#sorry i told u guys though. i’ve watched a lot of cw shows aksjdkdkdkd
aturnoftheearth · 2 years
Funny how Cas wasn’t allowed to be seen as his own person when he was actually the most real character of them all
yeah!! it’s funny too because like. other shows don’t do this. the cw had arrow right? and they introduced a character, felicity, as a one episode one SCENE character. but people liked her so much, they decided to make her a reoccurring character and then a full blown main character! sounds familiar!! and then on top of that, some fans started shipping her with the main character. the writers already had a plan for him and another love interest, but they saw where their most enthusiastic audience was and went with the popular fan ship. literally going against their own plan to stick with the comic books or whatever i never read them aksjdkdk
anyways my point is. i hate the writers. my second point is. it’s bad enough the writers begrudgingly kept cas and certainly never let him be his own person, but it’s even worse when the fandom does it.
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