#sorry this took so long lmao ive just been super busy today ty for tagging me ash!!
dykexion · 5 years
tagged by @rikutrans (ty ash!)
name: amy
nickname: my middle name is louise so my family has always called me amy-lou + i sometimes just go by lou. also when i was little everyone called me cookie
zodiac sign: libra (+ aquarius moon and aquarius rising, triple air sign babey)
height: 5′4
hogwarts house: slytherin
last thing i googled: “aquiescence” because one of my friends wanted to know what it meant but i wasnt quite sure how to explain it. before that it was “synthetic personalisation” for an english essay
fav musicians: GORILLAZ(!!), lemon demon, mika, mitski + mcr
last song i listened to: on melancholy hill by gorillaz ;__;
song stuck in my head: nyan cat
followers: a whopping 67 lmao
following: 101
amount of sleep: it fluctuates A Lot. usually 3-7 hours on a school night (normally less rather than more) but 10-ish at the weekends. weirdly ive been automatically waking up at like 5:30am every day recently and i have no idea why??
lucky number: 15
what im wearing: black jeans and a tank top because it is boiling in my house right now
dream job: id quite like to work as a translator or do something in computer programming. opening my own bakery + cafe or a bookshop is something ive always wanted to do too. baby me wanted to be an author
dream trip: honestly just a brief holiday to a small seaside town where i can sit near the beach quietly and read in the evening...im kinda boring
instruments: i can play the keyboard and the drums! i also did violin in year 3 and i can play my heart will go on and all star on the recorder
fav food: pasta and pizza i guess??
languages: english is my main language but i also know quite a bit of french and i can speak bits and pieces of german and polish too! my parents are kinda language nerds (my mum even learned italian through german) and i guess it got passed down to me so im always looking to learn new languages and its always been a favourite hobby of mine
fav song: honestly dont think i have one
aesthetic: i like soft pastel colours but i also kind of like the darker kind of aesthetic too and i really like stuff relating to night time like the moon n stuff. i have quite an eclectic taste in most things tbh so its a bit all over the place
random fact: uhhhh ive been doing ballet since i was like 4 and thats super fun and has made me pretty flexible: i zoned out during a ballet exam a couple months ago and accidentally kicked at like a 160 degree angle without thinking
tagging: @vulturousculturalist @axellesbian @saixy and @ivy-saurs (+ @comicsansisasin) if any of you guys want to + if anyone else wants to do it you can say i tagged you
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