#sorry this came outta no where. i have been getting back into deltarune
evilmiku · 2 years
okay so i’m going to ramble about deltarune for a bit so. spoiler warning.
I’m watching a video theorizing about what the dark crystals are and what they do and the guy making the theory has come to the conclusion that, based on what seam has to say about the dark crystals should you not obtain one from spamton, that the dark crystals somehow enhance the holder combat capability. I don’t think thats the case.
for context what seam says is “It’s no small feat to fight an opponent that has (a dark crystal.)” This does not immediately suggest that the crystals provide a boon to ones combat capability, especially considering that it doesn’t seem to do anything for kris, even when they possess two. what seam’s dialogue here seems to imply is that holding the crystal signifies strength not that it causes it. It seems like a bit of a jump to outright state that the dark crystals enhance combat capabilities when there really isn’t any evidence that supports it other than seam’s vague statement on the power of those who hold them. I’m not even saying that what I said is automatically correct, I just think its a bit silly to act like one definitive answer can be drawn from one vague sentence.
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