preussischekrahen · 6 years
Dropping in (Closed rp)
Typically when Gilbert crossed into an alternate reality, it was entirely by accident or a conscious choice. This time there had been a strange mix of the two. While he had been testing various locations around his house, he hadn’t actually expected one to work. All of a sudden he found himself standing in an unfamiliar yard and he blinked as he looked around. For a moment he had to squint as it was brighter wherever he’d ended up than back at him. As his vision adjusted, he groaned a little. It was sunny here in this strange new place, and he’d of course neglected to put any sunscreen in his shoulder bag. So involved was he in thinking about his inevitable sunburn and the strange sight in front of him, that he had not yet noticed that he was not entirely alone.
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napuleh · 6 years
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@sssevgilim ha risposto al tuo post : i feel bad for the men who were obviously flirting...
he would give him a hug today and then bully him to death
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Considering the fact that only a short while ago Michael described wrestling to someone as ‘that extremely gay looking sport’ it is quite a surprise even to himself that he actually took the offer of doing the definitely most gay looking version of it. In the end Michi just can’t refuse a challenge or an introduction to a new way to get rid of his excess of energy and he would be the first one to slog anyone who dared to point out what is looked like. It was a sport with a long tradition. He decided to take it very seriously.
Thus Michael was reciting the rules to himself as he walked into the ring wearing the traditional getup for this type of sport. He trusted that Sadik would take patience as he still had to learn but he did not want to be unprepared. “I’m sorry it took me a while to get ready. So how exactly do we get started with this?” He would assume that the oil comes first, which is frankly the strangest part about all of this to him.
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stadslichten · 6 years
Send me symbols || Accepting!
🍵 = Does your muse prefer coffee, tea, or cocoa? Do they add any sweeteners? Iced or hot?
Femke is a sucker for a good coffee over anything else, though tea and cocoa are also good as well. She does however add so much sweetener because anything bitter has her running so far away it’s ridiculous. So if it’s bitter coffee, better hand her one of the other two.
As far as iced or hot, that’s all based on time of year.
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seekesotsibteadmist · 6 years
🍾 = What is the last thing your muse celebrated? How long was the celebration?
The last thing Saima celebrated is the Estonian Anniversary. And technically, they are still currently celebrating it since there are a bunch of events that are taking place over the summer and going into 2020 around the centenary. So they’ll be partaking in activities around that for quite some time longer.
Things were rather festive back in February but it seems like there’s no plans for the events and tributes to stop due to this being such a momentous occasion.
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grazie-mille-blog1 · 6 years
@sssevgilim answered your ask
“Yer flatterin’ me–even if only a little bit. Thank ya.”
“You’re handsome, Mr. Turkey, but I wouldn’t want you to become arrogant~”
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sininensalo-a · 6 years
💌🎉(and the little sun!! Even though I have like fallen off all the other blogs I ever created and once more exist solely for this old man and we’ve fallen out of conversation. orz)
send me symbols you cowards // accepting
🎉 We’ve been mutuals for ages, and this makes me so happy! 💌 I just think you’re amazing☀️ I want to rp with you, but I’m not sure how 
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(( first of all, thank you for the first 2 symbols! and the third one, I might have a thread idea for us (you already liked the post so I assume you might be interested in it, the bath/sauna buddies relationship speaks volumes to me)
I’m available on discord anytime! we can resume the conversation regardless where we dropped off!
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saudade-digest · 6 years
[text] Are--are you busy? Can we hang out fer a little bit? It's obviously been a while since we've talked, and I understand if y' already have plans.
[Text] What did you have in mind? I have to say trips to the beach are out of the question
how he laughs at his own joke
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Where to begin, Sadik is sweet and dear, a fantastic boyfriend. A+ job
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napuleh · 7 years
Send me a ■ and the muse will say aloud the first thing they think internally about your character.
Hairy. Hair. What are you doing with your chin? And also, why?
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flosiovis · 7 years
[Sadik, of course. I’ve been wondering about what’s going on in Toni’s head/heart concerning him, so here’s taking the opportunity. uwu/
VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: 💗💗(purely aesthetic appreciation of looks)
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: 💗💗💗(how close a friend they consider them)
SEXUAL DESIRE: 💗(wanting to have sex with them)
ROMANTIC INTENT: 💗💗(hoping for a romantic relationship)
💔 Non-existent💗 Very low💗💗 A little💗💗💗 Hopeful💗💗💗💗 High💗💗💗💗💗 Maximum
the levels are a little lower than expected, if only because antonio is finally beginning to understand that things aren’t going to… magically repair themselves, or revert to how they used to be. his attraction to him, physically, has been lowered just due to the heartache he associates him with now, something he’s been able to push aside for a while because he didn’t really consider “them” to be over but he knows better now. he took his head back from the clouds and screwed it on proper, although he did have to spend some time convincing himself to do so. from time to time there is this temptation to just go knocking on his door and ask him why things ended the way they did, or what he did to end things, or how to get him back – but he reckons he has to at least try to live without him before letting him dip so low as to go begging for answers on the doorstep of a man who has so clearly moved on. it’s a downer but he still considers him a friend, just, one he should hold apart so as to not fall apart in his hands all over again
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sininensalo-a · 7 years
sssevgilim replied to your post: you: im making a blog for swedenme, in your lap,...
Omgosh owo! ))
(( hunlo :^) ))
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Sadik stepped out in little more than a pair of form fitting jeans and sneakers, and a shirt in each hand. “Which design do ya like more? The color is good on both.”
The phone is dropped to the bed by his side and Ludwig sat up to look Sadik over. “Uh.... What color are they? What looks good on you?”
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ofromance-blog · 7 years
[text] Just shootin' a text to let ya know 'm flyin' back in from a decent vacation. How've you been? o:
[text] Oh! Long time no talk![text] I had no idea you went on vacation, did you have a good time?[text] I have been well, thankfully. Nothing quite... Interesting going on in my life right now.
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napuleh · 7 years
Yer stupid eyes.
Come into my inbox and tell my muse what their most attractive or sexy trait is.
It’s a good thing they’re not looking at you then. Since you think they’re so dumb.
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flosiovis · 7 years
I wish they could just make an ice cream cone that holds five scoops instead of three already. [he is far from incensed, but still very passionate about these things, his free hand waving around as he speaks] It’s been too long already. I think we deserve this. […he’s still going to eat his ice cream, though] Oh, but I love their chocolate. It’s creamier.
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