#sorry magolor who i also gave a bird tail but peacocks and their tails are silly. you are just a silly little guy.
starflungwaddledee · 6 months
I love love love the way you draw a swallow tail on Galacta <3
May I ask, would others be allowed to also draw the swallow tail or something similar on Galacta? Your comment of him needing additional help steering has got me thinking 👀
YES!!!! please draw him with the swallow tail!!!!!! PLEASE please please feed me birdlike-birdtailed galacta knight!!!!!! you can mention that my headcanons inspired it if you like but what you should reaaally do is ping me so that i can see it if you draw swallow tail galacta knight
swalltwail galtaca kinght. i'm normal about swallow taild galacta kngiht. swallow tailed galacta knight supremacy!!!
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