flyingspicerack · 1 year
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Well? DO THEY??
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theclosetpoet7 · 7 years
Rating: MA/NSFW
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Chapter Two
"The red balloon flew up and up into the air, with no particular destination in mind, it went on its own way. There was nothing more satisfying than flying because it was what it was meant to do"
It didn't start with her healing him when he was at the brink of death.
It also didn't start with a drunken one night stand.
And, it didn't start with a proclamation of love.
The way things started with them didn't involve the usual cliché things Sakura had pictured in her mind. Though she had oftentimes wondered how in the hell they ended up being intimate with each other. It still astonished her. Honestly, if someone asked her how she was able to share a bed with Uchiha Sasuke, though no one would ever be able to ask her about it, she would probably surprise that person.
Because it was so unlike her.
And it wasn't something you would expect from her.
What would they say if they knew what sweet, innocent, warm-hearted Haruno Sakura had done? Aside from the fact that when she had run into the enemy four years ago, valuable information which should have been reported to the hokage as soon as it happened, Konoha's most promising medic had continued to meet him in secret.
And since she had seen him for the first time after three years.
She had not asked him to come home.
Not once.
If she was asked about the beginning, all she could say was that it was random. So random that no one would probably believe that she didn't do what was typical of her. The first time they ran into each other, she couldn't even remember where, because they had not even acknowledged each other's presence. She had been so scared that all she wanted to do was run as far away as possible. Who wouldn't be?
She was his enemy right?
They had been walking in a sea of people going about their daily lives. The sun was at its highest peak and she had taken her cloak off because of the heat. When she had folded the cloth over her forearm, his black robes caught her eye. She looked up to see him headed in her direction. He looked the same as when she last saw him. Maybe a bit taller. She couldn't see his face clearly because unlike the people around them who found the weather to be too warm and had taken off their jackets and what-not, he had decided to keep his cloak on. But she knew it was him. And he was closing their distance.
In her mind, she had stopped when he reached her side. It all happened in slow motion, the slight swish of his robe on her lateral, the shift in the ground beside her own two feet and the subtle way his eyes almost met hers. She wanted to look at his face, felt the urge to say his name, but her body continued to move. And he went on his own way. They crossed paths, but they didn't even say anything. It was like they didn't even know each other.
They were strangers.
And she didn't know why she didn't do anything.
She should've run after him.
But she didn't.
The second time they saw each other was in a civilian village located along the route from Suna to Oto. That day, she just felt like having a strong drink. It was a random bar she picked because it was the first one she saw. She had been tired from her mission to the sand village that she didn't even notice him at first. But, in the same way one's eyes search for something interesting in a room, he captured her attention.
He was sitting at a booth with Uzumaki Karin by his side. They were drinking alcohol and as expected the red-head was stuck to him. Sakura had felt a bit jealous at that. But she refused to admit it, concluding that she should just ignore they were even in the same place.
She had left again without saying anything, but before she made her exit, their eyes met but as quickly as they were in each other's line of vision, both of them looked away without so much as a hello.
It was excruciating, seeing him but not talking to him.
A week later, she came to the same bar, wondering if he was there.
He was.
Still with Karin.
Sakura fought the urge to stomp out of the pub but decided not to. Their oculars met again but like before, they didn't linger on each other's presence. She had drunk two bottles of sake that night. When the bartender had woken her up the next day she was too groggy to even contemplate about the fact that the bastard had just left her alone without a care for her well-being.
Two weeks later, she went back.
He wasn't there this time.
And though she felt the disappointment inside, she sat in the same booth she saw him in, and ordered her drink, emerald eyes immediately scanning the room for the familiar chicken-butt hair, but never finding him.
She went there weekly after that.
Naruto had once asked her why she wanted to go to Suna. She said that she was just beginning to like the weather there. She used this as a lame excuse but she was lying because she never really went to where she said she would.
Instead, she went to that civilian village.
Hoping to see him.
She didn't even spot Sasuke again until about two months later. She had actually come back from Suna at the time and as usual, she wanted to see if he was there.
He was.
And he was sitting alone in the same booth.
As soon as she entered, their eyes met. Sakura tried to ignore the fact that her heart just skipped a beat when he didn't look away this time. The young medic attempted to hold his stare but found that she couldn't, so she turned away first.
She sat in her previous seat at the bar and ordered her usual sake. The young medic sipped on the liquid and allowed it to calm her nerves. She could feel someone looking at her but told herself that it wasn't him. She almost choked when his voice, deep and dangerous, reached her ears.
"Does he even know that you're here?"
He wasn't going to say his best friend's name.
She didn't bother facing him as she took another swig of her drink.
"More please."
She signaled to the bartender. She was then handed another drink in no time and she downed it all in one gulp.
On the outside, Haruno Sakura appeared calm and collected as the kage loomed behind her. However, on the inside, she was anything but. Her heart hammered in her chest and her back felt really hot at the proximity of his body at her posterior. She was afraid because after about six months of randomly running into each other and happening to be in the same bar but never speaking, acting like they were strangers, he had finally decided to acknowledge her presence.
"What are you doing here?" he asked.
She gulped and thought hard. What was she doing here? It was far from Konoha and a long way from where she came from. Truthfully, she was beginning to question her saneness. Because who in their right mind would go to a bar just so that they could chance a glance at the enemy? She told herself that she was merely checking up on him. Maybe to get some information.
No, if she was being honest, she just really wanted to see him.
And she shouldn't.
"It's neutral territory." She starts.
Her heart stops when he takes the seat next to her.
"I happen to like bars."
"There are a lot of bars in Konoha."
He was regarding her with a look of suspicion. Of course, he was questioning her intentions. But in her mind, she was also questioning his.
"There are also a lot of bars in Otogakure." She retorted.
This was true. It didn't make sense for him to come here, the same way it didn't make sense for her as well.
"How are you?"
She doesn't know why she asked this question. She had been wondering of course, though she never planned on asking him. She doesn't know what they're doing, casually talking as if they weren't on different sides.
He looked at her and she knew that he found her annoying in this moment. He has an eyebrow raised and is probably analyzing her motive.
He didn't even honor her with an answer. What a jerk. Although, she supposed that this was expected. He didn't need to tell her how he was, they weren't friends. They didn't even know each other. Still, her mouth moves on its own.
"I'm fine. These past three years have been great. I am so ecstatic that both my teammates are kages and even more so that they are doing whatever they can to achieve their dreams." She said it sarcastically.
She expected him to leave her alone then because she had gone too far. She mentally kicked herself for saying what she did.
He surprised her however by smirking.
"You're still annoying."
Her heart clenched at his usual reference to her. Sakura Haruno, Lady Tsunade's apprentice, beloved medic of Konoha, loved and admired by all but to Uchiha Sasuke, always an annoyance. She unconsciously grasped her chest to stop the hurt. He had told her that she was annoying too many times now, the last time was something she could never forget. It was a vivid memory, his hand inside her chest, crushing the life out of her. It had felt like she was being torn from the inside. And he had broken her heart into pieces, even if it was a genjutsu. She inwardly told herself to be strong. Instead of crying, she smiled at him and said.
"I know."
He turned to her with an expression of surprise and after a few seconds, smirked.
And that's how it all started.
They didn't talk about the war.
They didn't even talk about their homes.
They simply talked about random matters.
As if they were normal young adults who met at a bar. And they continued to exchange words, frequently meeting at that very spot. Though sometimes they ended up being alone in most days, the gods somehow wanted them to see each other because they had good timing.
Yes, they were doing something crazy by starting something. Neither of them knew where this was headed. It was bound to blow up in their faces at some point. But they were slowly pulled by each other's existence. It was a slow friendship that didn't make sense because when they left that small village, they went back to their normal lives, going on missions, making plans to kill the bijuus, trying to work their way into defeating each other's side. However, weeks, sometimes months would pass and the two ninjas would find themselves wondering then their bodies would bring them to that village to chance another meeting.
It confused them, worried them.
It didn't make sense at all.
" when it finally reached the point where it could go no further, its insides started expanding and expanding at the heat, was that the sun? but it refused to give up, and it refused to feel anything other than its love for flying"
"Hey, Sasuke-kun. Have you ever done it?"
He tried to fight the urge to turn his head to her with wide eyes. She surprised him with her question. This topic was private right? He decided on not answering her. But, she was looking at him and she looked serious. It had been a year since they started seeing each other and Sasuke wondered why she even asked.
They had built an invisible wall in front of the other, never mentioning their lives at their villages. It was shocking how long they managed to keep whateverthis was going. But he found that with this woman, they could never run out of topics. Be it the weather, the alcohol they were trying or the regulars at the bar.
He realized that a lot had changed about her, she was tougher and more opinionated. Also, she was more knowledgeable about everything in general. At the same time though, she was essentially the same twelve year old girl. She took good care of her hair still, and she was a sweet and caring person. He noticed this in the way she was kind to the bartender or to someone she met twice.
After twelve months of getting to know Haruno Sakura all over again, the question she asked was something he did not expect to come from her mouth.
"It's none of your business." He mutters.
"I haven't."
"I'm curious though."
He didn't say anything back because his mind is suddenly filled with the thought of Sakura naked and lying in bed.
Under him.
He blinks to erase the image.
"So, have you ever done it?" she asked again.
He knew she wouldn't leave him alone if he didn't answer her.
"With Karin?"
"How many times?"
He looked at her then, now he wasn't able to hide the look of disbelief on his face. Was she seriously asking him how many times?
"I don't know."
He noticed the bewilderment in her green eyes. She quickly hid the hurt by drinking her sake. They stay silent then. Sasuke starts to feel guilty, though he couldn't understand why.
Why should it bother him that he slept with another woman too many times to count?
And why should it bother him that Sakura had looked betrayed because of that?
He doesn't want to stay in her presence now, so he pushes his stool back and starts to get up. She surprises him again when she too stands from her seat. He continued to ignore her as they slowly exited the establishment. The streets are empty except for a couple of civilians drinking and laughing at the nearby stores.
He could hear her footsteps behind him. Cautious and slow. But she was still there. She was following him. He walks aimlessly because he doesn't know where he is supposed to go. Why was he in this village again?
Somehow, he couldn't remember because he was becoming too aware of the woman behind him.
And he found that, like her…
He was also curious.
Not about sex in general.
He had done it several times before. At the age of twenty, he was an experienced lover. There was nothing remotely new about having a woman's body. He had only one constant partner. Even if they weren't really "together", she was always present, and she had shown him techniques he didn't even know about.
It was a mutual thing, finding that physical release which could only be brought about by another person's body. And he found that it was a good way to let go of pent up emotions. He doesn't go looking for someone to sleep with, Karin just goes to him and he sometimes, though this was a rare occurrence, went to her if he felt the urge to do so. It was purely physical and he wasn't curious about finding out what it was like with another woman.
That's why he is on edge as of the moment.
Because Sakura had stirred something inside him…
And he wanted to know what it would be like.
What would it be like if he claimed this ex-teammate's innocence?
Her steps halted and he turned to see what made her stop.
His eyes widened as he saw her, standing there, her body slightly turned to a building. It was a love hotel. His heart pumps faster as he registers that face, contemplating on something, and he knew what she was thinking. He swallows as she turns to him then. Her eyes told him everything she was saying even if she didn't open her mouth to utter the words.
His control shattered.
He walks to her, grabs her wrist and takes her inside. He was probably going to regret it but he didn't care at this point. Why should he? She wanted him to show her what it was like right? A normal man wouldn't be able to say no to this pink-haired medic. She was attractive and she had a physique that promised any male that she would be good in bed. Sasuke knew that he wouldn't be able to say no. Especially if she looked at him with a face that said.
"Fuck me."
It was a simple room with just one bed, a table and a lamp at its side. This room was made for one purpose and one purpose only. Sex. He allowed her to enter first. When she steps in, she anxiously sweeps her hair out of her face as she pretends to look interested in the furniture.
What the hell was she thinking?
Showing Sasuke that she wanted to try sex for the first time with him.
Her body shivered as she felt him come closer. His tall frame emanated a dangerous aura as he stood behind her fit body.
"Having second thoughts?"
Sakura could feel her goose bumps at the sound of his voice. There was just something about Sasuke's voice. It was dark and sexy. Finding that courage which got her into this situation in the first place, she turned to him and hesitantly reached out to his face.
Her soft hand caresses the side of his cheek as she looks up at him to make out the handsome structure of his face. The way he looked back at her had her whole body turn red because it simply told her that he knew how to make a woman scream his name. She sadly notes that Karin had probably received a look similar to this. Maybe something even more meaningful.
She bites her lip to stop herself from becoming bitter. Her hand almost falls back but he holds it to his cheek with his.
"Close your eyes."
Sakura follows his command and shuts her eyelids. That was the only warning she got before he crashed his lips to hers. They felt soft as they brushed on her pink ones ever so slowly, as if he was testing the waters, checking to see if he wanted to take a dip in it.
She moaned as she felt his tongue come out to ask for entry and she immediately opens her mouth to let him in. It was a battle of the appendages. He angled her head closer so he could dominate her and soon he does.
When they felt the need to come up for air they separated, a thin trail of saliva connecting both their mouths.
He pulls away.
She is almost disappointed but he steps back, and pulls the zipper of his high collared shirt down. After, he pulls the purple obi away from his form, leaving him in his dark pants that narrowed around his legs.
Her breath caught at the sight. He was too beautiful. White alabaster skin, muscles toned from years of hard physical training. Faint scars adorned his chest and she thought that they only served to add to his beauty. Her throat dries at the sight of his stomach. Her eyes go to his face again and she almost faints when she finds him staring at her.
"Sakura, take your clothes off."
It takes her a moment to understand his demand but when she does, she instantly blushes again. Dainty fingers come up to shakily pull her zipper down. She notes the massive difference in the way she removes her clothes in contrast to his confident stripping. She turns around to take off the sleeveless red blouse from her shoulder, leaving her in her white bra.
She turns slightly to regard him over her shoulder. When she finds him still staring at her she turns away and almost wraps her arms around herself when he grabs both her wrists and puts them to her side. His lips then go to her neck and he inhales deeply. She almost jumps at his display of affection.
When he senses her arms losing their tenseness, he grabs her waist and turns her to him again, immediately engaging her in another round of french kissing. She responds to him with more eagerness than before, fingers wounding through his dark tresses.
As he pushes her to the mattress, and places himself between her legs, he continues to skim his hands over her skin, soon, he unclasps her bra and wastes no time in grabbing her full breasts and sucking on one of them. She gasps his name at the contact. The sensation immediately radiates to her core and she finds herself in need of more of him.
Out of instinct, she started grounding her pelvis to his. He pulls slightly away to grit his teeth at the pleasure.
Her movements immediately halt, and she starts to feel the stinging slap of rejection. However, he pulls her closer to press his arousal to her. She gasps at the hardness of him.
"Let me do this first."
Sakura doesn't understand what he means and gasps when he grabs her shorts in his hands and pulls them down along with her panties. She almost shies away from the exposure but he holds her thighs firmly and spreads them apart.
"Sasuke-kun, please."
She pleads for him to let her go because she knows that she couldn't take it if he stares at her innocence.
And he does.
His dark coals gaze at her womanhood, and then they went to her eyes. They stay like that for a second before he lowers his head to taste her, tongue coming out to lap at her essence.
Sakura's hands immediately grab the sheets beside her and she arches her back to him. Her body heats up at the pleasure he invokes in her. Slowly and hesitantly her hips start to rock against his mouth and he lets out a growl of approval. His wet appendage moves higher and she suddenly couldn't help but scream his name in utter satisfaction as he stroked her nub. It was all going too fast, she wanted it to go on forever but at the same time she wanted to reach that absolute euphoria.
His name comes out in a strained gasp when she finally reaches her peak. Her body shakes at the intensity of the first climax Uchiha Sasuke has given her. But it was not the last. He doesn't give her a chance to recover because he swiftly takes off his pants, pulls his length out and thrusts into her.
Her eyes widened at the painful feeling of him stretching her. Her teeth dig into her bottom lip as she tries to adjust to him.
"I, I'm sorry, it just took me by surprise." She says, slowly wrapping her arms around him and pulling him closer.
Sasuke settles into nuzzling her neck, tongue coming out to lick her skin. After a while, he feels her calm down. Then, he starts moving.
It was blinding sensation from then on out.
His thrusts, hard and fast, had Sakura gasping his name as she shuts her eyes and focuses on the man moving above her.
They were really doing it. Fucking each other. It was more than she could imagine. He was passionate and giving. She grabs his hair when he hits a spot inside of her that almost makes her come.
His name is all that she could remember in this moment of unadulterated pleasure. And she is drowning in the overwhelming scent of his sweat mixed with his soap. She reaches a new high when he changes his angle and charges into her faster than before.
In a matter of minutes she comes again, biting into his shoulder. Her walls clamping hard on him seemed to have done the trick because so suddenly, he is emptying into her, thrusts becoming frantic.
He pulls out of her, spent and satisfied and goes to lie on his stomach next to her heated body.
The sight of him, exhausted and seemingly at peace makes her heart beat ten times faster and she finds herself unable to hold back any longer. The feelings she had for him, instead of disappearing, had only grown the past year. It was like they were given a second chance to be together when they went to that bar. Sakura hoped that was what it meant because she doesn't know if she is ever going to be happy without this man by her side. Before she could stop herself, she lets out those three words.
"I love you."
Onyx eyes opened. His throat felt constricted upon hearing her. Really. She just had to say it didn't she? She was really too open and he suddenly felt the need to put distance between them. This woman was too annoying, she didn't even give him time to fully catch his breath. Sasuke feels the need to get away but finds himself unable to stand from the bed. Instead, he opted to just turning to his side, his back to her. He closed his eyes and listened. He was positive she had something else to say.
Sakura surprised him again by turning to him, wrapping an arm around his stomach, pressing her body close to his. He almost groans at the contact but stops himself. Already, he was regretting sleeping with her.
A few minutes passed by when the dark-haired nin finally decided that he couldn't take the silence any longer.
Did she expect him to say something back?
If she wanted him to tell her his feelings then she would be deeply disappointed because he knows that he doesn't even love her.
He finds the right words to tell her to stay away from him. That she should go home and forget this ever happened. Because this was all too much.
Her feelings.
She was suffocating him with her heartfelt confession. Deciding to break the quietude, he utters one simple word.
He had always wondered why she claims to love him. After her second love confession almost four years ago, he found himself pissed at her for professing her love for him when he was betraying the trust Naruto placed in him. What did she think it would get her? It puzzled him then, and it still puzzled him now. What did she see in him? Does she actually know who he is?
He stiffens when he hears her quiet laughter. Her hand comes up to stifle her girlish giggles but he could still feel it vibrate through his back. He glares at the table beside the bed.
This isn't exactly the right time to be laughing.
His glare bores through the furniture as he waits for her to answer his question.
Her voice echoes into the room. He feels her shift her position on the bed as she pulls herself closer to him. He could feel her naked form against him now. Soft and smooth.
"You don't need a reason to love someone."
His breath hitches at the easiness of her answer.
"I mean, there are a lot of things I like about you Sasuke-kun, things that make me remember how happy my life was when you were in Konoha and things that make me believe that despite this charade of not caring and not letting anyone in, you do care."
This time, he turns to look at her. He expects her to look straight into his eyes but she doesn't. Instead, her hands go to his chest, slowly forming into small fists as she lowers her head to rest it against them. He feels her breathe deeply.
"At the same time, there are also things that I dislike. Like how easily you casted us, your comrades, aside, and how arrogant you are for starting a war against your best friend because you simply do not agree with him."
This was the first time she ever mentioned the war to him. He is curious if she is about to delve into it but is relieved when she pulls away and holds one of his hands, this time green eyes stared into his soul.
"But, it's all those things that make you. . .You. Just you. Uchiha Sasuke. . . You must think I'm crazy, but that's the truth. I simply love you."
It takes her a second to realize the passion in her words and she instantly turns red when he doesn't reply.
"Gomen, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable…"
He silences her with a kiss. A kiss projected with so much emotion that he couldn't help but deepen it. This was something he hasn't felt in a long time. The feeling of being accepted as who he was. The same way a family does. He didn't want her to take her words back.
He pushes her to the mattress again and touches her with the familiarity of a lover. Already she was responding to him.
When he enters her and feels her gasp at the pleasure he is giving her, he pulls her closer and tries to imagine that they aren't enemies.
He tries to forget about the fact that she chose Naruto over him.
And he tries to ignore the wild thumping of his heart as he feels something so foreign to him that he couldn't even give a name to it.
He just knows, as she comes from his hard thrusts, screaming his name, that after tonight…after she offered her heart to him again…
Things would never be the same.
"….it didn't care if it was putting its existence at risk, it kept on flying and flying…choosing to be free….it didn't care as long as it keeps on doing what it loves, higher and higher...
...until it finally bursts"
______________ To be continued
AN: Orokana - foolish / silly
I have no idea where this balloon thing came from. Lately, I've been searching for pictures of balloons in the great blue sky. Anyway, this is how things started with them. Actually, I was hoping to just focus on the romance between these two but a part of me wants to explore this little world that I created (ehem, based on Kishimoto's awesome manga). So maybe it will be longer than I intended? Maybe not.
Is anyone else feeling like the world is ending because Naruto is nearing its final chapter? Let's all raise our hands and cast our energy into Kishimoto-sama to just let Sasuke and Sakura be together. :D
It might take a while for me to update on both my stories so I hope this satisfies you for now.
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djevelengriner · 5 years
Good morning | Dante x fem!reader | SSSmut
I deleted another freaking ask!!! I'm SO SORRY! Here it is nonetheless - hope you like it!
Ask: Can I request a Dante x female s/o where she wakes him up with a blowjob and kisses all over? Basically spoiling the man and maybe slight body worship? I mean, the man is a total stud, it's hard not to
Hell yeah.
The song referenced in the beginning is "Gotta get up" by Harry Nilsson, btw... I'm lame, I know. And y'all know I can't help myself with these stupid quotes from the games.
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The rays of sun peeking through the old blinds woke you up and you squinted at the window. You grunted and rolled over to look at the time but a strong arm wrapped around your waist and held you back. "Dante... we've gotta get up," you sighed and tried to wriggle out of his grip, with little success. "'Gotta get up... gotta get out... gotta get home, before the morning comes...'" Dante mumbled into your hair. "You're so old," you laughed and turned around to meet his sleepy eyes, which he slowly closed after giving you his stupid smirk. "Come on. I'll put on some coffee for you and if you're not up til I get back--" you started but the low snore that escaped Dante was answer enough. "You're unbelievable..." You grunted and pushed him over on his back. You swore that man could sleep through anything, except...
The duvet was (barely) covering the lower half of his naked body as he laid there, arms and legs spread out like a starfish. You carefully put your hand on his toned stomach and inched close enough to put your lips to his ear. "Dante?" You whispered and kissed his earlobe. No response. Alright, old man. Challenge accepted.
You kissed down his neck to his lightly hairy chest. Still no reaction. You gently kissed his nipple and much to your delight he chuckled silently, but when you looked up his face still looked... dead, pretty much. Was he pretending to be asleep?
You turned your attention back to his nipple and put your lips on it again, this time while caressing his lower abdomen with one hand. His breathing turned more irregular and he writhed his hips gently under your touch. You smiled to yourself and bit his pink nipple before positioning yourself on top of him. You admired the view for a few seconds; his muscular arms, one behind his head and one down by his side... His broad chest slowly moving up and down with each breath, and his tight stomach with a sharp "v" leading down to his covered manhood. You had to bite your lip to prevent a small moan from escaping. Damn... He's like a work of art. You ran your hands over his warm skin and leaned down to lick his abs, slowly, from the edge of the covers, up his happy trail and to his chest. Dante moaned lightly but still seemed to be half asleep. It was time to bring out the big guns.
You moved further down to position your face directly above his hips and put a hand over his crotch, over the duvet. He was rock hard. You moaned slightly and pulled the duvet to uncover his length. You carefully traced the veins with your finger while looking up at his face to see his reaction. He took a deep breath and moved his other arm behind his head, still with his eyes closed. You licked your lips and placed them on his shaft, but he gave no response. You furrowed your brows in frustration and grabbed him firmly before putting him in your mouth. He inhaled sharply and bucked his hips into you. You looked up and met his drowsy blue eyes and smug face. He was never asleep, was he?
Your thoughts must have been written all over your face. "Nope. Not at all." He smirked. You growled and pushed him as deep as you could go and his cocky expression was replaced with a look of sheer pleasure. He moaned with every swirl of your tongue and his hands found his way to your hair. He gently pulled at it and you moaned while feeling yourself getting wetter. He suddenly sat up and pulled your face up to his own. "Come on, baby..." He grunted and put his hand in your panties. You moaned loudly as he gently rubbed on your clit with his thumb, and with the other hand on your back he leaned you down onto the bed. "Finish the sentence, babe." He said playfully. You shook your head. "Dante, you know how stupid--"
He slid two fingers into you and you could not control yourself any longer. "Come get me!" You finished his embarrassing saying and he removed his fingers from your soaked opening before licking them. "That's what I like to hear." He grinned and pushed his cock into you, hard, giving you no time to adjust to his size. "Dante--!" You exclaimed loudly and dug your nails into the mattress. He found a steady rhythm and leaned down to kiss you. "Morning breath...!" You said quickly. "Yeah. You too." He mumbled and kissed you passionately.
His pace grew more impatient and you felt yourself close to the edge as well. His big hands were firmly gripping your hips, pulling you onto him faster and faster. "I'm gonna--" you were interrupted by an orgasm washing over you and you moaned his name. His face was covered by his long, grey hair as he pounded you hard to finish himself. You felt him fill you up before collapsing on top of you, exhausted. "I'm getting too old for this shit." He chuckled. "You say that every time." You giggled and gave him a kiss on his forehead. He rolled off of you and returned to his starfish pose. "So, how about that coffee?"
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I’m looking for really good sasusaku fanfictions, ones that are completed preferably. (SMUT IS WELCOME JS) Help me fandom.
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theclosetpoet7 · 7 years
One , Two 
Rating: MA/NSFW
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Chapter Three
Flames consumed the village, turning it into a place far worse than the pits of hell. Fire surged through, destroying homes, reducing them into dust. The land was filled with nothing but the desperate screams of people calling out for help, pleas for mercy, and shouts of agony at the loss of loved ones. Her soft footfalls could not be heard as she runs through her home. She pumps chakra into her feet as she forces herself to go faster. Her lungs screamed at her for she was out of breath, and she was slowly taking in soot from the ashes that surrounded her.
Her mind screamed for one name in particular. He was near. She could feel him. And he was going all out. She ran faster.
She says to herself.
'I have to get to where he is!'
She loses her footing and lands face first on the ground. The oxygen is harshly knocked out of her lungs as she feels the impact. It takes a brief second for her to dwell on her pain, and she glares at her outfit. Pure white. A kimono made for a glorious occasion. She had been so careful with it, fully aware of the fact that it had cost her parents so much. Fully aware that it stood for something precious.
It was supposed to be a day filled with happiness. A commemoration of a bond that was meant to last for a lifetime. A bond that would forever be strong.
She regretfully tears the skirt and fashions a slit for her to move her legs more freely.
'Gomen, Kaa-san, Tou-san, looks like this wedding gown won't be able to serve its purpose.' She inwardly muses.
She stands up straight and decides to discard her dainty slippers for they were clearly hindering her speed. Why she still insisted on wearing them was beyond her.
Maybe it was because she still wanted to show him how pretty she looked. For him to know that no, she did not run away, and she was serious about marrying him.
What a fucking lie.
She wanted him to see it.
He who had stolen her heart.
The person who had laid his claim on her.
Too many times.
Made her feel his love.
Made her see all the things that they could have been.
The things that they should have been.
But in the end, he didn't choose her.
And she didn't choose him.
He was selfish.
And she was loyal.
They were both idiots.
The ground beneath her started to shake and she almost lost her balance but she was an agile kunoichi, immediately sensing the danger as she launched herself up in the air. She gasped as she realized the cause of the quake, her heart thumped at the sight of it. Wasting no time, she swiftly landed a few meters from where she was. The ground was immediately stained with her blood as she casted the jutsu. Then she rose over all the buildings near her.
Sakura stood proud on Katsuyu as she stared equally at the enemy.
"I'm surprised to see you here."
She glared at the man standing on the gigantic serpent.
Why was it that even now, when he was attacking her home, she still found him to be the most beautiful thing she has ever laid her eyes on?
"Sakura, leave."
His voice had always been one that enchanted her. It spoke to her and filled her head with proposals that she hadn't accepted. Because it was too late. She had chosen a side. And she could never betray Naruto.
"Not on my wedding day."
The subtle shift of emotion in his eyes tells her that he had not gotten hold of the information she had just uttered. Of course, it had nearly been six months since their last encounter.
"Out of the way."
His words were cold, emotionless.
"Onegai, Sasuke-kun!"
"Out of the way!"
His eye changed into its deadly red color. The Mangekyou Sharingan.
She breathed in deeply and formed the seal she had practiced for so long. A surge of chakra flowed through her. The green emblem appeared on her forehead as she summoned her strength.
"I'm not letting you hurt him."
The expression in his eyes resembled one of agony.
"I will protect Naruto, even it means that I have to kill you Sasuke-kun!"
Then she launches herself at him, her fist a green glow as she summons her chakra to deliver one enormous blow.
Sasuke flinched as the sharp kunai embedded itself on the tree right next to his head. He momentarily pauses as the fact dawns on him.
She was pissed.
His obsidian depths follow the path where the weapon came from, a tint of something making itself known as soon as he saw cherry blossom strands come into view. His moment of weakness disappears however and he flashes fifteen yards away from the scene and starts running fast.
He almost loses his footing when a huge boulder zooms past him and lands with a loud thud. Eyes widened as he realized that she wasn't going to let this go.
She was seriously pissed.
Still he tries to evade her.
Who would want to be on the receiving end of that wrath? Certainly not him.
It amuses him a little. How much she has really changed. He had expected her to plead him, show him a few tears, scream at him with deep emotions that always seemed to strike a cord in him. What he didn't expect was her temper.
Her voice reaches out to him and he vaguely estimates that she must be about thirty meters away. He clicks his tongue at the discovery, she was fast as well.
Or maybe it was because he wasn't running at top speed.
Because, for some reason, he didn't want to end their meeting.
Not just yet.
"Damn it! Sasuke-kun! Matte!" the sentences reach him again and he briefly contemplates if he should just stop running, whatever it was she wanted to…
His senses kick in just in time and he tilts his head a little to the right. A fist sized rock flew past him. That was when he finally decided to halt, because now, she was actually trying to hurt him. And she wasn't missing on purpose this time.
'What the fuck?'
Sasuke's footsteps slow and he decides on settling himself against a big oak tree, casually crossing his arms. He waits for a few seconds. That was all she needed before she could make her presence known.
He regards her with familiarity as she came into view, hair swaying in the wind, soft and silky. His thoughts immediately take him to that night, when he had taken her innocence away only to leave her the next day without so much as a goodbye or see you around. Her pink strands had made a good contrast to the white sheets on the bed they fucked in.
He knew that he was being cruel again. But he just couldn't help it. Sex was a distraction.
She was a distraction.
Sakura's eyes widened as she saw him leaning against the large tree. She was surprised that he finally decided to face her. Putting on her meanest glare she starts.
"Two months."
"Two fucking months!" she screamed.
"You slept with me and I haven't seen you for two fucking months!"
"Don't you 'Hn' me you bastard!"
She narrows her eyes at him and has a cute little snarl on.
Sasuke doesn't even consider a reply.
"Then I find you in the Rock Village."
He scoffs.
"Where are you going with this Sakura?"
"You tried to steal the eight-tailed beast."
"You tried to hurt Bee-san."
"Are you really willing to kill good people for your goals?"
Her eyes flashed with disappointment.
It was a look that he didn't want to see on her.
"I found a way." He almost catches the admission but it was too late.
"I found a way to kill the Bijuus without killing the Jinchuuriki."
He doesn't know why he told her this. Maybe it was because he knew that he was a good man. Or maybe it was because he didn't like the fact that she looked so troubled.
"I... What? How?" she stammers.
"I'm not answering that Sakura."
She lets out a frustrated groan.
They were far from the Rock Village by now. Why Sakura was the only one to follow him, Sasuke does not know. He thought that he would be able to escape without being detected, but somehow, this ex teammate of his had discovered his presence. He should have been more cautious.
Sakura plops herself down on the ground, resting her arms on her knees as she tries to catch her breath. Sasuke allows himself to rest as well, plunging his sword into the soil, and sliding himself beside it. He reminds himself to stay sharp, because she may have approached him on her own for now, but who knows, maybe that other teammate of theirs would be able to realize that they were nearby.
Well, it's not like the dobe could catch him if he really wanted to get away.
He could go to another dimension if he wanted.
He briefly considers leaving her, but she is sitting across him, and the fact that she is ticked off intrigues him.
"You're really fast."
"And a good conversation starter."
The sarcasm in her voice tells him that she is still mad at him. Well, she deserved to be. If she wasn't angry then he would think that she was crazy. She shouldn't concern herself with matters that involved him. It just wasn't wise. She…
"How are you?"
...was an idiot.
Leave it to Sakura to always prove him wrong when it came to her feelings for him. Why was she so open? Why did she always feel the need to care for him? When he could never give her anything in return.
"I love you."
"Why did you leave?"
There is a hint of sadness in her voice, and she's bowing her head, turning away from him
He smirks.
"Haven't you ever had one-night stands before?"
Her head shoots up to regard him with a baffled look. Of course he knew that she hadn't. He was her first wasn't he? Sasuke ignores the guilt slowly creeping up when he sees the hurt expression on her face.
"Damn you Uchiha Sasuke."
The sentence is uttered in a defeated tone, as if he finally got through that thick skull of hers. As if he finally got his message across, that yes, he was a bastard, and she should stay away from him. Because if she continues to chase after him then…
"No, I haven't had a one night stand before."
He might not be able to run very far.
"You were my first."
His ears perked up at the words she just uttered.
Of course he knew that.
"And I've always wanted it to be you."
Damn her.
"Shut up."
Spewing nonsense.
She bites her lower lip at his harsh words. But as always, her heart is left wide open on her sleeve.
"If you have forgotten about that night then I might think that you don't…"
Then she has tears in her eyes again. He almost wanted to groan out loud. Annoying! This girl was really annoying! That mien on her face was always one that affected him. Even when he was still a genin. Whenever she cried, whenever she has that sad reflection in her eyes, whenever someone even thought about hurting one strand of hair on that pretty little head of hers. It always affected him. He briefly adds that it is he who is hurting her in this moment. He had probably hurt her many times before. Sasuke ignores that sinking feeling in his chest and instead lets out a sigh.
It was so easy to break Sakura's heart.
So easy.
"I remember."
But, he didn't feel like breaking it today.
His eyes went to hers and Sakura nearly retreated from his deep stare. He frightened her. Not because she was afraid that he was going to hurt her but because she always saw herself as weak in front of his presence. And, she never really trusted her herself whenever she was with him.
If she was being honest, she knew that there was no endpoint to this conversation. He would eventually run from her. That is what he does best after all. As soon as he feels any trace of emotion in that cold heart of his, he would immediately retreat.
Wasn't that why he left the village in the first place?
To cut all ties?
She finds herself resting her head on her knees, staring at him. She contemplates about this man in front of her. Why did it have to be him? She doesn't know. Doesn't really know why she always chases after this person when she could be safe at home, with someone she is sure would never hurt her. Kami must really hate her. Because she loves him, the leader of the opposite side. She loves him.
And she won't give up on him.
Will never.
She wants to make him see the light, to make him come home. To make him realize that he should stop wanting to be alone. Because that would never make him happy.
But that would be impossible right?
Clearly, he didn't see her as more than just another woman that night.
She could never convince him to stop this war.
She would be a fool to believe that.
Her heart clenched at the thought.
He was always hurting her.
But still.
She loves him.
A drop on her face interrupts her thoughts, then it becomes a light pour as she picks herself off the ground, turns her back to him and says.
"I have a room in the next village."
She notes the hesitancy in his step as he secures his katana. And she nearly takes her words back, because of the implication of her suggestion. But she doesn't want to say goodbye for now. Maybe later. She has, after all, missed his presence.
"You'll need to get out of this rain right?"
There is a warning tone to his voice.
"Neutral territory."
She finds herself saying the first thought on her head. He lets out a tired sigh. It doesn't take much to convince him to come along with her. And Sakura finds that small flash of hope in her heart that shouldn't even exist in the first place.
But, she trusts her instinct.
It seems that she does have a small hold on him.
Even just a little.
"Give up trying to make me give up."
- Tales of the Gutsy Ninja by Jiraiya (Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto)
Again he finds himself in a room with his former teammate. And again, he doesn't really want to think about his actions anymore. A few hours ago, he had attempted to take the Eight-tailed beast. It was a failure of course, his jutsu still needed a lot of work. And now he had allowed Sakura to lead him into this simple motel.
He knows what will happen soon afterwards.
He lets out a sigh as he settles his belongings on the floor. Then with lightning speed, he picks up his katana again.
Seriously, why was it that he always seemed to let his guard down when it came to this woman? What did he know? She could slit his throat in his sleep if she wanted to.
Or he could slit hers.
"Neutral territory."
That had always been their reason as to why they could casually meet with one another the past year. Yes, it was neutral territory. But who could really stop them from killing each other when it came down to it? He could kill her and leave her in this building in a blink of an eye. And he knew she wouldn't even attempt to fight him.
Or would she?
"You can use the bath first Sasuke-kun."
He turns to regard the pinkette and feels his cheeks warm at the sight of her taking her top off. She wore a simple white bra and was soaking wet from the rain. He wonders if she ever exposed her body like this to other men. When they were genin, she would timidly hide herself behind a door or closet to change, but now, the fact that she so casually let him see her undergarments lets him question if she has altered that habit. He realizes that he doesn't exactly like the idea.
"You can use it first."
She turns to look at him, drops of water falling from her hair. She was growing it out, he noted. Her smooth tresses now reached up to just above her… He swallows the lump in his throat, because he had just caught himself staring at her chest.
There were a few strands right above her cleavage.
"And run the risk of you leaving without having a warm bath first? Ie, you use it first Sasuke-kun."
She has a light smile on and a small twinkle in her eye which spoke of mirth.
He narrows his eyes as if regarding her with suspicion, much like he had when they met at that bar and he was questioning her presence. But, things are different now.
"I promise I won't attack you Sasuke-kun."
The young kage doesn't really have the energy to argue at this point and honestly he did badly need a warm bath. He grabs his weapon and makes a beeline for the bathroom.
Sasuke knows that the chances of her attacking him while he bathed was slim but,
Better safe than sorry.
A few minutes later, he finds himself relaxed and refreshed as he walks out the bathroom, some steam coming out after him. He only has a towel on and finds Sakura on the bed, with a small robe wrapped tightly around her body. The sight appeared intimate, as if they were two lovers having a romantic rendezvous. Why was she so comfortable around him?
He almost calls out to her but loses her name when she turns to look at him with a welcoming smile on.
His neck burns at the spectacle. What was going on with him? Of course, he has always known that Sakura was fine-looking. It was a fact he refused to acknowledge in the past when bushy-browed boys in green spandex and blonde dead-last idiots made it known that she had their admiration. She would beat them up as always. But now, she appears open, and vulnerable. And he nearly shivers at the thought that he had a taste of what it was like to accept that.
And that was something he wanted to but couldn't quite forget.
She gets up from her seat and confidently makes her way into the bathroom to cleanse herself, leaving a trace of her sweet scent in the air. Sasuke fights the twitching of his fingers and resists the urge to pull her to him. When the door closes and snaps him out of his thoughts, he smirks and runs a hand through his hair.
What was the point of fighting it?
He finally admits it to himself. He knows what he wants. Knows what he had unceasingly wanted, since that night.
No, maybe even before that.
There had always been a part of him that wondered what it would be like to be with her. To simply be with Haruno Sakura.
He had repeatedly stopped himself.
But now, in this moment, he doesn't want to.
In this moment, they had the night to themselves.
And in this moment, she is his.
As she probably always has been.
Yes, he knows what is going to happen. Has known that there had been something between them from the start.
It was only a matter of time before he got his hands on her again. Even if she hadn't chased him down today, he knows that eventually he was going to seek her out. No one could possibly stop it.
Not Karin.
Nor Orochimaru.
Not even Naruto.
When she comes out of the bathroom, appearing content and happy, with a pink flush on her skin, he wastes no time in pulling her to him and closing their distance.
Because he himself could not stop it.
The feel of his lips on hers as he parts the robe she has on makes Sakura sigh with the need of having those hands of his on her warm body. He is on top of her now, her legs dangling off the edge of the bed, with his right knee pressed between them as his other hand cups one breast.
He surprised her with his aggressiveness.
But she finds herself wanting him all the same. She would always want him.
She rests herself on her elbows and guides them to the center of the bed, Sasuke follows with no hesitation and Sakura eagerly pulls his head down to press a kiss, then a lick on his neck.
Then, she switches their position and has him pinned beneath her.
His eyes widened for a second but his hands immediately rest on her hips and pull her against him.
"I've always wondered."
She starts.
She looks at his face and memorizes the expression on him.
Sasuke's breath hitches when her hand lowers to cup him through his yukata, eyes wild with confidence when she found that he was nearly hard.
Her head lifts to stare at him seductively. Then she subtly licks her lips, an action that did not go unnoticed. Her heart pumps loudly as he regards her with a smoldering look, lids slightly lowered. Her core throbbed when his eyes told her that he has realized what she is about to do.
Then she finally lets out the words that she hopes will break his control.
"I want to touch you."
She is aware that she is burning red now, but this is what she wants to give him.
He groans at the sentence, but still has an apathetic face on.
Sakura wonders how long he will be able to keep up that façade.
Wonders what it would be like to have him writhing with want for her.
Her hand snakes inside and grabs his manhood with the forwardness she did not know she possessed. Slowly but surely she starts to move her hand up and down.
Up and down.
Squeezing him every now and then.
Up and down.
Ah, there.
He twists his face into one of pleasure. The sight has her wet instantly. How he managed to appear hotter than he already does is beyond her. But, within the four walls of this tiny room she rented, Uchiha Sasuke looks pleased.
And hard.
And he is letting out small pants that encourage her.
She wonders how far she can take this.
And the thought comes to her in waves of heat and passion that she almost wanted to press her body to his and rub it on him. To feel him against every part of her.
Inside her.
She lowers her head to him, but he stops her with a hand on her shoulder.
"Sakura… what…"
She meets his gaze and says a sentence that has always been in her head. Has always been there when she had wet dreams, when she had fantasies after reading a hot novel, and when late at night she glances at his picture by her bedside and imagines him above her looking at her person with the same intensity he reserved for battles.
"Will you let me taste you Sasuke-kun?"
The room is silent, and thick with the scent of anticipation between the two occupants.
Uchiha Sasuke stares at her as if what she said was something he never believed would come out of her. She is beyond embarrassed by her crassness now. But he is still hard, and his hand is still on her shoulder. She looks at him with determination, and tucks a stray strand of her hair behind her ear. A slight angle to her chin, indicating that she is waiting for his consent.
He looks away and Sakura fights the disappointment. Maybe this was too much?
But he bows his head and nods at her, grip tightening a bit but eventually letting go, as he settles onto his back again and observes her.
She touches him again and repeats her previous motion, then she leans down, and blows lightly. The action expels another groan from him and he instantly fists his hand on the sheets. With his muscles tightened, Sakura could feel the way he is holding back.
But, she parts her lips.
And before she takes him in, she meets his eyes, refusing to break contact so she could see it.
See Sasuke lose all inhibitions.
He finally lets out a moan when her mouth goes around him. Sakura resists the urge to jump for joy at his surrender because she knows that she has power over him now. Slowly, she bobs her head, and tastes him. She takes him in soft licks and sexy groans. And continues the assault.
Kami, he tasted amazing.
She couldn't stop herself from groaning when his hand goes to her head and guides her closer to him.
She couldn't stop herself from sighing with contentment when he started pumping into her moist crevice.
She couldn't stop herself from swelling with pride when he cums just seconds in.
And, she couldn't stop herself from crying out his name when he pushes her onto her stomach and has his way with her.
"Come home with me."
His eyes widened at the absurdness of what she just said. She is sitting between his legs on the bath tub, hands gathering foamy bubbles in them and releasing a soft breath to watch them float away. Her head is turned to the right, staring at his sword propped against the wall. The position allows him to have a good view of her back.
He presses his fingers to her chin and shifts her attention to him.
Then, he pins her with his stare.
Sakura lifts a hand to her mouth and laughs hard.
Sasuke lifts an eyebrow at her childlike antics, she was fooling around, clutching a hand to her stomach. A finger wipes a happy tear from her left eye as she continues to giggle.
"Kami, you should have seen the look on your face!"
He almost feels like smiling too, except that, this isn't funny at all. Their situation.
"It would be stupid of me right? To ask you to do that. When you didn't even stay after that first night."
Her tone, which had been light and teasing, had immediately turned sour.
"I was just using you, you know? Because I was curious."
"We can't deny the fact that you're handsome Sasuke-kun, of course I would wonder what it was like to be with you."
He doesn't understand why she is saying this.
"Naruto finally confessed to me."
The sentence renders him utterly speechless.
She wraps her hands around her knees and pulls them closer to her chest. He resists the desire to turn her head to him again and settles on gazing at her nape instead.
"I didn't believe it at first. Thought it was just a silly crush. But he said that he loves me and he wants to be with me."
Sasuke feels something odd and glares at the ceiling. He lets out a deep sigh, arms relaxed, hanging loosely at the sides of the tub. He already knew that Naruto was hopelessly in love with Sakura. Had been since they were young. During their fight with Kaguya, the idiot always seemed to think of her.
"Did you thank Sakura-chan?"
"You didn't have to put her under a genjutsu!"
Jealousy surges through him.
"I didn't say yes."
Then relief.
And then,
Because why the hell would he feel relieved that she said no to Naruto. This was stupid. What they were doing. He had avoided her for two months, he could damn well do it again. It wasn't like she was useful to him. Sakura had nothing to offer him.
"I'll make every day so fun that you wouldn't have time to think you were ever lonely!"
She was just another woman.
Just a girl who ignited something inside him.
Just a girl who had always ignited something inside him.
And kami was she beautiful.
Maybe he was just fed up with Karin.
Maybe Sakura was merely there to fill his sexual exploits.
Until someone better comes along.
A part of him knew this wasn't true though.
He had gone two months without the feel of another person's body.
Much to Karin's disappointment.
That first night after he slept with Sakura, he had thought about taking Karin so aggressively that at first, when she had attempted to seduce him, he had taken her offer with the intent of forgetting about the pink-haired medic. Her body had responded to him like it always had. And he had taken pleasure in her. But when she started to moan out loud, when she started to let out that voice of hers which was too high-pitched for his liking, he had to clamp a hand over her mouth. Because somehow…
It felt completely different.
All of a sudden, he couldn't help but compare.
Her scent was different.
Her hair, was not as soft. Was not pink enough.
And her eyes, her red red eyes, were far from the green that he wanted to see.
And just like that, he stopped.
Pulled away.
And left her.
A soft hand runs along his cheek.
He closes his eyes and marvels at the softness of her touch.
"Sasuke-kun, what are we doing?"
He turns his face to the side and puts an elbow on his forehead, leaning against the wall behind him. The position hides her face from his view. Then,
He looks into her emerald green irises and couldn't help but want her again.
"I don't know."
He was met with a silence he wasn't accustomed to. Maybe she didn't know as well; what it was they were doing. The friendship they formed over a year ago never really did make any sense. And the fact that they slept together only served to complicate things between both shinobi. But what they had, it isn't something he thinks about giving up in this moment. He knows that now. A thought briefly passes over his head, and he finds himself nearly smirking at it.
Turning his back on them had always been a challenging feat.
"You were wrong."
She pulls back to regard him with curiosity, waiting for him to elaborate on his statement.
"What you said back then."
"It wasn't easy."
She tilts her head to one side, indicating that she didn't quite understand what he was trying to say.
"Leaving you three."
Understanding dawns on her.
"There are also things that I dislike. Like how easily you casted us, your comrades aside."
The smile she has on is beautiful, and Sasuke realizes that this may be a weakness he wishes did not exist. Because why did this woman make him want to keep her to himself? To keep this to himself? She looks straight into his eyes again and he finds that whatever it was she was thinking, he just knows that it would be his undoing.
"Do you want to stop seeing me?"
She runs a hand through her pinks locks. And fidgets nervously. He closes his eyes and lets out a heavy breath. He knows what she is offering.
"Because if you don't want to see me again. If you want to forget about the year we had… The night we had. Then just say so."
She looks at anything but him. Then hooks emerald with obsidian again.
"I can't, I can't fight if I don't know what I'm fighting for Sasuke-kun."
She was biting her lip again, like she was afraid that he was going to say that he didn't want to see her. Words which should've left his mouth, but didn't.
He pulls her face to him again and lowers down to capture her pouting lips.
The gasp she lets out, he curses, immediately has him hard and wanting.
"I don't want to stop seeing you."
Her smile was instantaneous. And he wants to berate her for letting him have this hold on her. For always letting him catch glimpses of what can make him happy. Glimpses of what he could have with her if he just let her in. But hadn't he already reserved himself to be alone in this world? Hadn't he already decided that he was fine with being everyone's enemy?
How could he do that if he was so enamored with her? So captivated? Like he always had been.
It takes a flick of his finger, and a lick from his tongue to get her going again.
And, it takes one moan from her to harden him so he can be inside her.
He enters her and allows himself this weakness.
When they separate, he goes back to the Sound Village and takes his seat as Otokage. He is working his way to victory again when he finally perfects the jutsu and takes the eight-tailed beast from Killer Bee five months later. The jinchuuriki was left severely damaged, but alive, as he hoped. And he had gained A's respect when he takes the bijuu's life with just a glance of his rinnegan. He leaves the Rock Village when he senses Naruto's chakra nearby, and resists the urge to confront his rival upon sensing Sakura's presence again.
He feels a bit of relief because he knows that she will be able to save Bee's life.
Three days after the incident, they meet again. But there is no word about it, just a spark in her demeanor when she pushes him to his back and rides him hard.
Her constant presence over the next few months distracts him and nearly makes him forget about his goals in the first place. But he wants her. So bad now that eventually he finds himself thinking about her more than what was deemed appropriate.
During his meetings, she is there.
When he hones his swordsmanship, she is there.
As he lies in his huge king-sized bed, she is there.
And when he wishes for a dreamless slumber, she appears to him in clouds of steam and soaking tresses, beckoning him to her.
Eventually, they start playing with fire when he asks her to meet him in his village, with the plan of booking a bigger room and the instructions of not wearing her forehead protector when she goes to meet him.
He tells himself to expect her absence but is relieved when she appears before him outside the establishment with a henge on which he tells her to dispel the moment he closes the door behind them.
Their nights are filled with pleasure, and after, when their bodies lay drenched in the glow of their activities. She starts to chat with him animatedly again. And soon, they find themselves sinking into that routine of not mentioning the war and simply letting themselves bask in each other's presence.
Sasuke finds himself unable to end their arrangement. And he finds himself slowly desiring for her to be by his side. Because, that, he thinks, is where she belongs.
Not by that dobe's.
It is nearly eight months into their relationship when he wakes up with her back pressed closely to his that he realizes that he is in love with her. And he is happy. Not because he feels as if the war is going to end with him victorious, but because she is there when he wakes up. He pulls her closer to him and nuzzles her neck affectionately, an action he thought he would never be able to do. He takes in her relaxed posture, hair, now reaching up to her lower back, a hand on top of his own which was wrapped around her tiny waist, and lips parted as she breathes in and out.
"You're awake."
"Mou, Sasuke-kun, I wanted to savor what you were doing just now."
She opens one eye at him and has a playful grin on.
"We need to get going."
They waste no time in gathering their clothes and securing their belongings.
They had made time for only one night.
She casts the henge on again and turns to him with a blush and leans to him expectantly.
He knows what she wants but finds himself focusing on her silky (black in this moment) hair as it falls over her shoulder.
"Your hair is longer."
She instantly reddens at the comment and stutters out a string of words that raises one of his eyebrows.
"Oh, so you noticed huh? Yeah, I've always liked my hair longer, do you? I mean, doesn't really matter if you like it, but I had always wondered. There was a rumor once, when we were younger that you liked long hair. Well, not that I'm growing mine out just to get your attention, I mean, it's easier to tie up, you know, rather than have my short hair fall so carelessly around my face. Yeah, it's because I can tie it up now."
She appeared cute in this moment, and he couldn't help but capture her lips in his to shut her up. He pulls away and sees that she is blushing again. Why she blushed after they have done so many things to each other, sinful things, is beyond him. But he steps away from her and bids her farewell with the promise of seeing her again soon.
Sakura is left speechless as he exits the room through the window.
When he returns to his base, Orochimaru is waiting for him. His master, as he always does, appears suspicious. But it has been a long time since Sasuke has talked with him, because the Sannin had taken to observing him in the shadows since this war started.
"A little bird told me that you have been frequenting this hotel in the village Sasuke-kun."
"She must be beautiful huh? This woman you are seeing."
Sasuke narrows his eyes at his former master.
"Does it matter who I'm fucking?"
"Yes, if you spill your seed in an unworthy vessel you see, things might not be as it should."
It was disgusting the way Orochimaru viewed other human beings as just a means to his own end. He had trained Sasuke with the motive of having the young Uchiha's body for his own, but had failed to do so.
Sasuke lets out a scoff and proceeds to walk past his master.
"Sasuke-kun, you wouldn't like to restore your clan through the body of a whore. Or the enemy."
The sentence renders him immobile. And he considers the hidden threat in the monster's voice. Did he find out? He nearly plunges his sword through the old Sannin's chest. How dare he call her a whore? Of all people. But the idea of Sakura carrying his heir, her belly full and round with the weight of their child catches his attention. And, it lets him think about a future with her. And surprisingly, he finds that he doesn't hate it in the least. In fact, he wants it.
It wouldn't be possible though.
No matter how much he wants it.
Orochimaru throws a small box to him and he catches it in his hand without hesitation.
"This was supposed to be a gift on your eighteenth birthday, but seeing as at the time you seemed to be uninterested in the opposite sex, I decided to forego the present until you were. It belonged to your clan."
Sasuke opens the box and his eyes widened at the sight in front of him.
Promise rings.
He knows this isn't good news.
"Uzumaki Karin has proven to be a worthy future matriarch in my opinion. Not that it matters. But,"
Sasuke could hear the way the serpents tongue slid over his slimy lips.
"I've known that it isn't 'nothing' you feel for her, if the sounds of her pleasured moans in your room are counted as proof, even if it has been months since you've had her."
The avenger's hands tighten around the gift and he considers throwing it at his master's face.
"But Sasuke-kun, you've made a vow to change the world. And to restore honor to your clan. Wouldn't it be perfect if you restored two clans in the process?"
The immortal man left his student to his own musings. Uchiha Sasuke stops the surge of thoughts in his head. Because all he could think about was Sakura and the fact that she wasn't in this building like Karin was. And she wasn't on his side like Karin was, and she most especially wasn't loyal to him like Karin was. He tries to find a reason, any reason to contest his master's suggestion but he finds himself being unable to come up with an excuse.
He glances at the rings again and pictures her with one of them in her left ring finger. It would definitely suit her.
But, it wasn't like she was going to say yes anyway.
That night, the peace of his fortress in Otogakure is interrupted by a loud "Yes" as Uzumaki Karin accepts his proposal.
And Sasuke tries with every fiber of his being not to imagine Haruno Sakura in front of him instead.
Two shinobi stood in front of the other.
Both powerful warriors.
Both Legendary Sannin with immense power.
And both foolish enough to fight for what they believed in.
As Uchiha Sasuke stares at Haruno Sakura, he couldn't help but remember the nights they had together. All embedded so deep into his memory that he couldn't even hope to erase her very existence. And he wanted to, he so desperately wanted to.
Because he is fighting for something she doesn't believe in.
And she is fighting for the person who stood in his way.
They were enemies.
AN: Nanjatte - just kidding
Oh my gosh! It's been so long! Writer's block's a bitch alright. Anyway, Thank you, thank you for reading my stories. I know it would be asking too much for you to be patient with me, but I guess for now, it takes time to come up with a good chapter. And I don't want to push myself too hard and end up writing up crap just to update. I hope you haven't forgotten this fic. :P Actually, like all my other stories, scenes have already been typed up, but I still need some time to figure out how to go about it. Okay, if some of you are confused by the timeline, I'm jumping through past, present and future like crazy. Why? Coz I like it :) But I think the timeline speaks for itself :) It's up to you how you interpret it :)
Shout out to my best friend who was awesome enough to buy me the last volume of Naruto! I love you SMMB! :) 3
Read and review ;)
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djevelengriner · 5 years
Ask: Hey, i just find your blog out and its really amazing! Totally got a new fan. Can i ask about a Nero x Fem reader in which he's protecting her against some bullies/ humanized fears and them they got some SSS Sex after all of this? - MC.
The smutty part turned out a bit short, but I hope you like it and thank you! 💖 always fun to write about angry, yet soft boi Nero
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The school bell rang through the corridors of the college you attended and all the doors opened, spewing out students, all talking about how that weekend was going to be. Nero was going to meet you in front of the main entrance and pick you up, but he was late.
You glanced at your phone and sighed. You did not expect him to be precise but the thought of standing there any longer made you anxious. A longer wait meant a bigger chance of running into--
"Ey, there she is!"
You cursed silently and braced for impact. A hand hit you so hard in the back of your head that you dropped your phone on the asphalt. Roaring laughter came from the group of older students behind you. "Aw, I'm sorry, kid," the biggest one said and shrugged. "I thought you would've learned to be prepared for me by now. It's been a week, after all."
You had not bothered to learn the bully's name, but you and Nero had agreed to nickname him Crater Face, as he had severe acne scarring on his cheeks. He was the leader of a group of senior students who loved to pick on whichever freshman they could get their hands on.
You quickly leaned down to pick up you phone, praying as you turned it around to look at the possibly cracked screen. You let out a sigh of relief as you flipped it. It had made the fall.
A pair of big shoes came into your field of view and you froze. "I love seeing you on your knees like that," Crater Face snorted as his groupies backed him up. "Hey, by the way, you're the girl with the freak-boyfriend, right?"
You got up and glared at him. He held up his arm and pointed to it. "The guy with white hair and, uh, transformer arm?" he grinned and his cigarette breath danced across your face. The rage boiling inside you turned your face red and tears were forming in the corners of your eyes. "What's it to you?" you hissed through clenched teeth. His gang got excited and started woo-ing, causing bypassers to stop and see what was about to go down. "Does he use it on you in bed - some real freaky shit? What does it do?" Crater Face murmured.
"Wanna find out?"
He turned around only to greet Nero's metallic fist with his face. Loud gasps filled the parking lot and everyone froze. Nero shook his hand, as if he was in pain. "Damn, I felt that! How thick is that skull of yours?"
Crater Face stumbled back on his feet and rubbed his sleeve against his bloody nose. You looked around and saw everyone looking on in horror. This was bad.
"Nero," you said and pulled at his normal arm. "We should go."
"And just let this asshole get away?" he said angrily and gestured to the bloody mess in front of you. "He's not worth it, trust me," you assured him and tried to drag him with you, but he shook your grip off of him. He stepped closer to Crater Face and grabbed his collar. "You're scum," Nero growled and shook him once, hard. "If you or anyone ever fuck with my girl again..."
He pushed Crater Face so hard that he fell to the ground. He sobbed and shielded his face with one arm. "It'll never happen again, I swear!"
Nero spat on the ground next to Crater Face and glared at his friends. "Find some better friends," he scoffed at them before he turned around and pulled you along to his car. "Nero..." you mumbled but he ignored you and opened the door for you. You got in and fastened your seatbelt. "I'm in deep shit now," you said and pulled your hair in frustration. "You're welcome," Nero muttered and started the car.
You opened the door to your apartment and threw yourself on the bed. Nero walked in and closed the door just as you screamed into a pillow. "I'm not gonna apologise for hitting that asshole," he said and put the keys on the table. "But I'm sorry if I scared you."
You sat up and looked at his crossed arms. "Scared me?" you scoffed and pulled your hair back. "If anything, you turned me on."
He raised an eyebrow and tried not to smile. You got up on your knees and pulled him closer by his belt. "I like it when you get angry," you smiled and bit your lip. "You must like me alot, then," he said and cupped your face before kissing you hard. You hummed and pulled him on the bed and on top of you. You removed his belt and pulled at his pants. "You get horny by the weirdest things," Nero smirked and unzipped his pants. You unbuttoned your shirt and dropped it on the floor. "You're weird, indeed," you taunted and put your foot in his face. "Pants off, please."
He frowned before pulling your pants off for you. "I'm spoiling you."
"I think you can do better."
You moaned his name loudly as he licked your clit slowly, with long strokes. He had two fingers inside of you, pumping steadily. "Take me, Nero!" you whimpered and pulled his hair. He placed himself just in front of your entrance and kissed your neck. "Ask nicely, princess," he hummed and put his lips around your sensitive nipple. "Please, please... pretty please!" you begged and dug your nails into his back. He slid into you and you threw your head back in pleasure. "God, you're so wet...!" he grunted and thrusted quickly into you. You pulled his lips to yours and kissed him deeply. Your lips were locked together as he picked up the pace. "I'm gonna--"
You were cut off by him ramming his cock into you with such force that you bumped your head against the headboard on the bed. You shivered as the orgasm made you go limp and gasped for air. Nero caressed your cheek. "Hey, you okay?" he asked and looked at you with concerned eyes. You smiled and nodded. "Did... did you finish?" you whispered and took his hand in yours. "Yes, but I think I lost you there, for a sec, so I understand how you didn't notice," he laughed and pulled out before laying down next to you. You began to come down from your orgasmic high and remember Crater Face and how you were probably forced to move to a different school. "Ugh, I'm thoroughly fucked," you grumbled and rubbed your face. Nero snorted. "Yeah, me too."
"No, seriously," you breathed and put your head on his chest. "I am fucked."
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SasuSaku Smut Week Risqué . Title: Unlike Last Time . Summary: They are finally back to the forest of Death. Years have passed since that terrifying experience, and just like the leaves of those tall trees, both of them have changed and matured from their childish forms. . A/N: This will be my only entry for the SS smut week because of the SS month, so I’ll try to write a long, detailed and smutty fic! I’m not good at writing this, but I’m really excited with this idea! Also, if you just want the smut scene, I’m already warning you that I WILL write an entire background story before. I can’t simply write them doing it for nothing. I hope you enjoy it, and please, leave me a Review! .
Note: Sternocleidomastoid is one one the muscles of your neck. Just making it clear because that was something I added because of my love for anatomy XD
. Rated M . . . It has been a long time since they have last visited that haunted place. Years have gone by, seasons have come and gone; and still, nothing seems to have changed.
Lives have ended and started; and yet, stepping into these woods is still as uncomfortable as it used to be when they were younger. The forest of Death is still as frightening as when they first participated in the Chūnin exams, and not even their current ninja status prevents shivers from moving down their spines.
This place is still that same hell-hole forgotten by the gods, and neither of them can understand how the Rakudaime still insisted on using it for the second phase of the examination. Children shouldn’t be left alone in a place like this, and the past has already taught them a good reason why. It’s impossible to prevent what could happen this year, and making sure all the participants get out of there alive cannot be guaranteed at all.
The forest itself is an unpredictable enemy that cannot be forgotten by the participants, and had they taken that in consideration when they first crossed those gates, their first experience on the Chūnin Shiken might have been a little less traumatic than it was.
Had they taken that in consideration years ago, neither of the Uchihas would be apprehensive now, as they infiltrate the deepest parts of that deadly place, following the terrified screams and blood trails in search of the contestants.
The exams have began.
But unlike last time, neither Sasuke nor Sakura are participating. The Uchiha couple, like some of the former rookie 9, is here to simply observe and make sure the forest doesn’t take anymore victims than the ones already taken in the past.
Their feet are careful as they land on top of the moss that covers the tree branches as they keep moving forward. For the dense vegetation holds back the plants transpiration, the temperature around them is incredibly high, drying their lips and making their bodies sweat more than they normally would when checking an area like that. Perhaps the time they have spent taking care of their baby has slowed them down a bit.
Or maybe it is just too hot for anyone to bare.
“ Can we just take a break for a second, Sasuke-kun?” A tired voice reaches his ears from behind and the raven haired man slightly turns his head back so he can spare his wife a glance. He notices the drops of sweat streaming down her red cheeks, and decides to attend her plea, stopping on the tree branch in front of them.
As she lands a few moments after him, a sigh escapes her lips as she allows her weight to fall down for a moment. Her hands are holding on her knees, and her short, pink locks hide her flushed face from her husband, who is also thankful for that break. They have been walking around for almost two hours already without any sign of the genin and the tropical sensation offered by the forest doesn’t please him at all. Sasuke hates that sticky sensation under his ninja vests, and if he were to name something he misses from the liberty offered by their journey around the woods, it was the cold, water pounds where they would eventually stop to refresh their bodies and sore muscles.
Yes, finding those secluded pounds around certainly helped them relax.
Sasuke really misses-
Her voice suddenly brings him back from the memories of their trip and when his dark pearls lock with her emeralds, a pink blush manages to find its way to his cheeks. If not for the fact that his face was already red due to the climate, his pesky wife would’ve definitely seen through his facade.
It’s only after some good seconds that he notices the bottle of water she’s holding towards him. Without ceremony, Sasuke accepts it and immediately drinks from the neck, feeling the cold liquid sliding down his insides. That water is soothing and refreshing, and the taste of her lips just make that sensation even better. Had it been when they first entered the Forest of Death as a team, sharing a simple bottle of water would have driven the pinkette crazy. She knew her childish side would start fangirling over the fact of an indirect kiss with THE all-so-cool Uchiha Sasuke, and she would probably keep that bottle full of germs forever. Sakura really adored him back then, and now it’s not different. She’s still madly in love with her husband, but a simple shared bottle isn’t able to send shivers down her core anymore.
Sharing a bottle doesn’t mean a thing after all the other intimate moments they’ve shared.
Uchiha Sakura isn’t a fangirl anymore.
But she would be lying if she said the scene in front of her didn’t affect her at all.
As he drank the crystal water, her eyes couldn’t help but to look at the stretched, sweaty muscles of his neck. His sternocleidomastoid was stretched as he lifted his head, and she can see his entire anatomy in her head while she imagines the warm path that liquid will have to trail inside of him. Her heart starts to beat faster at the thought, and suddenly Sakura finds herself biting her lower lip in excitement.
She shouldn’t be having these kind of thoughts at this moment. At this place. It is probably the heat messing with her head again, she thinks, while shaking her thoughts away.
She really wants to leave this tricky place already.
When he gives the bottle back to her after motioning a silent ‘thanks’, their fingers quickly brush, and for a second they both feel as if they just touched a steaming iron. They lock glances for a moment, before they both look away, trying to hide a secret reaction. Even if they are a married couple, and even if they have a daughter together, that touch just sent sparkles through their nervous system. It was something unusual, yet extremely exciting to see that kind of unconscious reaction from their bodies, as they still linger for one another even in a place filled with so many sad memories.
As soon as they get home, for sure, none of them will be able to hold that tension any longer. And of course, none of them is really worried about it.
“ Ah… We… We should get going, right, darling?”
“ Hn, let’s just wait a little longer.” He kneels down, leaning his shoulder against the tree truck and looking down at the ground. “ Let’s see if we can spot any of the contestants from here.”
Sakura watches him from behind, and innocently kneels some centimeters away from him. At first, she doesn’t notice how his muscles tense up due to her proximity, for her eyes are aiming at something that brings her memories she doesn’t want at this moment. As her fingers trail the scars of that tree branch where they are standing on, her mind goes back to the time when they were both alone and running away from Orochimaru. She remembers clearly the fear that took over her body, and after receiving that paralyzing leer from the snake sanin, the pinkette felt all her forces vanishing in front of her. That bloodthirsty demon showed them their own death, and she remembers clearly the feeling of her blood leaving her body.
She couldn’t think or move, and somehow, the kunais coming towards them were less frightening than those eyes.
Sakura was ready to die at that very moment.
But before she could even notice, her to-be husband wrapped his warm arms around her and saved them from a certain death. They jumped to a place just like the one they are on now, and just like before, he was standing in front of her, focused on what happens below.
Things surely have changed, right?
As she’s taken back to heir younger days, she realizes how different things are now. Unlike before, the Uchiha standing in front of her is no longer a boy, with two dark tomes swirling in his red eyes, no. Now he’s a man, capable of using his sharingan’s full power and with a Rinnegan also decorating his features. His chin has grown manlier and his hair no longer defies gravity. He’s no longer in search of revenge, and the name of his clan no longer belongs only to him.
Sasuke is no longer alone, for his friends and family are by his side.
He’s no longer that boy, and even if she misses that side of his sometimes, right now she couldn’t be any happier to have the head of the Uchiha clan by her side.
Time has certainly passed for them.
But no matter how long it’s been, history has always proven to repeat itself.
“ Look, Sasuke-kun! This place looks li-“
Before she could finish, a hand already found its way towards her mouth. The same hand that silenced her years ago while they were almost at that same position.
That tricky forest, she thinks.
Her eyes widen and her heart starts beating faster in her chest. Unlike last time, they are not in any kind of danger, so she can take that time to properly analyze the whole thing around her. As her body is still leaning forward, close to his, her emerald eyes can see the calm expression ruling his face as he seems to be paying attention to what’s happening below them. The exposed muscles of his neck are still provoking her, and as his inebriating scent fills her nostrils, Sakura can feel her entire world spinning around.
Years before, she could have never imagined how that gesture would set her stomach on fire. His hand, unlike before, was not as firmly pressed against her mouth, but she could still feel his heat irradiating from his skin. Now, his hand is bigger and the callous on his fingers are there to remind her that, even if his touch has become rougher with the passing years, the man standing in front of her has walked through dangerous paths, fighting for his life and his beliefs. He has overcome many challenges and even if he has lost himself in his own darkness for a while, now he’s here, in front of her and completely unaware of the tsunami of feelings inside of her.
He’s unaware of her feelings, but never of her love. Not anymore.
Her love is now imprisoned in his soul and he has no plans on letting it go. Sasuke will keep it with him, using it as a compass that will always lead him back to his home.
It will always lead him back to her.
After years of denying it, now the male Uchiha accepts her feelings and is even able to reattribute them as much as he can. He’s more than just happy by her side, and their baby girl is there to prove it to anyone who dares and says otherwise.
He loves her, and at the same time this love is a source of his strength, it’s also the easiest way to make him lose control.
These eyes of hers will certainly send him to his grave.
“I think they’re gone now, Sak-“
It’s only when he looks at her emerald eyes that he realizes what has happened. Of course he also remembers the time his palm first met her lips, and the gap in between his own lips shows her that their hearts are connected by the same memory. He feels her cheeks growing hotter, and his throat goes dry. He can’t swallow anymore, as her green eyes are hypnotizing him. He doesn’t move his hand, and it’s not until she takes his hand on hers that he snaps back from his thoughts.
He’s certainly looking like a greedy man right now, but it’s not his fault if his body craves for hers.
It’s not his fault if his control over himself is slowly slipping away.
It’s hers.
“ Hn, I-I think they’re gone now. There were some kids below and… And I didn’t want them to see us.”
“ G-Great. It means we’re alone again, right?”
“Aah….” He swallows dry as she clearly didn’t realize how her words sounded. “ S-Should we… get going?”
“ Not yet. Look, this place seems like the one where you fought against Orochimaru for this first time, don’t you think?”
“ Don’t be silly. All the places look the same here.”
She pouts. “ What if it was really here?”
“ I doubt it.”
“ Tch… Can’t I imagine that this is the place where you used your fire just and…” Sakura looks down, tenderly intertwining their fingers. “ And where you first held my hand?”
A silly smirk spreads around her lips as she tries to make their painful memories a little less horrible. She knows very well that no one could call that a romantic way of holding hands, for she doubts he even remembers how it felt. On that day, he was in so much pain and all she could do was cry and scream for an unconscious Naruto to save them. She was weak and unprepared for the life ahead of her, and seeing him like that just destroyed her heart.
Never again she wanted to hear him scream like that.
Never again will she be that useless.
From that moment on, she knew, her life had changed, for she was ready to fight back and stand for her boys. She was ready to die in order to protect them, and that was when she finally matured into a young woman.
She matured into a ninja, and she realized what it really meant to love a person.
She blossomed into a beautiful flower, and as she looks down at their intertwined hands with that nostalgic smile, Sasuke knows exactly what she’s thinking. He knows she doesn’t take her younger-self as seriously as she should simply because of the warrior she has become with the years. His wife doesn’t understand that for a girl of that age, she was already strong enough to stop his demons with a simple hug. On that day, he remembers how her feelings reached him and pulled him from that ominous desire of murdering that man.
In that same forest, she has saved him more than once and even if she can’t see it, he will never forget.
He will never ignore her strength.
“ Hn, your hand…” He squeezes it a little, offering her a kind smile reserved only to her. “ They were softer before.”
“ Y-You remember…?”
“ Aah.”
Tears started to form around her eyes and even if she’s smiling right now, those salty drops refuse to stop falling. “ I-I’m happy to know it.”
That silly wife of his.
She really should be more careful around him sometimes.
“ Tch, you’re still as annoying as before.”
“ Uh?”
As soon as his warm fingers reached her cheeks in order to wipe her falling tears, her heart started to beat faster than ever. His eyes are looking deep into hers, and before she can notice, the last tear fell from her face. An intense heat is building up in between them and suddenly, their bodies start to lean forward towards one another until they can feel hot breaths tickling their skins. It is a comforting sensation and soon nothing else matters to them.
They only care about what their bodies are telling them to do.
And as soon as his eyes capture the way her tongue caresses the palate in her mouth, Sasuke lost all his self control. He knew he wouldn’t be able to hold back, and such thing certainly concerned him at first.
Just because he wants to make love to her right here and right now, it doesn’t mean she is also up to such intimacy.
But as soon as she grabs his hand again and squeezes it even tighter; it just takes him one look at those lustful eyes of hers to know that, just like him, she just can’t hold back anymore.
They need each other.
And now it’s too late for either of them to escape their burning love.
With one strong pull, the male Uchiha brings her closer and quickly captures her lips with his own. She’s pressed against his chest, as he finds a good position against that trunk so he can accommodate both of their bodies. Sasuke smirks when all his concerns leave his mind, and he doesn’t waste any more time before deepening this kiss.
His focus is all set on his wife, and she can feel it in the way his arm wraps tightly around her waist, locking her on his embrace. Her husband is certainly a greedy man, and right now, this is how she loves him the most.
As soon as she feels his warm, wet tongue licking her lips, her core is set on fire. Filled by lust, she unconsciously parts her lips, allowing him entrance to her mouth. Soon, husband and wife start a battle for dominance, to which he has a perfect winning plan he once created by accident during one of their intimate moments. For the time, Sasuke allows a fair and equal battle to continue, letting his innocent wife savor the sensation of equality. He can feel a smile growing in the corner of her mouth, and it’s only when he feels her fingers climbing up his still clothed chest that he decides to use his special move.
It’s time for him to win this battle.
Sakura’s still getting used to this sudden heat when his tongue escapes her for a minute, brushing the sensitive spot on the roof of her mouth and sending shivers down her entire body. She knows he did it on propose, for when she stretched her neck in response, the pinkette didn’t waste the chance of looking at him through her clouded emeralds. Not to her surprise, he is smirking, with his face red and his breath is heavy after their imperceptibly long kiss. Their chests collide as they try to catch all the air around them, and before they know, both of them are smiling in pure contentment.
Damn it, how this feels good.
Their activities are restarted as soon as their lungs allow them, with even more intensity than moments ago. Her grip tightens against his shirt and this rough move excites him. His hand slowly starts to climb her back, reaching the back of her neck so he can play with her soft, pink locks. He twirls them around his fingers, and can’t help but remember the day they were lying cold on the floor. There was blood staining them, and he remembers the rage building inside his body when he discovered that it was her own, red blood mixing with the pink of her hair. She was hurt and destroyed, and he just wanted to kill whoever had dared to do that to her.
The Uchiha was going to murder that man to make him pay for hurting Sakura.
But as soon as her hands wrapped around his torso, everything changed.
The scent of iron and grass filled his nostrils and the heat of her skin warmed his heart. Back then, she already had that power over him, and now, as they entangle their bodies in that mess of love, he knows that power has only grown stronger. Her scent is inebriating, her skin sets him on fire and he just can’t help but keep her close. Their love for each other drives them insane, and right now they know just some kisses won't satiate any of them.
They’re ready to surrender themselves to their emotions, not caring about the possibility of being spotted by anyone or anything.
Right now, to be honest, they don’t even remember about the others trying to survive around the forest.
But they are here. Somewhere in the forest, life itself can spot them at any moment.
And the Uchiha couple is ready to acknowledge its presence as they’re enjoying their love-making.
A terrified scream breaks the apparent silence around them, and both of them stand up in alert. They’re panting, and their eyes are rapidly observing their surroundings. His sharingan is activated, as they try to find the origin of such deafening scream.
Is it a fight?
Does someone need help?
Did someone die?
At first, they don’t know, but to their own relief, the Uchiha ends up spotting one of those giant snakes dead and three genin looking scared near the reptile. Apparently, Anko had really summoned those monsters, after all. What a sadistic idea, he thinks.
“ Are the kids okay?” Sakura asks, as her husband deactivates the sharingan and looks back at her.
“ Aah… They’re fine.”
“ Thank god.” She sighs, placing a hand over her apprehensive chest. “ I would never forgive me if they had died because we were not paying attention.”
“ Hn, don’t worry. Kakashi told me the candidates are strong this year. They will be fine.”
“ I hope so.”
Their eyes connect once again and their cheeks are growing red in embarrassment. They should have definitely held their hormones back for a little longer, because, indeed, it would’ve been their fault if those ninjas had died. They acted like two irresponsible, horny adults that just can’t wait until they get home to satisfy their own wishes.
They understand that, for sure.
But just understanding won’t satisfy their growing need for each other.
What they’ve started certainly can’t be interrupted without any consequence.
As their eyes discussed about what they should do next, both of the ninjas are found in a terrible dilemma.
Should they continue from where they stopped or should they part ways in order to avoid another unstoppable need?
It’s certainly a difficult question, but right now the male Uchiha knows it’s too late for him to hold back, especially as he keeps looking at his wife’s swollen lips. Her body language is basically begging him to take her right now, but he won’t do anything until he hears her definite answer.
Uchiha Sasuke is a gentleman, after all.
But he’s also a man in need of his wife.
“ We should…” She starts, nervously looking away from his gaze. “ We should just finish what we came here to do and then we can head home to… finish our business, right?”
“ Is this what you want?” He looks at her, and his voice sends shivers down her spine.
God, of course this is not what she wants. It’s written all over her face and her biggest wish right now is to jump him.
Sakura is also a woman in need of her husband, but right now, she’s choosing their mission over the pleasure. Right now, she’s thinking as a ninja and not as a woman.
Uchiha Sakura has made her decision to hold back that undying need of hers for the sake of the exam.
Her husband will understand it, right?
Of course he will.
But it doesn’t mean he can’t try to convince her otherwise. And you can bet he knows exactly how to do it.
Her husband really is impossible.
When she forces herself to step away from him, the male Uchiha doesn’t hesitate in pulling her back and pinning her against that tree trunk. He’s looking deep into her eyes, and even if she tries to look away, the way his body is so close to hers makes such thing impossible for her. His breath is tickling her nose and she’s trying hard not kiss the hell out of him. Sakura really loses her control over her body whenever he’s near her.
Damn those sexy eyes.
“ Sakura… look into my eyes and tell me if that’s what you really want.”
“ I-I…” The pinkette looks at him and immediately starts babbling, doing her best to keep her eyes on his. These black, beautiful orbs she has always been fascinated with.
The man she has always loved with all her heart.
There’s really no way to hold back.
“ Oh, screw this.” Once she finally gave up on that battle with herself, the former Haruno literally jumps on her husband, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him hungrily. Immediately, he smirks at her lack of conviction, and responds to her initiative, fully backing her against the tree. Her fingers are running wildly along his dark locks as their mouths are devouring one another.
The flames in between their bodies are once again burning bright as if they were not interrupted minutes ago. Their tongues were tasting each other, as their hands roamed around their bodies in an attempt to explore the already known area.
There are no secrets hidden in their bodies anymore, and they find it extremely exciting, The idea of knowing every part of their lover’s body gives them a feeling of possession and superiority that sets their souls on an even hotter fire. Lust consumes them and they are ready to continue their love making.
Expertly, the raven haired man starts to unzip her shirt, exposing the creamy skin from her chest to her navel. His lips start trailing kisses down to her neck, biting her skin and leaving a love bite he knows she won’t like. A smirk crosses his lips at the sound of a complaining grunt coming from her lips.
“ You jerk… You know I have to work later today.”
“ A hickey won’t stop you, don’t worry.”
“ Tch, I hate you sometimes.” She smirks, not meaning her words at all.
“ No, you don’t… Otherwise you wouldn’t be here, begging for me to continue.”
“ I don’t remember begging you for anything.”
“ Hn, don’t worry…You will.” He whispers in her ear and she feels her legs growing numb. His husky voice sends jolts to her guts and quickly Sakura arcs her neck in order to give him all the access he needs. She will worry about that mark later. Now, there are more important things clouding her mind.
The feeling of his fingertips in direct touch with her lower back and his tongue dancing around her collarbone make her crave for more contact in between their bodies. Impatiently, she slips her hands under his shirt, demanding her husband to get himself rid of his shirt. He does so and when his muscles are pressed hard against her body, the pinkette can’t help but allow a satisfied moan escape. This sound drives him insane and he can feel his member throbbing in pure excitement.
It’s amazing how she can make him hard with a single sound and it’s not even the one sound she makes when at her apex. His manhood is finally acknowledged by her as she feels it poking her thighs, making the medic smirk at the same time. Sakura knows she still hasn’t done much to tease him, therefore she can conclude her husband is especially sensitive today. She finds it fascinating how he responds to such small gestures, and right now she wants to see how much more he will be able to take.
Let’s see who will end up begging, she thinks.
Deciding to show no pity, the female Uchiha starts to rock her hips close to his lower part, creating a friction that quickly rises the temperature on that area. Her eyes catches the moment when he bites his own lower lip, and she feels proud for that. His fingertips dig deeper into her skin, leaving a red mark on her hip. Sakura is certainly enjoying herself, and Sasuke realizes that. He realizes that, and his Uchiha pride just won’t allow that to continue.
He’s Uchiha Sasuke, after all. That same cocky bastard who just can’t accept being toyed around.
Especially by his annoying wife.
Without ceremony, he starts sliding his fingers down her pants, slowly pulling them down and leaving her in her panties. With his still strong hold around her waits, the male Uchiha lifts her up until her feet no longer touches the tree branch where they’re standing over, and her legs wrap around him instinctively as she feels him pressing her harder against the trunk. His lips capture hers once more, trying to distract her, but Sakura can feel his fingertips traveling around her body, heading to her lower part. He presses his thumb against her clothed core, and he can feel her wetness and her heat taking over his senses.
Fuck, she’s as excited as he is, he thinks.
But there’s still one thing he needs to do before finally satisfying their intimate needs.
“ Sasuke-kun… Are you thinking of-“ Her eyes widen and her voice is cut before she can finish her sentence. After pulling her panties aside, his index found its way inside her, pumping up her fluids and making her eyes roll back in pleasure. Without realizing she starts moving her hips in order to match his rhythm and at this moment, he knows she’s in the palm of his hand. Her moans are driving him crazy, and as soon as he listens to her shaky voice saying his name against his ear, Sasuke knows he can’t hold back anymore. Neither of them can, and when the pinkette roughly pulls his lower clothes down to expose his erected manhood, the Uchiha couple knows it’s finally time for them to become one.
He pulls his fingers out of her, but keeps them close to her core in order to hold her panties aside to hold her entrance open and ready for him. Their eyes lock one last time full of love and in complete synchrony just before he slips himself inside her, making her moan in pure pleasure. She’s used to that feeling already, but she won’t ever call it ordinary. At this moment, she feels complete and more than ever he feels home. It’s a comfortable feeling that drives them crazy and makes them greedy for each other.
Right now, they have reached their most intimate moment, when they’re finally one single body feeling that one single feeling.
They’re in love and that’s why it feels so incredibly good.
So incredibly exciting.
“ Damn it, if anyone catches us, we will both be expelled from the village.” She says, holding her face close to his.
“ Hn, going back to our journey wouldn’t be that bad, don’t you think?”
She looks deep into his eyes, smiling in pure contentment. “ It wouldn’t be bad at all.”
After some moments spent in pure dazzle, both of them start moving their hips. He starts thrusting into her, feeling her muscles around him as she matches his movements with her hips, arching her body every time he brushes that sensitive spot inside her. Both of them start releasing sounds that fill their ears with pure excitement, as their voices grow louder at each new thrust. Sakura’s holding tight onto him, leaving red marks on his back that she will definitely have to heal later. Her eyes are filled with lust, and for the first time in her life, she finds the Forest of Death a beautiful place. The colors of the forest start blending in her eyes and the sound of the animals can finally be heard in a peaceful way.
The forest is alive around them and the dangers no longer scare her. She feels extremely good as they are both moving their bodies at the same pace, matching their pleasure points at each new thrust. Her body slides up and down against the tree trunk, creating even more friction around them. Their sweat bodies are tangled together, her thighs are in full contact with his hips and their lips can feel the salty taste of their bodies, as they roam around in pure hunger.
It is a blissful moment, and if they could, they would hold onto that moment forever.
Unfortunately, all the good things must come to an end.
With hitching breaths and dilated pupils, both of them reach their pleasurable end at the very same time. He releases himself inside of her, and slowly, he leaves her insides, both of them left panting and completely exhausted. He rests his forehead on her shoulder and she rests her chin on his collarbone, for they don’t have any strength left to move away from each other. Their hearts are beating at the same pace as the soothing sound of the forest fills their ears.
They’ve just made love in the Forest of Death, and never before life has been so present around. No one is screaming, people aren’t dying and fear can’t be felt around them anymore.
Love is the only thing around and nothing else matters anymore.
Nothing but the feeling shared in those eyes.
“ I can’t believe we actually did it here.” She says, chuckling and trying to recompose herself as they’re now both looking at each other.
“ Well… it was for a good reason, don’t you think?”
“ Uh? Reason? Which reason?”
“ Tch.” He smiles with the left corner of his lips, never breaking the eye contact. “ You were afraid, weren’t you?”
“ A-Afraid? I was not-“
“ Don’t lie.”
She sighs. “ Maybe a little…”
“ Hn, whatever you say… I’m just glad I can see you happy now.”
A blush spreads itself around her cheeks and happiness builds up inside her chest.
So he did see she was uncomfortable earlier, after all.
What an amazing husband she has, she thinks. An amazing, perverted husband that holds her heart. Thanks to him, she no longer holds only traumatic memories of this place.
Thanks to him, in her emerald eyes, the Forest of Death has become a place filled with adventures and, mostly, love.
“ Thank you, darling.”    
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natiinats · 10 years
Someone should draw an "Abusive" sasuke in bed with sakura...  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  
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p-chainz-blog · 12 years
I love the hell out of some Google docs.
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theclosetpoet7 · 7 years
Love and Misunderstandings
Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to me! Just Kidding. I have no rights to this awesome manga and anime. They all belong to his awesomeness, Masashi Kishimoto.
Notes on one-shot: This one shot came to my head when I was wondering what it would be like if Sasuke and Sakura did the deed while arguing or while having a casual talk. And this happened. :D Hope you enjoy it!
Rating: MA/NSFW 
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The Uchiha household shakes as a resounding bang vibrates through it when Uchiha Sakura slams the door to their house.
She takes off her shoes and kicks them off to the side. The young mother grumbles under her breath as she stomps her feet on the tatami and walks towards their room with an air of wrath surrounding her.
Their door opens again and ninja sandals enter. Uchiha Sasuke comes in quietly and lets out a sigh. He bends down to arrange the footwear on the floor, regally slipping his own slippers on and picking up his wife's pink ones to bring it to her.
When he enters their room, Sakura is mumbling silent curses as she frustratingly pulls her hairtie and unzips her red dress.
Sasuke patiently places her slippers near the foot of their bed and observes his fuming wife.
"Did you hear me Sasuke-kun?"
The tone in her voice still sounds angry, but for some reason, her temper doesn't scare him as it usually does.
So he answers her.
"Yes, I heard you."
She mutters something under her breath, and exhales loudly when her zipper gets caught on its way down. Sasuke attempts to help her with it when she suddenly tears it with no hesitation.
Uchiha Sasuke gapes in shock.
The nin raises his eyebrow when his wife turns her back on him, with the upper half of her form fitting dress hanging loosely around her hips. Then, his mouth dries when he sees that she isn't wearing a bra underneath, probably due to the presence of cups sewn into the outfit.
She bends down through her closet and he is instantly rewarded by the sight of her sweet ass pressed tightly to the cottony skirt. His sexy wife is searching for something and she lets out another string of frustrated growls while she attempts to find whatever it is she is looking for.
Sasuke's eyes skim over to the back of her toned, pale thighs when she goes on her tiptoes to get something off the upper shelf.
He swallows his saliva to get rid of his nervousness.
Her actions actually turn him on.
Simple as they were.
They were turning him on.
He finds her irresistible in this moment.
Even if he knows that he is at risk of being at the receiving end of her rage.
"I can't believe you did that! So stupid. That was so stupid!"
Which brings him back to their current scene.
"Don't you 'hn' me you jerk."
She pushes her dress down and it is then when Sasuke's eyes widen at the sight of her beige panties. They were plain, and practical, but they made Sakura's butt and legs appear lighter than they really are and Sasuke actually takes the time to think about how they would feel if he pulls them down to her toes.
"And you completely ignored what I said! I hate it when you do that."
"If you weren't the father of my beautiful child, I would totally punch you right now."
She clenches her fists and resumes a fighting pose and actually punches an invisible person. Sasuke sweatdrops.
"I'm so mad! I don't think I've ever been this mad at you before."
She lets out another piqued snarl.
"Giving me the silent treatment now are you? Well, I don't care, I'll give you a piece of my mind."
She turns her head to his direction but her bangs cover her eyes.
"I told you that there was no need to pay off that huge amount of money!"
"Everything was fine, you should've let me talk to the landlady. I could've saved us the expense."
"Are you even listening to me?"
He smirks.
"What the hell are you doing?!"
Uchiha Sakura glares openly at her husband. And she berates her heart for skipping a beat when she discovers the reason why her dear Sasuke-kun was so silent. Then, she glares harder.
Because Uchiha Sasuke is sitting on their bed.
With a smirk that she currently wishes to wipe off his face.
And a tilt to his head that she can only describe as teasing.
And he was half-naked.
She kicks her inner fan girl when her eyes drift low to his sculpted abdominals.
"Come here."
Sakura meets his eyes and holds herself back as he stares back at her with a hand extended.
Does he think that he'll be able to get out of this by being all sexy?
Well, he has another thing coming.
"I'm still mad at you."
"No way I'm going near you now."
She crosses her arms and looks away.
Her forehead twitches. And she screams at herself to let the rage boil over instead of cooling off at the sound of his endearment. She grits her teeth and narrows her eyes at their ceiling.
"We're still fighting."
He lets out a sigh.
"I know."
"I'm really pissed."
"You look pissed."
Sakura's patience breaks.
"Oh I look pissed huh? Then you better stay away from the beast who was apparently responsible for all the damage."
His tender tone actually simmers her anger in a way, but she turns the heat on anyway.
"What?! We're fighting! We're fighting. Okay Sasuke?! What the hell makes you think I'd want to come closer you bastard?"
To prove her point, she angrily puts on an over-sized shirt and flicks her middle finger to threaten him.
He stops her with a simple smile that swiftly turns her insides to mush. And Sakura whines, she whines because it is all so unfair. How quickly he can calm her down.
So unfair.
"Come here Yome."
Her inner jumps out and fans up the dwindling fire to slowly get it going again. Burn rage! Burn Shannaro! The pinkette narrows her eyes again. And if looks could kill, Sasuke would be lying in a pool of his own blood, with what was left of his body. If there were any...
Because Uchiha Sakura can literally tear him to shreds.
But when he answers her with just that smile on his face again, the kunoichi grumbles a manageable, non-intimidating phrase.
And her darling husband merely smirks.
"Because I want to get started with the make up sex."
Sakura's body freezes.
Then, a chill passes.
Causing her hairs to stand on end.
Her thumping heart immediately thaws it out.
And a warmth spreads throughout her whole person.
And she actually feels her cheeks warm.
It has been too long.
Actually, a few days had passed ever since Uchiha Sasuke returned from his mission. But as expected, they had a lot of things to attend to. With the Chuunin exam coming up and Sasuke training Naruto's child. And they were never really alone for more than a minute.
And it is in this moment that she finally realizes it.
The fact that they are alone.
"But, Sarada..."
"Won't be home for five hours."
She flinches.
"I'm furious with you."
"I like it when you're dominant."
Her body ignites at the image.
"I don't want to!"
She bites her lip and glances to where his bare feet are situated on their floor.
"Okay, I want to but..."
Then, she allows her eyes to travel up his body.
Yes, he was shirtless.
And to add to that.
The zipper to his shinobi pants are already undone.
The jerk.
When she finally meets his eyes. She notices a spark in them. But, she's still seething at what had just transpired a few minutes ago. So she turns her head with a stubborn "hmmph".
"Come here."
"I'll let you be on top."
She yells out.
"I missed you."
The sentence, in truth, knocks some of her irritation off her. And she can't even find it in herself to say anything as a come back.
He actually looks adorable at this point, as if she has just denied him his sweetest candy. Or er, tomato. And Uchiha Sakura realizes that she doesn't really want to withhold anything from her handsome husband. So she internally admits defeat and waits for his finishing line.
"I've been wanting to make love to my wife since I returned."
Her heart melts, it actually melts.
But she feels like pushing him a bit further.
"I'm not letting you off the hook."
"I'm going to make you hate having sex with me."
She taunts him.
This guy.
"Mou! Why do you know exactly what to say when I'm so freakin' pissed!?"
"Because I know you've been dying to have sex with me too."
That damn smirk again.
"You're so full of it."
She scoffs.
"Sakura, Come here."
And she decides to finally close their distance.
Her footsteps take her to her husband as he remains rooted in his spot, quietly observing her. Sakura could already feel the intensity settling deep into her core. And she quickly moistens her lips in anticipation of his touch.
When she stops before him, her front facing his sitting form, Sasuke stares. And in a gentle hold, he puts a hand to her stomach, and slips it inside the baggy shirt, gradually lifting it to expose her abdomen. Sakura hitches her breath when he tugs the hip line of her underwear to bring her closer. She couldn't help but run her fingers through his dark hair, thin digits tenderly sweeping his bangs to the side so that she can come face to face with the rinnegan.
Uchiha Sasuke looks up and meets her emerald orbs with mismatched irises.
"Take your shirt off."
Without breaking their contact, Sakura crosses her hands to the edge of her comfortable top and lifts it off her. Sasuke is then confronted with the sight of her bare chest, with it's tiny, pink tips, inviting him to take them into his mouth.
The avenger allows a hand to travel up to where the undersides of her breasts cover a patch of skin. He pushes one up and leans forward to lick the pink globes. Sakura takes a step into his space. Her husband's other hand slips to the small of her back to pull her closer to him as he breathes in her womanly scent.
The threads of his desire slowly command his cock to full attention.
It had really been too long.
So, he pulls her to him.
Her legs effectively land beside his hips as Sakura adjusts her position to straddle her spouse. The moment she feels his desire though, she wastes no time in grounding her core to him as he lets out a groan of finally being skin to skin with his lover from the waist up.
She puts a hand to the back of his head and presses her lips to him. They slowly savor the taste of their mouths but eventually push their tongues against each other to further deepen the contact. Sasuke angles the back of her head to his tongue's thrusting.
Sakura lets out a muffled "mmph" at his sudden aggressiveness but meets him easily. When she pulls away to stare into his eyes again, Sasuke surprises her by switching their positions. The next thing the pinkette knows, her hot love is standing before her, breaths coming out in deep pants as he stares at her body until he stops to focus on her panties, eyes heavy lidded with lust.
He bends down to take his pants off and leaves his navy blue boxers on. Then, he fits his hands around Sakura's ass to push her upwards towards their pillows, firm pelvis pressing between her parted legs.
Sakura gasps at the contact.
A hand comes up to squeeze a breast.
"Still though, why did you pay that bitch off?"
His hand pauses, then he puts his mouth to her neck to reprimand her for opening the topic again, greedy teeth nipping onto her pulse, hard, sculpted body rubbing against hers, teasing her with what he wants to do to her.
Distracting her.
"I told you I'd make you hate this love-making, so I'm asking you. Why?"
He lets out a 'Tch' and travels down her body to come face-to-pelvis with the last barrier keeping her from him. He hooks a finger in it and abruptly pulls it down. His lovely mate lets out a surprise gasp but wraps her hands around his neck as soon as he situates himself above her. Hard and naked. Sasuke eases himself into her tight heat until she can feel his lower curls make contact with her moist crevice. Then he fucks her for a bit by giving her a small, apologetic hump.
She whimpers. He buries his head in her shoulder and starts a steady pace.
"I didn't want to complicate things."
She lets out a gasp, the grip on his hair tightening as he continues pushing in and out.
"Which was why I told you to leave it to me."
"It was the third house you wrecked Sakura."
The pinkette tightly wraps her legs around him and rolls over to ride him. Then, she rotates her hips to him in a harder and faster pace.
"Fuck, Sakura."
"Che. She knew what she was getting into when she let me sign the lease. And we're shinobi, we're fucking awesome shinobi. What was she expecting? Of course there'd be some property damage."
"You uprooted a tree."
Dainty hands grab his and direct them to her breasts. He doesn't hesitate in caressing them, lust-filled eyes studying his wife's expression when she grinds against him and allows his manhood to hit her in a sensitive spot.
"So? Akamaru has been digging holes into Kiba's backyard for a long time."
His hands let go of her creamy mounds to slide a finger down and trace the line at the center of her upper body. Then he applies a little pressure that allows her to arch her back and bite her lip at the simple touch.
"That sounded dirty."
He grabs her hips and starts thrusting up into her.
"And I don't like hearing another man's name while I'm inside you."
He puts more emphasis on that one word. It takes a second for her to register what he had just said, but she puts her hands over his and continues her gyrating motions.
"You don't huh?"
The grip he has tightens at how good it felt to be within her. To watch her fuck him, her breasts bouncing up and down and her face contorted into so much pleasure.
"Actually today, Naruto invited us for ramen."
He clicks his tongue in annoyance.
"Shikamaru says he's expecting another baby."
Her voice sounded a little vindictive. And damn it. It kind of turns him on. The fact that she's ruling over him in this moment. And the fact that she has asserted control.
It fucking turns him on.
Still, he doesn't like it when she's saying someone else's name.
"Sai said that Ino has taken their kink up a notch and bought fuckin' handcuffs."
He briefly notes that maybe they should kick their kink up too. So, he gives her one particularly hard, and punishing thrust. Uchiha Sakura whimpers at how good it felt.
"Lee-san... Oh!"
He pushes her to her back and thrusts harsh and deep.
"Stop it."
He bites into her shoulder and props his hands beside her, his body a bit farther than usual but with their hips still connected.
He keeps on pumping his hips, assuming a leisurely rhythm. Then, he pulls out and tells her with his eyes. She gets on all fours as he sheathes himself in again.
"Still though, I don't like the fact that you left me in the receiving area so you can negotiate on your own."
It irks him that she's still talking about it at this point. Speaking casually when he is too distracted with how amazing this is. What they were doing. He pushes his chest to her slender back and hooks an arm around her stomach. The other gropes one ass cheek as he continues the friendly pace he started.
"And as I said, we didn't need to pay that huge amount of money, the house already had a couple of cracks. The yard wasn't as pretty as it is now when we first arrived."
"You punched a canyon into the ground."
She fists a hand in their sheets when he hits that spot again.
"We could've fixed that by ourselves."
She hisses out.
"You broke the kitchen counter top when you baked that cake."
He gives her another thrust.
"Another thing we could've repaired on our own."
"The floor had scratch marks on them."
His not-so-innocent wife curses.
"And who was to blame for that Sasuke-kun?"
He continues pumping into her, now getting onto his knees as he puts a hand to her back and pushes her further into their covers while Sakura presses herself more intimately to him.
"Sakura, why are you really angry?"
He puts a hand over one of her hands and laces them together, hips still maintaining its kind jerking.
It takes a minute before she answers him.
"I hate it when you see through me."
He tightens their intimate hold.
"That's why we're married."
He rams into her fiercely until she constricts around him to warn him of her impeding climax. So he stops and allows her some air.
He doesn't want it to be over too soon.
And as she pants out and gets herself together. Uchiha Sasuke holds back the urge to pound her anyway by gently putting her hair to one side and tilting her chin to meet his eyes.
"Tell me."
Sakura is staring at him, green eyes holding something in them that he can't quite pinpoint. Only that something has upset her. So she pushes against the bed, and he grabs her around the waist to pull her to him, as they do a reverse cowgirl position, with his legs straightened.
"She has a crush on you."
A pause.
Sasuke blinks.
Then it comes to him.
"Damn, now I understand why you didn't want me mentioning another guy's name."
She takes both of his hands again and places them on her thighs. He pulls her more closely and licks her spine when she sways her hips to him again.
"Hn. Jealous?"
"Not really."
A hard thrust.
"You're jealous."
"Like I said... Ahhhn."
He rolls his hips to hers and puts a hand to her breast to press her to him, his forehead leaning on her white unblemished back.
"What was that again?"
She slaps the back of his hand off her breast when he leans up to lick the back of her neck. Uchiha Sasuke's lip tilts upwards.
"Why were you jealous?"
"Mou! You're so clueless aren't you?"
He groans when she pulls away from him, his tall and still hard stiffness falling out of her, but standing enthusiastically.
A hand pushes him to his back as the young medic lies beside him to take him into her hands and starts a delicate but fast up and down motion.
"She was wearing a V-neck shirt with her tits nearly visible and her miniskirt was three sizes too small!"
He tilts his neck up when she licks at his pulse, still pumping him.
"I didn't notice."
"Are you serious?"
Her hand stopped.
She resumes her touch.
"Fine, but she insisted on talking to you alone! When I was in the room!"
He shuts his eyes tight and starts moving his hips to her hand.
"And you agreed!"
"I thought she was intimidated by you."
"Intimi- Wait, you really didn't notice?"
She lets him go again but this time, she goes on top of him and while holding his cock up, she takes him inside her. Sasuke lets out a low grunt.
Eager hands go to her hips to get her moving again.
And she starts moving.
"Are you that dense?"
"She was practically begging you to have an affair. I mean..."
Sasuke jerks her to him and he ends up filling her more.
A strained moan comes out of both their mouths.
His hands become taut on her rounded humps.
There was just something about his wife, mad with jealousy, that encourages his desire.
"I wouldn't."
"I know you wouldn't but still, you totally led her on you asshole."
She lets him go again and goes to her stomach, bending her knees, head now facing the foot of their bed. Sasuke gets to his knees again and sinks into her without any hesitation. They are playing with each other at this point. Changing their positions just to delay their fulfillment.
"Whose side are you on right now?"
He pumps into her.
"Well actually, I'm on side B if you know what I mean."
A hand is on her abdomen, pulling her closer.
"But seriously, you really really really didn't think that she was flirting with you?"
He gives her a few good and hard pounds. Sakura gasps his name out.
He leans into her a bit and picks up the pace.
"Besides, she's five years my senior."
"So? She was hot! Hotter than most women in Konoha. Kami, those breasts weren't fake. And what I'd give to have her ass."
"I like your ass."
And to prove his point a hand fondles the asset.
"She was hot Sasuke-kun! Ah!"
She takes in a deep breath when he lets out quiet pants behind her ear and brands himself into her pliant and soft body.
"Are you suggesting that I should've had an affair with another woman?"
"What? No! You would never..."
Sasuke smirks.
And when he feels her climbing up those steps once more. He pauses. Sakura lets out a disappointed huff. Then, he withdraws from her and bites the shell of her ear. His tongue comes out to lick it seductively.
"Exactly, I would never do that."
And he turns her to her back, enters her again and fucks her.
"Ahhhn. There! There!"
He puts a leg over his shoulder and Sakura tilts her body to the side to receive him more comfortably.
"Why are you still so fucking tight..."
The raven-haired god grits out.
He puts her leg down and spreads it wider along with the other one. Hands press down on the inside of her pale thighs to gain more access.
She is closing her eyes, both hands thrown overhead on their pillows, gripping them with all their might. The action causes her breast to be pushed up to the ceiling. The sight of which, tempts the thirty-one year old to suckle it. And Sasuke feels it, he feels himself coming. So he lets go of her thighs and catches both her wrists in one hand.
"Open your eyes."
Green eyes peek at him.
Sasuke meets them with no hesitation.
And with all the love he could muster...
"This body."
And with all the vulnerability he has always allowed himself when it came to his wife.
"This body is all I see."
He confesses his love for her again.
A hand traces the side of her waist until it reaches her hips again and guides it to him as he continues his wild pumps. Then he turns it into a deeper and harder rhythm.
"This body is the only one I've been inside of."
And he lets her know that he adores her.
He absolutely adores her.
Sasuke gives her one forceful thrust and pauses again to catch himself from cumming too soon.
She rolls her hips to him after a few seconds and he starts catching up to her dance.
"And I don't want anyone else."
He continues his words of passion.
Sasuke lets go of her wrists and interlaces his fingers with one of her hands.
"If it was up to me, I will never leave this body."
He speeds up, intent on bringing them both to completion.
"I'll make love to it til the end of time."
He can feel her nearing her end as she pushes her feet to the bed and starts meeting him thrust for thrust.
He leans down to blow into her ear again, and this causes shivers to run down her physique.
"You hear me Sakura?"
She nods her head.
He pushes himself up and maintains their eye contact. Still helping her along. Hips now assuming a slow and hard thrusting motion.
"Even when you grow fuller."
She tightens her grip on his fingers.
"Even when you lose your youth."
She gasps.
"Even when your hair has gray strands in them."
He goes faster again.
"I'll make love to it."
She suddenly unravels before him, and she takes back her hand and wraps her limbs around him as he lets her ride out her high.
But he hasn't quite reached his peak yet.
So he pushes into her again.
"I'd still want you."
And again.
And again.
"Only you."
He lets go of all inhibitions and rocks his hips to his own completion.
"Til the end of time."
He assumes a violent back and forth motion.
And he feels it, he can feel it coming.
Sakura is panting hard, still very sensitive as he fills her with his girth.
"Only you Yome."
He snaps.
And spills himself inside his wife.
Long fingers digging deep into her waist as he gives a few more thrusts to pour out the rest of his essence. Sakura's arms tighten around his neck again when his euphoria allows her to experience another one as well.
"Me too. Only you. I only see you. No one else."
She pants out.
He is still taking in deep breaths beside her ear. Body still in shock of one of the best orgasms both of them has ever had.
"Hn, you summed that up pretty fast."
He pulls out of her and takes her into his arms, swiftly making them comfortable on their bed.
"I love you so much."
"Aa. I love you too."
As they lay in each other's presence with breaths still heaving, Sakura quietly speaks.
"I'm sorry for getting mad."
He tightens his biceps around her.
"The next house we buy, it's gonna be from a really old oji-san. And far from this one."
She traces a finger along his pectorals. Sasuke gulps at her supposed innocent actions, his loins already stirring. Then, he decides to tell her what has always been on his mind since that first time they lost an apartment.
"I think I should just purchase a big piece of land for you."
"And our house will be placed at the very end of it."
He continues his quiet musings.
"I don't know where you're going with this."
She pushes herself against his chest and lifts her face to stare at him, with an arched brow.
Sasuke smirks in return.
"If you're eventually going to obliterate our yard again, then I'd rather you have a larger space where you can let out that monstrous strength of yours."
Sakura blinks.
"Just for that?"
He nods.
"Just for that."
He expects her to punch him and beat him up for pointing out her demonic brawn but Sakura actually surprises him when she burrows her head into his neck, with arms around him, and tears flowing.
"Sasuke-kun... "
Uchiha Sakura pushes herself up again and looks at him with a peculiar expression on.
Her eyes are brimming with tears, but it seems like it wasn't one of pain or sadness. Contented, she looks contented.
"You really do love me."
Uchiha Sasuke's face softens.
He flicks her forehead lightly.
"As if you doubted that for one second."
Author's note: *Blushes madly* I hope you guys enjoyed that! Thank you for reading! And thank you all for your reviews! They are all greatly appreciated.
R&R ;)
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theclosetpoet7 · 7 years
Because She Just Had to Wear That
Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine. :)
Summary: In which Sakura sends Sasuke a picture
Rating: MA/NSFW
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Uchiha Sasuke's gaze settles on the unread messages on his flip phone. His young wife had sent him a couple of SMS a few hours ago, but he had been otherwise preoccupied with the rogue nin attacking him. There were a few more which he guesses were sent while he was in another dimension, still gathering intel on Kaguya's army. Now, he rests in a rundown hotel just fresh out of a shower. His dark locks drip with water as he sits on the bed going through the messages he received.
One came from Naruto.
His left eyebrow lifted upon seeing the subject matter.
"Urgent." It said.
He clicks on the message and reads through it.
"Teme, we went to the beach today. Don't worry, I covered Sakura-chan's body from prying eyes using a floatie."
The nin's eyebrows shoot up. And then he pictures his lovely wife walking on the sand, her skin probably in a pink flush. Then he thinks of the image his idiot bestfriend painted.
And groans at the thought.
Because wouldn't she look even cuter then? He could just see her, in the blue one piece she always wore after giving birth. At the time he didn't really understand her consciousness. She still looked fine. That blue swimwear, paired with a lifesaver would give the perverts the illusion of her appearing as a school girl. Kami, his friend could be clueless sometimes.
He skips over the other messages and clicks one of Sakura's.
"Anata! Look at Sarada-chan! Isn't she so kawaii?"
The patriarch clicks on the next message which was a multimedia one and lets out a subtle smile at the sight. There was his lovely eleven-month-old daughter, her chubby arms hanging by her side in a pink bathing suit, with a white skirt like work on the waist area. And she was frowning at the camera, her chipmunk like cheeks appearing puffed out. Sakura was holding her with one arm around their daughter's torso, grinning wide into the camera.
Onyx eyes widen at the image. And he stares at the picture again in utter disbelief. Attention zeroing in on his wife. Mouth drying at the sight.
The material looked flimsy.
It exposed her shoulders which looked amazing.
Her breasts, or at least parts of it, looked fuller.
And her stomach, which had grown flatter since he last saw her, looked soft and smooth.
Her upper thighs were visible too, as she was on her knees, doing her best to capture Sarada's whole outfit.
'What the hell?'
He closes the message, swiftly clicks on her name, and puts the phone to his ear. He taps his finger on the bedside table, listening to her cellphone ring, and patiently waits for her to pick up.
Her excited greeting nearly makes him forget about the purpose of the call, realizing just how much he has missed her voice. But he pushes through regardless.
"Throw it away."
"The red bikini."
His neck warms upon realizing what he just said.
The red bikini.
"What? But I just bought it! and it's expensive Sasuke-kun!"
"I don't care. I'll buy you something else. Just, throw it away."
"And why the hell should I?"
He could hear the irritation in her voice and nervously bites his lip, debating over whether he should tell her the reason.
'Because you look so fuckable in it. And I don't want anyone else to see what is mine.'
He recognizes the desire making itself known. And with the picture she just sent him, as well as her soft voice, he finds himself being unable to hold back his next words.
"What are you wearing now?"
Her tone tells him that she had been taken off guard by his question, and the implication of where the conversation was going. Still he doesn't shy away from it. They have afterall, been intimate several times before. Too many times. He has missed her. Terribly. Though he doesn't have to say it outloud for her to know that he did. Tonight was one of those nights that he was, to put it bluntly, horny for her. And that image she sent him, though it was meant to show him their daughter, only had him panting with need for Uchiha Sakura.
Hot would be an understatement.
She drove him wild.
"Sakura, what are you wearing?"
His tone had turned low to its seductive baritone, conveying to her that he isn't teasing. There is a long pause before she lets out a soft breath. He shivers upon hearing her sigh.
"A nightie."
He instantly starts to harden and turns to lie on his back, taking off his towel and releasing his cock.
"Which one?"
Sasuke hears his wife swallow and shift her position on what he assumes is their bed.
"The white one."
He stiffens and holds back a groan, mind already filled with erotic memories of the supposedly innocent color made to look seductive with its lace work and the fact that her nipples were visible through it. She had worn it on their wedding night.
He lowers his hand.
"Sasuke-kun? Are you touching yourself right now?"
His right hand grasps his semi hard appendage and it takes a wince for him to realize that his hand isn't as soft as he wants it to be. It could never compare to the gentle touch his wife always gave him. He closes his eyes and conjures up images of Sakura. The last time they had been together was three months prior. And she had sucked him off with so much enthusiasm that he couldn't control himself.
Their sex had always been sweet, gentle and passionate but sometimes, it was hot and animalistic. He would plunge into her so hard that the lovely Sannin would scream his name.
Not that it was rare for her to scream it.
Hell, their sex was always hot.
His hips made an involuntary hard pump at the thought and he lets out a soft groan.
The sound was one which nearly made him cum. Because he knows it. Has known it because he is usually the one who makes it come out of her pretty mouth.
His wife was touching herself.
"Fuck, Sakura, you're..."
His hand tightens a little bit at the part of him that has grown harder at her voice.
She lets out a deep sigh and he can hear another rustle of sheets, then she lets out a moan.
"Can you blame me Anata? I can hear you... breathing...and I want you."
Unable to control himself any longer, Sasuke puts the phone on speaker mode.
He turns on his stomach and places a pillow below him, hips lifting as he pretends that it is her under him. He is sure that she is doing the same in their home, legs probably wrapped around that life-sized pillow she had.
"Wrap your legs around me Sakura."
She lets out a whimper at his demand but adjusts her position again from what he could hear.
"I'm going to fuck you now."
She lets out a gasp. He can hear her swallow her spit and almost stutter at his crude sentence. Then he props his left stump beside the pillow, right hand continuing the pumping motion around his member.
He grunts and starts a slow thrust. Hips moving back and forth. His hand is around himself trying to focus on her breaths, coming out in small puffs on the opposite line.
He pumps hard and lets out a groan. When he opens his eyes, he is seeing her, feeling her. With her slim arms around his neck, and her eyes, her green green eyes pleading him to go faster.
He couldn't help himself from spewing out dirty words. Lips forming lewd sentences.
"Can you feel me inside you Sakura?"
"Can you feel me fucking you?"
He continues his motion, picking up the pace as he hears her gasp again.
"Move your fingers faster, push against that fucking pillow harder."
"Uhn...Sa, Sasuke-kun..."
"I'm thrusting against you hard Yome, and I'm touching you where we are joined."
Her sudden climax surprises him and he thrusts against his hand faster until he sees the blinding light.
She lets out soft pants as she comes down from her release.
"Anata, I love you so much."
His heart swells at her words, chest rising and falling rapidly as he tries to calm his breathing. His hand feels sticky now.
"I love you too."
"A-and you miss me?"
His cheeks warm again, and he guesses that she must be blushing too.
"So much."
"Me too."
She lets out a giggle.
"That was a first."
He recalls what they had just done and his body goes up a couple of degrees, already desiring to be inside her. Really be inside her.
"What brought this on?"
He almost, Almost, stutters at her question. All because of a silly picture. That was all it took for him to be turned on by his wife.
He gets up and starts walking to the shower to clean himself of the mess he had made while having phone sex with Uchiha Sakura. He could feel her smile on the other end.
Her tone is teasing. He smirks, recalling that he had teased her a couple of times before. The young nin lets out a "hn" and utters it again.
"Throw it away or I will."
Yome- how a man refers to his wife. (It's usually Tsuma, but I liked this too much)
So "Of Apples and Cinnamon" is now rated M. I wanted to post this as soon as I can, just to satisfy my need to write SasuSaku for now. So sorry about not updating my other stories. I sort of have a writer's block with regards to Sore ga ai deshou and I'm busy with board exams.
R & R
Eat, breathe, love and think SasuSaku.
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theclosetpoet7 · 7 years
Love and Phone Sex
Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine.
Notes on one-shot: Yome or Tsuma just means wife and is used by a husband to talk about his wife with another person. In this fic and my other fics, since Sasuke, in gaiden says “my wife this or my wife that” I just used it anyway. Just think of it as Sakura being happy that he refers to her as his wife and me looking for one word that is similar to Sakura’s use of “anata”.
Rating: MA/NSFW 
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"Can you hear me?"
Her melodic voice brings a rush of affection as Sasuke adjusts his phone's volume to hear her more clearly.
Uchiha Sakura smiles warmly into the camera. She holds it so that he can see her pretty face and waves her hand.
The dark haired nin awkwardly raises his hand in reply and cocks his head to the side when he sees the evidence of make-up.
"You didn't have to put that on."
"Eh?" She blushes on her end and Sasuke cheekily points to his face to explain.
"Oh, I guess I didn't. But, I thought you might not be able to see me well if I didn't."
She averts her eyes to cover up her disappointment.
"There's no need."
Her grin is instantaneous and so adorable that Sasuke almost grins back in return.
She puts a thumb over the lens and Sasuke scrunches his nose in annoyance when she disappears.
"I can't see you Sakura."
"Yeah, hold on. I have to..."
He hears a bit of static over their phone line as she moves about in what he assumes is their bedroom. He lies down on the hotel's pillows and puts an arm behind his head, patiently waiting for his wife's face to come up again. He glances at the clock and makes a mental note of the time.
11:00 pm.
"How is Sarada?"
He hears her soft pads on the floor and then there's a slight thud in which the screen is covered in total darkness.
"She's fine. She loves the panda by the way, thank you."
Uchiha Sasuke smiles at the mention of his gift to their cute daughter.
"Where is she ?"
His ears pick up on the silent taps on a keyboard.
What is she doing?
"Gomen, Anata, she's sleeping right now."
He stares at the ceiling, still waiting on Sakura.
"So uhm... Do you like what you see?"
He turns his eyes to the screen again and gawks.
He gawks...
Uchiha Sasuke freakin' gawks.
Sakura is wearing black underwear.
Correction, Sakura is wearing black, lacy underwear.
Still not right.
Uchiha Sakura is wearing black, lacy, see through underwear.
And she is sitting on their bed with a long leg crossed over the other as she works her thin fingers through her silky pink locks that fall delicately over her shoulder.
The Uchiha patriarch swallows.
He turns to his side and brings the phone closer to study the situation. It seems that she may have projected their call onto a laptop that she had placed on a table near the end of their bed.
"I was thinking that we could try..."
Her face turns to a deep crimson.
Sasuke allows his eyes to skim over her body. His wife, as she usually is, looks beautiful. Her skin appears smooth and creamy. Twin mounds peak at him from behind her thin bra, nipples push against its lacework. She has a little bit of fullness in her lower belly, a tiny bulge that he can't help but want to pinch. And her white thighs, are unblemished and calling out for him to run his hands over them.
The wanderer groans at the memory of her legs wrapped around his narrow hips.
It has been so long.
His wife clears her throat. And, he smirks.
"What did you have in mind?"
The sharingan-wielder decides to tease her for a bit.
If only to hold back his desire before he lets it overtake him.
Uchiha Sakura puffs her cheeks out at his wickedness for challenging her to voice it out. Then she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and bites her lower lip as she contemplates on what to say.
He could practically feel her shiver as she exhales through her nose and rests both her hands on her lap.
"Video phone sex."
The sentence nearly makes him snort with amusement. Not only does it allow pornographic images to come to his mind, but it also churns a feeling of excitement at the thought of trying something they've never done before.
Even if their love-making was already hot.
He briefly checks the room he is in and confirms that the door is locked, and the curtains are drawn shut.
"Make sure no one sees you."
Her confused expression appears only for a moment but promptly dawns with understanding.
"Oh yeah."
She vanishes from the screen again as she shuts the blinds and locks their door.
Then she clumsily jumps on their bed. Sasuke is rewarded with the allure of her pale breasts bouncing as she adjusts her position on their duvet.
"Cast a silencing jutsu."
He forms his hands into the technique to make his room soundproof and Sakura does the same thing.
When they are left with nothing else to do, Sasuke props himself against the head of the bed and waits for his voluptuous wife to make the first move.
He raises an eyebrow, and guesses that he probably looks smug.
"Do you like what you see?"
He covers his laugh with the back of his hand.
Did she practice just one line?
"Mou! Sasuke-kun, I repeated that sentence over and over in my head the whole day!"
He got it right.
Sakura lets out a small huff and crosses her arms before her assets. Cute, she was too cute.
And hot, so fucking hot.
So Sasuke decides to humor her.
"Gomen. Yes, I do like what I see."
His partner's face turns pink. Dainty hands come up to press her cheeks as she looks at anything but him. The pinkette plasters an innocent smile on her angelic face. And sways from side to side.
"Although, I was hoping that you'd seduce me slowly first."
Her eyes widen and she looks to the camera, blushing furiously at the sexy smile her husband has on.
"Wait a sec."
And she disappears again.
Sasuke uses the time to take his shirt off and pull his boxers down. He makes himself more comfortable. Heart racing in anticipation of what she is about to do next.
"How about now?"
Sasuke's whole body stiffens.
His wife knows how to do it.
His wife absolutely knows how to do it.
How to turn him on in less than a second.
She is kneeling on their bed, thighs slightly apart, one resting on the front of her hips while the other twirls a strand of hair. His tongue itches to run over the defined line at the center of her abdomen as she teases him with just a little peep show.
Sasuke's mouth turns dry.
And his loins burn at the sight before him.
Because Sakura is wearing one of his white button up long sleeves, her hands nearly concealable. The edge of the shirt covers her down to mid-thigh.
And she knows.
She knows how to turn him on.
In less than a second.
"Do you like it?"
He settles his gaze on her eyes again and notes the spark in them.
She looks directly at the camera lens and Sasuke swiftly feels her stare deep into his soul. When her emerald orbs fall on his form on the screen, Sakura openly gasps.
"Are you naked Sasuke-kun?"
He smirks again at the way he can get her all flustered with just a glimpse of his bare shoulders.
"Well, can you show me the rest?"
He teases her again with an inquiry.
"What do you want to see?"
"Your abs."
There is not even a hint of hesitation in her answer that Sasuke doesn't offer much of a delay and moves the camera a little bit further down his body so that she can see his torso.
"Yeah baby, that's what we're talking about."
He sweat drops at his wife's fan-girlish squeal and adjusts the device so he can see what she's doing again.
"What do you want us to do next?"
He doesn't usually ask a lot of questions. But in this moment, he finds himself overwhelmed by the need to push his mate.
"I want to touch you Anata."
He pauses for a second.
And breathes deeply.
"Run your hands over your stomach, and wrap them around your... Uhm... penis."
She almost does it perfectly but is instantly flustered again. Her voice though, sends thrills down to pool in his belly that Sasuke couldn't help but comply with her wishes.
His wife maneuvers herself to the top of their bed and lies down on their pillows.
Sasuke grasps himself.
"I'm lying on your side of the bed Sasuke-kun."
The grip he has tightens at the way she mewls the sentence in the most enticing tone he has ever heard her use.
"I want to be touched too."
He starts a pumping motion.
"Can you massage your breasts for me?"
There is a jolt in her body, Sasuke thinks, but his wife nods her head and places her palms over her breast rotating them in a clockwise motion.
The nin is rewarded with one of the naughtiest images he has ever seen. He can see his wife's body from head to toe. One of her legs is bent. His shirt is parted on one side, revealing her black lingerie underneath. And she is pushing herself against her hands as she moans out her pleasure.
He moves his hand up and down lazily. Savoring the build up.
Sakura tilts her head up and lets out a gasp at how sensitive her chest feels.
"I wish I was kissing you."
Instant lust floods over his whole body at how forward his dear wife is becoming already. And he honestly isn't surprised. Because Sakura has always been a fast learner.
"Touch yourself."
She lets out a low moan when she catches on to his demands, and slowly slips her hand inside her panties. Sasuke can see, through his phone, the way she caresses herself in a back and forth motion.
He turns stiff hard.
And he wishes that he can bury deep into her.
He wishes that he can press his lips to hers.
He wishes that he can lace their fingers together.
As he joins the two of them physically in their dance to merge their souls into one.
He can feel his body burn and muses that it won't take long before he takes himself to the edge. So he continues a slow pace and looks at his wife again. The avenger stifles a groan.
Sakura continues touching herself, and he could see her toes curling into their white sheets as she grinds her body to self gratification. Sasuke's eyes pick up on the fact that she is actually about to lose control too.
So he jerks himself off with faster and harder motions.
"Fuck, Sakura."
He realizes that he wants to ask more from her.
"Spread your legs wider."
She does so.
"Move your hips."
She lets out a loud moan.
"Look at me."
She directs her face to the screen, all flushed and sweaty.
"Are your fingers inside you?"
He gives in to temptation and imagines her wrapped around him. He imagines her scent. He imagines the way she would pull him closer. And he imagines her nails digging into his back. Sasuke's hips eagerly thrust upward.
"Take them out and rub them on it."
She moans again and follows his instructions. Then, she arches her back off the bed to gyrate them against her teasing digits. Wantonly flicking something between her legs.
And she screams his name out.
The sight of his wife reaching her peak so suddenly does it for him, and Sasuke indulges himself more, pumping against his fist, slowly bringing his lower half to absolute euphoria.
She brings his attention to her again, and Sasuke grunts at the image of her still touching herself.
"I want to see you too."
He understands what she is trying to say and clicks on his phone to change his camera's direction so that she can see where his fingers are curled around.
That is all he can describe their current actions as he realizes that in this moment, his camera is directed at his manhood, and in this moment he is letting her watch him fuck himself. He pushes up so he can see her. She is looking straight at her laptop, fingers nestled between her thighs which are angled in a way that allows him to see her center as she presses them together.
And she cums again
Sasuke strokes himself a few more times before he joins her in ecstasy.
There is a blinding light when he slowly comes down from his high.
And he bows his body to the heavens as he rides the waves of pure bliss until he is brought back ashore.
"I can't see you anymore Sasuke-kun."
The Sannin lets out puffs of breath as he turns his head to look for his phone, which had been discarded when he spilled himself. He picks it up and flips the camera again so that his wife can see the way she has reduced him to a heaving mess.
"That good?"
She leers mischievously and squats in front of him.
"You have no idea."
He manages to hiss out.
"On the contrary my darling, I do have an idea. It was good for me too."
He couldn't help the pride he feels upon hearing her confession.
"You weren't naked though."
He pokes at her for fun again.
Uchiha Sakura laughs wholeheartedly and gathers her hair to one side.
"And whose fault was that?"
His lips can't form a reply.
Maybe they can do that some other time.
He sits up to lean an elbow on his knees. He opens the drawer and pulls out tissue to clean himself.
"How's your mission?"
He breathes in deeply and runs a hand through his dark tresses to let out a frustrated exhale.
"It's going to take longer than I thought."
Sakura's smile turns into a frown. Sasuke immediately resents his admission with the way she tries to lift the curves of her mouth to remedy the situation. She is too patient and too understanding.
"Still jumping through dimensions?"
"And your chakra?"
"I try to rest before opening another portal."
"Your eyes don't hurt?"
"Are you eating right? The soldier pills?"
"They taste horrible."
"I'd punch you if I was there Anata."
He lets out a low chuckle.
"We miss you though. I miss you."
She sounds like she is about to cry.
Sasuke sighs and tells her the truth.
"I miss you more."
They stare at each others' video image for a while.
"Don't worry about us."
She reassures him.
"No matter how far away you are. No matter how long it takes. Our hearts will always be connected. Just know that you have a family to come home to when you finish your mission."
His wife is amazing.
Sasuke smiles sincerely.
"I love you."
"I love you too Sasuke-kun."
Their emotions are overflowing.
He settles on his back and watches his wife get up and take the computer into her hands. Then, she lies on their king-sized bed and places it beside her, body turning to the side as she stares at him from Konoha.
"Let's sleep next to each other tonight."
He burrows deep into his sheets and turns to the empty space beside him. Then, he holds his phone in front of him as Sakura turns off their bedside lamp.
It is like they are actually facing each other.
He wants to pull her to him though.
And he wants to wrap his arms around her petite form.
Never letting go.
"Goodnight Anata."
He nods his head and slowly drifts off.
It doesn't take long before his wife's snores come through the phone and Sasuke has to lower the volume so he can go back to sleep.
Author's Note: Hides face in shame. Use of “Yome”. In Japan, the wives usually use the word “Anata” as a term of endearment to their husbands and is typically translated to “my darling or dear”. However there is no such term used by the husbands to refer to their wives in a similar fashion.
Random Musings: In all honesty, even though I love Kishimoto for making Gaiden and placing his focus on the Uchiha family, I still find it hard to believe that Sasuke wasn't able to see Sarada grow up. With their new technology and all, it seems absurd, or just the simple thought of having a hawk deliver a picture between him and Sakura would've sufficed. There may be a lot of explanations though, like maybe he had actually been jumping through dimensions the past 9/10 years or maybe it’s for her safety but it still baffles me. I still love Kishimoto though.  
 Read and Review! :D
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theclosetpoet7 · 7 years
Love and Sexy Hips
Disclaimer: All characters belong to the spectacular Masashi Kishimoto.
Summary: You're stuck in my head. Stuck on my heart. And stuck on my body. So baby, take me to that feeling and I'll be your sinner in secret, when the lights go out. In which they express their connection in more ways than one. A series of one-shots.
Notes on one-shot: This was inspired by the song "Love & Roll" by Supercell ft Nagi.
Rating: MA/NSFW 
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It's the music.
It's the music that does it to her. Sakura raises her arms overhead and stretches her neck out. The beats flow throughout her body as she sways her slim hips to the tune and the glaring lights. Beads of sweat slide down her neck, adrenaline rushes through her as her confidence grows, and heat, unbearable heat surrounds her.
And she loves it.
She absolutely loves it.
She closes her eyes and shuts everyone else out as she lets the night take over her. Because it felt good. It felt so good to lose her inhibitions like this. She runs a hand through her petal locks and flips it over her shoulder, defined collarbone visible, slowly seducing the world around her.
Do you wanna take me out?
Her thumping heartbeat doesn't stop and she eventually finds herself bopping to the percussive waves and troughs of the club's song.
She feels sexy as hell.
Don't you like this look?
Strong, powerful hands smooth over her abdomen and it takes the hitch in her breath to snap her out of the trance she has placed herself in. Her delicate form is pulled against a hard, firm body. Sakura lets out a sultry smile at the way he lets out small puffs of breath to assert control.
Uchiha Sasuke traps her to his person, and he does it with a hint of possessiveness as he instinctively grounds his hips to hers.
"I didn't know you could dance."
She utters the sentence in a seductive tone and wastes no time in running her fingers through his dark locks. The twenty-three year old arches her back to press more closely to him.
"I'm not."
She lets out a scoff. He was right though, he was merely holding her, and it was the pinkette who was guiding his hips to the movement of her own.
So, you want me to take the lead after all?
She pumps her fullness a little more provocatively and Sasuke's hands tense over her flawless midriff. They slide an inch skyward and Sakura bites her lip in anticipation of his confident hold over her chest. But he stops there, the tip of his fingers barely making contact with the edge of her tank top.
"What the hell are you wearing?"
You've been staring at my chest way too much, you know that?
A trace of a smile makes its way to her lips. Because Sasuke is predictable. Too predictable.
"What? Don't you find this sexy?"
His body stiffens as she teasingly lets out the sentence and draws his head to rest on her neck.
"I do. But..."
The medic's smile grows wider when he breathes in her scent. Her hips continue their intimate dance and the dark haired nin settles his hands on her waist again, grip tightening.
His tongue comes out to taste her delicious neck and Sakura grasps his head harder as she bites her lip to stifle a moan.
"They can see."
She almost laughs out loud.
He licks his way to her ear and blows into it. The kunoichi lets out a small exhale at this, legs nearly falling over.
"Other men."
This time she giggles girlishly.
"Serves you right Sasuke-kun."
He bites into the shell of her ear, quietly punishing her for turning this into such a challenge. Though she knows that he is turned on by this side of her. His pale digits glide deliciously to the front of her stomach, fingertips slipping into her skirt's garter, slowly goading her into submission.
"And what did I do this time?"
She attunes her body to the hard beats again and grinds her hips in reply. Green eyes peek to see if anybody else has noticed the scandalous position both shinobi are in. His question actually irks her temper in a way. But as he always does, Sasuke chases the doubts away with his blunt words and forward actions.
"You forgot you jerk."
His fingers slide lower. And Sakura feels the heat pool to her belly.
"Forgot what?"
She lets out a frustrated huff and progresses her hold to the back of his neck, angrily pinching it. Her embrace becomes more taut as she berates him with her impatient touch.
"Our anniversary."
He smirks against her cheeks and pulls his hands away. Sakura almost wants to take them into her soft ones and urge them to her skin again but Sasuke skims his hands along her arms and places his palms over the back of hers. Then he wraps something around her right wrist and gently laces his fingers with her dainty ones.
He pumps into her ass.
Emerald orbs widen, mostly due to his crude behavior, and glance down. The bracelet was thin and dainty, with a silver chain that looked authentic. It was so simple, except for the small charm shaped into a cherry blossom.
It was elegant.
The wanderer squeezes her hands again and smiles into her hair.
"You were saying?"
Her heart thunders wildly against her chest and the Sannin couldn't help the rush of emotions that run through her whole person.
"Take me home, Sasuke-kun."
So escort me gently, will you?
He pushes her against the wall, lips locking with hers as she clutches desperately to the front of his shirt. She unbuttons them with haste and wastes no time in slipping her hand in to touch his hard pectorals.
His tongue battles with hers, eager digits angling her head to his assault. They pull away for a second, a string of saliva separating them. She watches his Adam's apple bob up and down and raises her head to meet his eyes.
That is what she sees. Uchiha Sasuke doesn't avert his eyes when he slides his shirt off him, with a tilt to his head, and a confident smirk making its way to his lips.
Sakura blushes deeply with the knowledge of what he is about to do to her.
A lady in love?
She tucks her hair behind her ear and anticipates his next move. The sexy avenger places his hand against her cheek and leans in closer.
Then he lovingly presses his lips to hers and lets out a relieved breath. Sakura feels it, she feels the heat again. When his tongue comes out to play with hers, she happily obliges and lets their appendages move to that ageless dance.
Sasuke breaks their touch to run his lips over her neck, teeth bite onto her soft skin and something wet and firm flicks out to lick the small bruise.
He sucks her pulse.
Her hands thread themselves through his hair to pull him closer. Closer. Palms press more intimately to her smooth torso and lifts her midriff blouse to uncover her pert breasts. Sasuke nibbles her neck more aggressively when he discovers that she isn't wearing a bra.
How risque of her.
He cups her peach mounds and draws away to watch her face. And, he rotates them in a circular motion, both sides going outward.
She breathes his name out.
Sasuke merely stares heatedly at her as she lets out small gasps. Then he leans forward to take one tip into his mouth.
Her hands immediately grip his shoulder tight as he moves his tongue up and down. Slowly pressing in and out while he palms her other breast.
More warmth settles into her and she finds herself in want of more. And she tells him so.
Sasuke lets out a small chuckle against her body and goes down to his knees.
Sakura loses her wits when he boldly grabs hold of her skirt and leisurely pulls them down, firm lips pressing to her hip bone, close enough to pass a jolt through her core. When he finally takes it off her and she steps out of the leather garments to kick them away, Sasuke looks up from below and pauses for a second when he sees her panties.
Well, if this lacy work is considered as such.
I kind of want to do something bad. This is changing into a love scene.
Curious fingers examine the silky pattern. Then, he regards her with the most alluring smile on his face as he slips his digits between her thighs and teases her without entering her moist crevice. She is wet between her legs and Sasuke takes advantage of it.
"How lewd."
His smooth baritone sends mouthwatering chills down to her toes. He changes the direction of his fingers, pads facing up as he pumps two of them in a back and forth motion against her underwear.
Sakura swallows her spit when his touch turns her insides into a mess of sorts. Then, he raises his upper body to come face to face with her navel, licentious fingers continuing their movements. His tongue comes out to tease her bellybutton and the pinkette lets out a small moan at his ministrations. She knows that she is far beyond saving now. And she knows that it won't take long for her to unravel. He is near his limit too, she briefly notes, as she sees the bulge not too subtly straining against his pants.
He pulls her panties down and gets to his feet. Then, as Sakura heaves her chest with breaths of arousal, Sasuke's hands fall to his slacks' zipper, and takes them off along with his black boxers. The young sannin licks her lips at the sight of his tall, hard arousal, the tip glistening with want. He wastes no time in pulling her to him again, large hand holding on to the small of her back while the other lifts her thigh to wrap it around his hips.
He nestles his hardness against her wet heat, and Sakura waits in excitement for his penetration.
"You're my wife. You deserve better than to be fucked against a wall."
His tender words touch her heart, but jars her body with its vulgarity.
The pinkette hooks her legs more firmly against his toned butt and allows the head of his manhood to make contact with her wetness. Sasuke lets out a groan at her crassness.
"And what if I want to be taken like this Anata?"
The upper-hand she has over her husband is short-lived when Uchiha Sasuke abruptly sheathes himself inside her. She lets out a surprised gasp at being filled so suddenly. Both nin let out small puffs of breath as they gather their senses at the overwhelming pleasure that possesses them.
Sasuke's fingers dig deep into her thigh when he moves gently to ease her in. Sakura tugs him and presses his forehead to hers. They breathe into each others' lips as her lover starts a slow rhythm. Rolling her hips to his lazily. She moans at how amazing it feels to have him within her. And she hums with contentment at the way he treasures her in this moment, responding shyly to his sweet loving.
Soon, his pumps become more hurried and intense.
The pinkette whimpers out her approval at his animalistic pounding.
And she stares deep into his soul to cement their connection.
"I love you so much."
I'm looking up at you with my puppy dog eyes, and that's a sign for you.
He gyrates into her with more fervor and lifts her other leg around his waist to carry her to the kitchen.
She stutters with disappointment when he foregoes burrowing her into the wall, and drops her unceremoniously on to hard wood. He changes her mind though when he pushes her to her back, while still buried deep inside her. The devilish Sannin rises over his mate and stares at her with lust in his eyes. Sakura's cheeks warm with embarrassment at the way her legs dangle off the table. Then her partner squeezes her thighs and starts hammering into her.
He doesn't break their eye contact.
Pumping hard and ferociously as he loses control and fucks her with abandon.
The room is filled with gasps and grunts as they drop all restraints and worship one another with their bodies. Sakura grips the edge of the dinette, nails digging into it, scratching splinters onto the surface.
She loses grasp of her surroundings as Sasuke drives into her. Hardening thrusts clouding her senses. She focuses on his thrusting motions, eyes unabashedly falling to where they are joined. He was sure to leave marks on her delicate skin with the way he was tightening his hold on her white thighs.
She moves her hips to his and they both drown themselves in this hot joining as they merge themselves into one person.
So try calling my name more intimately and cast your breath right close to my ears.
The endearment, takes her desire up a notch as she feels her whole body shudder with more warmth, more lust, and more love when she senses her peak slowly approaching. Sakura reaches a hand to him and Sasuke meets it, fingers interlacing with hers, as he brings them down to her stomach and picks up the pace.
And Sakura is flying.
She soars high.
Reaching the clouds
And nearly collides with the sun.
Then, she plummets down to earth.
She screams out when she comes, and Sasuke picks her up to pull her flush against him as he thrusts five more times before he swells deep inside her and spills himself. The action brings Sakura another wave of euphoria as she clutches onto him, body shaking from the strain and the ecstasy.
They release ragged breaths as they ride their desires until it simmers into a quiet heat to where they are still connected.
Uchiha Sasuke pulls out and Sakura bites her lip at the way it pokes at her sensitivity.
"Thank you for the bracelet."
She smiles so lovingly, her face looking angelic, that it seemed unbelievable that they had just had sex so salaciously just moments ago.
Her dear husband returns her smile and pulls her in for another kiss.
"Did you like your gift?"
He raises an eyebrow at her question, indicating that he has no idea what she is talking about.
Sakura pushes herself off the desk and pads hurriedly to their room. Sasuke's eyes leer naughtily over her creamy romp until she disappears through their door.
Then, she comes out with an envelope in her hands.
She opens it with a bit of nervousness and pulls out the picture inside.
Obsidian eyes widen at the image before him. And love, love grips his heart and pumps it to life.
"We're gonna need a bigger house." she says.
And Uchiha Sakura laughs lightheartedly.
Sasuke yanks her to him and engulfs her in his arms. Expressing the joy he feels at the news. He kisses her tenderly again and places a hand over her womb.
"Then you better stop wrecking this one so we can pay it off."
Don't rush. Just do it slowly. Lock on, you're already head over heels for me.
Author's Note: Pinches her nose and chuckles perversely into her hands.
Sooo, This is a new fic which will feature one-shots and random drabbles with a more mature theme. Also, if anyone is wondering, Sasuke has both arms in this since he finally accepted Tsunade's transplant. Silly wanderer.
Hope you guys enjoyed the lemony goodness.
Gosh I better go back to studying. It just keeps pouring out.
Thank you for reading!
R & R
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theclosetpoet7 · 7 years
Bitter Lounge of Disbelief
Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine. 
Summary:  She wishes him all the best and lets his hands go. Then, she walks out of his life. When he turns to face the crowd with his wife's hand in his, Uchiha Sasuke focuses only on Sakura. He doesn't know which one he prefers; her smile or her tears. AU. [Alternate Ending to White Wine, Bitter Sunlight]
Rating: MA/ NSFW
Warning: This fic is dark. And it is for all you angst and smut loving readers out there. If you read "White Wine, Bitter Sunlight", then you know what happens at the end. This is an alternate ending to that.
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'I love you!'
Her mind screams, as she takes his hands in hers and wishes him all the best for his future.
He looks stunning in his black garments, with the Uchiha fan on its back.
He tightens his grip on her.
'I love you!'
But the words never leave her mouth.
And he pulls away, head bowed in defeat and wishes her all the same.
Then, she walks out of his life.
The spectators clap their hands as he faced them
With Uchiha Yuki's hand in his.
He turns to the crowd and spots Sakura clapping her hands as well.
Smiling at them.
He doesn't know which one he prefers, her smile or her tears.
"Fuck, Sakura."
He hisses her name when he enters her. Her hands clutch at his black yukata, fingernails digging in as she gasps at the way he is stretching her. He starts a hard and fast pace. Because he is angry. Really angry. Furious even. He is a husband now. The band on his left ring finger is proof of that. A few hours ago, he married Uchiha Yuki.
Because Sakura had let him go! Damn it she let him go!
He grips her hips tight, aware that he will be leaving bruises. But he doesn't care. He doesn't care at all. He wants her to remember. He wants her to know that she is his.
Even if he isn't hers.
She almost lets out a loud moan but his hand covers that pretty little mouth of hers.
"Shut up."
He whispers harshly against her ear, tongue coming out to lick the shell as a form of apology for saying harsh words. When her insides tighten, he smirks at the implication. She liked his roughness. She loved it when he was being aggressive with her.
"You don't want them to hear."
She whimpers at this.
He decides to push her even further.
"You don't want her to hear."
He feels her heart change its rhythm.
Sakura lets out a small gasp and nods her head, lifting a hand to bite onto its side as he picks up the pace again.
He tries not to scream her name.
But she feels amazing, and he lets out a little grunt as he hears the noises their bodies make while they slide against each other. He pushes her against the wall and wraps her legs around him, deepening their contact.
He rests his head on her shoulder and controls the groans he makes.
Because he is married.
He is fucking married.
And his wife is waiting for him in the room right next to them.
In the room next to the one they are currently occupying.
Next to the one they are currently fucking in.
And he hates Sakura for leaving him.
He hates her.
A thrust.
He hates her.
Another hard thrust.
He hates her.
He jackhammers into her.
But loves her all the same.
Too much that he doesn't care anymore.
He doesn't care.
So he does what he wants.
Fucking Sakura.
Loving Sakura.
And he makes her see all the things that she gave up on when she chose to let him marry someone else.
When she chose his clan's happiness over hers.
When she chose Uchiha Yuki's happiness instead of his.
He lets himself go.
When they are done, and she lets out deep breaths, he bends down to kiss her only to be rejected when she turns her head away and mutters.
"This is the last time."
He is conscious of the fact that it isn't and he forcefully kisses the thought away because he hopes that she really does love him. Even if she doesn't want to admit it. Even when the law basically told him that he belonged to someone else.
"Please leave."
Sakura fixes her kimono, refusing to make eye contact. Her hand is already on the door, opening it to show him the way out. Sasuke doesn't want to leave but knows that he has to.
Yuki is waiting for him. Probably nervous as hell. Though he knows that he doesn't want to consummate this marriage.
"I love you."
She flinches at his words but doesn't say a word.
"Sasuke-kun… please."
He can detect the desperation in her voice and knows that she is right. He should leave. So he does, and he goes to a honeymoon suite that would never serve its purpose.
Uchiha Sasuke swallows the guilt for having betrayed his wife the first night they are married.
But it is Haruno Sakura he thinks of.
Only her.
Sakura avoids him throughout the reception and he almost accepts the fact that she may have left already.
But he catches her pink curls when he sips the sake Yuki has poured him.
And he notices the way she steers clear of him as she talks to the other guests.
And he wants her.
He wants her.
"Your wife is simply glowing isn't she?"
She avoids his gaze, staring intently at Uchiha Yuki, a hand swinging a shot of sake in her hand. Her grip is tight and Sasuke almost feels like she is going to throw it at him just so he can't break this wall she has built around her.
"My father asked for an heir. I … "
"Of course he did."
She cuts his explanation in half. And he nearly loses his patience. Doesn't this affect her at all? She has gotten into this routine months before he got married. But he remains complacent with this hateful attitude. As long as he gets to have her. Just her.
Because he is selfish.
He knows he is.
He doesn't want her to go to someone else.
Even if he goes home to another woman every night.
But isn't this all her fault though? Wasn't she the one who chose to break his heart? Even if he is still fighting, even if he still wants to fight despite the fact that he has a pregnant spouse now. Because damn it, it has always been her.
It is Sakura he wants.
And she feels the same. He is sure she does.
Because she had let him claim her.
She had let him in her.
And if that is not confirmation enough then he doesn't know what is.
"I see you when I look at her."
She curses at his words. Sasuke wonders if it's because she hates it when he does this or because she is simply affected by his truthfulness. She doesn't look mad though, only confused.
"When I'm inside her, I think of you."
"You can't say that anymore Sasuke."
"I'll say what I want to say."
His hand lingers on her thigh and he thinks up an excuse to leave with her tonight, instead of Yuki, who simply looks happy in the company of her friends as they congratulate her on her pregnancy. He remembers the shame he had felt when he bedded his bride, and the weight of Uchiha Fugaku's will that was placed on his shoulders, as well as the demands of his clan to carry out his duty. Sakura downs her seventh glass of sake and stands up, glaring hard.
"Please don't make this any harder than it already is Sasuke."
She lifts an eyebrow at him.
"You forgot the –kun."
Her eyes glimmered with tears at his correction, and she rests her weight on one foot as she looks at him, then turns to glance at Uchiha Yuki.
"You… you gave me a chance… but I didn't take it. She doesn't deserve this Sasuke-kun."
He could hear the defeat in her voice, as well as the self-remorse.
"I hate myself when I'm with you because she loves you. She loves you."
"And you don't?"
Her silence is all he needs.
He grabs her hand in his and pulls her away from their friends. No one notices, too focused on the blushing mother-to-be.
The bathroom is empty and he quickly locks the door as he lifts Sakura to the sink, hands already in her skirt, grasping the edge of her panties and pulling them down with much force.
"Hate me instead."
She pushes against his shoulders and peers straight into his eyes.
"Hate me."
He fumbles with the zipper of his pants and pushes them down, his cock springs free, already hard with want for her. He would always want her.
He spreads her legs and shoves himself inside her.
"Stop hating yourself and just hate me."
She gasps at his pace.
"I'm the one who is doing this to you."
He thrusts against her.
"I'm the one who is fucking you."
"Hate me Sakura."
She moans as he continues his pumping motion.
"Because I'm not letting you go."
She screams his name as he pounds her to completion.
"Let us burn in hell together Yome."
She fists her hands as he brings Yuki in for a check-up.
Sasuke's face looks worried.
His wife is just having false contractions though.
And Sakura tells the couple, with a grin on her face, that their baby is healthy.
It is the first time she thinks that Sasuke is capable of moving on.
"I know you are seeing my husband."
Sakura turns rigid at the sentence.
"It started out as just your typical kind of jealousy, like, 'Oh how I wish you can talk to me like you do with Sakura-chan.', or 'I just want to be your best friend like Sakura-chan.' This and that. Things that I shrugged off because you were in his life long before I was."
She bows her head.
"Then it turned into actual suspicion. Like the way he would stare at you or the fact that he kept on searching for someone during our own wedding. And finally, you both disappear for a while at a party to congratulate me on my pregnancy."
"Of course you've been sleeping together. How else could I explain it?"
"We're not..."
"You must think I'm fucking stupid right?"
Sakura cringes. This is the first time she has ever heard the Uchiha Matriarch curse.
"Tell me Sakura, how sick can you be when you watch over a man's pregnant wife only to fuck him behind her back?"
She flinches at the anger laced in the kunoichi's words.
The pinkette bites her lower lip to stop herself.
"Don't you dare say my name like you're my friend! Not when Sasu-chan calls yours out when he is sleeping next to me."
"Onegai, we're... We're having a baby together. He says it's a boy. And I know he already loves this baby as much as he is capable of loving anyone. Maybe even more than you. I don't want this child to grow up in a home where his father does not love his own mother. I don't want him to think that it is okay to do this. To cheat. I don't ... I don't. It's not right."
The tears fall then.
"Onegai, onegai Sakura-chan..."
Sakura grabs the poor woman's hands and squeezes them.
"Yuki... I don't..."
Fair hands tighten around her own. The next thing Sakura knows, she is staring at pure pure red, with a swirling tomoe. Then her surroundings change and she is forced to see it. Forced to watch as Uchiha Sasuke destroys his own family, his child, his future, everything, by choosing to be with her. She nearly loses consciousness but holds on when she hears Uchiha Yuki's next words.
"Stay away from him."
She feels like she is falling into a bottomless pit.
Sakura wishes she could just hit rock bottom already.
She wakes up to find Sasuke by her window one day.
And it takes her a second to understand the reason why.
His panic-stricken face is evident enough.
Sakura carries his son in her arms. Little Daisuke is healthy, weighing three and a half kilograms. She wipes the blood away from his soft skin. And she puts him on his mother's belly, waiting for the umbilical cord to lengthen. Her job isn't done yet.
She misses the way onyx orbs fall on her for a moment.
The Sannin does her job while trying to forget about the fact that Uchiha Yuki has just given birth to Sasuke's first son. A beautiful boy. A boy she wishes was...No. She shouldn't wish for it. Not when it was her who gave it all up in the first place.
The young doctor maneuvers the placenta out and hands it over to her assistant. Her fingers are steady as she stitches the laceration shut and Sakura looks at her hands. Just her hands. A soft green light radiates over her patient as she heals the rest with her chakra. Focus, the emerald-eyed nin tells herself.
She tries to ignore the presence of the new parents.
The way Yuki glows with a shear amount of perspiration from pushing.
The way Sasuke's eyes soften at the sight of his son.
The way Uchiha Daisuke's cries fill the room as proof of his very existence.
She ignores the pretty picture they made.
She ignores the tiny cracks that form around her heart.
And she avoids meeting Uchiha Yuki's eyes as Sasuke leans in to plant a gentle kiss on his wife's forehead.
Haruno Sakura leaves behind a piece of her soul in that room.
She leaves with the broken pieces of her heart.
She avoids anything Uchiha-related for the next two months.
And she tells herself that she isn't disappointed when Sasuke does not seek her out.
"You should go out with me."
Sakura lifts her head from the counter to widen her eyes at the bartender. She almost elbows her sake glass to the edge but catches the cup before she breaks it.
Yanagi Yuuta is looking at anything but her. Hands busy wiping the wine glasses. Fine lips wrapped around a thin cigarette, and shoulder length hair pulled back by a tie.
That is what she thinks.
But he was not...
His eyes turn to her and he looks sincere in his confession. Sakura could not help but blush.
"I've liked you for a long time Sakura."
She gulps at the confident way he utters her first name.
"And I know that you're in love with Uchiha."
"I'm not." she mutters bitterly.
He looks at her with amusement in his eyes. A teasing tint that made her heart swell with the feeling that she can trust this man. Left eyebrow lifting as if questioning her present claim.
"Well, aren't you a bad liar?"
The medic puffs out her cheeks and slams her forehead on the table.
"Stop joking Yuuta-san."
She is met by stone cold silence and she looks up to see if he has left. But her sight is blocked by his black apron as he stands in front of her.
"I'm not."
She blushes again.
"I'm serious about you Sakura. For years, I've always..."
He puts a hand to his mouth and averts his eyes, a string of smoke coming from the cigarette secured firmly between two long fingers.
Sakura gulps.
"I... Thank you, but I can't do that to you Yuuta-san."
"Just call me Yuuta."
The smile he gives her is wonderful. And Sakura hates herself for denying him.
"I can wait you know."
She hesitantly nods her head.
She goes out with Yanagi anyway.
If only to move on.
And she finds herself sinking into her usual routine of self remorse.
Because she is using him.
And he knows it.
"Uwaaaaah, He's so cuuute!"
The idiot's voice is so loud that Sasuke wants to punch his jaw for almost waking up his son. Daisuke is tucked safely in his arms, fast asleep. Yuki was currently away on a mission and won't be back for a week. He doesn't remember a time when he hasn't felt this emotion.
This deep intense feeling of love for the boy in his arms. He wonders if his father felt the same way when he was born. His heart skips a beat when his son's hand wraps around his finger. So small, so delicate.
Naruto sits next to him and looks peacefully at the koi pound. But it doesn't take him one minute before he is opening his loud mouth again.
"Has Sakura-chan been by lately?"
The raven-haired father almost bites down on his lip upon hearing the sentence. Because for the past six months he hasn't even seen her. Though she still occupied his thoughts. He decides not to acknowledge the inquiry.
"Teme, are you happy?"
Sasuke turns to the future hokage and lifts an eyebrow.
"What are you asking dobe?"
"Is it that hard to understand? Kami! I swear you and Sakura-chan are practically the same person. I just want to bump your heads together. Why is it that you always act like this whole situation isn't fucked up?"
There it was again. The tightening of his heart upon hearing her name.
"I don't know what you are talking about."
"You think I didn't see you two that night?"
He resists the urge to widen his eyes. Because so suddenly, Uzumaki Naruto's voice had turned serious.
There was no use denying it.
"Yuki's baby shower."
Ah. That time.
"It's none of your business."
"It is when my best friends are hurting!"
"You've been acting like complete strangers whenever you're around each other since that night. And what the hell were you thinking letting her handle the delivery?!"
"She's the only person I trust."
"Are you this stubborn?"
"She chose to leave me!"
Uchiha Daisuke opens his eyes and starts wailing. Sasuke gets up and pats his son's back. The cries eventually subside into quiet hiccups and then to tranquil snores as he goes back to his deep slumber.
"You still love her."
Sasuke glares at his best friend for stating the obvious. But he doesn't honor him with an answer.
"Sakura..." Crap, even the sound of her name on his lips brought shivers down his back. It's been too long.
"She loves you too."
The young Uchiha doesn't reply.
Naruto's eyes dawned with understanding upon seeing the way Sasuke's eyes softened at what he just said.
Of course Sasuke knew this.
"And she still walked away from me."
The sentence is uttered in a defeated tone. And that is when the Kyuubi vessel finally gives up. It was Sakura who ran away. And she still is...
He clenches his fists.
"Yanagi Yuuta has finally made his move."
Sasuke's back stiffens.
"Are you okay with that?"
The shift in the ground tells Sasuke that his teammate has made his leave.
As it turns out, he still doesn't want to let her go.
Even if he is a father.
Even if he sees Uchiha Yuki begin to crumble a little more each day.
Even if he begins to hate himself whenever he looks at their son.
He bends Sakura over her desk and puts a knee between her long legs. Then he runs his fingers through her petal locks and puts them over her shoulder to skim his tongue over her swan-like neck. He nests his hardness against her shaking thighs and lets out a sigh so full of satisfaction.
"Thank Kami."
She offers no resistance and allows him to destroy her. She allows Uchiha Sasuke to take what's left of her.
Because she wants him.
She still wants him.
And she wants to destroy him too.
Wants to bring him down with her.
Though her young, innocent self pleads for her to stop.
To stop hanging on to what little he has to give her.
Sakura allows Sasuke to have all of her.
She wants them both to shatter.
The dark-haired nin starts with a slow thrust. It practically seems lazy. But damn it, she is wet. And he isn't even inside her yet. Sasuke simply grinds his manhood into her firm ass, the head of it teasing her essence.
"You have no idea how long I've waited to do this again."
She pushes herself off the table and raises an arm overhead to hook a hand around his neck. And tangles fingers through his mane. Then, she arches her back. Sakura lets out a whimper when his hands come up to cup her breasts from behind, pulling her closer to him. He continues his leisurely strokes, coating himself with her.
And Sakura can feel it.
She can feel that last shred of her sanity slipping away.
"And you thought...the best time to do so would be right after you just found out that your wife is pregnant again?"
He enters her and Sakura bites her lip to muffle her scream.
"Again, it was Tou-san's..."
"Shut up."
She growls as she hears him try to explain himself. She honestly doesn't need to hear it.
This isn't love.
This isn't love at all.
If this was love.
Then why is there so much hate in her heart right now?
Why is she being overtaken by her demons?
"I don't want to hear your excuses Sasuke-kun."
She lets go of his dark tresses and leans forward on her table. Then, she rests her head on her arm and turns to look back at him.
The pinkette pushes herself against the Uchiha patriarch and heatedly says.
"Let's just fuck and get this over with."
Uchiha Sasuke is at a loss for words.
Who is this?
He doesn't know this Sakura in front of him.
She looked broken.
He is inside her, with loins burning, and heart pumping in anticipation for that release.
So he gyrates his hips into hers.
And leads her to the path of their destruction.
She stares blankly at the ground.
Droplets of water fall from her drenched rose-colored strands.
Her eyes are all cried out as she rests her back against Yuuta's closed door.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
But he doesn't say anything.
All she has now is the scent of his cigarettes.
And the betrayal in his eyes.
Her body is being pushed in a back and forth motion.
Her eyes are dazed as she absentmindedly runs her hands through Sasuke's hair.
Her ears can hear nothing but his ragged breaths as he moves for his pleasure.
Her fingers leave crescent shaped marks on his hard back as he hits the right spot.
Her breasts ache as he squeezes them with too much vigor.
Her core throbs with want as he drives himself into her like a madman.
Her lips bleed as she clamps on them hard as a form of punishment.
Her body is there.
But her heart.
Her soul.
"Sakura, run away with me."
No longer exists.
Uchiha Yuki snaps one day.
As she holds her newborn daughter, Uchiha Yuki snaps.
And hatred fills her.
Hatred overcomes everything else.
Then, she tells her father about Haruno Sakura.
Sakura pushes herself further into the wall as Sasuke kneels down to taste her between her legs.
Her face lifts to the ceiling when he darts his tongue out and licks her pulsating nub. If it wasn't for his hands supporting her, then the pinkette would surely be lying on the floor now.
Pale hands run through ebony silk when he flicks it again. And again. And again.
And again.
"You taste so good Sakura."
A new wave of pleasure jolts her when she hears his vulgar sentence. Sasuke grabs her thighs and places them on his shoulders, further burying his face into her core.
"I want to hear you say my name."
She can't even focus anymore. So she tightens her hold on his hair and gives him pain.
Sharp pain.
Sasuke licks her.
He smirks against her soft skin and digs his fingers deeper onto her pale womanly curves.
"I fucking love your voice."
He sticks his tongue in and rocks her insides. Then, he eats her out with fervor.
"I fucking love your body."
He pulls away to lock their lips.
Then he inserts two of his fingers and begins to fuck her with them.
Sakura curves her spine to press more intimately to him, and starts rolling her hips to his digits. He wastes no time in curling his tongue with hers, allowing her to taste herself. Then, she unravels too soon.
And it doesn't take a second for him to plunge himself in her. She wraps her legs around his hips to pull him closer.
Strong arms carry her to the bed.
Sasuke props a hand on the mattress, the other going around to his woman's back as he supports them both with his knees and thrusts into her with a pace that can only be described as unforgiving.
They don't even make it to the center of her sheets because they are too lost in this moment.
Too lost in the fear of being separated.
Because the Uchiha clan is enraged.
Too lost in each other's lust that they honestly can't see anyone else anymore.
Because his wife wants her dead.
Too obsessed with their love.
Because they are going to end this.
"I fucking love you."
He says.
And Sakura pretends that she has the right to say it back.
It doesn't scare her when Uchiha Fugaku demands that she be presented before the clan's heads.
It doesn't scare her when Uchiha Mikoto stares at her with immense sadness.
It doesn't scare her when Uchiha Itachi refuses to watch her get beaten up.
It most definitely doesn't scare her when Uchiha Yuki appears regal and poised as she sits next to her in-laws.
It does scare her when they bring Uchiha Sasuke into the same quadrangle.
And it does scare her when he appears unrecognizable.
and battered.
The love of her life looks on with heartbreak as they count the last moments they have with each other. And Sakura notes, with a hint of bitterness, that even now, her heart flutters when his eyes bore into hers.
His father orders him to cast his signature jutsu on his mistress.
But Sasuke refuses.
She holds her tears back as she listens to him fight back.
Even now, he is still fighting.
Still fighting.
She however, is tired.
So tired.
"Do it."
All eyes turn to her, all in dismay at her indifference.
Sasuke's face drains of all color.
She looks on with dead eyes as his fingers form into the characters she is all too familiar with.
How pitiful it is to die by a mere genin's technique.
Though she knows she deserves it.
And she knows she can't go back to that time.
When her days were filled with so much light.
When she had the privilege to stay by his side.
When it was just them.
Her body braces itself for the impact.
But it doesn't come.
"I love her."
His last attempt shakes her.
Why is he still fighting?
"Stupid husband."
Sakura lifts her face...
"Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu."
...only to be blinded by heat.
Flames engulf her.
Uchiha Yuki seethes with madness as she burns Haruno Sakura alive.
And she doesn't even flinch.
Sasuke screams with horror.
Someone grabs onto him.
Hands tie him down.
"Sakura! No! Let me go! Ni-san let me go! Let me go! Ni-san!"
Sasuke loses his wits in front of her.
The pinkette lets out a broken smile.
Hurting for the person she loves the most.
Then, she lifts her burnt hand to her womb and searches for that tiny chakra again.
And clings on to that small piece of happiness...
Even if it is just for a little while.
Even as she feels her whole body cry out in pain.
Because it was all so tragic. How love can destroy her like this.
When her stubborn spirit attempts to fight for that last bit of hope for survival, Sakura couldn't help but hate this life for being so cruel. And she asks Kami why he let her be born into a world where the only thing she has is her heartbreak.
And she begs for mercy.
Absolute mercy.
What a lovely way to burn.
It is in this moment when she finally wants to say it.
When she finally wants to convey her feelings.
And she uses the remaining strength she has to look Uchiha Sasuke straight in the eye and tells him the truth.
"I love you Sasuke-kun."
And Haruno Sakura ...
She fades into nothing.
"I love you."
"I want to be with you."
"I want to marry you."
"If you give me a sign, I won't push through with the wedding."
"I promise, you'll have me."
He wakes up to a world of white.
He wakes up to a world of nothing.
Uchiha Sasuke opens his eyes and
He wakes up.
The Sannin pushes his body up and can't help but be confused when he is met with no difficulty. There is no resistance, no restraints. It further astonishes him when he doesn't feel the ache in his bones, the pain of which had tortured him for a number of years. And, it nearly makes him cry when his vision suddenly clears, when he finally sees his hands in front of him for the first time in a long while.
It is then when he realizes it.
The absence of wrinkles.
The dark-haired nin stands.
He is nineteen again.
Uchiha Sasuke is nineteen.
He can feel his youth flow through his veins.
Can feel his chakra again.
His body stiffens.
It takes him a moment to anchor himself to where he is standing.
He knows that voice.
An eternity.
An eternity had passed since he last heard that soft tone.
And he had been waiting.
Always waiting.
It couldn't be her.
It just couldn't.
He closes his eyes and wills himself to gather courage.
Then, in painstakingly slow motion, he turns around.
And he prays to Kami that it really is her.
He prays for forgiveness.
He prays for commiseration.
And he prays.
Sasuke opens his eyes.
An eternity.
He had waited for an eternity.
The sight of her pink tresses flowing in the wind nearly knocks him over.
The passion in her emerald green orbs takes hold of his heart and nurtures it back to life.
And the glimmer of his mother's ring on her finger,
As she covers her lips with both hands,
With tears streaming down her face,
Welcomes his soul home.
"I have been waiting for so long Sasuke-kun."
He wastes no time in closing their distance.
Because Haruno Sakura is smiling at him with eyes full of love.
And after eighty years of her absence, Uchiha Sasuke decides that it is her smile he prefers after all.
Author's Note: Hated it? Disgusted? Wished you never read it? *pats your back.* Get yourself a pint of ice cream and go back to happier times. And thank you for reading. Here's a virtual hug if you need it. o-(n_n)-o
Oops, You absolutely despise me for writing this? Well, I still love you though. 
If you, awesome person you, loved it, and accepted it for what it is then, you're the best! This is just my take on a darker, much more mature theme. But, if you saw that little speck of bittersweet emotion in there, 
Random Musings: To my White Wine, Bitter Sunlight supporters, who were all for the happy ending, I'm sorry for making this sad alternate ending. In all honesty, Cheating, is never right. But I hurt for these characters who were never meant to be from the start. (In this setting) This is what might have happened if Sakura never stopped the wedding. The original ending is still the real one though, just think of this as a really bad nightmare.
*Huddles in a corner with a thick blanket around her and hugs herself for being too dark*
Gosh the Uchiha clan are cursed with hatred here. If you are wondering why nobody does anything to save Sakura, (Naruto, Kakashi, Tsunade, Ino, everyone else) then just think about how Itachi was able to murder his entire clan just so he can keep the peace of Konoha.
Also, if anyone is confused, the last scene is Sakura and Sasuke being reunited in the afterlife.
Lastly, "Yome" is used by a man in reference to his wife, although Sakura isn't his wife here, Sasuke refers to her as such because it is what he wants.
Read & Review. :)
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theclosetpoet7 · 7 years
White Wine, Bitter Sunlight
Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine.
Summary: It was in those moments when she knew that he meant it when he said that he loved her, but it was also in those moments when she caught a glimpse of the ring on his finger and she had to remind herself time and time again that Uchiha Sasuke was taken.
Rating: MA/NSFW
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She doesn't remember how she ended up in this moment, in this position, pink hair spread out in his navy blue sheets, looking up at a pale white ceiling which was immediately blocked by a face above hers, staring her down.
Sasuke's hands tighten around her wrists.
This is it.
This is when her heart breaks.
Haruno Sakura tries with all her might to appear apathetic. As if the sight before her had no effect on her at all. She stands straight and clenches her fists at her side. Pale fingers bunching at the frilly white skirt she donned for this event. The love of her life walks past her and doesn't even spare her one glance. It was like she was completely invisible to him. And why would he take notice of her? She was merely a teammate. Nothing else. And she always did pale in comparison to the beauty by his side. Of course, she had known that he had to be matched with somebody someday. But why did it have to be her?
This person.
She can't possibly compete.
No way.
Uchiha Yuki, long gorgeous jet black hair, endless obsidian orbs characteristic of her genes, a body any kunoichi would kill for. Why did she look so fragile? So small and dainty when she was capable of killing with a blink of an eye?
And she was Sasuke's bride-to-be.
A perfect Uchiha couple, destined to be the future head of the police force.
His father and mother stood in front of the whole clan and it was at this very moment that she decided that she would forget everything.
Everything that had anything to do with him.
Absolutely everything.
Longing gazes over the camp fire.
Brushing fingertips.
Stolen kisses.
Because as she thought she can't possibly compete.
And she didn't want to fight a battle she was sure she was going to lose.
And for what really?
"I love you with all my heart!"
She swallows the sentence.
Some fantasy that one day, he would fall for her?
She feels as if the light reflected on the promise rings they exchanged with each other could very well blind her. It was a symbol of their inevitable union, a simple promise that would take years to fulfill, but would be.
A promise that they would only belong to one person.
For eternity.
He would never go for her when he had such a fine woman by his side.
Of course he wouldn't.
He was Uchiha Sasuke.
And he was engaged to someone else.
He lowers down to capture her pink lips in his. A hint of sake on his breath as she knew hers had as well.
But, they are sober.
And fully aware of what they are about to do.
She gasps his name as one bold hand goes to touch her chest over the dress she is wearing. The other slowly snaking its way up her thigh.
She almost lost hold of the kunai she was equipped with when she heard it, the soft sound.
"Sasu-chan! I brought your lunch."
The slight shift in the person above her confirms that he had heard the voice as well. Of course he would, even if that woman was miles away, he'd probably hear her cry. She crinkles her nose as strands of his hair fall delicately on her face, and she almost gasps at the feel of his weight on top of hers.
How did they end up in this position again?
Of course, a simple spar that turned serious once he casually told her that his wedding date had been pushed forward to a year from now. She didn't really know why he felt the need to tell her. But he had said that she was his friend.
She bites her lip to stop from yelling at him. For some reason the past few days they had been fighting. She refused to treat him the same way she always had because it was clear that he would never see her in any other way aside from a teammate. Her anger surprised him at first, but he had decided to grant her this, and she didn't understand why, why he never fought back.
His nickname catches their attention again and before they know it, she pushes him off her and rests on her knees.
"Gomen, Sasuke-kun, I'll heal your wound."
Her hand glows a soft green as she stitches the laceration on his left cheek. She runs her eyes over his face and takes note that indeed, he was a handsome man. So handsome that she stops herself from leaning in towards him as she feels his stare on her. She pulls away to stand but his hand on her wrist pulls her back.
"Sakura, I..."
"There you are. I've been looking all over for you."
The soft smile on his fiancee's face makes Sakura's heart lurch and she swiftly pulls her hand away to tuck a few strands of hair from her face.
"Yuki-chan, Hi. " Her smile is fake and her teammate briefly notes its insincerity before turning his attention to the other female on the field.
"Arigatou, Yuki."
He stands from his crouch and takes the bento in his hand, relieving the girl of the weight she was carrying. The way they gazed into each other's eyes made her sick and Sakura had to hold back the urge to run when she carefully stood from the ground, taking note that he didn't even offer her his hand, and bade them goodbye.
She missed the way he stared at her retreating form.
He presses her to him and lets her feel his need for her.
She tries to resists at first, fist pounding, though lightly, against his chest. Begging him to please let her go. Because if he gives her this, she might not be able to let him go.
A lick.
A suck.
A nip.
And a soft kiss on her neck, hurries the beating of her heart.
He is shirtless above her and she is in her undergarments, hands going around to cover herself only to be pinned at her side as he hovers over her again.
She turns to regard her blonde teammate and lets out another sigh. It was getting harder to study in front of this idiot.
"What is it now Naruto?"
The tone in her voice indicates that this is the last time she allows him to interrupt her readings and the Kyuubi-vessel instantly struggles in his attempt to find the best question to ask.
"How do you feel about the teme getting married?"
The inquiry is one she doesn't expect, and she almost ruins her book when she presses her highlighter too hard. The action does not escape the future hokage's eyes however.
"What are you asking Naruto?"
He looks straight at her again.
"Haven't you always loved him Sakura-chan?"
She knows that Naruto will call her out on her bluff as he always does so decides against lying again.
"It doesn't really matter, how I feel."
"You know that's not true."
He suddenly has a serious look on, and Sakura beams with pride at the fact that he has grown so much. But, that doesn't mean that he is right.
"The teme might not seem like he cares sometimes Sakura-chan. And a cactus may as well be better at expressing its emotions than he is, but we've always known that we are special to him right?"
"And, you've always known that you are special to him."
His words rang clear in her ears when he bids her farewell.
And they continued to ring when she rests her head on her pillow and pulls the covers over her form.
His feather-like caresses on her navel renders her breathless.
She swallows as she anticipates his next move, calloused hand going south until it slips under her white panties, past her pink curls and onto her heated core.
Then he presses a thumb, moist with her arousal, to that sensitive pebble and flicks it, again and again, and has her putty in his arms.
"Since when?"
He is standing there, with his tall frame, arms on either side of her desk. Sakura is currently having her dinner break, and she nearly choked on her sashimi when he came barging in, all demanding, as if what he asked was the most important thing in the world.
"Since when what?" she raised an eyebrow at him.
He lifted an eyebrow back at her and stood straight again. He let out a sigh.
"Since when did you start having feelings for me?"
Her eyes widened at the question he just uttered. And though she was always so careful about not letting him read her, her chopsticks fell with a light thud on her bento.
'What? How?'
"Yuki said…"
The name nearly popped the vein in her head. Seriously? Did he have to mention her?
"I don't care what your fiancée has to say Sasuke-kun."
He smirked at her tone, then ran a hand through his hair.
"Then maybe you'll care about what I have to say." He mutters.
She swallowed a bit of saliva.
"You have feelings for me."
"I don't."
"Sakura, you're a terrible liar."
She puffed out her cheeks.
"You're so full of yourself Uchiha Sasuke! Fine, it's your body. It's just your body I want."
She glares at him, as hard as she could. What an ass her teammate was. So what if she had feelings for him? A fact that she refuses to admit even to herself. Because why the hell would she have feelings for this jerk? Sure he was handsome, the whole female population basically knew that, but he was arrogant, emotionally stunted, has a stick up his ass all the time, had an unhealthy obsession with tomatoes, his hair looked like a chicken's butt, and he was… Sasuke was…
Sasuke was a genius, a caring teammate, a highly skilled shinobi, an excellent partner during missions and Kami was he hot, so hot. Of course she had feelings for him!
'Why do you do this to yourself Haruno?' she inwardly cringes.
Yes, Uchiha Sasuke was a lot of things.
And she had taken pleasure in being by his side for so many years.
It wasn't her place anymore.
She lifts her eyes to regard her first love. He placed a hand on his left hip and tilted his head.
"Just admit it."
There it was again, that arrogant smirk. How she wished she could wipe that off his face.
'Or kiss him senseless.'
"I'm not admitting to anything you jerk."
"Sakura, do you have feelings for me?"
She chances a glance at him again. This time, he looked quite serious than a few moments ago. Then again, when had he been not serious? He actually looked like her answer mattered. Like it would make a difference.
Would it?
Would it make a difference?
She doesn't think so, because his family wanted him to be with Yuki right? Not some civilian's daughter who doesn't have anything to offer to the Uchiha Clan. Just herself, plain Haruno Sakura. Though she does know that she is more than that.
No, it wouldn't make a difference. Sasuke belonged to someone else.
Her answer caught her by surprise. Apparently, he was caught off guard too. His eyebrows shot up, and his smirk disappeared. It was like he didn't really want to hear the truth.
Or he didn't expect her to say it.
"But it shouldn't matter right?"
Her voice sounded strained. Albeit numb. She felt numb.
"Because it's not like you..."
"Of course I do."
The sentence he uttered stills her heartbeat.
He straightened his back and fisted his hands. And he was looking at anything but her, a hint of a blush on his pale cheeks.
"It was always you."
"Before this whole thing started."
She looks away but he grabs her wrist in his.
"Damn it, it has always been you Sakura."
She bows her head at his confession. Her stomach felt like she just ran for miles, as if she just battled a powerful adversary and came out victorious. Was this how it felt like to be extremely happy? She couldn't believe it. Uchiha Sasuke returned her feelings. It was impossible. She looks at him again and this time, he stares her down. His black eyes told her all she needed to know.
He felt the same way.
But it wasn't meant to be was it? How ironic it was. She had dreamed of this moment for years. But the harsh reality would never escape her. He was promised to another.
So before he says anything that will break her resolve,
Before he gives her hope,
"But nothing can happen right?"
She says the very words that drive a knife through her heart.
Something shifts in her teammate's eyes.
"Sasuke-kun, you have a duty to your clan."
Her lip trembles at this. What the hell was she doing? Chasing him away?
"You have to marry Yuki-chan."
He fists his hands again and looks away.
"You don't have a say in that."
"But your father does, and your mother…"
"You know Kaa-san likes you."
She smiles at this. Uchiha Mikoto was like a third mother to her, next to Tsunade Hashirama.
"Hai, she does, but I don't think she will if I come between family politics."
"I think we should stay away from each other."
The decision is set in her eyes, this much Sasuke knows. She was making the decision for both of them.
As if his feelings were not important enough.
He clicks his tongue and disappears in a cloud of smoke.
She gasps his name as he takes away her innocence. And she allows herself this. She allows herself to have him.
Because she has always wanted him
And he wants her too.
Hard for her to believe it.
But he wants her too.
The room is filled with the sound of body on body.
Mind on mind.
Soul on soul.
She shuts her eyes and lets herself bask in the feel of him.
Thrusting hard and deep as he makes her feel all the things he wants to say.
But couldn't.
The moment is not filled with confessions and promises for a future. It is filled with a sense of just being.
Just being together.
No matter the consequences.
The blue tube top Yuki has on, along with her black mini skirt, paired with black heels made her look stunning. Sakura downs her sake and briefly glances at the power couple. Sasuke is wearing a white button up shirt with black pants. His fiancee's fingers are laced in his as they entered the noisy club.
She tries to ignore the sinking feeling in her heart. The medic swallows another shot and smiles sweetly at the bartender.
"Arigatou, Yuuta-san."
He smiles in return and points to his left.
"Your teammate is staring hard at you Haruno-san, you would think he's jealous of us."
The female nin sits up straight and sluggishly turns her head to steal a look at the person she was trying to avoid. And there he was, staring straight at her. He wasn't even being subtle. 'The arrogant prick.' She almost feels the urge to go to him, tell him to stop it. He has to stop, the past two months have been hell. Stealing glances at each other and he wasn't even trying hard to stay away from her.
"Hit me."
She asks for another shot. Yuuta Yanagi lifts an eyebrow but pours her another drink.
"That complicated huh?"
"It's nothing."
"It doesn't seem like nothing."
"Are you always this curious about your customers?" She lets out a sigh and rests her head on the bar table.
"Only you, Haruno-san."
He flashes her with a charming smile.
Sakura feels herself blush at this. Sure she knew that Yuuta Yanagi was handsome. With his straight dark locks falling at the side of his face and strong chin with just a hint of a stubble. But she didn't expect him to elicit this reaction from her.
"He's engaged."
"Doesn't look like it."
"Can't you see the size of the ring on his finger Yuuta-san?!"
She lets out incredulously.
"It's just jewelry Haruno-san."
He teasingly replies and winks at her.
He continues to wipe the glass he is holding, daring her to contest his statement.
"We can't, because his clan…"
"Is outdated."
She lifts her head to regard this silly bartender. He had such kind eyes.
"He's with Yuki-chan."
The depressing tone in her voice brings a wave of sympathy to the bartender's heart.
He gently pats her head. Why was it that the good ones always seemed to go after the wrong person? Haruno Sakura was an amazing kunoichi, at the age of twenty-one, she has achieved far more than her generation. Only disciple to the Fifth Hokage, brains that matched Nara Shikamaru's, beauty that garnered every male's admiration, but she was hopelessly in love with Uchiha Sasuke.
It wasn't like her love was unrequited though. If the way the Sharingan wielder was staring at her was any indication. Yuuta has always known that there was something between the two.
It was just a matter of circumstance.
He pours her another drink and smiles with the hopes of cheering her up. She lets out a low groan and he finds himself patting her head again.
"Flirting with my teammate Yanagi?"
The bartender withdraws his hand and Sakura turns her head to see Sasuke glaring at her friend.
"So what if I was Uchiha-san? She's quite a catch. And as far as I know, she isn't taken."
Sasuke narrows his eyes.
"Sasuke-kun, he's just kidding."
Sakura pushes her chair back and abruptly stands.
"Leave me alone."
There is a sway to her step as she pushes her way out of her teammate's grasp, but his hand circles around her toned arm. Yuuta almost reaches his hand to her but the glare he immediately receives is one he cannot ignore.
"We need to talk."
"There is nothing to talk about Sasuke-kun."
"You came with her didn't you?"
The pronoun is said with bitterness in her tongue.
Yuki's sweet voice reaches the pink-haired nin's ears.
'I hate you Kami-sama.'
She curses in her head.
Sasuke narrowly dodges the kunoichi by pulling Sakura behind the wall. He pushes her against it with a hand on one side of her head and the other on her mouth. The clicks of Yuki's heels are what she hears as she passes by their location, only to become faint steps as she continues on her own way.
Sasuke withdraws his hand and leans back.
The name felt like acid on her lips. She spares a glance in Sasuke's direction and lets out a bitter sneer.
"It's adorable, isn't it?"
He narrows his eyes at her and presses a hand to the wall, the other wrapping around her arm again.
"Your beautiful fiancée is calling you Sasuke-kun."
She pulls her arm but he refuses to let go. She has a vindictive smile on, her eyes were glaring at him, and she regards him with a look that screamed deep loathing. But his dear teammate was also trembling as if she was trying to hold something back.
What he was doing wasn't fair. He had a fiancée, had a duty to his clan. But he is in love with this girl. Though, as thick-headed as she is, she refuses to see it. He knows she deserves someone who would give her his all, a person who had no other obligations, a person who wasn't tied down.
But, Uchiha Sasuke was never one who played fair when it came to what he wants. And he wants Haruno Sakura. Years of denial had left him tortured and frustrated with their situation.
Yes, he was promised to another, and before Sakura had found out about it, he was her entire world. She had wanted to stay by his side. Until the engagement was made official and she had to watch as he made an entrance with his future wife.
Had to smile.
Had to congratulate them.
Though he had wished that it was her instead of Yuki on his arm.
"Yuki-chan is waiting, so let me go."
"Stop it."
She widens her eyes at him.
"Stop pushing me away."
She bows her head, pink bangs covering her forehead.
"You stop it."
The sentence is released in a defeated tone. Then, she retreats into herself.
"Don't make me do something I'll regret."
She turns to him with tears in her eyes.
"Onegai Sasuke-kun. Don't make me the bad person here."
She pushes him away again and this time, she slips from his grasp.
Just like she always does.
He whispers sweet nothings into her ear.
Telling her all the things he wants with her.
The future he had dreamed of.
The hopes of having children together.
Growing old.
She tries to tell him to stop, but he is behind her, pounding mercilessly.
Making it hard for her to say anything other than his name.
His pillows muffle her screams.
The sight of him, seemingly lifeless almost breaks her. Almost breaks her soul into little pieces. They are far from the enemies now, the ambush was unexpected, an Anbu squad from a neighboring nation. They both held their own but there was only so much they could do.
She couldn't think of any other way to escape the rain of poisoned gas headed their way and with her quick thinking and a brief nod from her teammate, Sakura lights an explosive tag which dispels the smoke. Her previous experience upon battling one Akatsuki member prepared her for the big blast but it turns out Sasuke wasn't.
She wasn't fast enough, as his form landed with a resounding thud near her feet, and it takes less than a second for her to transport them twenty meters from the opponent and ultimately widening their distance.
He wasn't breathing.
He didn't have a pulse.
She pushes her chakra into him and slices between his left third and fourth ribs, grasping his heart into her hands and starts pumping.
She breathes into his mouth.
She breathes into his mouth again.
She repeats this for three more cycles before she feels it, the thumping of his heart. Then he lets out a gasping breath. He appears confused at first, then relieved. And because he is arrogant, he smirks at her as his eyes settle onto her hand inside his chest.
Sakura almost laughs and it was a shame that she was more relieved than amused by the situation.
Because now, she literally had his heart in her hands.
She has him pinned beneath her, both hands on his strong chest as she moves above him.
Up and down.
Hard and fast.
She bites her lip to stop from moaning out.
She loves this, their body chemistry, she absolutely loves having him inside her.
And she loves him.
"Sasu-chan doesn't love me."
Uchiha Yuki sits beside her on the ramen stand, quietly sipping the broth in her meal. Why she decided to tell her this, Sakura doesn't know, she is about to ask the kunoichi so but she beats her to it.
"You're probably wondering why I'm telling you this Sakura-chan. I know we're not best friends, but you are his, well, aside from Naruto."
The pink-haired nin lets out a small laugh, veiling the agony upon having to go through this conversation.
"I think your opinion matters to him. And I think you know him the best. To be quite honest, I'm jealous of you."
The young heiress stares intently into her eyes, thick lashes over pearly black irises which had garnered the attention of so many admirers. Sakura washes down the desire to disappear with a gulp of water.
"Gomenasai, I didn't mean to be so rude. It's just that, I love him. So much. And I want to make him happy."
"You can Yuki-chan."
If her suggestion appears fake, Sakura doesn't want to care anymore. This was too much. Someone must really hate her up in the heavens.
"How though?"
The young Uchiha puts her face in her hands and lets out a small pout, the action appeared cute and pretty, and Sakura finds it difficult to hate this person in front of her. Because Uchiha Yuki loves Sasuke.
And she wants to make him happy.
Sakura forgets about her feelings for the night and lists down all the things she knows Sasuke likes so that his fiancée can gain his approval.
His hands grasp her hips as he moves to her rhythm, and before she knows it, he flips her onto her back and continues his ministrations, giving her everything she wants.
A hand in her hair.
A tongue on her slender neck.
Her name on his lips.
But she knows it isn't enough.
When it comes to him.
It will never be enough.
The knock on her office interrupts her healing session. She apologizes to her patient and goes straight to the door to find Uchiha Sasuke standing in front of her.
He appeared pissed.
"Stop feeding her information."
She raises an eyebrow at him, never one to back down whenever he is fighting her with his temper.
"Well, I guess that's the end of that."
The third voice in the room raises Sasuke's eyebrows and he turns to regard their sensei who is putting his shirt on.
"Thank you for healing me Sakura."
Kakashi's eyes tell them that he is smiling and he puts a hand on both of their shoulders and later adds.
"Now, now, I didn't train you as a team just to have you bicker at each other, right Sasuke? Sakura?"
They know that his tone is teasing, but they blush nevertheless. It always embarrassed them how often their squad leader referred to them as if they were children and not adults capable of completing their own missions.
Upon his exit, Sasuke turns to her again with the same glare on.
"Stop telling her about the things that I like."
His concern seemed highly preposterous to her.
"I don't see any problem with that, after all, you are going to spend the rest of your life with her Sasuke-kun."
She curses herself for sounding bitter.
"Just stop it."
"And why the hell should I?"
"Because they all belong to you."
Sakura doesn't quite understand him anymore. Why is he still doing this? Why isn't he giving this up?
It is on her twenty-second birthday when Sasuke invites her over his apartment with the promise of her favorite dangoes and sake.
And it is on her twenty-second birthday when he changes their dynamics forever.
"I love you."
She is about to walk out his door when he says it.
"I wanted to let you know because it seems like waiting for you to admit it to yourself is a waste of time."
She fights the happiness again and summons up the courage to look at him. He is standing on his staircase, a hand in the pocket of his jeans as he stares at her. Sakura shies away from the sight of his upper torso, firm and sculpted from years of taijutsu. Her core throbs when her eyes land on the hickey on his collarbone.
She had done it now.
She had done something horrible.
"You're not thinking straight Sasuke-kun."
"Stop fucking denying it."
There is a slight increase in the volume he uses. And she has never heard him talk to her like this before.
"Your wedding is in two months."
With that said, she leaves his apartment and ignores him for seven weeks before he knocks on her door the eve of his bachelor party and takes her hard and fast against it.
When the sunlight streams through his windows and she wakes up to find him in deep slumber, she stands up and ignores the feeling of remorse in her heart and denies the glint on his left ring finger.
She hates her heart for breaking.
He grabs her hand in his in a way that was so delicate, so uncharacteristic of him that she has to plant her heels firmly on the ground to gain her bearing. Then, he pulls her to him and kisses her.
That is when she realizes what he is doing.
He flinches at her stern reply, but continues anyway.
"I love you."
She knows that he means it, has known that he had always meant it. But it doesn't make this anymore easier.
"I want to be with you."
"Marry me."
She chokes on a sob which she holds back with all the strength left in her. Before she realizes it, he slips a ring into her finger.
"It was my mother's."
She says loudly, as if she wanted her very soul to hear it. So she could convince herself to let him go.
Let this go.
She takes the ring off in seconds.
"You're getting married tomorrow."
"And if you give me a sign, I will not push through with the wedding. I promise you'll have me."
"Stop it."
He looks at her sincerely and she could see that his eyes were full of emotion.
"The only thing that's stopping us from being together is you."
She leaves anyway.
‘I love you!'
Her mind screams, as she takes his hands in hers and wishes him all the best for his future.
He looks stunning in the black garments, with the Uchiha fan on his back.
He tightens his grip on her.
'I love you!'
But the words never leave her mouth.
And he pulls away, head bowed in defeat and wishes her all the same.
The sight of him, on the aisle, with Uchiha Yuki, is one she wishes to erase, but the expression on his face; the way his eyes twinkled, the way the side of his lips lifted, and the way he lets out what seemed to be a sigh of relief is one that she commits to memory.
Because Uchiha Sasuke is staring at Haruno Sakura like she is the only person in the room. And the knowing look he gives her makes her heart swell with joy as she enters the hall with an air of confidence, and stops the ceremony. She lifts her arm to show it to him.
The glint of his promise on her left ring finger.
Author's Note: Okay, so this started out as rated T, but I couldn't help it. The not so innocent side of me wanted more drama and smut. So maybe this kind of setting has been quite overused for some authors, but I understand why it's hard to resist adding our personal spin to it. Anyway, I love universes wherein the Uchiha Clan was not massacred and due to keeping up with tradition, Sasuke gets engaged to someone within the clan.
Hope you liked this.
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djevelengriner · 5 years
Peekaboo part 2
So happy to see how much y'all seemed to like part one! ... So here's the stupid, smutty part 2. I'm not sorry. Dante is my spirit animal.
Dante x reader | SSSmut
"Ladies first." Dante said and opened the door before jumping out first. You rolled your eyes at his proud face. "How original." You said sarcastically and closed the door carefully so you wouldn't wake the others.
The air was chilly and pleasant against your warm face. It was calming how dark it was, since that meant Dante wouldn't be able to see how much you were blushing. The only lights were from some glowing roots, wrapping around buildings and cars (and the occasional shell of a person, but hey...). "Mood lighting." Dante said and ran his fingers over the hood of a car filled with the roots. You could hear the smirk in his voice and scoffed. "What's that supposed to mean?"
His arm suddenly wrapped around your waist and you felt his chest against your back. He leaned down to your ear. " You know exactly what it means." He murmured and kissed your shoulder. Fuck, you thought to yourself and bit your lip. "... show me." You whispered confidently and his arm tightened around you. He spun you around and held your arms to your sides firmly. He was hunched over enough for your eyes to align and you saw the lust in them. "I love it when you're bratty." He growled before crashing his mouth into yours. The kiss was messy and deep and you moaned loudly. Dante bit your lip, as if to tell you to be quiet, but it only made you moan louder. He broke the kiss to put a finger on your lips. "Quiet." He mouthed. If you want bratty, I'll give you bratty. You slowly licked his finger before putting it in your mouth, never breaking eye contact. He clenched his teeth to choke a moan. "Make me." You whimpered and made sure to make it extra audible. He pulled you into an alley by your shirt and slammed you against the wall. "If you insist." He panted and kissed you again. Seeing him this agitated made you soaking wet. The power you had over him in that moment... You needed more.
You forced him off of you and he gave you a confused look. "Too much?" He asked, winded from the kiss. You put your hands on his broad chest and pushed him with all you might into the opposing wall. He gasped as he hit it and chuckled. "Oh... I like this."
You kneeled in front of him and unbuckled his belt while kissing his lower abdomen. He moaned and leaned his head against the wall. "Damn, where is all this confidence coming fro- ah!" He hissed as you licked the head of his cock. You slowly tickled his hip with one hand while you caressed the base of his length with the other. "Fuck... shit..." He whispered and grabbed your hair. "Do you ever shut up?" You asked teasingly and looked up at him. He grinned. "Make me."
You licked your lips thoroughly and wrapped them around the tip while gliding your tongue around it. Dante breathed heavily while watching you. You carefully leaned forward making him moan and tighten his grip on your hair. You hummed happily and took him as deep as you dared without gagging. You're mine, now, you thought. He suddenly yanked your head off his cock and leaned down. "My turn."
"What? Can't take it anymore?"
"I'll just take you instead." He commanded and pushed you on the ground before getting on top of you. You moaned as he lifted your shirt up and started licking his way from the hem of your pants, up to your breast. He gently bit your nipple and tried to undo your pants. You grabbed his white hair and forced him into a kiss. You both moaned each other's name. "God... fucking... You know what?!" Dante growled into the kiss in frustration. The zipper on your pants was stuck and impossible to undo. "You won't need these anyway." He said before tearing them off of you. You could feel the cold air on your soaked panties and gasped. His mouth quickly found his way to the outline of your pussy. His lips pressed against you and he put your legs on his shoulders. "Ah... so that's how to shut you up." You moaned and grabbed his hair. He chuckled and licked the fabric caught between your lips. He pushed the panties aside slightly and slid a finger over you slit, sending shivers down your spine. "Fuck, Dante... please..." You whispered and writhed beneath his touch. His eyes pierced yours with a hungry look in them. You could see his nose wrinkle as he smiled against your exposed heat. His warm, wet tongue found your clit and you dropped your head back in pure delight. He rolled his tongue over it painfully slowly. A shock went through your body as he easily slid two long fingers inside you and started pumping. You moaned frantically and pulled his hair hard. I can't come already...!
He curled his fingers and you had to hold back a scream. Fuck, I'm gonna-
He abruptly stopped and sat up. You watched as he licked his fingers with a smile. "Let's rock, baby." He murmured and slammed his length into you. You gasped and bucked your hips to meet his. He grabbed you firmly and grinded his hips against you. You felt a knot forming in your stomach. "Dante..." You cried. He leaned down and kissed you gently. "I love it when you say my name."
His thrusts grew impatient and you groaned as your walls clenched around him. His hair covered his face as he found strength to finish with a last few powerful thrusts. He collapsed on top of you and you giggled. "Let's rock'? Really?"
He scoffed and rolled off to the side and pulled his pants up, still trying to catch his breath. "Whatever."
The van door creaked as you opened it and in one smooth motion you jumped to the couch and covered your bare legs with a blanket. V and Lady moved but had not seemed to wake up. Dante sneaked in through the door and sat down beside you. You smiled and kicked him. "You owe me some new pants." You mouthed. He winked and grabbed his magazine, smirking.
"You guys are fucking unbelievable." Nero snarled with his back turned against you. You froze before quickly panicking, trying to make up an excuse. "We were just taking a walk! Y'know to get some air!"
Nero turned his head and looked at you with clearly unimpressed, tired eyes. "More like, 'to get some ass'." He snorted. Dante chuckled. "Maybe I'll take you for a walk next time." He said without looking up from his magazine. Nero rolled his eyes and turned around again. "Disgusting."
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