#sorry for the long read im still working on shortening my responses *cries*
hachichimitsu2 · 2 years
1, 7, 17, 18, and 22!
Putting this under read more because I talk a lot and you’ve indulged me with 5 questions that I have a hard time ever shutting up about X)
1. Which character design do you love the most and why?
Honestly? This girl right here. I legit aspire to look just like her. Her eyeshadow is just so beautifully rendered, and her dyed hair and clothes are just *chef’s kiss* I would like to thank whoever conceptualized her design.
Tumblr media
7. Do you have a favorite piece of fan content? If so, what is it? (Please link if you're able to)
Hoooo boy, there’s a lot! I don’t know if I can say a single *piece* because there’s a lot of works that I love for completely different reasons that it’s hard to just pinpoint to ONE piece of fan content that I’m obsessed with. Fanfic-wise, you know it. I know it. We all know it at this point, but any of HollyHark’s fics (x) legit have my heart and soul to the point that she’s my favorite fanfic writer of all time. I feel like she’s written almost every single premise, genre and trope out there, while also appealing and adhering to canon with shocking detail. She has such a great grasp on the characters, and even if a fic of hers has a premise that I’m initially not really into, I trust her enough to enjoy whatever she comes out with! I’d say my favorite of hers is and always will be The Scenic Route since I read it during a time when I just graduated high school myself and said my final goodbyes to my friends, so it has a major soft spot in my heart.
This one is practically inactive (and I’m sure you know this one too), but the ask blog @/askthemountaintown was my favorite South Park ask blog of all time, and it’s just….so humorous and juvenile in like the best way I can possibly imagine. I like this ask blog specifically since it really plays into the “kids being kids” aspect so well, and I like how devoid it is from like shipping culture and just dishes out responses that closely resembles the characters. I’m also a huge fan of @/askmarshandbroflovski, and I remember reading each update as it was ongoing. Like the entire storyline gripped me hard at that time, and I’m even thinking of revisiting it again. I think it was one of the few ask blogs I’ve ever read with actual plot narrative and arcs, and so it was so revolutionary to me because I’m like, “wait…..you can DO that??”
South Park Instagram AUs in general are also so fascinating since I don’t think the concept of an *interactive* Instagram comic existed before 2018? Like these AUs have completely overruled Tumblr ask blogs, and are like the biggest thing nowadays. I’ve seen a lot of AUs that really utilize the Instagram interface to their advantage to tell a story that can only *work* in that platform. And like the South Park fandom seems to be totally into this format compared to any other fandom I’ve encountered so far. Usually the AUs themselves are either a hit or a miss for me, but the format and concept in itself is cool. I’d say @/yardaleacademy is like my personal favorite, and I also really like @/southminx.
I also find the general Evangelion AUs/crossovers to be funny?? Because there’s this (x) and like I’m obsessed with @/potatosp’s meme drawings and screencap redraws, and it’s just AKDKSOKC so hilarious that I can’t choose. They’re all gold.
I’m also obsessed with these South Park fan-made MUGEN fighting games, such as this (x)
And even though the game isn’t even OUT yet, I really can’t wait for @/Noogats’s South Park fangame just by the sheer look and feel of it. I’d love to play it if it ever comes out <3 (x)
In general though? Most likely if I follow you, then I already enjoy any piece of fan content you put out, so mwah! I can’t choose ONE thing, it’s physically impossible for me.
17. What character would you consider to be your character? (A character you highly associate with your involvement in the fandom, in a way)
Probably Stan? I’ve drawn him a bajillion times over the years compared to any other character and will talk hours and hours of meta regarding him (though I’ve posted none of them 🧎‍♀️).
18. Take a moment to talk about your favorite ship.
Stankyle brainrot incoming. Uhhhh, god, there’s a lot to say about these two that hasn’t been already said. They’ve consumed my entire being ever since I was, like, 12, so this officially marks like my 9th year of being obsessed with these two?! 😭😭 And the lore, the canon bits and the absolutely great fan content out there has seriously impacted the way I view love, friendship and human connection. It was the ship that made me realize I was sapphic, and I genuinely feel like the ship in itself is a huge love letter to the general best friends to lovers trope in the best possible way. It’s so sweet and saccharine while also being really, really complicated and imperfect. There’s angst, there’s miscommunication, there’s trust, there’s endless pining. God, this ship has it all in my opinion. I feel like they represent the best parts of humanity sjdjdjcjd like I’m sorry if that’s really dramatic but you and I both know it’s true <3
22. Is there a character you relate with the most/see yourself in?
I think personality wise I can relate to both Kyle and Wendy in a way, but I have a huger connection to Stan in the long run. I watched YGO / Assburgers during a time that I desperately needed to, and I still get really melancholic trying to remember that part of my life. Almost like I feel bad for my younger self. Stan’s familial situation weirdly resembles my own, mainly his relationship with his parents, and it made me feel less alone in a sense knowing that there are people that have similar backgrounds such as mine. Just like how Stan moved to Tegridy Farms and lived one hour away from his school and friends, I moved to the Philippines during the duration of my highschool years, miles away from the place I initially grew up in and from the people I could truly call my loved ones. I just really disliked change back then, just like he did and both home and school situations didn’t really do anything to placate that fear. But his ending speech in Assburgers really hit home with me at the time, and it’s a saying that still helps me throughout new changes in my life. I think it was that moment where I just stopped feeling sorry for myself AHDHSKDSO and like I finally took action to really work and improve on my life.
On a totally less emotional note, I think I relate to his taste in music LOL. I’m a huge sucker for metal music like this is legit me projecting, but I just love the idea of Stan being into various metal bands. Like it’s practically canon at this point that he’s into death metal, but I also love the idea of him being into bluesier, traditional doom metal like Black Sabbath, progressive metal like Meshuggah, power metal like Helloween, alternative metal like Maximum the Hormone and System of the Down, legendary bands such as Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Megadeth. For pop rock standards, maybe Arctic Monkeys and Queens of the Stone Age? Of course, he’d be into Nirvana and the like. I can go on.
I’m also into gothic fashion too (even though I don’t have any gothic clothes myself because *sighs* money). Though unlike Stan’s goth phase fading away, I’m still really into it 🧎‍♀️Also, pssst, Stan is like really gay so I relate to him on that level 🏃‍♀️(You can ask me about comphet Stan, I won’t bite)
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