#sorry the screen caps are a little crusty
idznakrat · 8 months
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PERCY JACKSON EPISODE 7 SPOILERS!!! (and also for the book if you haven't read it!!)
So, as always, FANTASTIC episode.... But..
There were soo many things that I waited the week to see, that they either changed, or completely left out.
A lot of the changes they did in the series are not changes that bother me or they're changes I really liked, but this time they did me dirty.
The struggle in crusty's??? The waiting room filled with dead people??? The whole oh no cerberus is after us what are we gonna do omg wait cerberus is just a big puppy that wants to have some fun???
I know they did still technically have that last one but it was very different from the book.
Now see, I don't mind that it's different from the books, this is Rick's chance to rewrite the book but with the knowledge he has of what happens in the whole book series.. But some things I think affected the episode a bit on the negative side.
Another thing that does annoys me at times, but truly isn't the end of the world, is that too often the characters just. Know. They meet a new monster and they immediately know who it is and what they do. Where as in the book they find out the hard way. Knowing that they've reached medusas lair before they see the statues to prove it, knowing how to defeat crusty before even walking into his shop (otherwise Annabeth wouldn't already be wearing her cap, fight me) etc. I think the overall show would be slightly improved, had they just added maybe 10 minutes to every episode, and used those extra minutes to show our heroes actually in trouble. Percy doesn't know how to properly fight yet, show him learning. They do that, but I think they could do it more.
I don't mind the telling, not showing, because the entire first book is just a huge infodump. The people that are mad at that, needs to read the book (again)
Also, that is EXACTLY how I envisioned hades to be. Not so somber, not the hadestown version of hades (tho I really do love hadestown hades) but the dorky, clever little bastard that was in episode 7. Thank you! I immensely enjoyed every second of those few minutes of screen time he had. But I do think some scenes were too short. Don't come for me, I know a lot of the "fights" from TLT are way shorter than some people might remember, but they did almost die in crusty's shop and I wanted persassy talking to charon and sailing the Styx.
I did like that they kept the shoes dragging grover to tartarus, that gives a lot of info to non readers about who the traitor is.. One thing about tartarus though... I clearly remember it as a cave with a huge bottomless pit? I could be wrong, and honestly, it being in a cave or the middle of a desert is not something that is too important to me, I just thought the cave set the whole mood. Ykno, with Artemis being trapped in there in TTC and all that. But again, not That important to me.
The only thing that has legitimately bothered me about this show, has been the lighting. As someone who is incredibly passionate about lighting, and wants to become a professional in the field, watching (or struggling to) some of the scenes, were so annoying. They could do better than giving Pjo the DC treatment. I watch the show on my computer, in a dark room, with the screen light on max, and still couldn't see certain scenes in the show (like the amusement park, the minotaur, fields of asphodel etc)
There's many ways to show the audience that it's so dark the characters might have trouble seeing, without the audience feeling the same way.
I'm so sorry about the length of this, I had stuff to say. But no one will ever get me to dislike this show. I love it, so so soo much, sometimes there are just things I'm insanely excited to see, as a book reader, that doesn't happen and I'm a bit sad about that, no matter how good bad or neutral the changes are.
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mirclealignr · 4 years
alright dudes. I’m emotional, what can i say? it’s post lady time and coming back here with all the positivity you’re giving me it’s GOD DAMN it gets to me. And guys i do NOT appreciate you all enough. so freaking watch me. b l o o d y watch me.
ready? coz this is gonna be big and probably hella annoying for all of y’all but watch me do it anyway
@approved-by-dentists Clarissa god dammit. I freaking love you dude. You’re god damn hilarious and you brighten my day. I’m not even kidding. I LOVE YOU 😡💘 your writing is perfect, your beta reading is to die for, you are ✨ amazing ✨
@im-a-writer-right Ria i love you. You’re my affectionate drinking buddy and one day, we will be in sync. you’re so freaking supportive and i love it. Your shit posts are hilarious and gah you’re so funny. I love your writing and you’re hella goofy and i live for it.
@dreamer821 jesus did someone say the sweetest piece of pie? because good lord that is what you are! Girl i am here to remind you of how amazing you are no matter how much i gotta say it. I love you and appreciate you AND your incredible writing sweetie!
@firewhisky-kisses omg ITS YOUR NUMBER 1 FAN HYPING YOU UP! bruh, talk about an underrated blog. I can’t even like? bruh i bloody love you and the positivity you spread. your FO DAMN reblogs give me life!!!!!
@remibarnes22 hey sweetie! been a while but i love you and your chaotic energy! god damn you’re soooo sweet!!! ily girl! 🥺
@kitkatd7 boo, ily! your writing? chefs kiss. You’re so sweet and supportive and UGH you’re amazing!!!!! basically for me, you were there from the beginning and i can’t thank you enough!
@masterofthedarkness hey boo :))) you’re just the sweetest little thing with these huge bursts of chaos and i bloody love for it! you’re like that mom friend who’s hilarious and ends up in the shit with all her friends anyway. Ugh anyway, i adore you and you’re writing and you’re growing 🥺 as you should be!
@leahstypewriter omg boo, we’re new to talking but you seem freaking AWESOME! gah i can’t wait to learn more about you! and your writing is incredible you need and deserve way more credit for that!
@potterverseimagine BOO omg you’re so awesome! gah you’re like so supportive and positive and you make this community so much brighter! And your writing is so adorable like holy crap the fluff content is to die for!
@chaotic-fae-queen hey boo! gah i’ve been so flakey lately, sorry bout that! but omg i love you and how the heck you balance all your writing and original ideas and fandoms and uni is incredible! You are a m a z i n g! Ily sweets 💘
@dearspacepirates OMG my first tumblr friend. I love you honey, i’m rooting for you in the hollywood universe. SHUT IT DOWN WITH YOUR TALENT! can’t wait to see you on the big screen and walking those red carpets honey!
@harrysweasleys wth you’re so sweet and wholesome and i will never get over that. You’re writing talent is out of this world and I STAN! share the talent 🥺
@peachesandpinks HOLY GOD DAMN CRAP! this site would be darker without you. You’re just a little ray of sunshine and i can’t even 🥺 you and your writing are wonderful GAH! I LOVE YOU SWEETIE!
@lunar-nonnie to my nonnie who brightens my day with every interaction. I love you sweetie, MWAH! keep spreading that positivity!
- and i’m just gonna give some appreciation to all those that i don’t interact with as often but still appreciate.
@summer-writes you’re a god damn queen.
@summergoldenrze omg you’re so fun! i’m still waiting for us to get into Edinburgh.
@teheharrypotter you seem god damn awesome! like hella living for your energy, i love it!
@lupins-sweater omg you’re so sweet! i love talking to you, it’s so engaging and interesting!
@with1love1anu god damn nothing can bring you down and i am here. for. it. you’re amazing and i love your supportiveness.
@bl597 you just don’t get enough credit for how sweet and talented you are!
@cap-n-stuff haven’t talked a lot but you seem amazing!!! from what i’ve read of yours, it doesn’t stop there! QUEEN!
@eleven-times-lively hey :) i don’t think we’ve hardly talked apart from on the gc but hi i appreciate you <3
@kalimagik you’re so talented what the actual heck??!?!??
@fablesrose omg hey boo! you’re awesome and i love seeing you on my dash <3
@johnmurphyisbisexual hey!!! you’re so positive and i hope no one ever gives you a reason not to be! you are amazing and never forget it :)
@iliveiloveiwrite hiiii! it’s been a while but omg i love your writing! i know i’ve been behind, but i will not waste anytime catching up! QUEEN!
@lokis-amazing-fighting-skills eheheh hello!!! i love your writing and i adore talking to you! gah you’re so fun to talk to 🥺
@marauderswhisperer boo! hey girl hey! how are you hunny? been a little while! don’t ever forget that you are incredible and your writing is amazing, sweetie <3
@hufflefluff-writer omg you’re amazing wth? writing, personality, vibe, aesthetic, all of it. I love it!!!!!!
@parker-potters we don’t talk a whole lot but i appreciate you and love seeing when you’ve tagged me in some of your amazing writing!
@mischiefsemimanaged HEY SWEETIE! i love you and stay strong and positive! I hope you continue to thrive, honey!
@nebulablakemurphy again, hello! really don’t think we’ve interacted much other than the gc, but! i’ve been meaning to binge your masterlist 🥺 ugh anyway, just- i appreciate you!
@slytherinquill HEY!! i’m getting to your series, i promise. Anyway, you’re awesome! genuinely amazing.
@mysterioustruffle you’re adorable and amazing and i stan. i freaking stan!
@theweasleysredhair screamed when you followed me. You’re amazing, your writing is impeccable. I god damn STAN!
@ickle-ronniekins never met anyone who can write this twins as wonderfully as you. It’s freaking amazing. AND YOURE SO SWEET!
@willowbleedsonpaper omg sweetie! you’re amazing, you’re so awesome! i love how sweet you come across, it’s wholesome.
@slytherinwriter618 omg boo! you’re so amazing, as is your writing (which so sorry i’m behind on) and ugh keep being WONDERFUL!
@emyyjemyy god damn you’re just a bundle of joy and i love wheneve we interact! you’re such a sweetie!
@poppin-potter ugh you seem like such a sweetie and aww so squishy 🥺 you’re amazing!
sorry for the hella long post and the spam but also i’m not. Ya’ll deserve more love and appreciation and i hope i’ve given you some! MWAH TO YOU ALL!
(i know i’ve missed some, just know if you’re reading this, i love you)
106 notes · View notes
simplybakugou · 4 years
Sweet Sugar
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↝ Tired of not being able to see your boyfriend because of his demanding job, you decide to give him the cold shoulder only for it to backfire on you.
BINGO SPACE: Distract with Kisses
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⋆ PAIRING: prohero!kaminari x reader ⋆ WARNINGS/TAGS: flufff :) ⋆ WORD COUNT: 1551
A/N: more kaminari? yes. another @bnhabookclub​ bingo piece? yes again! thank you to @laylahoran​ for requesting kaminari for this prompt! credits to @eraserhead-transparents​ for kaminari cap! also don’t mention why the banner looks crusty, i have no idea why tumblr hates me this much
✐posted 08.04.2020✐
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Since you started dating Kaminari, almost everyone you knew expressed how jealous they were of their friend who was in a relationship with one of the top pro heroes. Initially you understood their feelings as Kaminari was quite evidently a celebrity to the point where you couldn’t go out with him in public without him getting recognized. Even hardcore fans would recognize you despite the fact that you were an ordinary citizen.
You met Kaminari in his last year in U.A. and although he wasn’t a pro hero at the moment, he was still popular as he came from the infamous class 1-A, the unfortunate group of students who always seemed to be one of the League of Villains’ targets. With his studies and training, you always understood how hard he worked to achieve his dream: to be a pro hero. 
And once he did become a pro hero, you continued to be as considerate as you could when he had to call your dates off as he was whisked away to save civilians from evildoers. It was to be expected when dating someone with such an important and demanding job. 
But in the past few weeks, it seemed that it was even harder than usual to spend even a few moments alone with your boyfriend. Every morning you would wake up, feeling around your bed for his body beside you only to feel the emptiness of the sheets engulfing your palms. And every night you would attempt to stay up to see him, often ending up sleeping on the couch as you patiently waited for him. Kaminari always came home, smiling at the sight of your sleeping body as he would carry you to bed before crawling in right beside you.
You never wanted to hold him accountable or get upset with him for never having time to be with you but you’d be lying to yourself if you said that it didn’t make you upset to barely have enough time to even catch a glimpse of his face, especially since you live together.
That night was the same as you were sat on the couch, a cup of tea in your hand as the loneliness you felt every night felt more intense than usual. The colors displayed from the TV screen glared to your eyes as you watched in anticipation. It became a daily routine for you to watch the news, specifically the channels that covered any villainous activity and news on pro heroes. You wanted to make sure Kaminari was safe if he were ever involved with the missions and attacks that the reporters covered.
You continued watching, hearing the news reporter explain how heroes like Deku and Ground Zero were encountered with numerous villains as crime rates continued to increase. It made your heart race watching the footage taken of the heroes fighting such murderous, terrifying people as you couldn’t help but be afraid for Kaminari as you were reminded how his life was constantly put in danger due to his job. 
On most nights, due to his status as one of the top heroes, Kaminari’s name would be mentioned at least once on the news, most of the time covering what he accomplished on his daily patrols or the areas he was often stuck with patrolling. But that night the news reporter didn’t mention his name once. Maybe you were being paranoid but you couldn’t help but suspect something was wrong. When reporters don’t mention high profile heroes’ names, it's either because they weren’t required to patrol that night or they were injured and their whereabouts were unconfirmed.
You knew Kaminari was on patrol that night, as he would text you every morning and night to let you know when his patrols were. You couldn’t help but worry… was he okay? Was he injured? Should you text him? What should you do?
Giving into your conflicting thoughts, you decided to call him. Usually he would answer immediately just to reassure you as he was well aware of how distressed you can get, but his phone went straight to voicemail.
While you were sat with your perturbed thoughts on the couch, Kaminari slowly opened the door to your apartment, a sigh escaping his lips. He could see the back of your head from the front door and he smiled, happy to see that you were still awake. He managed to get out of work early, wanting to make up for all the times he was unable to spend some time with you. 
He saw that you didn’t acknowledge him, deciding this was the perfect time to give you a little scare. He quietly slipped his shoes off, tiptoeing towards you. You were staring at your phone as you were still panicking, not sure what to do. The TV was fortunately drowning out the creaking of Kaminari’s footsteps and just as you were about to try and call him again, Kaminari screamed out “BOO,” sending you falling off the couch to the floor out of fear.
Kaminari plopped down on the couch, gasping in between laughs as you sat upright, experiencing a mixture of glaring at him and the initial shock of seeing his face before you.
“I’m sorry,” Kaminari said finally, his cheeks hurting from his laughter. He extended his hand out to you to hoist you up but you ignored him, getting up from the floor and sitting as far as you could from him on the couch. 
Kaminari chuckled at your evasiveness, sliding closer to you. “I’m sorry, baby, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“You should’ve answered your phone,” you mumbled under your breath, leaning forward to grab the TV remote. 
“I know, but I wanted to surprise you!” Kaminari said as he watched you despite you ignoring him. He grabbed you by your waist, wanting to pull you onto his lap and kiss your cheek but you pushed him away, refusing to succumb to him. 
You were ecstatic to see him and as much as you wanted to be in his arms, you were still a bit angry that he hadn’t answered his phone while you were panicking about his well-being, even though you were probably overreacting.
“Are you mad that I scared you?” Kaminari asked, still confused with why you were so upset in the first place.
You finally turned to him, narrowing your brows at him. “I thought something happened to you! You weren’t answering your phone and you always answer right away so I thought you were hurt, Denki!”
Despite you expressing how frightened you were, you grew even angrier when you looked back at Kaminari who had a wide smile on his face, one that he was attempting to hold back. “What’s so funny?”
Kaminari leaned in, wrapping his arm around you and bringing your face closer to his. “You’re just so damn cute.” He kissed your left cheek and then your right cheek, planting kisses all across your face.
“I’m sorry for making you worry. I got Sero to cover tonight’s patrol for me so I could be with you. I know I’ve been an ass and haven’t been able to see you in the past few weeks so I wanted to make it up to you,” Kaminari explained, brushing your hair back through his fingers. “Are you still mad?”
Your expression nearly faltered as you practically had to ball your hands into fists to refrain from leaning into him into a hug. You jutted your bottom lip out as you looked up at him, the frown back on your face. “Yes.”
“Okay.” Kaminari moved his arms up your back and held you tightly against him into his embrace. He turned his head, peppering your face with kisses to the point where you could barely breathe from his grip. He left small kisses on your cheeks, your neck, your nose, your forehead… basically anywhere but your lips just to tease you.
He was attempting to distract you from being upset with him and it was working. “Fine, fine! I’m not mad anymore, okay?”
Kaminari pulled away, his arms still around you as he rested his forehead against yours. “Good. ‘Cause we’re spending the rest of the night together and I can’t have you be mad at me.”
You finally smiled a little, closing the gap in between you and your boyfriend yourself as you closed your lips over his, both of you smiling against each other. Kaminari pulled you into his lap so you were straddling him. You could barely keep up with his pace as you were both eager to see each other once again.
You couldn’t remember the last time you were with your boyfriend like this, which made this moment mean even more to you. Your past paranoia dissipated as quickly as it came as Kaminari stood to his feet, holding you up in his arms as your legs hooked around his waist to keep yourself upright. He made his way to your shared bedroom and you were giggling as he almost fell on his rear in the process.
That night, despite how trivial it was, was one you’d always remember. Because despite having a boyfriend who had a job that was always putting him in danger, you never once felt lonely ever again.
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Taglist: @pinkcowgirleggpanda​ @xtsundere-princess​ @wesparklebitch​ @hot-pocket01​ @iamthe-leaf @pixxiesdust​ @ahrininetales​ @kirisclementine​ @happygalaxymilkshake​ @hookedinto-fictionalworlds​ @entraptas-kid-sister​ @mirakeul​ @icy-hot​ @lmaobroccoli​ @anastar-legion​ @lowermoons​ @mykuronekome​ @susu-chan​
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detectivesplotslies · 5 years
Passengers on the Road to Nowhere
Saioumota Week 2019 - Day 2: Road Trip & Long Distances
Description: Kaito, Shuichi and Kokichi pile into an old car and drive away from their troubles. Word Count: 2189
Read on AO3 here
The sun beat down on the bill of Shuichi’s cap as he leaned against the window, watching the signs flash by. The map was loosely grasped in his hands until they got closer to their next exit. He crumpled it a bit, tightening his hand, then letting it go again, staring at the tiny creases, like new markings on the face of the region. Maybe making somewhere new, just like they were hoping to find. His half lidded eyes drift to the driver’s seat, where Kaito sits at the wheel. His overly large sunglasses and gel free hair made almost look like a stranger, but the big grin on his face despite everything and his hand tapping along to the song playing through the crusty speakers gave him away.
Shuichi shifted his shoulders with a wince, and turned to glance into the backseat. Sprawled across the entirety of it was Kokichi, seemingly asleep. The hoodie he had been wearing was pulled off and thrown over his face to blot out the sun. He hadn’t said much since the argument about seatbelts, and the middle one was still awkwardly clipped around his waist, even sideways. A bump in the road bounced him up, and Shuichi heard a groan under the fabric.
He turned back to the map, and then out the window. A rest stop was coming up. His tired eyes widened a little.
Carefully, Shuichi folded the map and quietly spoke, low enough so maybe not to alert Kokichi as he got back to his nap.
“Kaito, can we stop?”
He must have been too soft to be heard under the buzz of the radio as Kaito kept tapping along with his eyes on the road. Should he poke him? What if he startles him and they swerve. Shuichi cleared his throat a bit, and tried a touch louder this time.
“Hm? Everything alright, Shuichi?” This time he turned ever so slightly towards him, and Shuichi could feel the inspection he was getting behind the shades even if he couldn’t quite make out his eyes. Shuichi smiled and nodded.
“Yeah, I’m fine, but could we stop? There’s a rest stop coming up-”
“Hey we weren’t gonna stop until it was dark, you know that, it was your suggestion.”
“I know that but… I don’t think a quick little stop to get some snacks or something to drink would be-”
“Shuichi, is this another coffee stop?! We are gonna get spotted for sure one of these times!”
“No we won’t! It’ll just be real quick stop, I’ll be in and out before you even know I’m gone and-”
“We’re stopping?”
Kokichi sat up like a zombie rising from the grave in an old horror film, hoodie still wrapped around his face. He clawed it off quickly and poked his head up between the front seats, grinning ear to ear.
“We are NOT, and even if we were you are not getting out of the car again,” Kaito grunted.
“Come onnnnnnnn, puuuhleeease. My legs are gonna wither away to stubs before we get anywhere, and then you’ll have to carry me. Do you want that on your conscience?”
“Oh so you don’t like to be carried? Good to know.”
“HOLD ON, that was NOT the point! I’ll be good, I just wanna get some air!”
“I’ll crack a window.”
“I need some exercise!”
“You can probably do sit-ups from how you’re lying back there if you want to that badly, Kokichi.”
Shuichi couldn’t help but laugh at the exchange. He knew that last time was a mess, but for once he was on Kokichi’s side. The quieter boy gently placed his hand on Kaito’s where it held the steering wheel, and the other boy’s grimace smoothed over. He glanced back at his navigator.
“Please Kaito, you could probably use a stretch too, you’ve been behind the wheel for hours. It’s not safe, you know.”
“Yeah! Just cause you can pilot a spaceship doesn’t mean you’re allowed to coop us up in here and crash!”
“That’s not what I said,” Shuichi hurriedly added. He could hear Kaito exhale a long held breath and sigh.
“Fine, but we’re sticking together, okay? That means you too, stub legs!”
“Yes sir!”
Kokichi snickered as he pulled his hoodie over his head, dark locks reemerging moments later under the hood. Shuichi adjusted his hat and checked his wallet. Kaito pulled them over into the off-ramp and toward the sign proclaiming Gas, Restrooms, & Food. The old car’s engine made some ominous clicking sounds as they dropped in speed, but steadily came to a halt in the parking lot. There were only a few spots taken, a good sign really. The trio piled out of the car. Despite his claims Kokichi was the least shaky on his legs as he bounced from foot to foot, and tugged the drawstrings on his hood tight, so only his nose and eyes showed, with a stray bit of purplish hair sticking out like a whisker. The three of them shared a quick look, checking each other over for anything obvious they may have forgotten. Then as one they started towards the little rest stop shop.
The ease they’d had in the car dissipated instantly. The tight knit trio bunched together. Shuichi’s shoulder brushed against Kaito’s arm. Kokichi’s finger hooked on Shuichi’s belt loop like a tether. Kaito kept pace with the both of them while watching the lot over their heads. This was how they were together in public. How they managed crowds, comments, and stares.
The troupe broke apart at the door to go in single file, Shuichi first. The bell at the top of the door chimed, announcing new customers. He made a beeline for the counter while Kaito held the door for Kokichi. It didn’t take long to spot the coffee machine, nothing fancy just the regular and decaf options behind the cashier. There was a line that Shuichi stepped into it while fidgeting with his hands. He turned to watch the other two while he waited.
Kokichi walked down one of the aisles plucking colourful snack packages up with excitement and handing them to Kaito who trailed behind him. Once his arms were full, Kaito started putting one back every time he was given another to avoid a juggling situation. He was nowhere near as good at it as Kokichi was. At least not yet. Both of them had promised Kokichi they’d practice their juggling when they got time to. As they stepped out before turning to the next row Kokichi skipped over to the line and handed him a package of Oreos and winked. Shuichi couldn’t help but smile as he hopped away with an exasperated Kaito in tow.
Shuichi turned his attention back to the line as the person at the front finished their purchase and left. One more person and then he was up. His eyes drifted to the tv behind the cash, it was playing some ads on mute while music played over the actual speakers. He swallowed. The same ad that had been haunting him for weeks popped onto the screen. He reached up and adjusted his hat self-consciously. Despite that his eyes were glued to the screen as the Team DanganRonpa logo spun on it.
Even though it was muted, he knew a remix of the theme music was playing while the convention date and location popped up in big letters. Then the words were shot to pieces. Clips of each fan favourite participant that was announced as a special guest played, one after another in a reel. He hoped Kokichi was still looking for snacks and not watching this like he was. He’d seen it plenty of times. The mute remained a blessing. Shuichi knew that each ‘character’ was introduced with their own voices. And on cue, there was the latest favourite, in his iconic checkered scarf. He remembered the day Kokichi had been called to the recording studio for that one. He had come back entirely drained. Closed off. It’d been a long taxing one.
That’d been the day they decided they were getting out of there. Contracts be damned, they weren’t here to be paraded around for show.
Finally, Monokuma popped up at the end to wave goodbye. The ad was over. Something innocuous about a fruit juice with a cute girl in orange dancing took its place. Shuichi finally was able to look away. He glanced over his shoulder with concern, trying to be sure the other two boys were okay, but he didn’t see them anywhere nearby. He turned quickly, trying to find them but that was just as the woman in front of him was leaving. They collided, her purchase and his hat falling to the floor.
“Oh I’m sorry, I-”
Shuichi froze mid-sentence. On her shirt was show’s logo, big in black, red and white. She hadn’t looked up, having bent to pick up her bag and mutter. His hat sat on the floor beside it. Shuichi’s hands shot up to his face automatically, dropping the Oreos as well in the process.
“Watch it this could have broken,” she was saying. “Seriously…” Shuichi nodded from behind his hands, trying to think. She hadn’t moved. Was she staring at him? He didn’t want to dare look. What if she recogni-
Shuichi felt the hat slide down on his head.
“Hey you dropped this right?” He heard Kaito say, playing up a gruffer voice to his side as he removed his hands. He got a pat on his back. “No harm done, right?” Behind the shades and the grin he could just be a concerned stranger, but if she noticed the goatee she might-
“C’mon, c’mon, you were gonna buy these for me, right?” Kokichi swooped in on his other side, linking their arms and tugging Shuichi towards the cash, past the woman who’s attention was now on Kaito. The fallen Oreos were already in his hand. He slid them onto the counter and through the still-pulled-tight opening in the hood he asked the cashier for a black coffee as well. As his thoughts finally caught up with the transaction Shuichi fumbled with his wallet.
Behind him he heard the woman huff and head out the door with her gathered things. The bell chimed. Kaito slid a couple of the snacks he was still holding onto the counter as well, putting it all together.
They paid cash and left. Kaito carried the bag, Shuichi held his coffee, and Kokichi clinged to Shuichi’s arm the whole walk through the parking lot. They didn’t say another word until they reach Kaito’s old car, and pile back in.
The doors clicked shut. They collectively let out their held breaths.
“‘It’ll just be real quick’ you said, ‘in and out before you even know’,” Kaito sighed, kneading his forehead behind the shades. The heavy moment hung in the air. Shuichi looked down at his coffee.
“I’m sorry, I-”
“Talk about a deer-in-headlights, jeez Shumai. You’re so lucky you brought us huh? And what was all that about definitely not needing wanting me out there, hmmmm?” Kokichi leaned into the front seat and sprawled himself across Kaito’s shoulder. He poked Kaito’s cheek. “You should have seen this idiot’s face until I went to get the cookies. You two matched! Frozen like statues!”
Shuichi’s eyebrows shot up and he glanced up at Kaito’s reddening face. “H-hey this is serious, Kokichi, we could have-”
“But we’re fine. We stuck together like you said and we’re fiiiiine.”
Shuichi chuckled and reached out to loosen Kokichi’s hood, and swiping away bits of hair from his face. They really did look like whiskers stuck like that. “You’re right, we’re fine.”
In return he got a brief soft look that broke into mischievous smirk. Kokichi gave Kaito’s face a light pap with his hand and rolled off of him to the backseat again. They heard the fizz and pop sound of the unscrewed cap of a soft drink.
It took the other two boys a moment to realize the snack bag was unopened in the front seat.
“Kokichi! We talked about this!”
“We have more than enough just to buy it-”
“No one noticed, don’t worry about it~”
“We don’t need more risks! You-”
“Can’t hear you over the bubbles!”
The squabble continued as the car pulled back out onto the highway. Shuichi fell out of it after a bit to sip his coffee, enjoying the light mood’s return. This cramped vehicle may not be the best living situation, but for the time being it was their safest place. Where they were themselves. Where there was no audience. Shuichi wasn’t sure how long it would last, but he had a new shred of hope. The ad had still listed Kokichi as appearing at the convention. The company wasn’t telling anyone they’d gone. Any search they were doing was internal and hushed. They were trying to save face, and the public didn’t know to watch for them.
That they could play to their advantage. This might just work. Their getaway might have a destination after all.
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[SF] The Last Job
Veronica was alone on the bridge when the first distress signal was detected. The beeping echoed quietly on the bridge, reverberating throughout the sleeping ship as the members curled up in their beds. She needed something to do. Something to smother the remaining hours until the end of the week, her thoughts more than enough to keep her awake, her mind wouldn’t stop on its ceaseless crusade, reminding her of every little mistake. The distress signal was a distraction, exactly what she was looking for.
“Merchant 6478-A we read your distress, can you respond, over?”
Over and over she could hear Tina’s stupid bloody voice bringing the whole mess to a stand-still. She could see all the faces turn to them, including Giles, and the raised eyebrows turning to awkward looks and nervous faces. She wanted the vacuum of space to suck her into nothing and believed the reversal of her insides to outsides would’ve been less excruciating than eating the rest of her meal amongst the crew. The pity before was condescending enough and she knew if she stayed on board it would be palpable.
“Merchant 6478, you’re very faint, can you adjust frequency?”
Captain Urak saw it all just like the rest of them, but at least had the courtesy to not stare at her, despite all his faults. He didn’t have time for nonsense, as he called it, only time for his job and his drink. Although she had no doubt they’d be discussing it in her next pay review. It all had to come out at the worst time, a fucking embarrassment to everyone involved and another flag she had been adorned with. All because Tina didn’t know how to keep her mouth shut.
Veronica keyed into Urak’s terminal. “Captain? Sorry to disturb, we have a dead corporate freighter here, looks like asteroid debris got into the engines and the communications is down as well. Shall we dock with them?”
She heard the groan of her Captain, who had slept with a whiskey or two at his side since their trip began. “Lifeforms?”
“I’m detecting seven, sir, which matches the record we have for the vessel.”
“Dock then, Ven. I’ll be sending you and Giles down to sort the problem.”
Ven felt herself blush furiously before she could stop it, feeling like a foolish child as she stammered: “G-Giles, sir?”
“Yes, our security officer and an engineer. Is there a problem with that?”
“No, but-“
He emerged fully in the camera’s view, letting her see up close how little he cared for her opinion. “I want the air cleared before 06:00 tomorrow between you. Regardless of what’s been said and what’s true, I want things as normal as soon as this job is done. Is that understood?”
Veronica made sure he saw how she straightened herself and nodded stiffly to camera. “Yes. Perfectly.”
His transmission ended and she easily directed the vessel to dock with the corporate ship, the accuracies would have to come from her Captain and she would only need to make things normal with Giles. The logos and slogans splattered across the dull grey and blue surface of the hull, leaving only the bridge and engines free of it. From a distance, it was difficult to notice the paint worn by travel and splattered with dirt and rust. But Veronica saw it and thought briefly of her father, navigator on such ships, playing the elusive corporate game.
She had spent the day before testing the new software on board, stabilised the thrusters and fixed the food dispenser that had been playing up since launch. If she was able to do all that and not screw it up, she thought that it’d be easy to get back to normal with Giles. She could also theoretically turn herself into a sperm whale but she didn’t like her chances there, either.
Giles was tall, thickly haired, muscled and some thought thickly brained as well, but Veronica knew him better than most. He was a sucker for tinned peaches from mother earth, if they could get them; watched all the zero-g MMA matches once they grounded and had a fondness for jazz that Veronica hadn’t heard since her dad had died. It felt pathetic, to have that longing inside that never seemed happy to move along, trying to find bits of her father in what was left of her job. But it was how she dealt with it, how she avoided people calling her weak.
“You ready?” Veronica already knew, of course, by his holstered plasma handgun and suit.
He nodded. “Is the Captain awake?”
“Barely. And he’s been at the whiskey again.”
“Pretty sure we were told not to drink drive when we were kids.”
She shrugged, thinking of a joke but deciding to hold it back. “He’s the boss.”
Giles expected the joke as well, giving her a short pause to deliver it and adjusting himself when she didn’t. He took a deep breath and didn’t look at her as he spoke: “Ven, I think you’re a really nice person, but-“
“Save it.” Veronica spat. “Don’t you dare even start with that bullocks.”
“Do you know how hard it is to be on this damned ship as an engineer? How many crusty old farts are condescending to me like I’m some fresh-faced whelp who doesn’t know how to use a spanner or a screwdriver? How I have to fight every day to get an inch of respect out of anyone?!” Veronica didn’t mean to raise her voice, but found it impossible to back down. She couldn’t show weakness. “I don’t need that shit from you. Not you too.”
“It’s not my fault!”
“No!” She took a moment to compose herself. “No, it’s not. It’s not, never was. It’s never one person’s fault.” She rubbed her eyes. “It doesn’t matter. It’s fucked anyway.”
“What is?”
“Us. Our talks, everything!”
“Why does that have to change?”
She didn’t answer – not because she wanted it to, that much was clear, but because it had already happened. He felt like a stranger to her, like she couldn’t trust him. Like he already knew too much. She rubbed her eyes, exhaustion catching up with her. “It’s been a long week.”
He nodded. It had been long for them all but it wasn’t hard to imagine the utter embarrassment she had gone through had destroyed whatever self-esteem she had left. Giles was under no illusion that he was the only person she really talked to in such a way and certainly wasn’t thick skulled enough to see that she wanted to stay as far away from him as possible.
The warning lights blazed around them, allowing them ten seconds to brace for the joining of the two airlocks. Their arms reached and grasped the handles above as gravity was briefly disabled as the ships came together. The lurch was powerful, but they were used to how it felt and were able to conduct themselves safely – both being subjected to enough training and safety protocols to last a lifetime. But what else was new in the depths of space?
Giles spoke again as they headed into the corporate ship’s airlock. “I didn’t know. Okay? I didn’t know that you-“
“It doesn’t matter.” Ven snapped, turning away from him so he couldn’t see her face. “The whole damn crew knows, Tina might as well have posted it all online, let the whole bloody milky way know about it!”
“Tina was drunk-“
“Tina was barely tipsy. She did it because she thought it was funny and I’m sure it was fucking hilarious.��� Veronica hefted the airlock door closed despite the help Giles offered her.
“I didn’t think it was funny.”
Veronica was able to smell his bullshit from a mile away. “Let’s just get this over with.”
The corporate vessel was one they had both seen time and time again during their patrol missions in the outer solar system. Like with the exterior, it was covered in corporate logos, slogans and even health and safety notices. Above their heads messy looking cables ran along each corridor with piping insulated alongside. Each ship was exactly the same, grey and blue, plastered with shameless advertising with only the faces manning them ever seeming to change. Yet despite this, there was something unnerving to Ven when she heard the distant beeping of a failing utility in the bowels of the ship and the cold whirs that seemed to freeze her bones. The darkness didn’t help, like the ship was derelict in a forgotten sea.
“Cap said there were people here?”
“I counted seven.”
Giles frowned. “Then where are they?”
“They could be injured, maybe they’re with their supplies in case of pirates.”
Ven frowned at his scepticism. “Well, what would you call them?”
He shrugged, allowing a smirk. “Just sounds like we’re kids playing at school.”
She raised an eyebrow. “You think? I mean I don’t think any pirates go for peg legs and parrots nowadays.”
“The fashion could turn.” He pointed out, like an old spinster warning of bad weather.
“I’m not sure I’d put my money on it.” Ven admitted, trying not to smile, which was easier once she spotted a comms terminal. “Here we go.”
The dimmed lighting didn’t help with finding the keyboard and where she needed to place her fingers, but once she brought up the system’s commands, she was able to navigate easily through the old modules. Ven’s paranoia had focused on the thought that one or two men were bleeding out in the bowels of the miserable vessel, so she didn’t spend too much time looking through the essential systems. But even seeing the brief descriptions typed on screen were enough to make her pause.
“That’s weird…” She mumbled to herself. “Why did they do that?”
“Do what?”
“Well the engines aren’t damaged, not seriously enough for a standstill, anyway. They’ve been switched off through the ship’s software.”
“Why would they do that?”
Veronica glanced over at him, knowing he’d find her suggestions ridiculous before she even said them. “Sometimes when a ship has a software upgrade, the engines are remotely turned off for safety reasons and then tested once the upgrade is complete. I did that earlier today, actually.”
“Okay… So, they broke their own engines because they’re lazy?”
“I don’t think so. ‘Cos this isn’t the most recently updated version, in fact the last update was from three months ago. Going without updates even for that short amount of time can mean that the engines have been switched off due to a glitch in the system – it's rare, but it happens. But option three…”
“It could be pirates.”
She expected some mockery, maybe a surprised eyebrow at her paranoia, but he seemed just as convinced.
“Why would they do that?” He asked, lowering his voice.
“Turn off the engines, send out a distress signal and a bigger score usually turns up afterwards.” She replied, matching his tone. “Should we head back?”
“You can. I need to make sure they don’t have hostages.”
“No! No, don’t be stupid.” She hissed. “We get reinforcements, by the book.”
“People could die while we wait-“
“You could die! We need you on board.”
He removed his pistol from its holster and looked at her coldly. “Don’t be emotionally compromised over this. It makes sense, this is my job, just like yours is sorting out that terminal and getting back to the ship.”
She grabbed his arm. “Your job is to be smart about this. If there are pirates and if they have hostages, then they’ll wait for someone-“
The high-pitched squeal of plasma fire tore through their conversation and she could smell the burning flesh before he felt it. The heat quickly destroyed any nerves but the shock of smouldering smoke whisping from his shoulder was enough to send him immediately in a panic. He screamed so loud and hard she was sure the ship would shatter around them, tears and blood and sweat poured from him and all the time only one phrase thudded through her head. Her heartbeat in time with the terrifying thought: he’s going to die.
He was beyond the point of conscious pain or sanity as she wrenched the gun from his hand. She didn’t have time to think, reaching and firing where their attacker had shot, dodging back into cover and waiting until he needed to change his plasma pack. Their blind back and forth continuing with no clear goal, no clear target and Giles was screaming, shaking as he tried to reach for his medicine but unable to grab it without another screech, without another wave crashing down on him.
Her shots were random and fragmented, her eyes unable to adjust to the bright lights and darkness that cascaded one after the other. Sparks flew and singed her face and arm; plasma fire tore a hole piece by piece above their heads, melting some metal that poured like white-hot treacle towards them. The stranger was having as much trouble as she was but they kept up the stalemate, Ven kept firing, the squealing of the gunfire and his screams inevitably would bring the rest of them to them. She had to end it, or they would be surrounded. She had to kill him or they’d die too.
The insanity around her seemed to slow as her thoughts cascaded through time and space to the moments she had with her father, the panic and shock hitting her hard enough that the memories came unbidden. The wisps of vapor from his mouth, the virtual reality they shared between them, firing fake guns in fake shooting galleries, goading one another into making a riskier maneuverer. The days in the hospital as the cancer spread, continuing until it smothered him in darkness, the last days she felt truly connected to someone, the moment when he told her that he was proud of her. Knowing for sure that he’d never speak again and his funeral during a heatwave, the sweat and the salt and the red earth finally taking him.
Her next shot ripped through the neck of the pirate and she watched him tumble to the ground, almost completely unaware of how she did it or how she knew where he’d be. She didn’t see his face, believing it was a blessing not to know. Then she turned, grabbing what Giles couldn’t, stabbing the formula into his shoulder and gritting her teeth as he tried to mute his screams. But in moments, the fog in his eyes seemed to clear and his breaths were slower, purposeful and deep. He focused on her and grabbed the gun from the floor.
“I’ll cover you. Go!”
“What are you doing?!”
“Saving your ass, now move!”
“You’re not dying here, Giles!” She gripped the gun and tried to take it from him. “Get to the airlock. I have an idea.”
“You can’t take them all on alone, are you insane?!”
She ignored his hypocrisy, snatching the gun from his hand. Then she ran down the corridor, finding and accessing the first terminal she came across. She wasn’t sure if the trick would work, but it was the best chance any hostages trapped had. Trackers were fitted in the uniforms of all employees of corporate vessels; tracking their vitals as well and it wasn’t difficult to access the details through some old forgotten code. Most of the newer models had been patched out, but Ven was hoping the back door still existed in the older version.
She stared at the map before her, detailing each part of the ship and there were names only in one part of the ship, each name with UNKNOWN vitals. They were all in the disposal part of the ship, the disposal airlock and incinerator. The names disappeared one by one, the list shortening as each member of the crew was put into the furnace. Five became four, then three and finally two remained. The sickness bubbling within her was enough to make her eyes water, but she controlled any other response – she didn’t have time. There was nothing they could do.
She heard footsteps ahead in the corridor, hurrying towards her. The bastards were coming and they’d try to take their ship next, then everyone else would be in the incinerator. Giles was on his feet and moving as fast as he could, one arm cradling the other as he stumbled towards the airlock. Ven caught up, almost slamming into him but crashing into the door instead, getting the airlock open with shaking hands as the footsteps raced closer behind her.
“What about the hostages?”
“Gone.” She admitted, panting heavily. “Dead, all of them, dead!”
“We have to go!”
He moved into the airlock first, crouching on the floor and losing the remaining feeling in his arm. His face paling by the moment as the morphine started to wear off and his eyes glazed over with the terrifying fog. His breaths becoming ragged, panicked and his skin crawled as he started to tremble.
Ven heard the pirates before she saw them and the cracks of pistols and rifles deafened her as bad as the plasma blasts as she pulled desperately at the airlock. Giles stared, his arms entirely useless, his mind slipping away as the shock gripped him in a vice. She felt like a deer in headlights, exposed and disorientated as she tried to duck around the random bullets that tried to impede their escape. She screamed involuntarily and pulled and pulled as the heavy metal door finally succumbed and sealed them back. Even the most ambitious of pirates had sense enough to leave an airlock well alone.
She was panting, finding all the effort difficult to comprehend, still feeling adrenaline pumping through her. She had saved one life and that felt enough for a lifetime. She turned to him, bringing one arm around him to keep him steady and braced for the impact.
As they floated together, looking at the other’s singed face, the dirt that always seemed to appear and the tears and the fear that they had somehow survived, they both saw pin drops of red float between them. The blotchy red substance seemed to come out of nowhere and once one droplet appeared, another joined it, then larger balls of red floated between them. Giles frowned, believing he was losing his mind to the drugs at first but his face paled and the clarity returned as panic replaced it. He looked down as Ven did.
Ven didn’t understand why she didn’t feel the pain at first, as once she was reminded of it, it seemed eternally there. She wanted to scream, but shock had muted her completely, she only stared and felt all the fatigue hit her at once. As the ship’s airlock opened, her head had already dropped and her hand stopped gripping him completely. The shock wasn’t enough to keep her awake and Giles’ voice was like a whisper in an endless ocean. Even when he shouted for help she didn’t understand him and everything faded into darkness.
Ven’s senses were slow to return to her. Her head felt heavy, her arms ached and her stomach gnawed painfully in a way she didn’t recognise. Her eyes opened to a blurred room, the bright light of the open window and sterilised white walls only worsening her nausea. The beeping of her vitals grew louder as the faded blurry vision began to clear and adjust to the Martian sunlight. She saw a window with someone silhouetted against the foreground, sitting with a screen in his hands. For a moment, she thought it was her dad, a ghost to take her away. But the thick hair and young face was unmistakable.
“Hey.” Giles smiled at her warmly.
“Hey…” Ven was confused, trying to remember what happened and feeling the rush build in the back of her mind. She moved her arm suddenly, needing answers. “What-?”
He took her arm, softly, as if it was natural for him. She felt goosebumps as he spoke. “It’s okay. We destroyed the ship. Its okay, relax.”
“Where… How did I get here?” She kept trying to force herself to remember, but only recalled darkness after she collapsed.
Giles smiled a little. “You saved my life, remember?”
She felt as if she was acting on half speed, like a car needing to be pushed before the engine would start. “I… I did?”
“I didn’t know you could shoot like that, Ven. Y-you saved our lives.” He slumped a little, unable to look at her as she pressed him for answers, which he gave reluctantly. “Mac stablised us on board. I woke up a few hours later but you had lost a lot of blood and you weren’t waking up. I…” He took a breath to steady himself. “We were a week away from Mars and… And Mac said you weren’t going to make it.”
“So, you called an emergency shuttle?”
He raised his eyes to meet hers, sorrowful and regretful that he had to tell her. She slumped where she lay. “He didn’t want to risk his fucking career.”
“He said that everyone would have to take a cut.” Giles told her, not trying to hide the venom in his voice. “That the trip back to Mars would mean that we wouldn’t have the fuel to get back into the black. And that... That people took their risks when they signed their contracts.”
She gritted her teeth to avoid spurting obscenities, in some misguided allegiance to him or to keep the hospital sterile, she wasn’t sure. Ven took a deep breath, hoping it would disguise how hurt it felt to be reduced to a number. “How did I get here, then?”
“I requested to take the shuttle and drop you off for treatment. He refused, of course, telling me I wasn’t thinking straight and wanted me to be cleared by Mac before heading back out.” He shook his head. “If I waited that long...”
“I’d be dead.”
He leaned forward, lowering his voice. “I took his shuttle.”
Ven’s eyes widened. “The Captain’s shuttle? You stole the Captain’s shuttle?”
“Stealing is a bit of an overstatement.” He replied and she laughed as he hoped she would. “He drinks himself to sleep on duty, it was bound to happen one day.” He looked back at her. “He threatened to have me court marshaled.”
She scoffed, unsurprised but disappointed. “Drunken prick.”
“I called him worse when he tried to force me back.”
Ven believed him, but also felt goosebumps as he kept his eyes on her. “I guess he fired you, then.”
“I made my resignation pretty clear, I think.” He replied. “But... I got to keep an eye on you, at least. Practice this speech, how’d I do?”
She smiled, despite everything that had happened, he still somehow made her smile and that had all seemed to make it worthwhile. “Well, I guess we’re even.”
“For now, anyway-”
“Do you want to go out for a drink?” Ven surprised herself even as the words were already said. “After I’m out, I mean.”
“I’d love to.”
Veronica didn’t know if her infatuation was a passing feeling or if a drink with him would be one in a string of mistakes. She didn’t know if she’d ever find work again, whether Captain Urak would be found out for his negligence or if she’d be the one to push against him. She couldn’t know anything about what would happen – but she knew for certain that the emptiness inside her was shrinking and was being filled with butterflies.
submitted by /u/WixNBixes [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/39lfcQf
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