techpointfundamentals · 9 months
Dynamic Data Sorting in SQ L( Dynamic Order By Clause in SQL)
How can you sort the data based on the parameterized column names in SQL?
How can you write a stored procedure that accepts column name as input parameter and returns data sorted based on the the provided column?
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techpointfundamentals · 9 months
Retrieving Data from Dynamic Schema in SQL:
What is three part identifier in SQL? What is schema name in SQL? How can you check schema names in SQL? How can you write a stored procedure that accepts schema name as input parameters and returns data from the provided schema only?
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techpointfundamentals · 9 months
Different Types of SQL JOINs:
Q01: What is INNER JOIN? Q02: What is NON-ANSI JOIN? Q03: What is ANSI JOIN? Q04: What is SELF JOIN? Q05: What is OUTER JOIN? Q06: What is LEFT OUTER JOIN? Q07: What is RIGHT OUTER JOIN? Q08: What is FULL OUTER JOIN? Q09: What is CROSS JOIN? Q10: What is the difference between FULL JOIN vs CROSS JOIN?
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techpointfundamentals · 10 months
Dynamic Output Columns from Table in SQL:
How can you return the Dynamic Output Columns from a table?
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SQL Interview Questions and Answers - Part 19:
Q171. What is LOCK in SQL? Why locking is important in SQL if it causes performance overheads? Q172. What is the Locking Hierarchy in SQL? What are the different resources that can have a lock? Q173. What are the different types of lock modes in SQL? Q174. What is Shared Lock (S) in SQL? Q175. What is Exclusive Lock (X) in SQL? Q176. What is Update Lock (U) in SQL? Q177. What is Intent Lock (I) in SQL? What are the different types of Intent Lock? Q178. What is Schema Lock (Sch) in SQL? Q179. What is Bulk Update Lock (BU) in SQL? Q180. What is the Key Range Lock in SQL?
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SQL Interview Questions and Answers - Part 13:
Q111. What is SQL Function? What are the different types of functions in SQL? Q112. What is the difference between Deterministic and Non-Deterministic SQL Functions? Q113. What are the different System SQL Functions? Q114. What is User Defined Function (UDF) in SQL? What is the advantage of UDF in SQL? Q115. What are the features and limitations of User-Defined SQL Functions (UDF)? Q116. What are the different Scalar User-Defined SQL Functions? Q117. What are the different Table-Valued UDF in SQL? Q118. What is Schema Bound function in SQL? What is the advantage of schema-bound functions? Q119. What is the difference between Stored Procedure and User-Defined Function in SQL? Q120. What is the difference between Table-Valued Functions and View in SQL?
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techpointfundamentals · 8 months
Dynamic Data Filtering (Dynamic Where Condition in SQL):
Question: How can you filter the records based on different dynamic criteria in SQL?
Question: How can you write a stored procedure that accepts different input criteria and returns data filtered based on the input parameters in SQL?
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techpointfundamentals · 9 months
Returning data from Dynamic Linked-Server in SQL:
What is Linked-Server in SQL? How can you check the available Linked-Servers in SQL? How can you return the data from the linked-server which is known at run-time?
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techpointfundamentals · 9 months
Fetching data from Dynamic Source Database in SQL:
How can you accepts the database name as an input parameter and returns data from that database table at runtime?
How can you return the records from different databases passed as input parameter from the user?
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techpointfundamentals · 9 months
Fetching Data from Dynamic Source Table in SQL:
How can you accepts the table name as an input parameter and return data from that table?
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techpointfundamentals · 9 months
Creating Database Object/Table at Runtime in SQL:
How can you accepts the name as an input parameter and create the table/database at runtime?
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techpointfundamentals · 10 months
Dynamic Alias Names in SQL:
How can you return the dynamic alias name for the table columns?
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techpointfundamentals · 10 months
CSV Parameter in SQL Stored Procedure:
How can you return the matching records for passed csv parameter from the stored procedure?
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SQL Temp Table:
Q01. What is Temp Table or Temporary Table in SQL? Q02. What is Local Temporary Table in SQL? Q03. What is Global Temporary Table in SQL? Q04. What is the difference between Local and Global Temporary Table in SQL? Q05. What is the difference between Temp Table and Derived Table in SQL? Q06. What is the difference between Temp Table and Common Table Expression in SQL? Q07. What is the difference between Temp Table and Table Variable in SQL? Q08. What is the difference between Temp Table and Table-Valued Parameter in SQL? Q09. What is the storage location for the Temp Tables? Q10. How many Temp Tables can be created with the same name? Q11. How many users or who can access the Temp Tables? Q12. Can you create an Index and Constraints on the Temp Table? Q13. Which collation will be used in the case of Temp Table, the database on which it is executing or temp DB? What is a collation conflict error and how you can resolve it? Q14. What is a Contained Database? How it affects the Temp Table in SQL? Q15. Can you apply Foreign Key constraints to a temporary table? Q16. Can you use the Temp Table before declaring it? Q17. Can you use Temp Table in User-Defined Function? Q18. If you perform an Insert, Update, or delete operation on Temp Table, does it also affect the underlying base table? Q19. Is it mandatory to drop the Temp Tables after use? How can you drop the temp table in a stored procedure that returns data from the temp table itself? Q20. Is there any transaction log created for the operations performed on the Temp Table? Q21. Can you use explicit transactions on Temp Table? Does Temp Table hold lock? Does temp table create Magic Tables? Q22. Can you TRUNCATE the temp table? Q23. Can a trigger access the temp tables created in the connection? Q24. Can you create a new temp table with the same name after dropping the temp table within a stored procedure? Q25. Can you access a temp table created by a stored procedure in the same connection after executing the stored procedure? Q26. Can nested stored procedure access the temp table created by the parent stored procedure? Q27. Can you ALTER the temp table? Q28. Can you reset the IDENTITY Column of the temp table? Q29. Can you insert the IDENTITY Column value in the temp table? Q30. Can you partition a temp table? Q31. Can you create a column with user-defined data types (UDDT) in the temp table? Q32. Can you create a trigger on the temp table? Q33. Can you create a temp table within the trigger? Q34. How many concurrent users can access a stored procedure that uses a temp table? Q35. Can you partition Temporary Tables?
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SQL Interview Questions and Answers - Part 24:
Q221. What is an IDENTITY in SQL? Q222. What is the use of the @@IDENTITY function in SQL? Q223. What is the use of the DBCC CHECKIDENT command? Q224. What is Sequence in SQL? Q225. What is the difference between an IDENTITY Column and a Sequence Object in SQL? Q226. What is the use of the OUTPUT INTO clause in SQL? Q227. What is a wildcard character in SQL? What is the use of the LIKE keyword in SQL? Q228. What is SQL Data Type in SQL? How a scaler values type is different from a table-valued type? Q229. How can you do Bulk Copy in SQL? What is the SQL BulkCopy? Q230. What are the different types of backup in SQL?
Please visit www.techpointfunda.com for more Interview Questions and Answers.
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SQL Interview Questions and Answers - Part 23:
Q211. What is Dynamic SQL Query(D-SQL) in SQL? How it is different from Static SQL Query? Q212. How can you run the Dynamic SQL Query? What is the difference between EXECUTE(), and sp_executesql() in SQL? Q213. Can you use Dynamic SQL Query in Functions? Why? Q214. Can you use the OUT parameter in a Dynamic SQL Query? Q215. Can you return a value from the Dynamic SQL Query? Q216. Can you use Temp Table in Dynamic SQL Query? Q217. Can you use Transaction in Dynamic SQL Query? Q218. What is the QUOTENAME() function in SQL? Q219. What is SQL Injection? How can you prevent SQL Injection attacks? Q220. Can you give me some Real Use Cases of Dynamic SQL Queries?
Please visit www.techpointfunda.com for more Interview Questions and Answers.
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