#splints real name in my mind is constance
So remember my headcanon that Splint and Albert were siblings, but Splint was the only person who knew? Remember that? Yeah, okay, so I finally wrote something to go with it.
Dear Albert
I don't know if I'll actually give this to you. Maybe I'll get nervous at the rally, and this letter will remain in my pocket forever, but either way, I need to get this out of my system somehow.
I know for all these years, you've known me as the Brooklyn girl who's constantly breaking her arm and hurting herself, which is true. I am quite accident prone, but so are you! I've seen you get into reckless fights with the Delancey's on many occasions, and I must admit, I have cheered quite loudly when you defeated them. Nice to know we have the same slightly violent tendencies.
I'm getting sidetracked, so allow me to get back to the main reason for this letter. There's no easy way to say this, so here it is.
I am your big sister.
I don't even know if you remember me when I was at home. You were still quite young when I left and became a Newsie. You were tiny, but still as loud and fierce as ever, though. Your attitude seems to have stuck with you your whole life, and I'm glad. You certainly know how to stand up for yourself.
I'm sorry I left you in that house with mom and dad. I know how they could get after work and how they got when they were agitated.
I almost cried of relief when I saw you selling with Jack when you were six. While I wish you would've joined us in Brooklyn, I was glad to see that you'd gotten out, and I trust that Kelly boy to take care of you.
I'm so proud of you, I always have been.
When I saw you punch Oscar in the face, when I saw you selling for the first time, when I saw you chasing down the street after Racetrack and JoJo, knowing you'd found things you enjoy and people you really care for, I was so proud.
I hope you always remember that. Your big sister loves you so much and is so proud of you.
Soak 'em Red.
~ Your sister, Splint Constance
Albert sobbed as he read the final line of the letter, tears now spilling down his face like a river.
"It was in her pocket when we found her. I thibk she was going to give it to you at the rally, but..." Spot explained, tears pricking her own eyes as she did. "I'm so sorry, kid."
"She's gone, Spot." Albert whispered, most hope gone from his voice. "She's gone before I even got to know her."
Spot stayed silent for a few moments, wiping her eyes quickly. "...She loved you, Al. Even if it was from afar. You were her little brother, and you mattered so much to her."
"I know, Spot." Albert said quietly, rereading the last few lines of the letter again. "I know."
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