another-sonic-blog · 1 year
The Fanfictioner Ch.6: Drunk Confessions
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For a better reading experience: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23815324/chapters/57221092
Thanks @/redsunlight for the art cover!
The Fanfictioner Ch.6: Drunk Confessions
TW: Drinking (Idk but just in case lol)
Stupid Tabloids.
Sonic was right. They were watching.
The paparazzi had taken pictures of her and Shadow on the cruise. People still think that they were dating even when Shadow confirmed on his Bitter account that they were just co-workers.
But of course, the people still had their speculations.
"It's not the first time they make tabloids. They used to write about us all the time before too, remember?"
Sonic is as excited as he could be to finally touch the ground again. He wants to run and start exploring again on an island he has yet to explore completely. He was on Acorn Island once, for a war. Now he is here for peace.
"Don't worry too much about it."
Amy smiles at the blue hedgehog and he smiles back as they slowly walk down the ramp of the cruise to the port.
They expected people to be there but not to this extent. There were posters of their faces, cameras, and flowers thrown at them.
"Sonic marry me!"
"Amy have my kids!"
"Sticks step on me!"
"Tails come check my plane!"
"Knuckles carry me!"
They are surprised by the amount of security there is, the people and the cameras, and the amount of support that they were receiving. And one question raises ...
"All of this support ... and we are still getting paid minimum wage?"
They better start reading the contracts for next time. Regardless, as they walk down the ramp and greet the fans, a black limousine is waiting for them. As they almost reach the limousine, the entire crowd goes silent. Of course, this gets the attention of the Sonic Team.
It's Shadow the Hedgehog, wearing a black leather jacket and shades which made all the girls and some guys fangirl and scream in excitement.
Quickly enough, a black van pulls behind the limousine. The door opens and Mia, Shadow's manager, comes out of it.
"We have your hotel reserved and your bike will be waiting there for you as well," Mia says as she guides Shadow to the car as quickly as possible. The crowd could break the metal barriers any second.
"Did anyone ride my bike here?" Shadow asks as he passes by Sonic Team, pretending they don't exist.
"Of course not," Mia responds.
"Good, I don't want anyone touching my bike."
Shadow lets his manager go first into the van and then he goes in. Probably the first time showing his gentlemanly side to the public.
After that, they drove off.
They were all given individual rooms in the castle. Yet, they have not met the Queen. Something about 'making it formal' because 'royal protocol'
It is exciting, except for Sonic, no one has ever met the Queen before.
Amy wonders what to wear for tomorrow. Her usual fighting clothes? Or something more formal? Maybe she should ask Sticks what she will be wearing tomorrow. But knowing her, Sticks doesn't really care and will wear whatever she feels comfortable with.
Maybe she will ask one of the Queen's many maids for assistance on this one.
She has a large bed, with beautiful golden frames. A few paintings decorated the wall and there is a vanity mirror in front of her bed. A window with a long curtain. Her room was located in a small tower of the castle and if she wanted, she could jump and enjoy the castle's beautiful garden.
Beep Beep
It's her phone.
She jumps into her king-size bed. Amy could not even consider this a bed, if anything they were just bed sheets, and underneath its just fluffy clouds. The pink hedgie feels she could fall asleep any moment as the bed is too comfortable to resist. Yet, she tries her best to keep her eyes open. Just to text him back.
TheFanfictioner#0619: This might sound annoying but ... Do you have any chapter updates? I am in this new place right now and I can't sleep at all.
Although many authors may find comments and messages of 'update soon' to be annoying, Amy did not mind. She is more grateful that people take the time to comment. 'Update soon', 'Please update' she did not mind. A comment is a comment and she appreciates all of them. She prefers to take it positively. As if people can't wait to read more of her stories and just beg her for more.
Of course, she loves and prefers very detailed comments from people analyzing her story arcs and characters. But all of them are.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: Oh, business trip? And I can send you some drafts I wrote.
TheFanfictioner#0619: Something like that. I am meeting with an old friend ... And PLEASE send those drafts ASAP"
The pink one giggles a bit as she sends a word doc to her friend. It's good that he asked, she's been wanting to get feedback.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: Don't leak them tho.
TheFanfictioner#0619: As if. I can't afford a lawsuit.
Talking about the lawsuit reminds her of the situation she has back at home. She still doesn't know how to go about being sued if she doesn't accept being a writer for Sonic Boom.
But ... she kinda wants to do it.
Of course, if she's allowed to send scripts anonymously and never have to show her face.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: Yeah me either. Talking about lawsuits, I may be getting sued by the Sonic Boom team.
TheFanfictioner#0619:Uh? Why?
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: Well, so I got asked to be the main writer of the Sonic Boom show. And I can't even deny the offer because they will sue me if I do.
The Sonic Boom Show Team had contacted her via the email she used to create an account on fanxfiction.com. In the email, there was a pdf contract and a deadline to sign before they take legal action. Two weeks from now.
TheFanfictioner#0619: About that ... If you don't want to do it, I think I can help.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: Uh?
TheFanfictioner#0619: It's hard to explain over text and you won't probably believe me even if I told you so ... I was wondering if you would like to meet me?
You probably won't believe me? One thing he is not going to believe is she is actually the actress Amy Rose who just likes to write fanfiction out of the show she acts in.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: Meet you?
TheFanfictioner#0619: I promise you I am not a creep. We will meet at a public place.
How can she explain that she also carries a really big hammer that could break anyone's bones?
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: I can take care of myself, that's not what worries me. Which Island are you from?
TheFanfictioner#0619: Right now I am in Acorn Island ... and you?
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: Omg, what a coincidence! Me too! But I am not sure ... uh ... I kinda ... I am a shy person.
And by 'shy' she meant 'famous' ... Just a little bit.
TheFanfictioner#0619: "Me too but I really want to help you. It's unfair what they are doing to you."
She doesn't know why but ... she got this sparkly sensation in her stomach. They have been talking for a couple of months, and she is excited to meet her number one reader.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: Well, right now I am in Acorn city and I don't know if I'll have time to travel to another city.
TheFanfictioner#0619: Oh, I am in Acorn City too! We could meet at Momo's cafe on Saturday at 9 pm?
Amy didn't know where Momo's cafe is but she knew that she could just Xoogle it and find it. Saturday is supposed to be the date of the royal ball but she could ask for a break.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: 9 pm? I think I can make it.
TheFanfictioner#0619: Alright, I'll see you.
Everything is extremely formal. Amy expected it to be like this but her friends seem to have not gotten the memo, except for Tails who was wearing a suit.
The guards step aside as they walk across the corridor until they finally reached an enormous door that slowly opens by itself. There, were no guards there. Maybe because they were heroes but she was not expecting this level of trust.
"Welcome heroes of Ancient Island, it is my pleasure to have you here."
She definitely was not the newspaper and media made her be. Not fancy dresses, no crown but instead a blue vest, white shirt, jeans, and boots. Princess Sally Acorn looks like a normal Mobian but there is still an elegant aura radiating from her. She's stunning.
"My Princess."
Everyone bows and bends the knee, except for Sonic who just smiled at his old friend.
"Oh please don't do that, it's awkward and old fashioned," the princess moves her hand from side to side, signaling everyone to stand up. They really weren't expecting this.
"Princess Sally, we-" Tails wanted to thank her for inviting them but he is quickly interrupted
"Just call me Sally."
"Oh ok Sally, thank you for having us over," Tails says. "If there is anything we can help with, please let us know."
"Actually that's what I wanted to talk to you all about," the Princess walks down from her throne and slowly makes her way towards the heroes. "There is really nothing to protect here. I didn't want to you come as bodyguards. I just want you to be here as guests of the crown, support the crown."
Sonic steps forward from the team. This is not usual for him. It's not like he is in a fighting stance, but Amy knew him better than anyone. Although he is in a room with friends, Sonic does not seem too friendly around Sally. He is wary and his taking a step closer to the Princess is a slight way to protect them.
"And by supporting the crown you mean?"
"It just means talking good about us."
"Yeah, we can do that!" Sticks say and Knuckles nods to that, soon Tails agrees as well.
But Amy looks at Sonic and he doesn't look good. The blue blur does a small turn and he smiles at his team.
"Hey guys, can you give me and Sally a few minutes to talk? We haven't seen each other in such a long time, we need to catch up."
There are a few seconds of silence and everyone looks at each other. All four had different ideas as to what they might talk about
"Yes, of course," Amy is the one to speak up. Faking a smile while she tries to push everyone out of the room. The sooner they get out, the sooner she can be depressed.
"Feel free to explore the city, our chauffeur can take you anywhere," Sally waves at them goodbye as the large doors start to open for them. "I recommend buying something fitting for the ball tomorrow."
"Cool! Thank you so much!" Everyone says except Amy.
She keeps making eye contact with Sonic and as the doors began to close again, he gives her a small sincere smile.
"Come on Amy, lighten up!" Knuckles says. "Just because Sonic and Princess Sally are alone in a room does not mean that they might remember their time together during a war and fall in love."
Was she being so obvious? Amy is aware that she's being too insecure but how couldn't she? Sally is the perfect choice for Sonic ... Not like she is most of a choice anyways.
"I think what Knuckles are trying to say is that you should have fun. You always wanted to come to Acorn City after all."
The chauffeur had dropped them off at Emerald Central. A section of the city full of shops, movie theaters, museums, shopping centers, and many other things. It is a big city and there is much exploring to do but all of Amy's motivation went away.
"It's not about Sonic," she lies. "I am worried about being followed."
"Followed?" Tails asks as he giggles a bit. "Come on Amy, why would anyone follow us-"
They look at each other in disbelief. People start to run towards them. Panic kicks in their bodies as the screams get louder.
"Alright, let's separate, and once we lose them we can regroup!" the fox starts to fly as the rest of the team nods and after a small exchange of looks, they run in different directions.
The pink hedgehog runs as fast as she could. But everywhere she goes someone would recognize her. A cafe? There is a fan. A movie theater? A fan. A convenience store? A fan.
Now she is hiding at a museum. Thinking that maybe people will respect being quiet and not scream her name.
Amy rests a bit. Taking a big breath, she decides to take a quick look at the museum. She is here already anyways. There were great paintings indeed. Some of people, flowers and landscapes. There is one painting in particular that caught her attention. It's of a human lady, which is strange as it is. It's on a few occasions humans from Earth come visit their world. And most of the time is for politics. There are a few humans in Mobius but Amy is sure that there are less than ten.
The lady in the painting is sitting under a tree. Long brown hair, brown eyes, and a dress. All around her was a field of lavender flowers. Amy feels relaxed and safe the moment she sees her.
"The lady in waiting ... One of my favorite paintings."
Amy hears a male voice and a figure approaches her. Said figure wore a black hoodie that covered his head, he wore a facemask, shades, and a cap. Jeans and black combat boots.
"At first you can't see it. But the painting tells a story," the mysterious figure points at a small part of the painting. In the background, there is another figure approaching the lady without her knowledge.
"This lady wears human customary clothes of someone married. However, there is no ring on her finger, no jewelry that indicates that she's married," he then points at the flowers. "The lavender flowers symbolize love and devotion. Her face is not quite sad, or happy ... she is just there. Waiting for something ... or someone."
Amy starts to connect the pieces, the story already planned in her head.
"She is waiting for her lover ... and unknown to her, he is making his way up the hill to finally reunite with her."
The guy next to her nods in approval, still appreciating the artwork.
"I like how this painting makes the viewer think of possible stories after they meet up."
"Yes ... I wonder so many things. Why did they part? How long did it take for them to reunite? What happened after? Were they happy? ... Or maybe that figure in the background is coming to tell her the sad news that her lover is not coming back?"
Amy did not want to jump to conclusions. But that voice is almost immediately recognizable. Even when he is whispering, he had that distinctive voice.
Which is kinda sad. With such a detailed analysis of the painting, Amy hoped this guy could be The Fanfictioner.
But of course, it was just Shadow. Or at least Amy thinks he is. He was all covered up and she couldn't see his face properly.
"Her lover is dead? I think that's really sad ... I don't know if I like that."
"Yes but I think it fits. I think that even after knowing her lover is dead, she will still climb up that hill every day and wait under that tree ... making this painting timeless. She will always be waiting ... and he will always be looking."
This made Amy's brain spark an idea. Her writing side taking over, but she suppressed those thoughts for later
"That's bittersweet."
"Yes, my favorite type of ending."
After a few seconds of silence, Amy hears a few whispers, and she notices that a few people are pointing at her.
She is starting to miss Ancient Island. People were used to seeing it there. Amy is not used to being this popular whatsoever. She is pretty sure the reason they are starting to become more popular is because of Shadow-
"You know, maybe if you didn't dress the same as you do in the show, you wouldn't be recognized."
"Am I supposed to dress ridiculously like that?"
Instead of insulting Amy, Shadow just raises his shades, revealing his red eyes.
"If you don't want to get followed then yeah."
Amy looks at Shadow with begging eyes and immediately Shadow sighs.
"My bike is parked outside."
"What is the point of your bike being outside if we ain't gonna ride it?"
Amy and Shadow are now running through the streets of Emerald Central. Hiding behind a few buildings on an alley. They see as a few Mobians pass by them, still trying to find her.
"Everyone knows my bike ... If people see you and me riding it, they will definitely think we are dating," Shadow says as he peaks his head a little to see if anyone is around. "Besides I don't like anyone riding my bike but me, I'll just go pick it up later."
"You let me ride your motorcycle before," Amy says, thinking just how her friends are doing.
"Well, yeah cause that was a borrowed motorcycle," Shadow took off his black cap and put it on Amy's head. "I paid to borrow it until my bike gets shipped. But I am back home and I want to ride it until it gets sent to Ancient Island."
Amy didn't like wearing the cap, but she assumed that Shadow gave it to her so her face wouldn't be too noticeable.
"Anyways, this is where we part ways," Shadow makes a half turn and starts to walk away, thinking he already did his good action of the day.
"Wait! I need your help! If I get out of here those people will follow me again!"
Shadow keeps walking, the last thing he wants is for people to see them together and start thinking the worse.
"Sorry but I have an image to keep. My manager already got angry at me. I can't be seen with you again."
"Please! If you help me I'll ..."
It is a desperate time. She could still hear the people nearby and the more time she passes, the more she is at risk. It's not because she didn't like meeting fans, but because she is scared. In Ancient Island, people just know she is an actress and a hero. But here it's different. She is expected to be more, to not make mistakes. To be a famous person and she is not ready for that yet. Amy is not ready to go to the world and embarrass herself in front of everyone.
"I'll get you an invitation to go to Princess Sally's ball tomorrow!"
Shadow stops midway.
"You don't have an invitation right? And ... You like her don't you? I am still not sure what kind of relationship you had with her but-"
"Fine. Let's go."
Oh, he must really like her. That's what Amy thought since there is no hesitation coming from Shadow.
"I'll help you get a few clothes and then you give me that invitation," Shadow stretches his right hand. "Deal?"
Without hesitation, Amy accepts.
When Shadow told Amy that he was going to take her out shopping, she thought she will be going to a thrift store. After all, she just needs a simple change of clothes.
"Amy, come on. I can't help you if you aren't listening," Shadow breaks her trance as he snaps his fingers in front of her. "Tell me what's your favorite brand so I can buy clothes accordingly."
"Um ... Torget?"
Shadow facepalms and just turns to look at the salesperson. "Just bring me an all Deor-black outfit."
"Yes, Mr. Hedgehog," the saleslady leaves elegantly.
It is an extremely luxurious shop. The ceiling has chandeliers, the floor is crystal. Everything shines and sparkles and Amy knew one thing for certain.
"Shadow, I can't afford this," she whispers to him as she follows him. He is looking at some pair of shoes from an illuminated stand. "Sonic Boom doesn't make that much money and you know that!"
"Calm down, I'll pay."
"Can we just go to a cheaper place? Like I don't know ... Walmort?"
"No, those places are filled with people. We will be spotted there," Shadow puts the pair of shoes down and picks another. "I brought you here because it's safe, only elite people know of this place and people get paid here to keep quiet on who comes in and out."
"Did you read the new First Impressions chapter?!"
Amy could feel her cheeks burn as she hears the name of her fanfic. It was one thing that people knew about it. But it is completely different when the actor who is the main love interest of your fanfic is aware of your writing.
Was Shadow aware? Of all of those fanfics, people would write about them? That she is probably one of the most popular ShadAmy fanfics out there?
"Stupid fanfiction," Shadow whispers but Amy is close enough for her to hear him. "If it wasn't because of that fanfiction, we wouldn't have to hide like this. Now everyone wants us to be dating and see romance where there is none."
Amy wonders how the same thing. She could not see what people see in them. Is it because they were opposites? Because Shadow gives off the 'bad boy' aesthetic and she is a 'good girl'?
What exactly did everyone see that makes them 'ship' them?
He is wearing an Alezander Mckeen suit. Shannel Cologne and some shoes that he didn't even recognize the brand of. It's definitely not his type of attire but he could get sued if he is seen wearing other brands that are not part of his contract. Or so his manager says. One of Mia's priorities is to keep his image safe and Shadow did not want her work to go to waste.
He parked his bike a few meters away from the castle. It's quiet here although from afar he can still hear the screams of fans and camera flashes. The only thing keeping them away is the enormous gate surrounding the lands of the castle and the guards who are there to protect it. It was easy to come inside however, as soon as Shadow showed his invitation, he was allowed to come inside the lands.
It's been 30 minutes and he is still not able to get off his bike.
His heartbeat is increasing and his hands are sweating.
Shadow is nervous ... but he has to act like he is not.
How many years has it been since he has seen her? Will she remember him? Absolutely. What a stupid question. The real question is whether she feels the same as him or not.
The famous actor feels a buzz inside the pocket of his suit, he immediately knew it was his phone. He takes it out and looks at the screen, it's a message from his best friend.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: Still down for tonight?
Shadow smiles and types right away as he makes a small detour into the royal garden. He could hear some music being played from the inside but he focused on texting first.
TheFanfictioner#0619: Absolutely. I just need to finish some work and I'll be heading my way.
By work, Shadow meant talking to Sally and re-opening past relationships. Nothing too serious, he just wants to clear some things up.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: Great. I'll let you know when I get there.
TheFanfictioner#0619: Can't wait to see you.
For a short second, Shadow thought that maybe that sounded a bit too romantic. But he completely disregarded the idea as it's more than clear that they are both friends.
He has to admit, that he is a bit scared. Mostly because he is a famous actor obsessed with fanfiction. Would she judge him? Probably not. After all, she is a fanfic writer. That alone made Shadow feel more relaxed.
He finally has someone he can talk about his favorite fanfics without being judged.
Suddenly, he hears talking. Jumping to the nearest bush, he hides away from the two walking figures.
Shadow recognizes that voice.
It's Sally ... and that blue hedgehog.
TheFanfictioner#0619: Can't wait to see you.
Amy puts her phone into her dress' hidden pocket. She is thinking of ways she can get to Momo's cafe without being followed by fans. It's possible but she is going to have to wear an all-black outfit and cover every single part of her body. Nonetheless, she is excited to meet the Fanfictioner. Finally, someone, she can talk to about fanfiction without being judged.
He said he wanted to help with her current situation. She still didn't know how exactly he will help but she didn't have too many options regardless.
What if he is a lawyer?
Whoever he was, Amy knew they will have a fun time.
She hears laughter coming from outside her window. Amy wouldn't have minded too much if it wasn't because she could recognize that laugh anywhere.
The pink hedgehog walks towards her balcony and looks down at the royal garden.
There she finds them.
They had spent the whole day yesterday together. After his team left him to talk to Sally, Sonic and she went to explore Acorn City and remember the old days. At first, he didn't want to say a word about what is on his mind. Sonic appreciated Sally deeply, but he also didn't want to get involved in Royal affairs.
He took her to the Royal Garden, known for its beautiful red roses and variety of flowers. More than a diplomatic conference, this ball gives off a different kind of conference. More of a social gathering than old people trying to discuss political matters.
Slowly walking through a path of grass, Sonic looks up at the sky. The stars are not as visible and he remembers how beautiful the night sky looks on Ancient Island.
"I want to be clear," Sonic clears his voice and then looks at the Princess. "My team and I follow no one. I don't know what kinda conflicts your nation may have gotten into, but we don't pick sides."
Sally sighs, this complicated things so much for her. She expected some preference coming from Sonic.
"I have to admit that tensions between other nations have been rising."
"Is there a possibility of a war starting?"
"No, I don't think so," she says, looking at Sonic's green eyes. "As long as we have the Hero of the Seven Island on my side ... I am sure the other Island won't intervene."
Sonic sighs heavily. He stops and looks at Sally, now he has a more serious aura around him. After all, he is right. A Princess will be a Princess and she has to protect her kingdom no matter what. Nonetheless, it is a bit disappointing to him that she contacted him just for her benefit.
"I am not against your Island, I am not against the others either. So don't think you will be using us as your 'weapon' for whatever political strategy you are thinking."
Sally just smiles and Sonic finds comfort in this. He never knew what she was thinking. And he does not think he ever will.
"That's fine with me. I know that if it ever comes down to it, you will choose me."
There are some flirtatious mannerisms in her voice and movements. Sonic only took this as teasing and he only takes it as that. With confidence in his voice, he replies.
"No promises."
They laugh a little without noticing how in the bushes a dark hedgehog is on the verge of vomiting due to the interactions between the two.
After a few seconds of silence, Sonic is about to leave but Sally stops him by grabbing him by the arm.
"Before you go, I have one question," the Princess slowly lets him go and Sonic noticed a seriousness in her face that was not there before.
"What's up?"
"Do you still want to marry me?"
On a few occasions, Sonic blushes and this is one of these moments. He quickly looks away and scratches his nose. Sally is too close to him for his comfort but it didn't bother him either.
"Oh, come on Sally! We were kids when I asked you that," Sonic puts his hands behind his head, or at least tried to. The black suit that he is wearing made it hard for him to move freely.
"Besides the whole royal thing is not my thing. I don't like staying in one place for too long."
"I know. I have a duty to my kingdom and you have a duty to the people," Sally completely lets go of him, and now she has a sad face. More than anything, nostalgic. "We would have never worked out."
He is genuinely worried mostly because he is not used to seeing Sally like this. Not seeing her being her usual self is heart-wrenching to Sonic.
"Why bring that up?"
"I am in an arranged marriage," she says. "My father gave me the option to marry any royal from any Island I wanted ... Or you."
He is not stupid. Sonic is aware of the position that he holds. Having the title of the Hero of the Seven Island has some power. People follow him. Sally marrying him will only give her more political leverage. But he is not one to take sides and he is not one to be tied down. Especially by someone he does not longer have romantic feelings for.
"I thought that if I had to choose between people I don't know and you ... I would choose you."
"Sally ... I am sorry, I-"
"No, it's alright.," she raises her hand and stops him from talking. She does not want his pity. " I knew this day will come. Like I've said, I have a duty to my kingdom and this is what I must do to protect them."
Sonic starts walking again, looking at the red roses that remind him of a certain pink hedgehog. He doesn't know if he is going crazy but he could feel a malignant stare coming from the bushes.
"So this dance ball ... is just to meet your suitors? Inst it?"
Princess Sally nods, knowing that they are going to have to go back to the castle soon. Tonight she has to meet many people and she is looking forward to seeing Shadow. She found it strange that Amy had asked for an invitation for Shadow but she immediately said yes. It's been years since they last talked and they also have many things to clear out.
"If there is anything else I can do to help-"
"You being here is enough," she interrputs him and instead gets closer to him. He couldn't deny how beautiful she is even when that sad face of her is still present. "Thank you, Sonic."
"For what?" Sonic asks as he begins to wonder many things. What if after the war they had chosen different paths? What if he had stayed with Sally in Acorn City? What if she had chosen to run away with him and live a life full of adventures?
He didn't know. The only certain thing is that it could never work out. It will be selfish of him to ask Sally to leave her kingdom behind. And Sally would never ask him to leave the adventurous life he loves so much.
"For being my first love."
Unconsciously, they get closer. It's no longer awkward or uncomfortable. There is soft music coming inside the castle, the wind caresses their faces, and the smell of roses made the scene out of fanfiction.
Sally closes her eyes, waiting for Sonic to kiss her. But that never happens. Instead, he kisses her forehead, making it all clear to her.
This is not a love story ... and if it is, then it is a tragedy.
Everyone is expecting her to be downstairs. But instead, she is on the tallest tower of the castle. On the outside balcony with bottles of alcohol on her table. Her laptop is open and she is typing.
Writing fanfiction.
She is supposed to be having fun, dancing, and maybe meeting some nice man to talk to. Of course only if that man is Sonic the Hedgehog.
Yes, it hurts her. Although she didn't know what they were talking about, their closeness is something she could never have with Sonic.
Although she has said multiple times to Sonic that her romantic feelings were non-romantic, it's all a lie.
"She saw him kiss her. So delicate and loving. As if he is afraid to hurt her, treating her like a treasure. Like a sweet song, a melody he could touch on his fingertips. Savoring each note, knowing the perfect rhythm of her lips."
"Shouldn't you be downstairs?"
Amy closes her laptop at the sound of his voice. She feels her cheeks getting warm and she didn't know if its due to the alcohol or the embarrassment of Shadow almost noticing her writing.
He is sitting on the marble deck railing. Amy didn't know how long he has been in there.
"How did you get here?!!?"
Shadow raises an eyebrow and raises one of his legs.
"I got air shoes."
Amy looks at him with disbelief as she stands up from her seat. She stumbles a little as the alcohol starts to kick.
Shadow immediately rushes to her side, holding her by the waist to make her regain balance. They were a bit too close for Amy's liking and she pushes him away delicately because even when she doesn't like being too close to him, she still appreciates him helping him out.
"I think I meant to ask ... Why did you come here?"
Seeing her discomfort, Shadow moves away slowly. There is not much to hide.
After the cruise trip and everything he told Amy, it will be easy to conclude that he has some type of feelings towards the Princess. Nonetheless, having that conversation didn't mean he is ready to talk about his actual feelings.
"You said that if I ever needed a friend to 'hit' you up."
The pink hedgehog didn't know how to react, she doesn't know what to say. But she feels an immense need to console Shadow. He is not himself. His back is curved, his eyes sorrowful and his ears are down. She didn't need to know. Amy could only assume what he went through. Probably something along the same thing she saw.
Most importantly, she couldn't believe Shadow in his own way and very deep down, sees her as a 'friend' ... whatever that means to him.
"I just don't know what's wrong with me!? Am I not pretty enough?!'
"I know that I haven't talked to her in years but she didn't even consider me for marriage?!!
They were drunk. Four empty bottles and they were going for the fifth one, not planning to stop. Not caring about how bad their headache will be like tomorrow. They were both heartbroken and alcohol can fix that momentarily.
They were sitting next to each other, the table full of bottles and their glasses. The stars and moon above them, and the wind is soft and refreshing.
"Anyways, ... what were you writing?"
Shadow points at Amy's laptop that's on top of the table. He hiccups as he waits for an answer. "I saw you typing furiously."
The alcohol has completely taken over and it's making all the decisions for Amy.
"Oh? I was writing fanfiction- Oh Chaos I forgot!
She starts looking for her phone, stumbling a little, and her vision is blurry. Amy finally finds it and almost drops it, she is struggling to open the app properly but manages properly.
"Wait! You write fanfiction?"
There is a certain glow in Shadow's eyes as soon as Amy said 'fanfiction.'
"Yes, but I forgot to I was supposed to meet with someone today!" Amy hiccups and quickly text her online friend even if her words don't make a lot of sense. "I need to text them."
After clicking 'send' she hears another phone go 'beep'
Shadow then pulls out his phone from his suit's pocket and looks at the screen.
It's a text message from ARoseWithoutTorns.
He looks at Amy and slowly points at the pink hedgehog.
"You are ... ARoseWithoutThorns?"
Amy gulps and takes a few seconds to respond.
"And you are the Fanfictioner?"
Shadow stays silent. He doesn't know if what he is going to say is the right thing to do but the alcohol made him speak the truth.
He nods.
Amy's eyes shine with delight as she holds Shadow's hands. She squeezes them so hard Shadow knows his hands are going to have bruises the next morning. But he didn't think about that. His only thought is the fact that he has his favorite fanfic writer is right in front of him.
They squeal in excitement as they jump off their seats and start to make circles around them.
It's at this moment that Shadow realizes that Amy won't judge him. With her smile and laughter, she lets him know that she accepts him. He didn't have to pretend. With her, he could be Shadow The Hedgehog, the guy who loves fanfiction and is cringy at times.
"Oh, my chaos I love your fanfiction!" Shadow says very loudly, feeling a sense of freedom rush through his body. "I always read them before going to sleep."
His words really hit her in the feelings. It's probably the alcohol that its enhancing her emotions nonetheless, they were very much real.
"I appreciate you so much for always commenting on my stuff, you don't know how much that means to me, I-" Amy hiccups and looks at Shadow. She feels relieved to have him, to meet him. To be able to see the real him.
To know that someone out there genuinely enjoys her writing. It's a feeling that can bring anyone to tears.
"If it wasn't because of you, I would have stopped writing a very long time ago."
"No, don't say that!" Shadow grabs Amy's hands as they come to a stop. He holds them dearly. Amy feels her cheeks heat up at the contact.
"The world deserves to read your writing!"
"I don't deserve you," Amy says as tears began to roll down her face.
"No, I don't deserve you! You are so cool!" Shadow didn't know why but he feels a sense of security around her. It's the alcohol, it must be. Otherwise, he wouldn't feel this many emotions at once. But he didn't care. Right now it's just them.
"You are the best writer and you helped me through a very rough time. Your writing has brought me so much comfort and I can't thank you enough."
His voice is so genuine that Amy's heart aches at feeling such happiness. Her tail begins to wiggle in excitement and her ears perk up. Their hands are still touching but Amy decides to break that and instead launch herself into Shadow to hug him. A hug that he fully embraces.
"I love you Shadow!"
She means this in the most platonic way possible. A type of love that close friends have. But she couldn't deny that may be that feeling could turn into something else.
"And I love you Amy!"
They stop for a second to look at each other. Their hearts are beating fast due to all the excitement.
And their faces were unconsciously getting closer and closer to each other.
So close.
Their lips were just centimeters away ...
And ...
News: I created a Twitter. If you want sneak peeks of the latests chapters you can follow me @/shadamywriter 
For some reason, I can’t copy and paste italics in tumblr?!!! If anyone knows how to fix this please let know. It’s annoying to have to check and go back in the story to see what is in italics or not. That’s why I prefer Ao3/Wattpad. Anyways...
The last chapter of the year. I hope you all enjoyed it. Also, sorry if I haven't replied to yalls comments. I'll get into it ASAP. And thank you so much for commenting on this fic, it means the world to me and it helps me to stay motivated to write. This story was left unfinished due that I did not have a strong motivation to finish, but years later, I received lots of encouragement and comments from everyone to continue ... and here it is.
I want to apologize for all the grammar, spelling mistakes, etc for this story. I really got no time to edit :(
I want to thank each and everyone one of you for reading so far. I am thinking that this story maybe is separated into 2 'seasons.' Each season is made up of 15 chapters. There are many scenarios I can do with this premise and I just want to explore all of them properly. But I shall see. Please see this as some type of random shoujo anime in which plot consistencies don't matter much and you are just here to see the ship dynamics. Certainly, that's what keeps me writing lol.
Also, my story, 'Again and Again' will continue and have a full rewrite.
I need to finish writing the next chapter of my Levi fanfiction and after that, I'll continue writing this story. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed this.
Thank you for an amazing year. I hope to see everyone in the next year to come to.
Atte: Peaches
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