#sparxshipping fluff
winxwannabe · 1 year
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
Look, I am a simple creature; if there is any level of fluff, I am onboard no questions asked. I wouldn't call it common, in my fics or overall in Sparxshipping writing anymore, but there are little scenes sometimes. And maybe even fluff isn't the right word, just that part when someone finally lets their guard down and they're honest and soft to the other one for the first time. I want it injected directly into my veins.
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
Legit the one I was hoping not to get lol. Umm...so as much as I bag on my old fics and teen Liz's writing, I'm very proud of myself for sticking with it and not giving up. It's made me a decent writer, it's given me awesome friends, and - somehow - it's inspired other people to write/draw/create amazing things?? It's a cycle I'm proud to be a part of, no matter how small my role is, and it wouldn't have been possible if I hadn't started writing when I was younger.
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#Prompt 15 could be a good time 👀
You ask, i deliver🥰
"Each of my thoughts about you is improper."
Bloom sighed as she let the warm water of her bath wash away the five days worth of stress. She moaned as she submerged her body in almost boiling hot water, wet ends of her hair hanging over the edge of the bathtub. She closed her eyes and with a flick of her finger, the light in the bathroom turned off and strategically placed candles lit on fire giving the whole room romantic and relaxing atmosphere.
Her whole week has been spent running between planets in order to accommodate both pairs of her parents without having the other feeling left out. Not to mention the special training girls had to take in order to test their abilities to the maximum, training which was lead by Griselda. Even after so many years, that woman somehow always managed to make them nervous and she surely knew how to make their muscles quake in exhaustion after the practice. Between all those obligations, Bloom barely had energy to take a quick shower at the end of the day before she collapsed into her bed in Alfea. Sleep wouldn't catch up with her though, no matter how tired her body was.
Valtor was off doing some errands most of the days so the fact that she barely saw her boyfriend this week seemed to contribute to her bad mood and her insomnia.
Bloom couldn't remember the last time she felt so exhausted. Even the continuous fights against enemies of magic dimension never left her feeling so drained. If she was confident enough in herself not to drown, she wouldn't even leave this bath tonight. But as it is, she decided to enjoy the bath for as long as she could milk it, which in her case was, until the water got cold. She was fortunate enough that she managed to snag a night on Domino where she had a big enough bathtub to enjoy solitude.
Bloom was so engrossed in her thoughts, which could be the reason she didn't hear door of her room open, nor did she hear the shuffling of feet across the hardwood floor despite the fact bathroom door has been left open. A low wolf whistle made her jump, however, as she met the mischievous gray eyes of her boyfriend that stood leaning on a doorframe, seemingly enjoying the show.
"Now that's a sight for sore eyes."
Bloom sighed. "Though I appreciate the flattery, I'm pretty sure I look like I could work in a circus as a clown double right now."
Valtor raised one sharp eyebrow. "Do I need to have a chat with Faragonda about Griselda laying off a bit?"
Bloom shook her head. "No." Valtor came closer, his bare feet stepping into puddles that collected on the floor due to a steam. His eyes narrowed as he caught the sight of the bags underneath her eyes. "I've been having trouble sleeping this week. Maybe that's why I'm looking... awful."
Valtor came to sit at the edge of her bathtub. His fingers gently removed a wet lock from Bloom's unusually pale face. The bags underneath her eyes were indeed present, and it made her eyes look sunken and dull compared to its normal bright hue. "You're stunning, as always."
Bloom snorted. "Don't be getting any improper thoughts there mister."
Valtor stood up and took off his shirt in a single moment making Bloom's breath catch in her throat as low lights of candles perfectly accentuated his lean muscles. He was left standing in his signature purple pants but he showed no desire to remove them even as he gathered his hair in a messy bun at the top of his head and stepped into the bath behind Bloom.
Bloom squealed as the water spilled over the edge thanks to the added weight. Valtor pushed her forward a bit, making her bend her legs slightly as he settled himself comfortably behind her, still dressed in his pants. The water continued spilling over as he pulled Bloom to rest her back against his front, but all that Bloom could think about was the heart attack maids will get when one of them inevitably stumbles upon the mess. He leaned towards her, his abdominal muscles practically glued to her back as his hand removed the wet strands of her hair from her shoulders and neck.
He trailed a path of gentle, barely there, kisses across her collarbone. "Don't you know?" He spoke in a low voice that made butterflies scatter all across Bloom's lower abdomen.
"Know what?" She didn't sound breathless, that's what she kept telling herself as Valtor's hands started massaging her shoulders gently.
"Each of my thoughts about you is improper."
Bloom gasped as Valtor's hands started roaming across her chest, his skillful fingers dancing across her skin and lighting her on fire. The butterflies in her abdomen seemed to have evaporated into a pool of steaming hot want, and she gripped the edge of the bath as she felt the heat rushing south. His name was a prayer on her lips as he continued placing feather light kisses where he could reach. His hands slipped underneath the water, one of them around her waist, supporting her as the other one continued its path towards the place she needed him the most.
Valtor avoided the place she wanted him to touch and instead he gripped the soft flesh of her inner thigh as Bloom moaned and threw her head back, giving Valtor more access to her neck. With her head resting on his shoulder, he took the opportunity to explore the thin column of her neck, sucking a bruise to the place he knew clothes wouldn't be able to cover. The thumb of his hand that supported her waist grazed the excited flesh with every movement and Bloom's toes clenched in anticipation.
She heard Valtor chuckle next to her ear, his teeth gently nibbling on the shell, the sound sending bolts of lightning all across her body. She gripped the flesh of his arm as his fingers came dangerously close to her core, but not close enough to alleviate her of the frenzy she found herself in. How he managed to make her so worked up in such short period of time was a complete mystery to her. The flame in her chest burned brighter every time his fingers danced across an erogenous zone but failed to stick around long enough to be anything but a teasing graze.
"Please." It wasn't necessarily the plea as much as the needy, desperate tone of her voice that made Valtor give in and finally place his hand where she desperately needed him to touch her. At the first touch of hot fingers against the wet flesh, Bloom's hips snapped upwards, her spine curved as she let a small, breathless "Fuck yes." slip between her lips. The temperature in the bathroom rose for several degrees as Valtor spoke encouraging things against the skin of Bloom's cheek, the friction his fingers caused forcing her to curve in a way that allowed her maximum contact. At the end, it was the combined effort his touches provided together with his voice telling her to let go, that made her snap like a string of coiled rubber band. The tension broke as waves of ecstasy rushed across her body, her toes clenching as she sobbed softly while Valtor's fingers continued gliding across her skin. She collapsed, utterly boneless, against his chest when the final bolt of pleasure ran through her, making her twitch.
She closed her eyes under the thick mist of blissful silence and endorphin rush, Valtor's voice in her ear seemingly miles away. She felt the water disappearing around her as the feeling of being lifted into the air reached her. She instinctively wrapped her legs around Valtor as he carried her outside, the air turning dry and slightly cold against her heated skin. Her eyes stayed closed even as he muttered a quick spell to dry them both off and lower her onto the bed. She listened as he finally got rid of his pants and shuffled quietly to the bed before slipping in as carefully as possible.
Valtor wrapped his arms around her protectively as Bloom snuggled deeper into his chest. The last thought that ran through her head before she finally slipped into the unconsciousness was that perhaps, it was him, or lack of him in this case, that caused her to loose sleep.
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rist-ix · 3 years
only because it’s one of my all time favorite sparxshipping tropes and I can’t resist—
prompt list title: some soft-ish dialogue prompts
41. “Is that my shirt?” “Is… is that okay?”
aw, such a classic! Loved this one
Not sparked compliant? I think? I left things vague, so you guys can interpret is however you want.
One could accuse Valtor of many, many sins, but sloth is not one of them. He thrives off of his work, placing whispers and rumors where they can grow like poisonous ivy, dutifully reaping the resulting chaos.
It may take him weeks, months, years even to harvest his just rewards, but he has time. And he knows, the most precious reward is not one he can find in the Royal courts anyway.
His transportation spell pulls him from Eraklyon's palace swift as the wind, gently dropping him in the place he calls home. Glaring sun replaced by starlight and the sound of crickets, a mild summer night's air. He exhales in relief, the lacking noise of the capitol more than welcome.
His stay at court had been far too long, far too busy. Rest isn’t something he bothers with, once he is caught up in the euphoria of his manipulations, but now he feels its lack like a physical weight on his shoulders.
Shedding his coat, he steps into his bedroom and closes the balcony door with a wave of his hand. He doesn’t indulge in sleep that often often, but he's certainly earned it now. The sooner he has recharged, the sooner he will be able to visit—
His bed moves. Or rather, the blankets move. In less than a second his hand is blazing with a spell and every muscle in his body tenses, anticipating an ambush from every direction, eyes searching for potential reinforcements lurking in the shadows. He closes in on the source of the movement, ready to end the threat in a heartbeat… when the threat in question yawns. Turns around. And reveals a familiar face, hidden behind messy red curls.
He blinks, adrenaline fading, and lowers his hand.
Blue eyes peek at him through heavy lids as she wakes up, snuggling into his palm when he moves to brush her hair back.
“…'re late,” she mumbles, covering his hand with her own so he doesn’t pull back — a ridiculous idea. He grins and leans closer instead.
“Forgive me. If I had know what awaited me here, I would have never kept away so long.”
A half-truth. He does like the idea that she missed him, yearned for him. It seems only fair.
Her hair is cool and damp to the touch, smelling faintly of his soap, and the idea that she had been in his shower sounds even better. He sits down on the bed and pulls her to him, breathing her in. Kissing her temples.
“Did I keep you waiting?” he murmurs, “My poor, sweet fairy, did I make you miss me?”
Her small form is curled into itself, looking so lonely in his oversized bed. So warm and soft in his arms.
She pouts, an expression that looks even funnier on her when she is sleepy, but wraps one arm around his waist all the same.
“'s just worried,” she gets out, voice croaking with sleep. “For the dimension. Y'know?”
She yawns again and hauls herself somewhat upright so she can drape herself over his lap.
“Can’t leave you unsupervised.”
She sounds entirely too satisfied for her words. And he feels far too satisfied by her actions.
Smiling, he brushes her hair behind her ear and leans back against the headboard. Discards his vest so she doesn’t cut herself on the buttons, and pulls her fully into his arms. The heavy blankets fall away, then, revealing her previously hidden torso.
He pauses.
“Bloom,” he says. Surprise raising his eyebrows. “Is that my shirt?”
She stops moving as well, the slow rising and falling of her chest ceasing. Opens one eye to look at him.
“Is…” she swallows, “Is that okay?”
Okay. Ha. Turning Faragonda into a tree was 'okay'. A glass of solarian Sundrop after a successful coup would be ‘okay’. Ruining her once-lovers reign is ‘okay’.
Seeing Bloom, asleep in his bed, waiting for his arrival, clad in barely more than his shirt—
Oh, that’s fucking amazing.
“More than that,” he replies eagerly, drinking in the sight of her. Committing every detail to memory, in case he doesn’t catch her like this again. The way she is swimming in the fabric, far too big for her, the way it isn’t fully buttoned up. Breathtaking.
Content, Bloom closes her eyes again and rests her head in the crook of his neck.
“Good,” she hums. “'s soft. Think I’m keeping it.”
He'll send her the entire wardrobe if she wants. Stars, he'll dress her in it himself.
Wallowing in fantasies, he wraps his arms around her and sinks back into the pillows. Just enjoying this rare, peaceful moment.
Bloom isn’t usually one to ask for permission. She prefers to waltz in and take what she wants, to act like she doesn’t care about his approval before her fear of rejection can catch up with her. It’s an amusing quality of hers, this obvious overcompensating. Though it does fill him with a certain, seeping anger to think of the one who instilled it in her.
Now, however, she seems too tired to bother with her brazen act. And the result is… quite adorable.
He could get used to this.
“I missed you too,” he says, his eyes falling closed. She smiles into his shirt, hiding her face against his chest. A quiet happiness radiating out from her.
“I know.”
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bloomvalyria · 3 years
Went through Sparxshipping on Ficbook, there are so many Bloom x Professor Valtor or Bloom x Uncle Valtor......... could you recommend some good fics there?
Trust me, I know exactly what you mean. The amount of times I’ve stumbled across fics like that (or worse) is insane and all have scarred me. But don’t worry, I have taken the brunt of them to provide you with some non-scarring recs. I haven’t been on there in a while, but I went through the first couple of pages in the “most reviewed” section and decided to go with the ones I know for a fact do not have any non-con, dub-con, or incest. 
As always, I highly recommend Indifference by UnicornFros. If you haven’t read that one already, I suggest jumping on it. It’s unfinished and I believe the author is on a mini hiatus, but it’s a great sparxshipping retelling of Season 4. 
Illusions of Reality is a superb completed AU, also written by UnicornFros. It’s where Bloom finds herself in a reality where she never survived the destruction of Sparx and has to find a way to return home. 
One more from UnicornFros that I’ll recommend is Just Talk to Me that’s a cool little scene on Oppositus. I’ll be honest, I can’t think of a fic from UnicornFros that’s bad. They have reliably good content, mostly based in AUs.
Happy New Year by Alex Cors is a ridiculously cute AU oneshot. It takes on the idea that they were all actors in a show and Bloom and Baltor run into each other years after the show’s ended on New Years. 
In the Closet by 102AngelDemon is a really fun oneshot that’s actually told in the perspective of Oritel and Miriam. There are a few little details that only really make sense to the reader if you’ve read some of the other fics, but it doesn’t hinder the readthrough too much. Just pretend you know who they are and you’ll be fine.
If you’re in the market for some good ol’ cheesy fluff with a dash of the ancient forgotten songfic trope, there’s what I like to call the Cupid Trilogy also by 102AngelDemon. It consists of three oneshots: Cupid’s Shovel, Cupid’s Dinner, and Cupid’s Offer (which is also the read order). In my personal opinion, my favorite is Cupid’s Dinner. (If you’re not really into songfic stuff, that’s fine. I’m not really either. If I remember correctly, it’s just in Cupid’s Offer, so you can just read the first two and still have a satisfying ending.)
And jfc I can’t believe I’m going to do this, but because I truly understand your pain . . . if you want some super fucking vulgar, kinky PWP that is actually consensual and non-incest (which is painfully rare on that site) ... Intoxication and Two Pleasures in One by _SatanicA_. That’s all I’ll say.
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Please prompt number 2, if you can of course!!! Ah, Bloom says "Kiss me" only if you can.
I am so fucking sorry you had to wait this long. I hope it doesn't happen again, or at least the wait isn't as long. Hope you enjoy.
Damn wizards. Bloom cursed in her head as another pretty powerful beam was aimed directly at her, only narrowly missing her as she managed to side step it, while she struggled to put on a shield. Of course they had to run to Omega, into the coldest and probably the most dangerous dimension there is. Of course, she was immensely grateful they didn't chose some sort of populated area for this battle, but icicles and sharp objects flying from the ceiling of the cave really weren't her idea of an ideal date. They were more in the realm of an ice witch. The thought of Icy made her shudder and loose focus for a brief second.
"Bloom!" Sharp voice echoed through the cave as another spell flew over her head. She barely managed to turn around to face the one that called her before she was pulled to the side, and what she would come to realize only a second later out of the harms way, when a painful groan rung out next to her. She turned towards the figure the floor and nearly threw up when she saw blood on it.
Valtor was laying on the floor, clutching his bleeding arm with an impressive gash on it, and Bloom would've made a joke about him acting like a prince on a white horse if she wasn't so busy trying to hold the content of her stomach there where it belonged. She stood in a stupor for a few seconds but another painful groan snapped her out of it. She dropped down next to Valtor in a crouch as her hands roamed over the injury,as if she wasn't sure what she should do.
"Layla don't!" Stella's shriek made her turn around only to see Layla disappear after the wizards, that she didn't even realize stopped throwing spells at them, deeper into the Omega. Bloom turned back towards Valtor who gripped her arm and gently shoved her away from her as he struggled to stand up. She wanted to ask what the hell is he doing when she noticed Brandon rushing towards them as Morgana held a shield to protect her warrior fairies and specialists.
"Go after them!" Valtor was shouting words at her but his voice seemed muffled, almost as if she was hearing him through a thick fog, compared to the loud noise falling debris made as it collided with the icy floor.
She shook her head negative. "You're hurt! I can fix it! I just need a couple of minutes!" She saw his eyes widen comically as Brandon finally reached them and grabbed Valtor under his good arm and hauled him up. Bloom rose with them, her hand with magic, gathered in the coiled fist, still hovered above his wound.
Valtor shook off Brandon's hands as he leaned closer to Bloom and gripped her forearms. "They need you more than I do! Layla needs you! I'll be alright! Now go give those wizards hell!" When he healized she was still hesitating and that she was about to protest, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer to himself as his forhead came to rest against her own, which was an unusual sight because he had to bend down quite a bit despite the fact she was in heels and she tilted her head up towards him as far as it would go.
The tension between the two former enemies was palpable from the moment the portal to Gardinia opened and no one was immune to it. Since the now-on-the-good-side Valtor stepped through the gates of Alfea in an effort to combine forces with fairies to battle one of his acquaintances, Ogron, who apparently rubbed him the wrong way in the past, the sparks flying from both guardians of the dragon flame were hard to ignore. Even Sky seemed to recognize the not so innocent glances the two sent to each other on a daily basis, and therefore letting Bloom go seemed like the only rational option. Bloom was pretty sure there was even a bet going on between the specialists and the Winx girls whose primary focus was the relationship of the two guardians. She heard Stella complaining once, when she thought Bloom wasn't listening, about how she will lock them up in a magic room until they... talked their way through their problems. Mind you, talked was not the term Stella used.
Valtor squeezed Bloom's hips in a bruising grip and the flashbacks seemed to evaporate before her eyes. His sharp features slid back into focus and Bloom opened her mouth to say something but Valtor was slightly faster about it. "There is something I've been meaning to talk to you about! But in order to do that you need to go there," he pointed behind her in the direction wizards of the black circle disappeared, "and win this battle!" She opened her mouth again to finally say something only to realize she had nothing to say. She snapped her mouth shut and nodded. "Go! We'll be fine!" And just like that she broke out of his hold and rushed towards the battle sounds.
Valtor turned around on his heels and this time grabbed still shocked Brandon and pulled him towards the protective dome Morgana struggled to keep up. His arm stung unpleasantly but the bleeding stopped and regeneration already started knitting torn ligaments and tissue together. His commanding voice rung out. "Alright, let's get out of here." No one dared to argue, well almost no one.
"What about the girls, we can't just leave them to fight the wizards alone?" The blonde prince was sending glares in Valtor's way but they weren't as hostile as he expected. Valtor turned his head to look at the place where Bloom dissapeared.
"Layla is their responsibility, and besides, we ourselves are more of a liability than help. "
Sky nodded and Valtor grabbed one of the injured fairies while specialists helped the rest as they made their way out.
Ground shook beneath Valtor's feet as an epic battle raged in the tunnels beneath the ground. Valtor could feel pulses of magic, light and dark beams equally strong, until something seemed to happen and light magic prevailed. Valtor held his breath. Time seemed to stop. Not even a single sound was heard. Seconds passed. Until a familiar beating of wings disrupted the eerie silence and six fairies flew out. Valtor's heart climbed into his throat. The winx seemed to be one fairy short, one fiery fairy short to be precise. Valtor focused on the flame raging in his chest as it searched for it's other half. The pull in his chest seemed to get stronger until it almost bursted from it's place of residence when he saw Bloom flying out with Nebula in tow. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief as cheers of both the Winx and the rest of the fairies rung through the valley.
The Frutti Music bar was overflowing with people. Andy and his band took the stage as Roxy served drinks to the impatient customers and Klaus hurriedly mixed cocktails behind the bar. Everything seemed to return to normal, almost like nothing happened in the first place. That was one of the things Valtor never understood about humans. No matter how big of a trouble they seemed to find themselves in, they never lost hope. His arm almost healed in the few hours but Flora insisted that he should wear a bandage just in case the wound reopened.
His gaze ran over the bar, searching for a group of six fairies, or more precisely, searching for a head full of bright red hair that somehow always managed to stand apart from every environment and every crowd. He found what he was looking for on the other end of the bar and he made his way towards them. As he drew closer he noticed another blob of silver hair that belonged to only one person Valtor knew. An arm grabbed Valtor's biceps and he turned towards the owner.
Brandon handed him a cocktail and Valtor's confusion must've been pretty obvious because Brandon shrugged and said, "I figured you'd want something to drink before you face Faragonda."
Valtor laughed, a deep sound coming somewhere from his stomach, even his shoulders shook with it. "I am unsure just how much it will help me relax, considering the fact I usually indulge in something a bit stronger... but I appreciate the effort."
"I didn't believe Stella when she told me you can be pleasant to be around."
Valtor raised a questioning eyebrow. "What is your opinion now?"
"That I should always believe what my girlfriend says."
Valtor chuckled. "I'd take that with a grain of salt. After all, I can also be really unpleasant."
"Oh we know." He slapped Valtor on his shoulder. "Good luck man. You'll need it." Valtor had a sneaky suspension Brandon wasn't refering to a meeting with a headmistress of Alfea. He looked at the retrieving back of specialist with a smirk on his face. Who knew not all of them were just fools with an inflamed ego and fancy swords.
He shook his head and took a sip of the drink he had in his hand and then grimaced. The cocktail was definitely something that Stella or Flora would prefer. Fruity and sweet. He stepped towards the group he originally intended to meet and managed to catch what Faragonda was saying. "I'm extremely proud of you girls."
"You should be." His booming voice reached them and Faragonda jumped a bit, startled, as seven pairs of eyes turned towards him. "They did defeat the wizards all by themselves." He locked eyes with Bloom who had a smile on her face and Valtor felt his lips twitch upwards.
"Something happened to your arm Valtor?"
"An icicle fell on it. Just don't tell me you're worried about me Faragonda. I'll start thinking you care." Valtor rolled his eyes as sarcasm dripped from every word.
"What a shame it only grazed your arm. I would think that enormous head of yours makes for a convenient target. It's so massive it probably has it's own gravitational pull." Faragonda smirked and it looked surprisingly evil on her.
"Are you sure you're a fairy and not a witch Faragonda? Might wanna erase that smirk from your face unless you want people to start thinking otherwise. " Valtor looked at her with challenge in his eyes as his lips formed in an evil grin that would scare lesser beings but it only managed to irritate Faragonda.
"Touché Valtor."
"Thank you, I try." He handed the fruity cocktail to Stella that tried really hard to resist laughing at the irritated face of her headmistress, but some giggles still escaped, as she held Flora's arm for support. He turned towards Bloom who now had a hand across her mouth so Faragonda wouldn't see her laughing but the adorable wrinkles around her eyes crinkled, a clear sign she was smiling. He made a gesture with his head that indicated she should come with him when she finally finished laughing and looked at him. He heard Stella squeal in excitement as Flora gasped when Solarian princess gripped her arm. Bloom bit her lip and took Valtor's offered hand as he lead them to the beach and away from the crowd. He heard Stella scream about how 'It's finally happening!' And Flora's gentle voice telling her to calm down because 'You're crushing my arm Stella.'
They walked hand in hand through the crowd, some of the guests giving them weird looks, but Valtor's intimidating form seemed to part the said crowd like a Red sea. She stopped at the exit that lead to the beach, Valtor offering his support while she bent down to take off her shoes because she learned that high heels and sand don't really mix that well. She once again took his hand when her bare feet touched the now pleasantly warm and no longer scorching hot sand but she also went step further, something that greatly surprised Valtor, when she intertwined their fingers.
They walked hand in hand for a while, not daring to break a rather pleasant silence. When they were far enough from praying eyes of the people Valtor finally stopped and turned towards the ocean. He was eager to get Bloom alone but now that they actually were alone he started wondering if it was really a good idea. He felt Bloom's eyes drilling a hole at the back of his neck but he patiently waited for her to make the first move and break the ice so to speak.
"So..." her voice broke through and Valtor turned towards her, "you wanted to talk. Well here we are. What did you want to tell me?"
Valtor chuckled bitterly. "I wanted to talk to you about... us. But now I'm not sure if that's a good idea."
She crossed her arms underneath her chest. "Are you having second thoughts?"
"Not in the way you would think. I know I... like you." He inhaled sharply, "Dragon, I sound like a teenage boy."
Bloom giggled at that statement but Valtor could see if was forced. "But?"
"I don't know if this will work." Admitting that he didn't know something wasn't simple for him and he realized Bloom knew it as well when her lips pressed together in a small but embarrassed smile. "I know we have... something. Something is obviously here but... will that something be enough to keep us motiva-"
"Kiss me." She interrupted him with a phrase Valtor never thought he would hear directed at him. His mouth opened and closed but no sound escaped. He was shocked into silence.
"Kiss me." She repeated loud and clear. "You want to know if the chemistry we have will be enough to... get us through it." She lowered her gaze as blush appeared on her cheeks. She shrugged. "It's like a Schrodinger's cat. We won't know unless we try." Her eyes swept across all the surfaces she could find until they locked on Valtor's shocked one's. She squirmed and averted her gaze as she started fidgeting and her arms came to hug herself in order to make herself appear smaller. "Of course if you don't want to that's ok I was just making a sug-"
In all the rush she was in to excuse her impulsive words she failed to notice that Valtor finally got over his shock and has quickly reduced the distance between their bodies. This time it was Bloom that got interrupted as Valtor cupped her face and did exactly what she asked him to do. He sealed their lips together, cutting off her nervous speech in the best way possible. There was no firework or explosion behind closed eyelids, just an incredible heat that coursed through their veins. He felt Bloom's breath hitch but she quickly recovered and her arms came to grip his shoulders as she stood on her tip toes and craned her neck upwards. Valtor chuckled at her attempts to make this easier on him but took pity when she whined and pressed her lips harder against his. He bent down as his tongue swept over her lower lip, asking for a permission that she granted without any resistance, and his arms came to wrap around her waist before he picked her up and she let out a noise of surprise as her feet no longer stood on firm surface.
Bloom was first to break the kiss as her teeth came to bite her already swollen lips. "Wow." It was the first thing she spoke since he kissed her and he laughed at her surprised expression and astonished whisper.
"Wow indeed." He lowered her feet back on the ground but she swayed for a second so he kept his arms on her waist just in case she got light headed. "So... is the cat alive?"
"Alive and kicking." Her hands gripped his shirt.
"Maybe we should, ehem, repeat the experiment a few more times... just so we're sure in the result." Valtor's pupils dilated and his grip on her waist tightened.
"We should be careful." His voice was a growl and Bloom shuddered visibly. "We might set something on fire."
"Well," Bloom smiled as she lifted her head up once again and her hands started tugging on his shirt to get him closer. "at least there's an ocean to extinguish any wild fires we might cause."
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Sparxshipping AU ideas
So you guys know the drill by now. You see something you think i will be able to write, you send a request. This time around i will be accepting only one number, except for the numbers that can be combined with other number(s). So without further ado... here we go. (Btw i still have some requests in my inbox but i will get to them, i promise. I just need a change of scenery a bit)
Actors AU
Assassin AU
Bartender/Waitress AU
Bodyguard AU
Bounty Hunter AU
Celebrity AU
College AU
Criminal AU
Dancers AU
Gang/Mafia AU
Model AU
Neighbors AU
Police AU
Spy AU
Street racers AU
Tattoo shop AU
Thief AU
There you go, feel free to send me a number and the answers might be slightly delayed, depending on my schedule.
Also, i will be posting which numbers are already taken in order to avoid double requests. I will be crossing them from the list once they're taken
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3,6,15,19 Please and thank you.😘
3."You're an idiot." "But you love me."
6."Could you say that again?" "Were you not listening?" "No I was, I just like hearing your voice."
15."I love seeing you smile."
19."Isn't the view beautiful?"
Okay so it's been a while *laughs awkwardly*. Yeah i know there's not a lot of excuses i can use but in my defense, final year of high school is stressful okay. Still, sorry for the long wait.
Bloom walked along the moon lit beach in Gardenia, the loud chatter from Frutti Music still ringing in her ears, as she moved to get away from all the noise. She stumbled slightly over a lonely rock that was buried in the sand and chucked it into the ocean. She watched, in a trance like state, as rock broke the tension of the water and waves began to move away from an epicenter, much like the simulation of seismic waves from an epicenter during an earthquake. She sighed and wrapped her arms around herself as cold wind swept over her small form. She resisted the urge to shiver.
Suddenly, something landed on her shoulders and spicy smell that she always associated with one particular person attacked her senses and she subconsciously gripped the item, that she identified as a male jacket, closer to her body.
"Isn't the view beautiful?" A rich baritone rung out behind her, ever so slightly sarcastic, and Bloom once again had to resist the urge to shiver, only not from cold this time. She furrowed her brows as she looked at the horizon where seemingly black ocean blended perfectly with the same black sky. The only way to tell the two apart were the stars that adorned the sky.
"Or at least it would be, if not for light pollution we would be able to see the Milky Way." The voice continued and Bloom turned to face the intruder that took the liberty to follow her.
"Not that I don't appreciate your company, Valtor... but what are you doing here?" The longhaired man chose to ignore her question, which still never failed to anger Bloom despite the months they've spent together. He moved closer instead.
"Did you know that Earth's position is not only perfect regarding it's place in the solar system but also regarding it's place in the whole galaxy?" He asked as he came to stand right next to her while never taking his eyes off the night sky.
Bloom frowned. If he wanted to play that way, so be it. "Yes I did. Did you know that due to a fact that the diameter of Sun is 400 times greater than that of a Moon but due to a fact that it is also 400 times farther from Earth, the Moon and Sun appear the same size and therefore Solar eclipse is only possible here?"
Valtor raised an eyebrow. "Well someone has been taking an astronomy class." He looked at Bloom as she proudly lifted her chin and corner of her lips raised into a smirk. "What else can you tell me?"
Bloom's eyes snapped to meet his ice colored irises. "And why should I tell you anything? I obviously came here to be alone, not to give out space facts, in case you didn't get the memo."
"And she bites." He chuckled as Bloom leveled him with her meanest glare. It only succeeded in raising his mood and Bloom turned red from anger, the shade of her cheeks almost matching the shade of her hair, and Valtor swore that in a minute smoke would be coming out of her ears. "Humor me princess. What else do you know?"
"How about you tell me what you know?" She somehow managed to compose herself and she threw a smirk his way.
"Oh you should know by now that I don't like revealing my cards sweetheart." The nickname made her eye twitch. "Or are you just a bark with no bite?"
Bloom bit her lip and inhaled air through the gritted teeth as she clenched her fingers into a fist in order to avoid hauling a fireball at the cheeky bastard that seemed to enjoy her discomfort way too much. She raised her gaze to the sky to search a well known constellation. "Orion constellation has a specific shape in the night sky. Seven stars that make up the constellation may seem equally distanced from Earth but in fact they spam in range anywhere from 500 to 1600 light years apart. The second closest star to us, excluding the Sun, is Betelgeuse. It's a star that rests in the upper left quadrant. The star is extremely interesting because it is believed that it is at the very end of it's life and is also massive enough to become a supernova." She ranted as she started feeling tears gathering in her eyes.
Bloom didn't even notice as Valtor walked behind her and moved the hair from her shoulders. She continued spewing out facts that, quite frankly, impressed Valtor because he never expected her to have this passion. He himself was a bookworm when it came to a lot of things but astronomy was something he took great interest in. Bloom continued to ramble and Valtor could hear her voice breaking slightly, the events from earlier finally sinking in. He leaned in and ghosted his lips over her neck and Bloom gasped as she went completely still, her rant about stars completely forgotten.
"Could you say that again?" He whispered against her shoulder, his lips brushing her skin with every word.
This time there was no effort to hide the tremor going through her body. Her voice quivered. "Were you not listening?"
"No I was," He traced feather light kisses over her shoulders and collar bones before placing a proper, lingering kiss on the thin column of her neck. "I just like hearing your voice." Bloom turned to face him, tears brimming in her eyes and Valtor's gaze softened a touch. He will scold himself later for letting her have that power over him, but he forced himself to be here for her at this moment. He sighed. "You did everything you could today Bloom. You saved the city, you made Morgana rethink her decision, you beat Nebula."
"But I almost didn't." She whispered as first tear slid down her cheek. "I almost failed."
"But you didn't, Bloom."
"But what if I did, huh? What if I failed?" She shook her head as tears continued rolling down and hitting the soft sand beneath her feet.
"Alright, I've had enough." Anger colored his voice. "I'm not going to stand here and watch you have a pity party, you can do that by yourself."
"Then go!" She snapped at him. "Leave! Don't look at me then!" Her eyes narrowed at him.
Valtor sighed again, he seemed to be doing that a lot tonight, and stepped closer to her so he would be able to frame her face with his hands. "Who else am I supposed to look at then?" Bloom lowered her gaze and her head dropped slightly into his hands but Valtor could see her lower lip wobbling. He rolled his eyes. He stepped closer to her again as he leaned over to whisper in her ear. "I like looking only at you."
He leaned back as Bloom stood up straight to look him in the eyes. Her eyebrows arched mockingly when she saw him smirking. "You're an idiot." She shoved him lightly.
Valtor had an audacity to grin, teeth and all. "But you love me." His grin got even bigger when Bloom blushed but didn't deny the fact. She glanced at him at the corner of her eye and Valtor could see a small but honest smile on her red lips. "I love seeing you smile." It slipped from his mouth faster than he could squash the thought and he bit the inside of his cheek as her smile got a bit bigger. It was almost like his brain to mouth filter took a vacation every time he was around Bloom.
He was too busy organizing his thoughts and waking up Broca's area in his frontal lobe to notice how Bloom shuffled closer to him. He did notice, however, when she stood up on the tips of her toes and dragged him down slightly to place a lingering kiss on his cheek. "Thanks." She whispered against his skin as she pulled back.
Valtor stood there, slightly shocked, his pupils dialed to the point where the gray was nothing but a thin ring around it. He closed his eyes as he fought every instinct in himself to claim her lips and instead looked up at the sky as he cleared his throat. "So, Betelgeuse..."
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18 please. Stay safe
18. "I love you. You shouldn't."
How long have they been doing this? Secret meetings, hushed conversations, secret touches, longing looks... Bloom lost a track of time. She knew it was too good to be true, she knew it wouldn't, couldn't, last. They were enemies after all, they fought on the opposite sides of this deadly war when there could be only one victor. She knew this and yet she fell into a deadly trap of her emotions and raging libido mixed with her inexperience.
He told her once he had another form, one that was not willing but forced onto him by the witches, his mothers. He said it was disgusting, repulsive, revolting. He pronounced each word through gritted teeth as if he was having trouble getting them out and generally believing this is what his life has become. He refused to show it to her,said he didn't want her to look at him differently, underneath she could almost smell his fear that she would be disgusted by him when she finally realized with whom she was dealing with, with whom she chose to share her bed with.
Standing in front of burgundy monster right now she realized nothing could've prepared her for what's inevitably about to come. She closed her eyes, loosing focus for a second until Stella's voice shook her out of that trance. "Bloom, what do we do?" Her voice trembled and it was clear as day that she was afraid of the... thing in front of them. Bloom had to agree. She was never afraid of Valtor, but this... this wasn't Valtor. This was some sick and twisted curse that the ancestors of the Trix placed on, what she has come to understand, a honest and passionate man she fell in love with.
Bloom took a deep breath, mentally preparing for what's about to happen, and spoke with all emotion gone from her voice. "I have an idea. It's a spell I learned on Pyros, but I need you to distract him." She stopped paying attention to her surroundings when Helia wrapped his ropes around monster's neck and instead focused on her inner flame and releasing the said flame to find it's other half.
The blackout only lasted for a few seconds but to her it seemed like years. When she finally came through the sight that greeted her almost made her wish she didn't. Valtor stood in front of her, his back turned to the world, silver shackles on his wrists and his head down staring at his bound hands. He didn't seem to hear her as she flew down and planted her feet on the solid ground. When she tried to speak, a strangled noise left her vocal cords, but it seemed to be enough to get Valtor's attention.
"Bloom!" He exclaimed and then seemed to realize the volume of his voice. He looked her up and down almost in disbelief, like he couldn't believe she was standing before him. "What are you doing here?"
"I came for you." The phrase was said with a lot of determination but also weariness because she wasn't sure what his reaction to her showing up would be. His eyes almost bugged out of his skull.
"Came for me? Are you insane? You need to go! You can't help me Bloom. No one can. So just, do me,and yourself, a favor and run. Get out of here while you still can!" His voice slowly grew in volume until he was shouting. She could see him shaking in a desperate attempt to keep himself in order. "Please Bloom." A whisper of a broken man, "Just leave me here."
"I can't do that!" Tears were streaming down her face like a waterfall, a picture he would decorate with so many kind words to make her believe she's just as beautiful when she's crying as when she's laughing. "I can't just leave you! Valtor, I lov-"
"DON'T say it." He made a step towards her, silver jewelry on his wrists clanging and creating a chilling noise that made her blood run cold. "Don't make this harder than it needs to be."
She stepped towards him as well, hell bent on meeting him half way but she saw him recoil and take a step back when he realized what she was doing. "Please, just listen to me." Her voice was shaking like a lone leaf on a wind. "We can still fix this. We can have THIS." She gestured between the two of them. "We can still have us. Valtor I-" a deep breath in "I love you."
A shuddering exhale on his part. She could see his shoulders shake but she couldn't see his face because he leaned his chin on his chest, his hair falling around him like a curtain. "You shouldn't." He whispered with incredible difficulty and if Bloom didn't know any better she'd say he's crying. "You shouldn't love me, Bloom." He raised his tear stained eyes to her and she gasped at the sudden and incredibly intimate display of emotion.
She smiled and took another step forward. This time he stayed in place. "And yet," another step, "here we are." She was close enough to take his face into her hands and press a kiss on his neck because that was as far as she could reach. "Please..." she pleaded as she bit her lip nervously, "let me try."
He exhaled shakily against her forehead and she felt a hot kiss that was being pressed on the crown of her head. "Alright." That was all conformation she needed and with a happy cry she pulled herself away from him and then mentally blacked out as she focused on removing all the traces of curse from his soul.
Screams echoed around her, his agonizing screams, and she realized too late she was hurting him but there was no stopping now. The curse had to be removed no matter the outcome. She pressed her hands on her ears to muffle the noise around and concentrated on doing what she came here to do. Save Valtor. The heat of the fire burned her and she felt all the strength leaving her. Last thing she heard before passing out was a shout of her name.
Mumbling and panicked voices brought her back. She opened her eyes, her vision blurry, and Stella's unfocused outline materialized before her. "You did it Bloom, you defeated the monster!" She squealed and pounced on her still half unconscious friend.
"Valtor," she somehow managed through her dry and raw throat, "where is he?" She saw Stella smile in the corner of her eye as she pointed to something behind them all. She got to her feet and carefully walked towards the lump on the floor that, she only now realized, had a carpet of long hair and a burgundy coat on. She crouched down in front of him and extended her arm toward the man laying there. She closed her eyes, afraid of the result, afraid of the fact that she's the one that might've ended his life.
Her fingers came into contact with his shoulder and at that moment there was a gasp and a series of coughs coming from him and terrified shouts of "He's alive! Bloom, get away from him!" on the side. Bloom cared for none of that. She helped Valtor turn around on his back and sit up before she crawled onto his lap and buried her face in his shoulder while sobs shook her body. Stella's "Get away from her you bastard!" and Flora's calming "Wait Stella, he's not hurting her." could be heard but Bloom paid attention to not one of those things because all she could hear was Valtor's strong heart beat and his quiet "I love you." spoken directly into her ear.
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Could you do 7 and 11 for sparxshipping fluff, please? Also, I love your blog ❤️
7. "I am right here."
11. "You made me a better person."
Valtor jumped up in bed, his hands stretched out forward in a grabbing motion, as he continued to take in large gulps of air in order to slow his heartbeat down to normal. He swallowed nervously and inhaled a large amount of air, counted to ten, and then exhaled through his mouth. He continued this process until he felt confident enough he won't pass out if he left the bed. He closed his eyes and bailed his hands into fists, his short nails digging into his palms, pain sobering him up.
He sighed and turned his head to the side where he felt movement. Bloom was laying on her side, her leg thrown over both of his, her hands stretching forward where his body was mere minutes ago and fisting his pillow before she snatched it and hugged it, inhaling the scent as she buried her head into it. Valtor looked away and bit his lip.
He rubbed his hands over his face as he exhaled shakily into them. A sudden flow of some rather unfamiliar emotions caused his breath to hitch as moisture gathered in his eyes. Valtor could count on one hand number of times he had cried during his long life. The times he cried in front of someone else was even smaller. In fact, he recalled only one such incident. A resurfacing memory pushed even more tears into his eyes and he was powerless to stop them. He buried his face in his hands as his shoulders shook with silent sobs.
The recollection of his vivid nightmare that triggered the potential emotional landslide forced him to gently grip Bloom's knee and remove it from his legs so he could slide out of bed unnoticed. He bit his lip almost to the point of bleeding and gripped the sheets on the bed as he sat on the edge while trying to control his breathing. He turned towards Bloom, whose shirt has risen up completely exposing her stomach, in order to convince himself that flashing images from his nightmare were just a product of his overactive imagination. He wiped the tears from his face and dragged the edge of blanket over Bloom's small frame, tucking the edge of it near her neck and therefore covering all the patches of naked skin, shielding her from chilly night air. He bent down and removed a fiery strand from her face as he pressed a lingering kiss on her temple.
Valtor opened the doors leading to the adjoined balcony and stepped into the cold night air. The wind ruffled up his already tangled, sweaty hair and he felt goosebumps appear on his arms and torso. Days on Domino were warm but nights at this time of the year were pretty chilly and sometimes outright cold. This was one of the cold nights. Valtor placed his forearms on the railing and leaned his whole body onto it. It creaked but showed no signs of breaking and caving in under his weight. He lifted up his head and focused his gaze on finding constellations. He named all the stars he recognized and focused on those that he didn't know, mentally putting a little checkmark on the file 'refresh your memory on constellations and stars'.
He was so focused on pushing the memory of nightmare away he didn't hear soft footsteps behind him. Bloom's tired voice snapped him out of his trance. "It's a bit late for stargazing isn't it?" Valtor turned towards her, his hair hitting him in the face from a combined force of a sudden movement and wind. He raised his hands in an effort to remove the strands that managed to crawl into his mouth. He heard Bloom's quiet laugh at his, weirdly enough, nervous antics. She seemed to recognize his actions as something out of the ordinary as well,her brows creating a frown. "What's wrong?" Valtor shook his head and lowered his gaze and that seemed to agitate her worry even more so she took a few steps closer to him, reducing the distance to only 30 centimeters.
"Nothing." His voice cracked. "Nothing is wrong." This one he spoke without any tremors but he wanted to kick himself because he allowed his weakness to show in the first place. Bloom obviously didn't buy his excuses and took another step forward as her hand came to cup his face and he flinched. The flinch was a dead giveaway because Bloom spoke his name with such pity he wanted to simply crawl into a hole and never come out.
"Valtor look at me..." she cupped his face in both hands when he refused to comply with her request. "Please," she whispered, "look at me."
She gasped when he raised his eyes, undoubtedly red rimmed from a crying fit he had earlier, to meet her worried blue ones and Valtor felt another fresh batch of tears rushing to his eyes. Bloom opened her mouth to say something but Valtor beat her to it as his own hands came to grip her wrists. "I'm alright. Don't worry." He kissed her palms and squeezed his eyes closed as he forced himself to not cry this time.
"You're not alright, you're crying Valtor, I've... I've never seen you cry." She whispered the last part almost as if she wasn't sure if what she was saying is real or just a hallucination and a trick of light. Valtor chuckled. "Don't laugh..." she hit his chest, "I didn't even know it was possible."
"I can cry Bloom. I just choose not to... or I just don't cry that often." He smiled at her when the tears finally dried up behind his closed eyelids and he was able to look at her without the fear of his dignity diminishing even more. He sighed. "It was just a nightmare, nothing more. They don't usually provoke such emotional response from me, but I suspect my tendency to bottle things up more than I let them out lead to this... emotional episode."
Bloom listened with bated breath not daring to make a sound in fear of making Valtor put up his shields again. When he finished his explanation and she saw his shoulders relaxing she allowed herself to breathe again. Valtor was still holding her wrists in his hands and Bloom flattened her palms so they once again framed his face as she stepped even closer to him so the distance between their bodies now became zero. She stood on her tip toes and brushed her lips against his in the gentlest kiss they even shared. She trailed kisses that were no more than brush of lips against skin all the way to his ear, when she dropped down to the soles of her feet, dragging him down in the process as he let out a noise of surprise at her actions. She threw her hands, finally free, around his neck and broad shoulders and hugged him tightly. "You don't have to go through this alone." She whispered. "I am right here."
Valtor buried his nose in her shoulder and his arms wrapped around her waist as he crushed her against his chest. He placed a kiss on her naked collarbone and trailed a path of kisses, similar to her own only a bit rougher, all the way to her lips where he captured them in a long and passionate dance. They broke the kiss simultaneously and Valtor rubbed his nose against hers in an eskimo kiss. "I don't tell you this enough, I know that, and I know I should tell you this more often but... You made me a better person. And you're continuing to do so every day."
Bloom's lower lip quivered and she buried her head in his chest as she slapped his arm. "Idiot... look what you've done, now you're gonna make me cry."
He chuckled. "How do I make you feel better then?"
"Say things like that to me more often. As it is, I'm too unaccustomed to words of praise from you that aren't sarcasm."
Valtor laughed and kissed her head. Another cold gust of wind swept by and Valtor felt Bloom shiver in his arms. And then he remembered what she was wearing when he left her. He frowned. "Bloom?" He asked.
"Why are you wearing that thin shirt and almost next to nothing shorts? Can't you feel it's too cold for it?"
Bloom snorted. "Sorry dad, next time I will be more careful."
Valtor's eyes narrowed. "Who are you calling dad? Are you trying to say I'm old?"
"Valtor you are old."
"Oh that's IT!" Bloom screamed as Valtor took her in a fireman carry and slapped her on the butt. "I'll show you who is old." She giggled when she heard him grumble. But that giggle was quickly replaced by a gasp as Valtor threw her on the bed and the doors slammed behind them leaving all the bad feelings to be frozen and swept away by the winds in the cold night on a once forgotten planet.
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4. "You took all the pillows so I'm using you as one."
Bloom stumbled through the door of the Alfea dorm room she shared with Winx. She managed to grab to a wall so she wouldn't topple over and raised her foot up so she could remove the high heels and chuck them across the room. She groaned when she felt her feet touching the solid ground in almost 10 hours. Running errands on Domino and being on stupid conference calls was really exhausting especially when you're forced to wear something as uncomfortable as tight pencil skirt and incredibly high pair of some designer shoes Stella forced her in. She flexed her toes and buried them in soft carpet as she exhaled in relief. She dropped her purse on the coffee table and made her way straight towards the shower, unzipping her skirt in the process as she tried to force the tight material over her ass in order to get out of it as soon as possible in exchange for her comfortable pj bottoms.
When she finally wrestled out of her clothes, all while cursing Stella in the process, she stepped into the shower stall and turned the water to as warm as she dared without burning herself. She leaned her head on the wall and at that point she started wondering how practical would it be to just fall asleep right there under the shower stream. She shook her head. Not worth it. Besides, she would probably fall and break her neck. With great difficulty, Bloom turned the shower off and stepped out of it while grabbing a towel to quickly dry her skin. She jumped into loose shorts and plain white crop top and almost crawled out of the bathroom to get to her room she still shared with Flora but also her fiance when they spent the time in Alfea, which was not too often but it was a good investment to purchase a bigger bed. As much as she liked spooning with Valtor on her tiny bed, the backache they both experienced the morning from not being able to change positions was not worth it.
Bloom crawled beneath the sheets and wrapped herself in a cocoon of blankets and mountain of pillows they had lying around on the bed for some reason. She managed to wrestle her left hand from the blankets all so she could look at her ring finger on which, from a few months ago, a huge diamond rested. She smiled. Such a huge piece of jewelry was more in the realm of what her blonde best friend would wear whereas she preferred smaller and more practical pieces she could wear every day. She chuckled when she remembered Oritel's face when Valtor dropped on one knee in front of her friends and both families and popped the question. He didn't even get to finish his speech when he presented her with the ring and she threw herself on him while screaming "Yes! Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!" in his ear. She asked Valtor few days later why he chose such a huge ring when he was well aware of her preference. Not that she was ungrateful, not at all, she liked the ring but she was curious. He said he wanted to give her something special, something that's out of her comfort zone, as a 'payback' for making him do a lot of things outside his comfort zone since they started dating. The sentence was said in a joking manner but Bloom read between the lines well and she reached the conclusion he wanted to express his love through that ring since he was not great with words when it comes to emotions.
Bloom stretched in bed and reached across the surface towards the neighboring pillow and brought it close to her face so she could inhale the smell that lingered there. Mint, cinnamon and musk with a hint of sandalwood. That's how her fiance smelled evey day and she was embarrassed to admit it is probably the most addictive smell ever. She buried her face in his pillow as another memory surfaced. Oritel was, of course, against the union of his daughter and 'the damn demon' despite the fact newly engaged couple showed no signs of rushing to tie the knot. She remembers how her father sulked for days and even tried to talk her out of the engagement one morning at breakfast. His behavior continued during the course of few days until Bloom said a passively aggressive statement about how she has a habbit of burning expensive curtains when she's angry or upset. She watched Oritel swallow nervously as he glanced at the velvet blue curtains behind her back and Marion threw a smirk over the rim of her teacup. Luckily, her father took the hint and retreated so Bloom had no need to 'accidentally' burn the curtains.
Bloom didn't know how long she has been wrapped in her thoughts but she figured she dozed off because next time she opened her eyes was when something solid and pleasantly heavy settled on her stomach and someone's arms wrapped around her midsection. She smiled and ran her fingers through the long strands of incredibly soft strawberry blond hair, scratching the scalp in the process, and the big heater that was her fiance almost purred in pleasure. She chuckled. "What are you doing?"
Valtor sniffed adorably and ran his nose across her stomach. "You took all the pillows so I'm using you as one." He kissed her midriff and blew raspberries on it as he went making her giggle. He dropped a kiss to her navel before he raised his head to look her in the eyes. "I'm not too heavy am I?" Bloom shook her head negative as he once again buried his nose in her stomach and his arms squeezed her a bit tighter. Bloom registered Valtor saying something incomprehensible to her as she continued to run her fingers through his hair. She allowed her eyelids to drop and close for that night only when she felt Valtor gently take possession of her hand and kiss the back of it as his gentle voice told her to rest.
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#11 with some sweet sweet angst?
You are such a good writer???
Thank you so much for those kind words. And I'm so sorry for the long wait, it's probably been over a month since it's been submitted but i wasn't about to leave you hanging. Hope you enjoy.
11. "You made me a better person."
He was hiding something. She could feel it. No man liked stargazing that much. She observed his tense back as he stood near the window with his gaze turned up to the night sky. He was pulling in toxic smoke from a cigarette he found laying around from that one time he visited Earth and bought a Cuban. It was another telltale sign something was seriously wrong. What bugged her the most was the fact that he wouldn't say what.
All of her attempts to get closer to him and actually find out what's been eating at him for the past week have proven futile. He just kept pulling away. When she tried pressing harder, he snapped at her. They didn't talk at all from the moment he slammed his hands on the table earlier today and freaking growled at her to 'Give it a rest!'
Bloom sighed and observed how Valtor's shoulders tensed before they relaxed once again and he brought the cigarette back to his mouth to inhale another dose of toxic substances. She shook her head and approached him like one would approach to a wild animal, slowly and carefully. She leaned onto the wall. He didn't even look at her. He kept his gaze high up, seemingly lost in his own thoughts, and had Bloom not known better, she would've said he didn't even notice her presence.
Her eyes were drilling a hole in his head, and to her utter embarrassment, she felt tears pooling inside her eyes. 'No. You're not gonna cry. Stop it.' She bit her lip and screwed her eyes shut.
She hated to admit but his harsh behavior was hurting her more than she expected. Since they started this... relationship, he's been nothing but polite. Something, however, happened few days ago and that seemed to upset the perfect balance. The problem was, he refused to talk about it.
She sniffed and brought her fingers to dab at her eyes. She saw Valtor swallow tensely and his head turned towards her. He sighed and threw the unfinished cigar through the window, exhaling whatever was left in his lungs, before grabbing her arm and pulling her into his chest as his arms wrapped around her in a tight embrace. The breakneck speed in which he pulled her to himself was enough to make her squeak and start resisting before she realized that he was only hugging her. She shuddered and pressed herself closer to him in a desperate attempt to remove all the barriers and walls between them.
Valtor's fingers were going through her hair before they gently gripped the hair at the nape of her neck. Bloom pressed herself even closer.
"I'm sorry." He whispered. "I shouldn't have acted the way I did."
"Why can't you be honest with me?"
His arms tightened around her even more and she gasped when his hot breath came to wash over the shell of her ear.
"Because I'm damaged, Bloom."
She shook her head. "You're not."
Valtor closed his eyes. The images of his past crimes started swimming before his eyes. The witches, Griffin and her betrayal, Domino, his escape from the Omega, Andros, Espero, planet of opposites and so much more. "How are you doing that?"
She twitched in his arms. "Doing what?"
He chuckled, and Bloom's heart jumped in her chest because it was genuine. "How do you forgive people so easily?"
She shrugged. "I guess that's just who I am."
Valtor leaned his chin on her head and closed his eyes again. He thought about the last time he felt something even similar to what he's feeling now. The only person that came to his mind was Griffin. The bond he shared with Cloud Tower's headmistress was something special even for him and he found himself deeply hurt when she abandoned him and joined, he spat on the name, the Company of Light.
His relationship with Bloom went even deeper, but the scars of his past mistakes and the wounds of previous betrayals still burned and he wasn't sure how long it will take them to heal.
"I'm sorry too." If she wasn't pressed against his chest and had he not felt the movement her lips made he probably would've missed that one. "I shouldn't have pushed you too hard. I... understand you're going through some things. It's just that, I've watched you evolve from an empty shell of a human being to someone who you are now. And it scared me to see you seemingly return to your old ways."
Valtor pressed his nose into her hair and inhaled the smell of jasmine and apples. "And who am I now?"
"Well... you're a better person for sure." She chuckled. "I mean... the term megalomaniac no longer suits you." Her arms wrapped around his waist as she snuggled into his chest. "You still have your moments though."
"You made me a better person." He murmured into her hair as he swayed them from side to side to some melody only familiar to him.
Bloom lifted her head and looked him in the eyes for the first time since their fight. "I did?" Her eyes were shining so brightly, the blue of her irises appeared almost turquoise.
Valtor leaned down and pecked her lips lovingly. "You did." His forehead came to rest on her own. "I promise I'll tell you everything one day. I just need to get used to some things, I need..."
"Time?" She rose one perfectly sculptured eyebrow.
"Time." He nodded.
Her hands traveled from his waist to his shoulders, the gentle movements lifting up his shirt in the process, and Valtor smirked. She laced her fingers behind his neck and leaned almost all of her body weight on him. "I suppose that's fair."
"I'm sensing a 'But' part coming."
"But, you're gonna have to make it up to me." She smirked as her fingers traced the collar of his shirt.
"Mhm, and how am I supposed to do that?"
"Well," she stood on her tip toes, "you can start by kissing me." Her hands were already dragging him down to meet her halfway.
"Your wish is my command."
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Number 9
9. "You're beautiful."
First rays of morning light broke over the horizon streaming directly into the red haired fairy's closed eyelids. Her eyelashes fluttered and she muttered something incomprehensible trying to crawl back into the world of blessed silence and peaceful darkness. When she realized that will be incredibly difficult while the light is burning her retinas, she sighed in disappointment of having to change perfectly adequate and comfortable position but did so anyway because she preferred sleep over general comfort.
She finally fidgeted back to somewhat similar position and swung her arm across the surface of the bed. She hit something that had a consistency of a brick wall and yet was pleasantly warm and smooth to touch. She frowned. What could possibly be a thing that fits all those adjectives and how did it find itself in her bed? Too curious for her own good, something that has been said to her on numerous occasions, she opened her eyes and immediately regretted it because she forgot how unkind sun can be to sleepy eyes that have yet to adjust to the morning brightness. 'Ok.' She said to herself, 'Let's try this again.'
This time she cracked open only one eye and then slowly the other joined, giving them time to adjust to the brightness of what was undoubtedly beginning of a really beautiful day. Her vision blurry from sleep,she brought one of her hands to rub at them and chase the remains of sleep away. When her vision finally slid back into focus she was met with a ceiling of some unfamiliar room. The walls were painted in burgundy color and the bed she was sleeping in also had silky sheets to match the whole aesthetic of the room which was all painted in darker colors and had a goth vibe to it next to an 18th century style furniture.
Her fingers twitched in curiosity and she grazed that same thing that provoked her interest in the first place and caused her to abandon her sleep. She turned her head slowly to the side, almost weary of what she'll find next to her, and was met with a sight of broad shoulders and a lot of skin, part of which was obscured by the long strands of strawberry blond hair, that looked more blond than it's normal darker hue, in the morning light. She breathed a sigh of relief. 'Of course, I went home with Valtor last night.'
Now that she thought about it, the room should've been a dead giveaway because who else revels in the 18th century architecture and fashion sense. Bloom was sure that on anyone else that style would fail so glamorously it would be posted all across billboards of Magix. But somehow this unique style suited Valtor's personality almost perfectly, going nicely with his impeccable manners and gentelmanery and grace he exuded on a daily basis. The term 'old school' comes to mind.
Bloom smiled at her own thoughts and raised her eyes to actually look at Valtor for the first time that day. Usually the sight that would greet her in the morning would be an empty bed and she would be forced to drag herself out of the said bed in search of her companion. It wouldn't be the first time she woke up before him, but those occurences were so rare she could count them all using fingers of only one hand.
Her bed mate slept peacefully next to her, still lost in the La La Land, the smirk that usually seems glued on his perfect face now seemingly replaced by a sleepy smile. Bloom's breath got stuck somewhere halfway to the exit and her hand raised on autopilot to touch the figure next to her. Her fingers traced his forehead over his eyebrows, brushing the hair in right direction. She traced his incredibly long, jealousy inducing, eyelashes that brushed against his skin now that his eyes were closed. She glided her fingers across sharp cheekbone, here eyes soaking up his perfect appearance almost carving his face into her memory, her thumb brushing against those perfectly smooth and soft lips she enjoyed kissing so much.
"You're beautiful." The whisper snuck past her still non functional brain to mouth filter and her eyes turned so wide they were almost the size of dinner plates they dined from last night. She was thankful that he's asleep otherwise she wasn't sure how she would've dealt with the embarrassment that would undoubtedly follow. She was about to take her hand away from his face when his hand came to grab hers.
"As much as I prefer adjectives such as handsome or dashing," his raspy morning voice cut through the silence of the room and Bloom's heart skipped a beat, "bring called beautiful by you doesn't sound bad at all." Her hand was pulled to his lips and she felt a gentle kiss being pressed on the inner side of her wrist.
"Y-you were awake this whole t-time?" Bloom somehow managed between the stutters and shock that took over her senses made her blood run still. Valtor hummed approvingly and replaced her pillow with his hand so nonchalantly that Bloom wondered if he was just trying to cover up his own embarrassment and giddiness.
Valtor shook his head, as if reading her thoughts, and pulled her closer to bury his face into the red strands he adores so much. "Sleep princess." He murmured in her ear and Bloom had to suppress a shudder as his hot breath washed over her earlobe and sent her previously dull senses into an overdrive. Bloom wasn't sure how she managed that, but somehow she found herself slipping back into the sweet land of dreams, forgetting all about probably the most embarrassing moment of her life.
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#10 please
10."Can you just hold me?"
White fog was basically everything she could see. Her steps echoed in the seemingly endless room, fog covering up all the borders of it if there were any that is. Disgusting laugh, sounding more like a witches cackle than anything else, echoed all around her as she twisted and turned in an desperate attempt to figure out which way it was coming from.
A cold breeze ran past her, ruffling her hair, and she shuddered in fright when she felt someone's breathing right next to her ear. "Bloom." The voice sounded awfully familiar and similar to her own. She resisted the urge to turn around afraid of what she'll find when she does. 'Please,' she thought, 'let it not be her.' Her prayers weren't about to be answered because the voice that once again could be heard mocking her was now impossible to mistake. "Bloom. C'mon honey, turn around." She left her cold hands oh her shoulders, squeezing the skin painfully, forcing her to turn around. "You know you want to."
Forced to obey her tormentor, Bloom slowly turned around but kept her eyes closed not wanting to look into those evil and cold eyes. Her companion squeezed her shoulders even harder, pinching the sensitive skin there and leaving red imprints on an abused skin. "Look at me!" She demanded.
"No, please don't." Bloom whimpered and she wanted to kick herself because she sounded so small and helpless and the fists rule is not to show any weakness in front of your enemy. She stubbornly squeezed her eyes closed even harder that colors began flying in front if her eyes. She felt one of her cold hands leave her shoulder and touch her cheek. Sharp nail traced her facial features and Bloom had to dig her nails in her palms to stop herself from recoiling.
"You know you can't resist me Bloom." She whispered, "We are one and the same after all." There was something almost hypnotic in her voice and Bloom started opening her eyes and lowering her defenses without even realizing it. She found herself staring at those lifeless yellow eyes with vertical snake like pupil. This time there was no stopping the tremor that went through her body.
Bloom swallowed. "We're nothing alike." She was surprised to hear her voice that sounded cold and hard, almost emotionless, and Bloom wanted to pat herself on the back because she somehow managed to eliminate, or actually mask, the fear that undoubtedly caught her in it's vice grip.
"Oh really?" Her evil counterpart laughed. "Why don't you see for yourself?" Bloom frowned and turned around when she saw her companion, if you could even call her that, stare at something behind her. Her eyes got stuck on a floating mirror, two incredibly similar figures reflected in it, dark Bloom's disgusting grin painted on her lips. Bloom's eyes ran over her features stopping dead on her eyes that were not blue as she remembered but sported a yellow iris and a cat like vertical pupil. Bloom screamed.
She sat up in bed, her hands stretched in front of her as she hauled herself up in a sitting position, her mouth still trembling with a remaining of a scream still painted on it. Tears streamed down her face as she brought one of her outstretched hands to wipe them off. She felt someone calling her almost like from afar and only then came to realize there is another body next to her in bed. She turned her head to look at the person next to her, afraid of what she'll find, her blurry eyes caught on a wide torso and long hair. Valtor.
Bloom exhaled in relief when she realized her dream was only a nightmare, Darkar and shadow virus are no more, and she is safe in Alfea. She felt gentle hand rubbing her back and she leaned into it while gentle sobs could still be heard coming from the back of her throat. "It's ok princess. You're safe." She buried her face in his shoulder, her tears no doubt leaving a wet trail on his skin. She heard another pair of footsteps and a quiet, gentle voice of her roommate Flora could be heard. "Is she alright?" She felt Valtor nod against her head. "She'll be alright. It's just a nightmare." She inhaled when Valtor pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead but it seemed to help because she could feel herself breathing easier and her sobs turned into small whimpers. "I'll go make some tea." Valtor thanked her and Bloom could hear Flora's footsteps retreating.
Few minutes passed since Flora left the room and by now Bloom has stopped crying completely but Valtor didn't stop with his comforting movements. The hand that was rubbing circles on her back now started scratching them gently, something that always made her shudder in pleasure, and she let out a satisfied whine as she leaned into it, a clear sign she was enjoying it. She heard Valtor chuckle and felt his shoulders shake as he tried to suppress his laughter. His head wiggled his way to her neck, his long hair tickling her and she let out a very unladylike snort, as he took a deep breath when he was settled in the hollow where her neck met her shoulders. She left his teeth graze her sensitive neck and she let out a moan when his tongue ran over the spot, soothing it. He jumped up, smirk plastered on his face as he hovered over her, and it was only then that Bloom realized the smooth bastard somehow managed to get her to lay down without her even noticing.
Bloom let out a puff of air through her nose and Valtor laughed as he twisted away from her so he no longer hovered over her. He laid down next to her, one of his arms offered to her as a pillow, and Bloom took full advantage of their position as she nestled herself right into his side where, she realized with some sort of delight, they fit like two pieces of a puzzle. "Would it help to talk about it?" Bloom knew he was referring to her nightmare but she had no patience nor desire to discuss horrific things she saw in her dream. She shook her head from side to side, too comfortable to even voice her protest. "What can I do to help you then?"
She snuggled closer to him, one of her legs coming to settle over his hips and one of her arms came to draw patterns on his naked torso. "Can you just hold me? Please?" Valtor's unoccupied hand framed her face and he leaned closer to press a kiss to the crown of her head.
"Anything for you princess." That was the last thing Bloom heard as she took a deep breath and finally succumbed to the sweet calling of blissful rest, the one that promised to be filled with sweet dreams of a caring man instead of a horrific nightmares.
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I can’t choose between 12, 13 and 20. Could you surprise me? Btw I love what you post! :)
12. "Your hair is really soft."
13. "You're really warm."
20. "Is that a drawing of me?"
Thank you for your kind words, and since i couldn't decide which to post and since i can combine all three into one, i decided to do just that. So i hope you enjoy.
Bloom moaned as hot hands trailed across her body and settled on her hips, squeezing lightly making her giggle into Valtor's mouth. Her own hands were buried in his long soft hair, fingers grazing tiny hairs at the back of his neck, tugging a bit on it as he directed her backwards into her room. She stumbled slightly when the back of her thighs hit a surface of her wooden desk but decided not to be embarrassed as his dexterous hands immediately lifted her up and settled her on it. His tongue was doing something wicked to her and she exhaled hotly into his mouth as her fingers started messing with the buttons of Valtor's shirt.
Valtor trailed his hands over Bloom's thighs, hiking up her skirt as he went, her shaky fingers managed to unbutton his white shirt half way before she pushed it off his shoulders. He took hold of he knees, spreading them so he could step in between her legs and push her flat on the table. But just like in almost every comedy movie main characters get interrupted just before things start getting good,Bloom and Valtor got interrupted by opening and closing of front door in the Winx's apartment. The slam of the door was accompanied by shriek of princess of Solaria and Valtor suddenly felt the need to strangle someone.
Bloom struggled to catch her breath,her butt still firmly pressed on the desk she was sitting on and her hands still gripping the buckle of Valtor's belt (she didn't even remember placing them there). Stella's high pitched scream sobered her up and she scrambled to get up and push Valtor away from herself as her hands got busy fixing her clothes and her hair before she took hold of Valtor's shirt he already managed to slip back onto his shoulders and started fumbling with small buttons. The door to her room opened and Flora stepped in shyly,her gaze sweeping over the room before it caught the two figures. Bloom was still busy buttoning up Valtor's shirt and Flora blushed when she realized what she stumbled upon and what she interrupted. She murmured an apology and quickly crossed the room in search of something she obviously left here because Bloom vaguely remembered girls were supposed to go to the movies.
When Flora left the room,closing the door behind her and still visibly red, Bloom turned to Valtor. He was standing there, looking at her, but the strong burning lust in his eyes was gone, replaced by a tired and resigned look. Bloom exhaled and took a step towards him as he circled his arms around her and placed a kiss on her temples. His strong fingers massaged her tense shoulders and her knees almost buckled from the sensation.
Valtor stood there with Bloom in his arms for an undefined period of time, just holding her as his fingers worked the knots in her shoulders. His attentive gaze swept over the table where Bloom's drawings and various books were placed in a chaotic fashion and got stuck on one particular drawing. A drawing of him. Smirk was instantaneously placed on his lips as he found another way to embarrass his girlfriend. The drawing was buried under the mountain of different drawings, but it obviously got uncovered when he placed Bloom on the table, clearly it was not meant to be seen or found. "Is that a drawing of me?" Bloom recoiled from him like she has been burned. Her eyes turned so wide Valtor had to bite his lip to resist laughing.
"You weren't supposed to see that..." she shook her head and her cheeks turned the same shade as her hair. Valtor chuckled and lifted her chin with his finger and bent down to place a chaste, close mouthed,kiss on her lips. His lips lingered on hers a bit longer before she angled her head a bit better and stood on the tips of her toes adding more pressure to the kiss. For a moment Valtor considered rekindling the lust that still lingered in his veins but Bloom broke the kiss and dropped down so her forehead was now level with his lips. He cupped her face in his large hands and placed a kiss there as she snuggled back into his arms.
Bloom felt Valtor press a kiss to the crown of her head and her arms came to encircle his waist as she snuggled into his chest. She took a step forward, forcing him to take a step back towards her bed. She had no intention of continuing the previous actions but her bed was definitely more comfortable to sleep and lay in instead of falling asleep standing up as she was about to do just a few seconds ago. Valtor inhaled sharply when she forced him to go back, obviously not expecting it. "What are you doing?" She didn't answer and instead took another step forward while pushing him back. When the back of his knees touched the foot of her bed he staggered slightly and Bloom took that opportunity to push him down onto it. He gasped and landed with a thud while she giggled and took off her boots before she crawled into bed next to him.
She straddled his hips and placed both of her arms on the sides of his head,her hair framing her face and falling around them like a curtain. His hands took a hold of her hips and squeezed them gently as she leaned down to give him a kiss. One of his hands came to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear, at least that's what she thought was his intention, but instead of doing that he rubbed it between his fingers and placed a kiss on the fiery part. "Your hair is really soft." He murmured with fascination as he continued to study the strand that was still in his fingers.
Bloom giggled above him and Valtor snapped out of his shock as his fingers let the hair go and, with his hands now free, grabbed her hips and flipped her over making her yell in surprise. She laughed when he turned towards her, his brows set in a frown. She leaned towards him,her fingers coming to smooth out the area between the two angry looking brows, making him smile. She snuggled even closer, her slender leg sneaking in between both of his but still remaining in the safe zone. Her face angled itself towards his,her nose rubbing against his in an eskimo kiss, as she whispered against his lips. "You're really warm." He hummed and reduced the remaining distance between their lips to zero. They broke the kiss simultaneously and Bloom tucked her head beneath his chin as his hand cupped the back of her head and his fingers started running through her hair lulling her to sleep. The last thing she heard before she slipped into the land of morpheus was his quiet voice telling her to rest.
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Hi! I saw you on a bloom x valtor google search. Do you still write? Could you write something M? Please and thank you
Hi! Yes, i most definitely do write but as it is right now I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place with high school graduation tests and acceptance tests for med school so it might take a while for me to post. I'm trying though, hope you understand. There most definitely will be content up soon, i just don't know how soon.
*this is also me apologizing to everyone that sent in a request, but as i said, I'm screwed, so i hope you guys just give me bit more time. I leave no request unanswered, so no worries*
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5, 16 🔥❤
5. "Stop moving and let me braid your hair."
16. "Take my hand. Just trust me."
He fidgeted on a cold, hard, and quite frankly, really uncomfortable floor. His butt was numb at this point but as he started to move to alleviate some discomfort, her sharp and yet somehow calm voice spoke. "Stop moving and let me braid your hair." He whined but stopped moving non the less. Bloom, after all, held the strands of his hair in her fingers and he knew she possessed more than enough strength to actually pull out a strand or two if she so desired.
For a few minutes the only sounds that could be heard in a silent room were their breathing and swoosh Bloom's fingers made as she carefully, and as gently as possible, took another strand of his impossibly long hair, seriously she's quite confused as to why he's keeping it this long, to create another delicate braid.
He earnestly tried to stay calm but he was sitting on this floor for at least an hour and his back started complaining about the uncomfortable position, he estimated, 15 minutes ago. As minutes ticked by, he found himself slouching forward bit by bit in hope to take some pressure off his lumbar area. He felt Bloom's gentle hands on his shoulders as she urged him to improve his posture because she was aware he will complain about it later. "C'mon, just a few more minutes."
He exhaled but forced his spine to stay erect even though it was causing him discomfort. "I'm sorry. It's just... it's not the most comfortable." She chuckled and leaned forward on his shoulder to plant a kiss on his cheek. Her lips lingered on his cheek a bit longer than could be considered standard and he found himself leaning into her touch and angling his head to give her more access. She ran her nose over the spot she kissed and then moved away to resume braiding.
"I'm almost done. Quit whining." She heard him whine especially loud in protest and her lips twitched upwards. A thunderstorm of an entire magic dimension, the most powerful wizard, whining just because of some discomfort. She took the last free strand and divided it into three parts before she tucked the final braid into a carefully crafted masterpiece she created. She leaned forward once again to whisper in his ear, her hot breath washing over the shell of his ear and he shuddered. "All done."
She stood up and handed him the mirror so he could see what she created. He took it and looked at it from all directions before handing it back to her. He stood up carefully from the floor, the action taking him longer than usual because of the discomfort in his lower back, and opened his arms so she can slide in. Bloom took him upon his offer, as she wiggled happily in his embrace, his huge palms running up and down her back as she basically purred from pleasure. He pressed a long kiss on the crown of her head. "I love it. No one has ever done something like that for me. Or better yet, no one has ever tormented me in such way." He received a gut punch for that last one and he almost doubled over but held his stance stubbornly as she tried to break free from his strong arms. He laughed at her pitiful attempts but squeezed the flesh of her hips in a silent apology. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Don't get upset. I do like it. I wouldn't let you do it if i didn't like it."
She sniffed quietly. "You're mean." She felt him stiffen when he heard her sniff but she raised her head so he could see she wasn't really upset. One of his palms came to touch her chin and for the first time ever she noticed how big his hands truly are. His hand could completely cover half of her face from temples to chin. They weren't rough, like one would expect from a warrior such as himself, but soft and really gentle. He always touched her in tender moments such as this one like she was made out of crystal and she would break at the slightest rough touch. But she also knew those hands could leave a lot of damage on whoever dares to hurt that which he holds the most dear. His thumb traced her lip as he leaned down, almost bending completely in the waist area, to reach her awaiting mouth. He pressed a gentle, quite chaste for him, kiss on her mouth, on her cheek, on her other cheek, on her temple, on her neck until he heard her giggle and buried his nose in her neck to inhale her intoxicating smell.
Valtor lowered his arms down so they rested comfortably on her lower back, his head still buried in her neck, as Bloom locked her arms on his neck. They stood there, simply hugging like lovers that have not seen each other in a very long time, for almost five minutes. His arms tightened it's hold on her before he stepped away from her and bowed down like a true gentleman should in front of a princess. He offered her his hand. "M'lady."
Bloom laughed, a cheerful sound that never failed to make something stir in his chest. "What are you doing?" She asked in confusion even though her eyes were shining like those of a child on Christmas.
Valtor smirked. "Take my hand." She shook her head but placed her hand in his, not before asking why, curious thing. He pulled her close, his right hand holding her left as his other free hand traveled and made itself at home on her waist. "Just trust me." He raised her right arm so it rested on his shoulder and then made a first small step forward as she mimicked his move with her own in the opposite direction. He waltzed with her in an empty room, without music, the only sound leading him synchronized beating of their hearts.
"Why are we dancing?" She asked and made a sound of surprise as he twirled her and then dipped her down towards the floor, his hand supporting her so she doesn't fall. She was smiling when he brought her back up, small wrinkles around her eyes crinkling.
He kissed her cheek. "I don't know." He said between the steps, weary of the furniture across the room. "It just felt right at the moment." He spun her around and brought her back to his side kissing her other cheek in the process.
"But why without music?" She giggled as he spun her around and then kissed her other cheek. He didn't answer, instead he dipped her one last time and she leaned her head back, her hair brushing the floor, as Valtor loomed over her and placed a gentle kiss on her neck. They were both panting by the time the dance ended and not just because of physical activity. There was something electric in the air as the two stood and tried to catch their breath. Bloom moved first. She stepped into his personal space and hugged his torso, as she pressed her ear against his chest, a clear thump of his heart against the ribcage could be heard.
She smiled. The music really was unnecessary.
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