#sorry i cannot relate i am a huge izzy lover
spoiltizzy · 5 months
I've weathered many a fandom, and something I noticed about OFMD is that--while I've seen damn near every kink under the sun take off with the fans--there isn't a lot of feedist/weight gain/belly kink arts/fic. And I wonder if it's because OFMD already features multiple sexy fat characters, all of whom are allowed to be richly complex and human?
At first I'd thought it would be the opposite, show with multiple fat characters overflowing with belly kink fan work. But then I looked back on the fandoms I've been in, and feedism content seemed to show up more if there weren't a lot or any fat characters, and what fat characters were around were just one note and not allowed to be their own person.
Reminds me of how, in stories not featuring a lot of queer people, fans chomp at the bit to headcanon canonically cishet characters as some flavor of queer.
Like if there's *lack* of representation fans will compensate, whether it's headcanoning a straight character as gay or having a canon thin character gain a bunch of weight. But in stoires like in OFMD, there's less likelihood of fans trying to make up for a lack of rep *because* there's no lack. The rep is there and it's good.
Or maybe I'm just totally off base. I've def rambled on in your ask box, that's for sure
To be honest I don't quite relate to what you mean because to me OFMD is the only fandom I've felt like I've been a part of a community of feedists in, haha. Forgive me if you weren't saying this and I've read it wrong, but I think you're saying there's not much belly kink content for OFMD?? I often think about how I'm fascinated by the fact that, in my eyes, belly kink content took off in this fandom. Although you're right that there's not that much art out there except for my own, haha. I have seen other people draw like, fat Izzy and stuff, but mostly on commission. I don't know if I can find those links rn but I'll look around later on and maybe reblog this post.
I know I don't get a lot of interaction on this blog and my fics aren't THAT popular but between the discord server and the fact I don't have much experience with getting attention in larger fandoms but there's been a fair amount of engagement with my feedism fics in this fandom AND I've read a lot of belly fic in this fandom, it seems to me like belly kink is fairly accepted here?
There's also just a general appreciation for the softness of bodies in fic in this fandom, I tend to find. It's more common than in other fandoms for non-belly kink fic to mention soft bellies. Well, it's no Good Omens fandom, where the belly stuff is sorta almost taken as a given and it's borderline kink and goes untagged sometimes too it's so inherent to the main pairing, but the OFMD fandom certainly has an appreciation for softness of the body types of the middle-aged main pairing.
I don't know exactly what other fandoms you're referencing, maybe big fandoms that just inherently have bigger sample sizes for people of all different kinks, but OFMD seems pretty full of belly stuff to me? And a lot more of it seems really loving and comes with plot and character study than I've sometimes seen in other fandoms where there's nothing but the belly stuff in the belly content, to a point it almost seems, for lack of a better word, dehumanising? Or, lacks romance, anyway. Most of the belly stuff I encounter in OFMD is very horny but also has a sweetness to it, or like, comes along with fairly common and enticing fanfic plots, maybe even some angst, just overall a lot of heart and a lot of dimension.
You'll find the majority of feedist-themed OFMD fic under this and that search, I think. I'm sure you didn't need any help with this but I really do think there's a fair amount of it out there. I'm also friends with people who are often working on more of it at any given time.
I know what you mean about the compensation thing though. Like, I reckon when it comes to the ratio of feedist fic to normal fic, there's probably not as much in the Sherlock fandom, but there's more numerically, I think. And it's not at all a fandom you'd guess from the canon would have any belly content in it. I think it makes more sense in Supernatural because there's a lot more food and eating in the canon there, but then you've also got characters who just never seem to gain any weight, and yeah, like. That can drive people a bit nuts. I can't quite think of other examples now but feel free to let me know. Still, I don't think, when you think about the fact there's a lot less fic for OFMD overall (especially because it's existed for a lot less time!!! these other fandoms have been producing content and active for years!) then there's actually quite a bit of belly fic. There really could be more art tho tbh... I am talking to a Void here lmaooo...
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