#sorry heart also made me cry a liitle bit
kundann · 2 years
watching the clips from NCT Dream's The Dream Show 2 made me feel a lootttt of things since a lot happened actually. Overall it just made me realize how thankful and proud I am for the 7 of them and I hope they'll stay together for how many years seeing how much they really treasure their friendship and even us their fans.
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iamkoinonia · 7 years
My Journey Life in 2016.
Merry Christmas 2016 and Happy New Year 2017.
cough cough, welcome back Nia :-)
Today, I will trying to make a review about my life in 2016. My life in 2016 had been great. well, It did not always great, but It was ups and downs. I can say last year has changed my life especially my Job life and Love life. hint: Love life is the most :)
In the third month of last year, It changed my love life. I met this guy. Lord. for the first time I was so close with someone cough cough. He has changed my life. He was a first guy who dare to met me well the first guy who dare to meet my family also. He is our church friend nephew. I was so numb. I never that close with someone before. March 13th 2016 was  the first time I met him in the church. He came to our church. The same church with his aunty. He was nice guy well my first impression about him: a little bit quiet, bumbling and He wears glasses (I like a typical guy like this, look smart). PS: My first crush on High School was a guy who wears glasses too.  I do not know what is He think, what is He want because He was so quite. We met several times. well about 6 times. (maybe. ?I forgot). It was just a month we chat intense then We have lacked of communication. After all He gone. He did not message me, did not call me...I was confused, my family also confused. Before that, I asked him to picked me up during my work, I had to work in Saturday. My company had education expo.  That was the last time I met him. Then, after that He was saying that He wanted alone that night when I phoned him a couple weeks after the last time I met him. I still don’t get it.  Why?  What is my fault? Why? and Why? too many questions on my head. But those all only on my head.  I was crying after that. Was crying all nighhhhtttt looong. That was so stupid.   As I remember, I always be nice to him. I also cooked foods for him on his birthday but maybe It doesn’t enough at all. I was not that good for him OR maybe I was not his type. I was so upset,  sometimes I feel frustrating. He still texts me several times. And ask me If I met a new guy, I should tell him. - Hell No. What can i learn from this situation is: He is not my soulmate. He is not made for me, I am not made for him. Let him go,Nia~
PS: Everything is fine with him now. No hurt feeling anymore. He phoned me last month. He asked me “is everythings okay?” just it.
During my sadness time, I got my new job in the hospital as a secretary. A coordinator between hospital and medicine faculty in one of famous foundation. My job deal is with co-ass. Students who’s getting ready as a doctor. I resigned from my old company. Only in 2 days noticed. My supervisor was upset and mad.  I thought I can not any longer  in this place anymore. It almost 2.5 years. I think it is enough. I need a new job. I need move on. Move on with my job and love life. ;) This was happen on June. (but guys, i miss you all. my old colleagues) :-(
PS: I still work on here. Wow almost 8 months. 
I also met a new guy. I met him on Christian online dating. (fuc*in frustrating, heh? :D. no I am not. Lol. just trying)  He came to my house several times . I am sorry I forgot what date the first time I met him. I can not remember at all. ughh. We only met 4 times. He is  a good guy. 10 years older than me (the previous guy was 4 years older than me) He is an architect who build houses, garden, construction, etc. A typical smart guy, workholic. ( I like smart guy). I thought this relationship will go through but I can say after a couple months I don’t have chemistry with him. (Or maybe because I still can’t forget the previous guy?:O )We are so different. I am 10 years younger than him (We Probably would have so different thoughts about life, I think it would be difficult for us) , Etnics ( I am Bataknese, He is Javanese. We were completely different. also my Family want me to marry with the same Etnics), Beliefs ( Iam a Protestant, He is a Catholic) so, I said I can not continue our relationship anymore. I am so sorry for him though. I feel bad. I wish He forgive me.
PS: I never had boyfriends before. those guys were not my bfs . We are just close friends that time.
In November 2016. I met a woman in the traditional market (She is my mom’s friend. That was what my mom said. I never know and never seen this Woman before). I went to market with mom that day. She asked my mom. “Is She your daughter?” mom said “Yes” She said again “She is pretty” (AWW Thanks :’)) mom said “Thanks, What is it?” she asked. She said “I have a brother. He is my Aunt’s son. He is single and good guy, He also have a good job. He do IT Stuffs. Would you like to give him a chance to meet with your daughter?”. Mom said “hm, okay. say to him, He should come to our home first”. The woman asked my phone number but my mom give her number not mine. He he
Two days later, someone messaged me. 
He: “Good Morning Nia, Could I know you? I got your number from my sister. ” me: “Hey. Yes, Okay” (mom. told me that someone will message me)              He: “ Could I call you during your break time ?”                                               me: “Okay”                                                                                                        He: ( a couple hours later ) “Nia.... Have you eaten yet? Could I call you now?”
................... ........... ( I did not reply him)
An hour later......
me: “He he Yes, Okay”                                                                                      He: “Sorry, I was finish my break time. Is it okay if I call you tonight?”                me: “Yes, Okay”
Night.... 8.51PM.
He: “ Hallo, Nia what are you doing?”                                                               me: “Iam going to bed. Have you just finished your work?”                                   He: “He he Yes, I got extra time on work today. Wow, why are you going to bed too early ? so couldn’t I call you . he he ”                                                         me: “I should wake up at 4am everyday. so I should go to bed early.”                He: “Can I call you just for 15 Minutes Okay?”                                                    me: “He he Okay”
Then He phoned me. well not 15 Mins though, almost 30 mins. My first impression. He sound nice, calm, but kinda quite. He has lots things to say. He also funny sometimes. hm. He promised He will come to my house next saturday.
We met November 21st 2016. We went dinner . We talked much, nope He talked much. I like it. He is open minded guy. funny. but I can see He is a little bit shy . He is tall. (ohmagah I love tall guy. because I am short, I need tall guy to make perfect babies lol. kiddingggggg). Okay He is not really tall BUT taller than average Indonesian guys lol .  He is not too white ( I don’t like white guy, eventhough I like western guy. I prefer dark skinned guy, well He is in perfect toned). He is good looking I can say.  :D I don’t know what is his first impression about me. I am too afraid to ask him about it. Hi hi.
We meet several time after that. and He don’t need  long time to say “something” that night on December 25th 2016. Yes. CHRISTMAS.!  I W A S so suprised . He asked me in the car  “Nia, Would you be my Girl?” Me : “ :O “ Are you serious? He said “Yes, I am, Would you be ? Would you be mine? Please don’t make me frustated. My heart beats hard now”  I could see how his face look panic and  pale lol .  I asked him to go to mini market first to buy something. :D He :”Okay, then, how ?” I still can see his panic face :D (Nia being so evil)
me: “well, You know right that I have never had a boyfriend before. so if I say Yes it must be you will be my first. I would like to know why you ask me to be your girl. I need a reason.” - Well i deserve an explanation, right.
He: “yes I know. alright. I think you are good girl. very good girl. and also you are very  patient to me, independent girl, soft girl, and on my eyes you look beautiful.”
me: “thanks :-). “
He: “ So? please don’t make me suffer like this” a liitle chuckling
me: “ Umm Alright, YES. I said YES”
He: “((((EXHALING))))” Thanks God.
me: “(((LOOOOOL)))”
So, December 25th 2016 is our date. I am his mine , and He is mine now. We still together until now. We are getting closer. And I hope He is my Mr. Right guy.
SO, Last year were my JOB and LOVE year.. I got my new job after 2.5 years worked in the previous place and I got my first man ever. Thank You Lord Jesus for all of the nice things you gave to me also for the lessons to make me being more mature and good as a person. :)
PS: I remember someone has asked me “ I AM CURIOUS WHO’S BASTARD CAN MAKE YOU FALLIN’ IN LOVE?” I never could answer his question and maybe when He asked me again I have an answer now “JOHN “.
to be continue....
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