la mission qu'on appellera ensuite les lazaristes parce que leur QG c'était dans le quartier saint lazare. Cqfd. Les mecs eux se consacrent à la formation du clergé et l'évangélisation. Les meufs s'occupent déjà très bien des malades voyons.
Avec tout ça Saint Vincent c'est devenue le mec hype de la chrétienté, qu'on écoute et qu'on respecte. Il aide une fille à rentrer au couvent contre l'avis de ses parents, il aide à lever des fonds pour les enfants abandonnés, il fait déjà du fundraising pour les victimes des guerres aux frontières du royaume. C'est lui qui fonde l'hospice de la Salpêtrière pour les petits vieux, qui deviendra cet hôpital si connu.
Du coup il a du poids en politique. Faut dire que les bourgeoises l'a-dorent ! Il connaît tout un tas de meufs influentes si bien qu'il confesse le roi Louis XIII lui-même avant sa mort. Anne d'Autriche le nomme au conseil de la conscience pour gérer la bonne conscience du peuple français. Et y a du taf. Mazarin finit par le virer #jalousie
Quand il meurt c'est déjà un saint, on l'enterre dans l'église saint lazare au milieu du chœur, gros gros privilège. Aujourd'hui il est dans l'église saint Vincent de Paul dans le VIeme arrondissement. Ils lui ont fait une reconstitution de son corps en plâtre plus vrai que nature comme pour sainte Thérèse. Un délire de l'époque. On a quand même donné des petits bouts de reliques aux sœurs de la charité à Clichy.
Et comme il avait un cœur gros comme ça et qu'il s'est quand même pas mal occupé de tous ceux qui galéraient dans la vie, on a décidé qu'il serait saint patron de toutes les œuvres charitables, et ça c'est charitable.
Aujourd'hui l'association a son nom poursuit son œuvre, on peut dire que c'est la version catho de la croix rouge quoi.
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jornaldopovao · 4 years
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Santa Cruz de Minas acolhe peregrinação da relíquia de São Vicente de Paulo A Paróquia São Sebastião, da cidade de Santa Cruz de Minas, vai acolher a partir deste domingo, 01º a visita do relicário de São Vicente de Paulo. O santo que dedicou a vida ajudando aos pobres deixou um grande legado e muitos devotos e deve movimentar a comunidade paroquial até o dia 16. São Vicente de Paulo seguia o mandamento da acolhida e auxílio aos mais pobres, e o fazia de coração. A Sociedade de São Vicente de Paulo, fundada por Frederico Ozanam, se dedica ao trabalho cristão de caridade e está presente no Brasil e no mundo. (Foto) A programação conta com missas e visitas as Conferências Vicentinas. Sobre o santo São Vicente de Paulo, nasceu na Aquitânia (França) em 1581. No seu tempo a França era uma potência, porém convivia com as crianças abandonadas, prostitutas, pobreza e ruínas causadas pelas revoluções e guerras. Grande sacerdote, gerado numa família pobre e religiosa, ele não ficou de braços cruzados mas se deixou mover pelo espírito de amor. Como padre, trabalhou numa paróquia onde conviveu com as misérias materiais e morais; esta experiência lhe abriu para as obras da fé. Numa viagem foi preso e, com grande humildade, viveu na escravidão até converter seu patrão e conseguiu depois de dois anos sua liberdade. A partir disso, São Vicente de Paulo iniciou a reforma do clero, obras assistenciais, luta contra o jansenismo que esfriava a fé do povo e estragava com seu rigorismo irracional. Fundou também a “Congregação da Missão” (lazaristas) e unido a Santa Luísa de Marillac, edificou as “Filhas da Caridade” (irmãs vicentinas). Sabia muito bem tirar dos ricos para dar aos pobres, sem usar as forças dos braços, mas a força do coração. Morreu quase octogenário, a 27 de setembro de 1660. Lucas Silveira #saovicentedepaulo #santacruzdeminasmg #fe #ssvp #sociedadesaovicentedepaulo (em Santa Cruz de Minas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9LP7nllw7x/?igshid=155cv1v4wrndn
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nunesdesigneafins · 5 years
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Vereador Gustavo Pozzi parabeniza sociedade São Vicente de Paulo pelos seus 186 anos Na sessão ordinária desta terça-feira (23) o vereador Gustavo Pozzi (PR), durante seu pronunciamento, parabenizou a Sociedade São Vicente de Paulo (SSVP) pelos 186 anos completados neste 23 de abril. 
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glazyramos · 6 years
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"É preciso dar o seu coração, para obter em troca o dos outros". - São Vicente de Paulo #400anosdecarisma #JMV #AIC #SSVP #Lazaristas #Filhasdacaridade #famivic #Deus
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drstonetrivia · 5 months
Chapter 225 Trivia
POV: you are baby Ryusui and you're about to get fed mushed peas and caviar on a silver spoon. "Here comes the rocket! Nyoom!"
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The other half of the SSVP docking system! Look at that little probe, doing its job.
(I guess Stanley is doing his job too, but the probe helps him do those final tiny adjustments.)
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We already knew some English survived through the Hundred Tales. They mostly seem to be interjections of sorts, like "freeze!" or "congratulations!", and of course, numbers, as was shown in Kohaku's introduction.
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So ground control (Xeno and the others) can hear what's happening on the rocket, but the rocket can't hear anyone from ground control.
This shouldn't be permanent since the lunar lander Ryusui is on has a radio, and possibly the space suits have them as well.
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There's also still a fifth part of the rocket to be sent up, so if ground control doesn't attach the spare circuit board that they know the astronauts need from overhearing them over the radios, it'll be a bit silly.
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Kohaku is on a space walk to remove the shielding from part 2 of the rocket. She props all the panels up, then it detaches & takes off away from the main rocket so there's space to attach part 3.
The cylindrical shielding was necessary to protect it on the way up (aerodynamics!)
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Stanley succeeding to dock the spacecraft with only half a screen is nothing short of incredible, especially since he'd only done it for real once before.
If you want to try docking like Stanley, play this simulator with a piece of paper over your screen!
It's unusual for all the astronauts to be out at the same time, even if there's a lot of work to do outside the rocket. Normally astronauts only leave in pairs for safety reasons, like what they did at the sulfur lake almost 200 chapters ago.
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Since the petrification stone is mostly made of iron & gold, it seems that it's also conductive, which is why this problem only appeared after the hair was petrified. It connected two capacitors (2 legs) to a transistor (3 legs).
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Normally I'd expect one of the capacitors to overload and explode, but in this case it looks like the hair exploded instead. This could be because one of the capacitors unloaded its stored charge into the hair, causing it to explode, like this.
Even though they look undamaged, the unexpected current passing though could have killed the components, so putting them back together may not work. Another problem is that there are conductive pieces now floating around the rocket, ready to do the same to other circuits.
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None of these labels seem to be real transistor/capacitor part numbers.
There also seems to be a little inconsistency with where the hair passes between the transistor's legs at the bottom.
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Senku's comment here is that they should have been petrified away from the rocket, and then brought onboard as statues to avoid random pieces of person getting petrified exactly like this.
Hindsight is 20/1.8!
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A condenser is the same thing as a capacitor, it's just an older word for it.
The reason Senku can't just replace the capacitor is because other parts may have been damaged, and they don't have the time (and maybe not even the tools) to know what's broken.
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So Ryusui made it to space with no space suit and without being petrified, and then almost immediately had to do some never-before-done maneuvers to reconvene with his fellow astronauts.
He probably weighs only 1/100th of the lunar lander he's piloting, so I suppose it's good he only needs delicate movements.
Well done Ryusui!
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Instead of those awful space suits the others had, Ryusui is wearing a completely new outfit based on the titular Space Pirate Captain Harlock, a manga series from the late 1970s which was later animated.
He's also got a revival watch on his left wrist.
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I'm sure most of you have heard of Newton's third law, "every action has an equal and opposite reaction". This is exactly what's happening here:
Ryusui is spinning himself around the craft to adjust the trajectory, though it may also be that he gave himself an impulse and is actually just starting and stopping the spin by grabbing on or not. Doing this manually is very difficult since a person's movement isn't balanced.
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Senku's E=mc^2 is back again!
He obviously missed and poked himself a few times trying to draw it, I wonder if the ink bled through the fabric onto his skin too haha!
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I hope the irony of Ryusui's actions here isn't lost on him.
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The rocket not being able to hear what's happening on Earth sounds like a really good reason to have something bad happen down there… 👀
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cassio1costa-blog · 6 years
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É hojeee! Estamos em festa! #ssvp #amor #caridade #serviraDeusnapessoadopróximo #façoparte
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canalededeus-blog · 6 years
E aí, abençoados!? \o/ No vídeo de hoje continuaremos falando dos outros 3 fundadores da Sociedade de São Vicente de Paulo. Le Taillandier, Clavé e Lamache também integraram a primeira Conferência de Caridade, que mais tarde seria denominada Sociedade de São Vicente de Paulo, sendo muito marcantes por seus atos, histórias e palavras, respectivamente. Se você curtiu o vídeo, compartilha com todos os amigos, familiares, colegas e vicentinos de sua região. Deixa o seu like e se inscreva em nosso canal pra ajudar que nossa evangelização atinja mais pessoas, a fim de conhecer e saber mais sobre a Família Vicentina em geral. Nos sigam nas redes sociais também: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ededeusfs Tumblr: http://canalededeus.tumblr.com/ Instagram: @ededeusfs Twitter: @sarassvp E-mail: [email protected] Muito obrigado por todo o apoio de nossos inscritos! #620 DEUS OS ABENÇOE, LOUVADO SEJA NOSSO SENHOR JESUS CRISTO!
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Sociedade São Vicente de Paulo lança Edital e Regulamentação para eleições
Sociedade São Vicente de Paulo lança Edital e Regulamentação para eleições
Sociedade São Vicente de Paulo EDITAL DE CONVOCAÇÃO DE ELEIÇÃO PARA OS CARGOS DA DIRETORIA EXECUTIVA E DO CONSELHO FISCAL DA SOCIEDADE SÃO VICENTE DE PAULO – SSVP. A SOCIEDADE SÃO VICENTE DE PAULO, nos termos dos artigos 21, 27, 28 e 29 do seu Estatuto, devidamente registrado sob nº 699, Livro A:13, página 144, em 05 de abril de 2017 no Cartório do Registro de Pessoas Jurídicas da Comarca de…
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ssvpsantos · 4 years
Aniversário da SSVP - 148 anos no Brasil Após as cerimónias religiosas em louvor a São Vicente de Paulo, celebradas na Capela da Santa Casa de Misericordia no Rio de Janeiro, no dia 19 de Julho de 1872, alguns leigos foram convidados pelos padres Lazaristas para jantar no Seminário Diocesano de São José. SSVP - Sociedade de São Vicente de Paulo (Conselho Central de Santos) Andréia Ribeiro Voluntária de Plantão (13) 3235-1505 ou Whatsap (13) http://wa.me/+5513996463737 Facebook @ssvpsantos Instagram @ssvpsantos (em Sociedade São Vicente de Paulo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDyMQ8LjBa5/?igshid=1lz0zhfuzcjkx
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nunesdesigneafins · 5 years
Na noite da última segunda-feira, 22, o vereador Gustavo Pozzi (PL) presidiu a sessão de homenagem aos 100 anos do Conselho Central da Sociedade São Vicente de Paulo (SSVP) realizada na Câmara Municipal de São Carlos.
A sessão contou com a participação do presidente do Conselho, Luciano Martins de Rezende, da Secretária de Cidadania e Assistência Social, Glaziela Solfa, que representou o prefeito Airton Garcia, além do vereador Marquinho Amaral (MDB), que foi o orador da solenidade.
Participaram ainda os presidentes e membros dos Conselhos Particulares e Obras Unidas Vinculados ao Conselho Central. O vereador Gustavo Pozzi destacou a importância da Sociedade São Vicente de Paulo em sua vida. “Muito antes de ser vereador, eu já era vicentino. Essa instituição me ensinou o que é fazer caridade, mas de uma forma organizada”, disse.
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CONSELHO CENTRAL DE SÃO CARLOS – O Conselho Central da Sociedade São Vicente de Paulo foi fundado em 12 de Outubro de 1918 e efetivamente instituído no dia 23 de julho de 1919. Porém, a presença na cidade de São Carlos teve início com a fundação da conferência São Carlos Borromeu, em 19 de agosto de 1894.
Fazem parte do Conselho Central três obras unidas (Cantinho Fraterno Dona Maria Jacinta, de São Carlos, Lar dos Pobres de Itirapina e Lar dos Velhos de Ribeirão Bonito) e 8 conselhos particulares (Santo Antônio, Nossa Senhora Aparecida, Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe, São Bom Jesus da Cana Verde, São Nicolau de Flüe, Sé, São José e Santa Rita).
Vereador Gustavo Pozzi preside sessão em homenagem aos 100 anos do conselho central da SSVP de São Carlos Na noite da última segunda-feira, 22, o vereador Gustavo Pozzi (PL) presidiu a sessão de homenagem aos 100 anos do Conselho Central da Sociedade São Vicente de Paulo (SSVP) realizada na Câmara Municipal de São Carlos.
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myblueberrynights7 · 3 years
هدهدي روحي وامنحيني سلام..
Listen to سهير شقير - هدهدي روحي by Majd Abushawish on #SoundCloud
أتمنى أنك تبقى أفضل يا طيبة.. :))
صوتها جميل والاغنية والكلمات رقيقة اوى
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