#sorry this became a whole meta but it's been rotating in my head for so long
proosh · 7 months
|| You said to send Gil thoughts, so I got you some 💕
It's all personal headcanons but maybe you might agree. 😀😂 (there's some lud in this one)
Gil absolutely has some top class tutors for baby lud, because a future king has to know everything. And then when he returns from his whatever, he personally drills him on those. But that also means he himself has to be constantly learning ahead of him.
And maybe one day Lud surpasses him in knowledge and Gil is both annoyed and proud.
Oh my god you don’t even know how much I think about this
So, one of my more set in stone headcanons is that Gilbert is a bit of a freak for education, and while he can be incredibly harsh he is an incredible teacher. Like, Prussia was one of the first nations in Europe to institute a compulsory state education for children of both genders from childhood to teenage years. This was repeatedly reformed and built upon from Frederick the Great’s reign onwards through to the 19th century where it was borrowed in part by other Western nation – the United States in particular.
There’s something to be said for the rational, practical purposes of intense interest in pedagogy – that it represents the intense urge for modernisation, it existing as a baseline for a smarter, stronger officer class that can be more efficiently fed into the war machine (“The battles of Königgrätz and Sedan have been decided by the Prussian primary teacher" - Thomas Nipperdey), that it exists to bring the population within the influence and authority of the state – but I do truly believe that it’s something close to Gilbert’s heart that he’s a strong believer in.
I do firmly believe Ludwig would have been afforded the education fit for a prince of the German Empire both academically and militarily; he could probably ride before he could walk, and would have tutors for English, French, Latin, and Greek. Ludwig’s a clever boy and a horrifyingly quick learner – reflective of his unnatural growth from babe to child to teen and onwards – and Gilbert finds himself both unsettled by how adeptly the boy takes to education but also deeply, furiously proud and protective.
He’s sharpening Ludwig into a proper weapon, but he himself has to keep his cutting edge and likely finds himself studying and researching along with his charge, training in the field alongside him as well. 
It’s all very well and good until the boy becomes a man, and starts having ideas and dreams of his own that grow outside the scope of Gilbert’s goals for him, and, well. Gilbert has raised himself an Empire and now it’s going to do what Empires do and throw its weight around.
That’s something Gilbert is going to have to learn for himself.
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britishvamps · 7 years
Missed Messages
*I switched persons I know, I did it deliberately. It goes from third person to second person. I know I haven’t been updating alot recently, I started college and have been swarmed with a tonne of coursework and assignments.*
Prompts: 9. Please listen to me- 18. You lied to me 28. They say it’s hard to let go. But with you I find it impossible. 34. Please, don’t leave 68. I wish I could hate you
Fandom: The Flash Character: Barry Allen (The Flash) Warnings: None Word Count: 1316
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Being a CSI was a stressful job everyday but it was something that you enjoyed everyday. But when you had your father and your boyfriend working alongside you, it became a little bit of a roller-coaster, especially when your father happened to be the one and only Detective Joe West. Multiple times had he voiced his many many complaints about you joining the CCPD. But working as a CSI was always something that you have wanted to do.
Recently it seemed as if everyday there was a new crime to have been committed, there was a new body. As always, the call to come in to review another dead body. After you, Barry and your dad had all assessed the crime scene, took photos of the scene and collected what you thought was the correct amount of evidence needed, you all returned to the CCPD where you and Barry went up the stairs to the lab & began to analyse the data before you were called downstairs.
Almost an hour had passed before you went back to the lab with a small stack of papers. “Hey, do you have the file for the case? Dad needs it.” You spoke out as you walked over to Barry, who was still sat back facing you on a stool staring intensively at the computer. Startled, Barry rapidly shut down the computer before turning to face you. “File? Oh, right. It’s right....” He paused and started looking through a stack of brown files, “Here!” He finished, the file stretched out towards you with a small triumphant grin perched on his face.
You muttered out a small thanks. “We’re still on for tonight right?” You asked, looking behind you as you placed the papers down upon the worktop before rotating to collect the file from Barry’s hand. “Yep. Seven o’clock okay.” He responded, moving closer to you before placing a few quick pecks on your lips before allowing you to leave. When you had reached the top of the stairs, you heard Barry’s voice again. “Hello, Cisco. Yeah. Where? Okay I’m coming now.” Before you saw him race down the stairs past you and rush out of the door.
A couple hours later, it was already 5:30 and you were finally at home getting ready for your date with Barry. After spending almost half an hour in the shower, you walked into your bedroom with a towel wrapped around your body and your hair before sitting on the bed and calling out Iris to help you find an outfit, knowing she was downstairs. “Iriiiis.” You elongated the ‘i’, trying to get her to come up, “You know how you’re my favourite sister in the entire wor-” You continued before she cut you off, “What do you want (Y/N)?” She said, as you could hear her footsteps walk up the stairs and she finally popped her head into your room. “What’s up.” She says before noticing that you weren’t ready for your date that was now in 45 minutes. “I don’t know what to wearrrr.” You whined once more, pouting at your sister hoping she has an idea for an outfit.
About half an hour later, you had managed to curl your hair, find an outfit and matching shoes and was now doing the finishing touches to your makeup. When you had finally perfected your winged eyeliner, you threw on your shoes before giving Iris a hug and rushing out of the house to your car and rove off into the direction of the restaurant. As you pulled up to the car park of the restaurant, you noticed that you were almost ten minutes late ad praying that Barry wouldn’t mind, but when you went inside you saw no Barry Allen anywhere.
Deciding to find your reserved table anyways, you sat and waited for Barry. Unaware of the fact that your boyfriend was currently occupied saving another citizen of Central City from another villain meta-human. After about ten minutes, you shot Barry a message asking where he is but came up with no response. Again at 7:35pm, once again coming up blank. Along wit the fourth missed call and second voicemail you left for him. As thirty minutes became an hour and an hour became an hour and a half, with over 20 messages and an equal amount of missed calls and voicemails, you decided that Barry was not going to show up for your date so you left and went home. Where the surprise of a lifetime awaited
“Dad! Iris! I’m back, and I bought Big Belly Burgers with me!” You called out whilst shutting the door and removing your shoes at the doorway before looking up and finding your father, sister and boyfriend stood around the dining table. Barry stood bedecked in The Flash apparel still. “Uhh... W-what’s going on?”
“You’re... The... Flash.” You spoke slowly, trying to process that your boyfriend and best friend was the fastest man alive, the meta-human that ran around Central City saving people. Iris and yor dad had vacated the room as soon as you had walked into the house to see Barry still in his Flash outfit. “No, no, no. No! No, there’s no way that you, Bartholomew Allen, are The Flash, I-I I’m choosing not to believe that.” You denied, the overwhelming recent information that your boyfriend Bartholomew Henry Allen was the superhero that constantly risked his life for others, the man who seemed like just an ordinary forensic scientist, your nerdy boyfriend who moved in with you after his mother’s death and father’s imprisonment, who liked Star Wars, science and musicals was secretly fighting crime throughout Central City everyday. “(Y/N)...” He spoke, moving closer, causing you to back away with your hands in front of you, stopping him from getting closer. “This isn’t how I wanted to tell you, how I wanted you find out about this... Other side of my life. I-I was going to tell you tonight at dinner.” He tried to justified. “Bare, you can run faster than the speed of sound, maybe even faster than light! And your best excuse is that you were going to tell me TONIGHT?!” You began raising your voice. “You’ve had these powers for over a year, and we’ve been dating for 5 months. You had multiple ‘dinners’ to tell me about this!”
“(Y/N/N), I’m sorry, I didn’t want you to be put in danger. I thought I was trying to protect you.” He once again tried to reason whilst once more trying to move closer to you, still receiving the same actions as before, you dodging him. “Protect me? Bare, we do the same job everyday, I am perfectly capable of looking after myself. You lied to me, Barry. I-I don’t... I don’t even know what to say to you.” You said, still slightly distressed from Barry’s overloading confession. “(Y/N), please listen to me-” But you had interjected, “Bare, please don’t say that ‘it was for my own safety’ or ‘you did it to protect me’. I know you did.” You accepted, before continuing, as you reached for your bag that sat on the couch in the living room, “But you have to realise that I have known you my whole life, we’re in a relationship and I find out after my father and sister. I can’t just forget that Bare.” As you reached for the door handle, Barry zoomed over to your, shutting the door again. “They say it’s hard to let go. But with you I find it impossible. Please, don’t leave.” His arms wrapping themselves around your waist as you stood almost frozen in front in front of him before deciding that your inner battle was useless. Wrapping your arms around his neck, pulled him down into a kiss and said, “There seriously are times when I wish I could hate you.”
*I am also making the 31 days of halloween imagines and a masterlist, so look out for those.*
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