mensiscollar · 1 year
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gay celebratory doodle for my first time playing co-op, beating malenia, and finishing the entire game in 10 hours on call w my friend
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envypersonified · 10 months
First post
Hello! I used to be here on another account by the same name. I deleted it to start fesh. I'm here to share my art. It's a mix of horror, cute stuff and just whatever I happen to make. I take inspiration from many things and I love to attempt to imitate art styles sometimes. I'm a game lover and I love soulseborne games, animal crossing, silent hill, or really anything I can get my hands on.
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heedular · 2 years
Finally (I had gotten close at my partners but visit ended before was done) finished bloodborne tonight, and gods is it my favorite soulseborne. Combat clicks well with me and there's just something super satisfying with what happened today where I got ebriatas down, then finally got orphan, followed by a first attempt moon presence (who... honestly after orphan is just a wonderful palet cleanser)
Just love how the game is a constant game of sidestep, shoot your problems, and responding to being hit by going ham on whatever hit you for that juicy blood for healing
Might do more of a rant later when I'm more conscious but just love the game it clicks well, and the hunter outfits are very much aesthetic goals
Oh tiny little thing about orphan (minor spoilers coming for it if you care)
Once you get him dead and resolved, the sun breaks and I love it but it also makes me cry inside cause if you do any ending but the wakeup one that means the last sunrise the hunter ever sees with human eyes (and who knows how human those eyes truly are at that point) is in the hunters nightmare after coming through its horrors (the game truly is a wonderful tragedy in places)
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lesbianladymaria · 6 years
i've never played a soulseborne game but i just got bloodborne, i'm struggling to even get to the first boss. any tips?
I feel you anon, bloodborne was my first soulsborne game as well and I did struggle with it for a good while. In general, I’d say combat is geared towards being aggressive—the rally system is very useful for this reason. But there’s also nothing wrong with running away and recuperating if needed—enemies don’t follow for a long time. If you’re having trouble with mobs, projectiles like pebbles or knives are useful for kiting one or two enemies at a time. I find it’s helpful to take out any riflemen first, that way you won’t have to worry about dodging bullets when fighting in close quarters with other guys.
It’s worth trying to get the timing on viscerals right because it’s a huge help with stronger enemies that have more health, especially if you’re going to be leveling dexterity. Quicksilver bullets are a very frequent drop so don’t be afraid of using them!
As soon as you can, I highly recommend upgrading your weapon! It’s just as vital as leveling your stats. Also experiment with weapons, they all have their own feeling and some may be geared more towards your desired play style.
If you haven’t already, get at least 1 insight so you can level up with the doll in the hunter’s dream—you can do that from using a madman’s knowledge or gaining insight from a boss and using a bold hunter’s mark to leave the boss fight.
Another big help is also just watching other people play! If you’re okay with guides, I recommend this one: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVBHCZXojrJfxJrsjnvVCKLFf9rBZrwwu (sorry I’m on mobile lmao)
It really saved me when I was first starting—seeing more experienced players helped get more of a feel for how combat works and was pretty useful in general.
If you’re interested in co-op, I’d be happy to help, as well!
If anyone else has any advice feel free to add on! I hope this will be useful!
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I love the way people talk about soulseborns on this website
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comcast-official · 6 years
im sorry but your objectively wrong blighttown is top 5 areas in soulseborne
man i thought i was a masochist holy shit anon
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lesbianladymaria · 6 years
sisterfriedes replied to your post “i've never played a soulseborne game but i just got bloodborne, i'm...”
don't be afraid to be summoned into other worlds to get some experience on a boss before you tackle it in your own world! that helped me out so much when i played bloodborne for the first time.
oh yes, definitely this too!!
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