#speaking of leftovers - I made over 50 cake pops with the leftover cake
arkodian · 2 years
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I made the wedding cake for a friend and I'm so damn proud of the thing I have to share it everywhere. Especially because I'm not a professional baker at all.
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From top to bottom the tiers are: strawberry cream, apple spice straciatella, marzipan-liquor blueberry, and chocolate banana.
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The dragon is made of rice crispy marshmallow mix with modelling chocolate and edible paint and gold glitter.
It tasted amazing and was completely decimated. 😁
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icecoldflames · 5 years
The Pinnae Flower Chapter 2, Part 2
“Hufflepuff. Favourite character?”
“They’re all so good, I don’t think I could ever choose. You?” Roman asked.
“Luna Lovegood.”
Roman assumed this was what Logan and Jo felt like earlier, bouncing off each other and speaking so quick there was barely a breath of silence between their conversation. “I love Luna Lovegood. She’s amazing.” He commented.
“She’s so cool and I just kind of relate to her in a weird way.” Penny gushed, lifting up the banker’s box and shoving it back under her desk with her foot.
“I think every person on the planet can relate to at least one of the characters in Harry Potter. And not just because there’s so many.” Roman explained.
Then, noticing Logan looking eager to leave, he decided to quickly say goodbye to Penny before Logan made it awkward.
“Well, I guess Logan and I should be heading out,” Roman smiled brightly. “It’s been really nice talking to you!”
Penny nodded enthusiastically, leaning against the table. “Of course! Come back if you need anything! I can’t say I’ll have a lot of free time though. This is one of the rare days when I get some time off.”
“Okay. Thank you again!” Roman exclaimed waving at Penny before walking out of the door with Logan a couple steps ahead.
As soon as they were out of earshot Logan began talking. “So it’s not Penny. Our next suspect is Cherry.”
“Why does everyone seem to be regulars at Patton-ly Perfect?” Roman muttered to himself as they made their way out of the hospital.
The next morning, they exited their hotel room and immediately went to Patton-ly Perfect. It was early in the morning and Virgil was at his regular table, nursing a cup of coffee while staring intently at the fake flower in the pot in front of him. He seemed unblinking and unmoving.
Other than Patton and Virgil, the cafe was empty. No Cherry with her Harry Potter glasses.
As soon as they walked in, Patton’s eyes brightened. “Ah! Roman and Logan! Welcome back!”
“Hello Patton!” Roman smiled, just as brightly.
Logan just nodded his head. He was feeling slightly tired this morning and under the weather. While he was definitely not a superstitious man, he wondered if it was karma for trying to find Raz Keeran.
Roman then turned to Virgil. “Good morning Virgil!”
Virgil didn’t respond at first. Logan guessed a full five seconds passed before he seemed to come back to the present with a shudder. He blinked rapidly and his body seemed to vibrate. His head snapped in Roman’s direction, his face slightly pink from embarrassment. “Uh, sorry. Did you say something...I was...just thinking…” Virgil muttered, getting quieter and quieter as he continued. “Sorry,” he said again.
Roman just smiled even brighter and repeated himself. “All I said was good morning!”
Virgil seemed to look slightly surprised at Roman’s words. “Oh! Uh, thanks! I definitely hope I do. Good morning to you too.”
Roman just kept on smiling and made his way up to the counter, Logan following like a lost dog behind him. “Hmmm, what should I have for breakfast? What would you suggest?” He asked Patton.
“Well, I’m about to cook some chocolate chip pancakes in the back just for myself and Virgil. But it wouldn’t be any trouble to make more for the two of you.” Patton said, his voice low and quiet as if he’s shared a massive secret.
Logan began to shake his head. “Oh no. That’s not necessary—”
But Roman cut him off eagerly. “—That sounds great. Actually,” he grinned mischievously and Logan was slightly afraid of what he would say, “Logan here makes incredible blueberry pancakes!”
Logan felt his brain shut down and his arms unconsciously crossing themselves. What was Roman planning? He only ever made pancakes in the comfort of his own home. Cooking was not his strong point. Patton owned a cafe for goodness sakes. He probably made pancakes with his eyes closed!
Patton didn’t seem to notice or feel Logan radiating distress. “Well! You’re in luck, Logan! I have some fresh blueberries sitting in my fridge just waiting for someone to cook with them!”
“Uh, Pat?” Virgil’s voice seemed miles away. “How about all four of us make some pancakes? I can make some raspberry pancakes. I’ve got some in my fridge at home.”
Logan instantly felt himself relax. “Yes. That sounds like a great idea.”
“What other berries do you have Patton?” Roman asked, leaning against the counter. Logan didn’t miss his glance over to Virgil.
“I don’t think I have any more berries but I do have some bananas.” Patton said, fixing his glasses just slightly.
Which is how, fifteen minutes later, all four of them were crowded in the medium sized kitchen with two stoves.
“Virgil and Roman can go to that stove over there,” Patton said, pointing to the stove furthest from the door. “And Logan and I can use this one here.”
Patton already had some chocolate chip mix in a bowl, the flour and all the ingredients already scattering the rectangular island.
“Okay!” Patton exclaimed excitedly, walking over to the fridge and pulling out some fresh blueberries and sliding them over to Logan. From a bowl in a corner he lifted a bunch of bananas and passed them over to Roman.
Virgil, who had quickly made a trip home, already had a package of raspberries in his hands.
Roman grabbed a frying pan and lifted both of his hands above his head like a champion with a trophy. “Let’s do this!”
“I’m going to be having pancakes for days,” Patton murmured as they all leaned on the island, a massive plate of pancakes in the middle.
“I can take some home with me.” Virgil said, opening up a cupboard and a drawer and pulled out four plates, forks and knives.
Patton grabbed the maple syrup. “It smells great in here.” He commented. “We should do this more often.”
“Perhaps after all the other pancakes are gone. Don’t get ahead of yourself.” Virgil said, a small smile playing at his lips as he passed out the plates.
Then, they were all digging in. It was complete silence as the four of them bit into their first pancake.
“Ughmuf,” Roman said, seemingly melting and having to pull himself back up to a standing position. “These raspberry ones are delicious. Like...like it’s so sweet yet tart and—“ he made another sound of delight.
Logan saw as the tips of Virgil’s ears turned red and his eyes flashed downwards. “Uh, thanks. It was my grandmother’s secret recipe.” He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
Logan stabbed a piece of the raspberry pancake and popped it in his mouth, chewing thoughtfully.
An explosion of taste met his taste buds and for a split second it was like his brain short circuited.
He didn’t have the words to describe such a feeling. Roman probably had the words but not him.
“Wow,” was all Logan could say as his brain turned on again. “It is delicious.”
“I remember when she made that pancake-cake for your birthday!” Patton exclaimed. “It had, like, 25 pancakes on top of each other with cream in between each layer.”
Logan swore he saw a little bit of drool coming out of the side of Roman’s mouth.
Virgil smiled and stared down at the table. “Yeah, it was delicious.”
Of course, Roman was the first to ask the question. It had been on the tip of Logan’s tongue but he had enough common sense to bite it. “What happened to your grandmother?”
“She died three years ago.” Virgil mumbled quietly.
Roman went pink. “Oh. I’m so sorry to hear that.”
The room was thrown into a thick blanket of silence. Whereas earlier it was light-hearted and filled with mouth-watering smells now it felt as though the smells were too sweet and suffocated them.
They were all brought out of their stupor as a phone went off.
Virgil jumped out of his chair in surprise and Logan’s hand twitched at the sudden sound.
Virgil pulled out his purple cased phone out of his pocket and flicked it on, his eyes scanning the text quickly. He instantly pulled away from the table and stood up. “Um, I gotta go guys.” He looked apologetic, his eyes flashing over Patton, Roman, and Logan. “My sister calls.” Virgil chuckled awkwardly before making his way out of the kitchen. However, halfway through the doorway he turned back around and glanced at Patton. “I’ll be back to get some of the leftover pancakes.” He waved and then he was gone.
Logan had to admit, Virgil was a mysterious guy. But he seemed nice enough. A little weird but, weren’t they all?
“Did I do something wrong?” Roman blurted as soon as Patton began cleaning up their dishes. “Should I not have asked about his grandmother?”
“Probably not.” Logan said, putting the last bit of blueberry pancake in his mouth and beginning to clear away the island.
“Well,” Patton pursed his lips, “it is a touchy subject for him. I don’t want to say too much because it isn’t my story to tell but Virgil and his grandmother were super close. Like Harry Potter-Sirius Black close. Tony Stark-Peter Parker close. And when she died...well…” he shrugged. “It was a pretty big hit.”
A part of Logan wanted to know how she died. Maybe it was the Sherlock Holmes inside of him or purely his own curiosity. But even he knew boundaries.
“Is there anything I can do to make it up to him?” Roman asked, putting Saran Wrap over the uneaten pancakes. “I feel kind of bad…”
Patton thought for a moment. “Well, Virgil collects—“ he paused. “Do you guys read the Pinnae series?”
Logan groaned and rolled his eyes. “Oh no.”
Roman’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree in the dead of night. “Oh my gosh, yes! It’s my absolute favourite book series ever! I’ve read them like eight times over!” The words bubbled out of him like a little kid.
Patton grinned. “Well, at the bookstore here they sell these cheap collectable rocks with engravings on them? You know the ones? In the mystery packs?”
Roman nodded. Logan nodded too. They came out a couple days before they left and he knew Roman was intent on getting all 50 of them. Yep, that’s right. 50. Five zero.
“Yeah.” Roman said, his eyes wide and giving Patton his utmost attention. “When I get back home I’m planning to get them all.”
“Well, Virgil has 40 of them already.” Patton said. He pulled out a folded slip of paper out of his jeans pocket and passed it over to Roman. “Here’s a checklist of all of them and all the ones Virgil has and doesn’t.”
“How does he already have 40?” Roman exclaimed, unfolding the checklist. His eyes scanned the list. “They literally came out three days before we got here!”
Patton shrugged. “He’s a big fan.”
“Where’s the bookstore?” Roman asked.
“Just down the road from here, across the gas station.” Patton said.
Roman quickly took a picture of list and gave it back to Patton. “Thanks. I’ll see if I can get one of them.”
Fifteen minutes later, once all the pancakes and ingredients were put away, Roman and Logan were off to the bookstore.
Logan looked over at Roman, the sun’s rays making the rocks glitter below his feet. He repeated Roman’s words from yesterday. “What was that? I thought we were trying to find Raz’s identity! Not chat up some guy we meet!”
Roman scowled. “Listen, it’s summer vacation too. Besides, I like Virgil. And I feel bad.”
Logan pursed his lips. “You like Virgil? Or you have romantic feelings for Virgil?”
“I...I don’t know yet.”
“If you don’t know then you probably do.” Logan stated.
Roman huffed. “Why do you have to be so blunt about it?”
“There’s no point in trying to hide or hold back feelings. That normally doesn’t end well. Unless they’re rude and ignorant. Then you shouldn’t say anything at all.” Logan pushed up his glasses.
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
Art F City: This Week’s Must-See Art Events: A Hot (In A Good Way) New Fair
Rachel Stern. who will be presenting work at Crushed: The Brooklyn Dirty Book Fair. 
While the big galleries are still at the beach, the city’s museums and artist-run initiatives continue to keep us on our toes. Case and point: the Whitney’s opening the first US retrospective of Brazilian art/activism pioneer Hélio Oiticica on Friday. Speaking of art/activism, there are plenty of opportunities to get engaged this week, including talks at SVA on Wednesday and SOHO20 gallery on Sunday. The weekend’s real highlight, though, is Crushed, the inaugural Brooklyn Dirty Book Fair. Organized by former AFC teammate Matthew Leifheit, we’re expecting that to be great. Artist-made porn? Weird performances involving cake? A pop-up exhibition of vintage queer zines? Check, check, and check! We’ll see you there!
Whitney Museum of American Art
99 Gansevort Street New York, NY 2:00 p.m. Website
Calder Activation: Goldfish Bowl
The Whitney’s current Alexander Calder show offers something different: staff “activate” his sculptures  by gently prodding them so visitors can see them in motion, as the artist intended. Wednesday afternoon, head to the Hurst Family Galleries on the 8th floor, where Calder’s 1929 “Goldfish Bowl” will be brought to life. “Goldfish Bowl” is a really cute piece, and seeing it in motion is a rare opportunity.
335 West 16th Street New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Website
Talk: The Artist as Activist
These days, it seems like we all have to become activists. Here’s a panel discussion from artists who have been doing it for years, including AFC friend William Powhida. The other panellists include critic Ben Davis, Brooklyn artist Shaun Leonardo, artist/organizer/documentarian Daniel Tucker, and the conceptual/social practice artist Caroline Woolard. This is a room of some seriously smart (and opinionated) people.
Kate Werble Gallery
83 Vandam St. New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Website
in the hopes of not being considered
Curated by Nick Morgan, this exhibition focuses on artists working at the height of the AIDS epidemic when it hit the art world hardest. This might be a tear-jerker, but the curatorial statement sounds uplifting as well, with works “share a yen for the decorative, the opaque and the ravishing. These artists don’t countenance a divide between their visual and conceptual approaches and their modes of opposition in times of strife. Mixing the gritty and the glittery, they instead explore the extravagant, the outmoded, the decadent, the degenerate, the outré, the déclassé, the scandalous, the gross, the indecipherable, and, with special urgency, the melancholic. They present messages that can’t be easily decoded, and images that do not wish to be identified. “
Artists: Ross Bleckner, Chris Bogia, Julien Ceccaldi, Arch Connelly, Howard Cruse, Arnold Fern, Eve Fowler, Richard Hawkins, Roberto Juarez, Bradley Kronz, Sam Lipp, Libby Rothfeld, Ahbe Sulit, Ken Tisa, and Carrie Yamaoka
Whitney Museum of American Art
99 Gansevort Street New York, NY 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.Website
Hélio Oiticica: To Organize Delirium
When I think about an optimism and aesthetic so vibrant that it can’t be contained in just one creative practice, Hélio Oiticica comes to mind. The Brazilian artist’s colorful oeuvre spilled across painting, sculpture, film, immersive architectural spaces—all with a socially-conscious political sensibility and seemingly incongruous cheery tropical-pop vibe. What all of Oiticica’s work shares in common is a passionate appeal for engagement from the viewer. It’s remarkable that this is the artist’s first major retrospective in a US museum, and should make for a memorable experience.
Arsenal Contemporary
214 Bowery New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Website
Sticky Fingers
This multidisciplinary group show promises “works evoke the fragile tangibility of the human body, intertwining materiality with theatrical playfulness.” In the case of Meriem Bennani’s multimedia works, that can mean humorous takes on gender and cultural difference  (she once made a fake reality TV starring herself as an over-the-top hijab designer). Elizabeth McIntosh, on the other hand, might evoke the body through slightly-feminine abstract paintings with allusions to flesh. This should be a good group show.
Artists: Meriem Bennani, Elizabeth Jaeger, Wanda Koop, Piotr Lakomy, An Te Liu, Elizabeth McIntosh, Caroline Mesquita, Louise Sartor
Point Green
260 Java St. Brooklyn, New York 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.Website
Crushed: Brooklyn Dirty Book Fair
In the increasingly crowded world of artist-run book fairs, this one stands out for several reasons. First of all, it’s organized by AFC alum and former VICE photo editor Matthew Leifheit (publisher of MATTE  Magazine). Secondly, it’s dedicated to “dirty books”. Think lots of sex-positive art smut.
The fair runs all day Saturday and Sunday, with secret-address after parties, screenings, performances, and the exhibition Nudes & Eroticism: in memory of George Pitts, which will feature queer zines from the collection of Phil Aarons.
Here’s a full list of participants:
Alphachanneling, Heather Benjamin, Lex Brown/Badlands Unlimited, Jeffrey Cheung/Unity Press, Anthony Cudahy/Slow Youth, Lindsay Dye, John Edmonds, Vivian Fu, Gay Sex is the Answer, Jeremy O. Harris, Gideon Jacobs, Math Magazine, Mark W. McKnight, Ben McNutt, Azikiwe Mohammed, Momma Tried, Heinzfeller Nileisist, Larissa Pham/Badlands Unlimited, Signe Pierce, Jack Pierson, Bella Provan, Kyle Quinn/Raw Meat Collective, Elizabeth Renstrom, Alex Thebez/Tag Tag Tag, Gabriel Sacco, Ben Shapiro, Rachel Stern, Chloe Wise, Marcelo Gabriel Yáñez/Picture Newspaper
Printed Matter
231 Eleventh Ave. New York, NY 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Website
Summer Clearance Sale – Kick-Off Party
Everyone might be freaking out about Amazon Prime Day this week, but the real deals for art lovers are to be had at Printed Matter. For the rest of the month, the art bookstore will be offering discounts up to 50%, so it’s a good time to stock up on some weird summer reading. They’re kicking off the sale with a party featuring drinks and music from DJ Mira Mira (Chulita Vinyl Club) and DJ Elosi.
Re: Art Show
630 Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Website
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re: One Year Anniversary
For a year now, artist/curators Erin Davis and Max C Lee have taken over the former Pfizer building in Bushwick and transformed it into an ongoing, evolving art exhibition. Artists are invited to respond to the postindustrial context as well as interventions left by other artists. The result is a big fun show that always includes something interesting. The anniversary party also sounds like it will be a blast, and features eclectic attractions such as “Live hair painting” (?) by Jarrett Key, an installation of “leftover Pfizer-junk” from KC Tidemand, music from trans latinx noise artist Reagan Holiday.
This iteration of the show includes works by Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, Peter Clough, Jarrett Key, Porpentine Charity Heartscape, Tiffany Smith, Mike Hack, Phoebe Grip, Patrick McNabb, Erin Davis / Max C Lee, Nick Alciati, I-Chuan Lee, Marvin Touré, Banrei, Reagan Holiday, Liz Zito, Sessa Englund, Fana Feng, UV Production House, KC Tidemand, and Dana Davenport.
Point Green
260 Java Street Brooklyn, NY 5:00 p.m.Website
Lindsay Dye and M Lamar at Crushed
We’re intrigued by Lindsay Dye’s performance, described as “Live Cake Sitting”. That’s the kind of thing you usually only see in the most specific corners of the internet. Sunday at 5, you’ll be able to experience this magic in the flesh in Greenpoint.
Then at 6 p.m., the always fabulous M Lamar will be debuting the work in progress “multi-sensory live performance ‘American Cuck’.” Don’t miss this opportunity.
SOHO20 Gallery
56 Bogart Street Brooklyn, NY 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Website
Tool Share Roundtable: Art and Activism
2017 Residency Lab artist Sarah G. Sharp has organized this event for artists to talk and skill-share activist strategies. Panelists will address everything from the global political crisis to the local.
Speakers include Tali Hinkis (half of art duo LoVid), Wazhmah Osman (a professor and documentary maker who focuses on globalization and war), Lizzie Scott (artist and public education activist) and Douglas Everett Turner (founder of Architecture of Tomorrow).
from Art F City http://ift.tt/2tFOf7V via IFTTT
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