#sonic frontiers prompt
cutegirlmayra · 24 days
Hey Mayra here's a fun prompt: Eggman has a teenage daughter and while not evil super spoiled, selfish, and high maintenance. Fighting anthropomorphic animals is "lame" and her dad is soooo embarrassing. Wanting friends and to feel normal also because all teens have to rebel she decides to spend the day with Team Sonic and feel like a normal teen. They're not so bad and she has fun. Eggman is horrified and accuses them of brainwashing his princess! This leads to a family therapy on communication
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Since Sage is so new, let’s see how this goes, shall we?
Sage glides gracefully and with quiet glee through the Eggnet, now having complete and total control over all its systems, she enjoys the freedom of not trying to save anyone, but simply running simulations for optimal use for the fun of it now.
She digitizes out of the network she was flying through, buzzing with electric life and data bit cores before moving over to an Eggpawn worker.
“Hehe, how is your day, brother?” She asks, but the robot just slowly turns his head like an owl to her.
“... What’s wrong? Can’t you compute my communicative functions directly to your software?” She put a hand up to her chest, worriedly moving forward towards him.
His eye-sockets rapidly flash, then a few Eggpawns, also moving in a line and holding varying metallic pieces and parts–some too large for their bodies–also collide in the ‘ant-line’ and start getting hold up.
She covers her mouth, innocently unaware that she was causing traffic. “I’m… sorry.” She looks down and puts her hands on her chest, flying off disheartedly as the robots now have to figure out the traffic jam.
Flying sorrowfully low, she looks up to see Cubot and Orbot, and perks up somewhat.
“Brothers!” She cries out, teleporting digitally over to them as they freak out from her sudden appearance.
“Oh, Sage. You mustn’t scare us like that!” Orbot begins, picking up some blueprints and plans, as Cubot happily reaches up to her.
“Oh, oh! It’s our baby sister! Uppsies, uppsies!” waving his arms up to her, as she smiles and hovers over him as though to pick him up.
“No, no, Cubot. You’re the older brother in this case!” Orbot jabs him a bit with a rolled up piece of paper, then returns to stacking them in his arms, “And besides, she’s a digital manifestation of 0’s and 1’s, she doesn’t even have a real body to lift you up in the first place…” He sighs as he states that fact, but Sage pulls her arms back, looking at her hands.
“I… I could give exceptional conversation!” She hovers by them as Orbot seems determined to move along.
“Not now, Sage. We’re very busy… you know, doing actual manual work.” He gestures to Cubot holding all the blueprints and papers. “Not all of us get to spend our time being leisurely and ‘not real’...” He uses ‘air quotes’ with his fingers turning into bunnies, as Cubot excitedly states.
“Oh! Rabbit-Fingers!” He drops all the papers and mimics it.
“Noooo, Cubot..!” Orbot face-palms, “Sage, why don’t you go help organize Eggman’s coffee for this morning? Hmm? That’s just a switch and a click for someone like you. Connected to the whole of Eggman’s operations and what not.” He puts his rubber gloves together, having a small squeaking sound come from the action, before seeming to deflate at having to pick up the papers again and shove them into Cubot’s arms.
Safe looked away, “... Father’s… Coffee?” She looked up to a window… seeing the light through it and moved her hand within it.
Looking back, she noticed how Cubot and Orbot made shadows… even the paper upon the ground, being picked up…
Cubot made a rabbit in the shadows for her, and tried to cheer her up as Orbot then piled himself with all the papers. 
“Useless… I’m the only one that gets anything done around here..!” Orbot mumbled to himself…
“... Useless?” She lightly spoke to herself, and thought about Sonic. ‘... Sonic is so carefree, normally, from the data-banks I have stored of his information…’
Thinking about it, Eggman wouldn’t miss her… right?
She looked back at Orbot and Cubot, “... All the other robots don’t have the same A.I as I do… and even if they were geniuses, they don’t have the time to even hold a decent conversation with me… Ohhh…”
Missing Sonic and his friends, she quietly returns to data bits, making Eggman’s coffee…
‘... Though, Father has given me every wit of his systems surrounding his fortress, which pleases me greatly to assist him,... I can’t help but still feel-… What is this feeling..? Lonely?’
As Eggman takes the coffee, she still wonders… ‘I can do and go wherever I so please here… Why… is that not enough?’
Later, when Orbot and Cubot are also relaxing and having some oil-drinks, clinking them together after a ‘hard day’s work’ she appears and makes them almost spill their drinks.
“Brothers..! I wish to hear what data you have on Sonic The Hedgehog.” She excitedly sprang up from the cyber network, but seeing their reactions, slowly moved away. “Oh… Sorry, I do tend to just… unzip my image files quickly to respond.”
“That’s one way to put it.” Cubot held up his drink, and she happily tilted her head to him, giving him a close-eyed smile. “You’re just zippity quick as lightning, Sagey girl!”
“Oh, the nicknames? Already?” Orbot groaned a bit, but appearing behind him, she leaned over to give him another fright, “Ah!”
“I was hoping–Oh… Sorry.” She floated to the center, between and in front of the two now, “That you had… further stories of him… for learning more about the enemy,... that is.”
“Why do you want that?” Orbot argued slightly, “Didn’t Eggman share all he knew to you while trapped in Cyber Space?” He narrowed his eyelights a bit at her.
“It is true that I received much information and data about Sonic The Hedgehog from Father… I still have a deep fascination with how he was able to limitlessly exceed my simulated results with endless possibilities being unlocked through his sheer tenacity and determination… His indomitable will… the spirit to keep fighting even when all hope seems lost… That is what I wish to research next, for-... T-The Eggman Empire.” She put a hand passionately to her chest before looking away to continue her excuses.
Orbot and Cubot looked to each other, as Cubot then whispered, “Guess Sonic picks up fan girls like we pick up unpaid overtime, huh, Orbot?
Orbot sighs, “Right… Better relieve her of her fanaticism before we get another Amy Rose on our hands, eh?”
He winked to Cubot and straightened up, “Alright, Sagey-I mean, Ehem, Sage.” He seemed to be fond already of the girl, but chose not to show it.
She put her hands together, eagerly zealous to know what they did.
“We’ll give you some of our ‘own’ perspectives on this pesky hedgehog!”
“Oh, thank you, Orbot! Cubot! Thank you!” She spun a little in the air, then twirled, kicking her feet gracefully as though moving through water.
“Awww~” Seeing her expressions, Cubot looked to Orbot, putting his hands together to show that it was alright to let the girl get close to them.
After endless wild stories of Sonic, the three were interrupted as the alarm at the Eggman fortress went off.
“Pirates!” Cubot cried out, rushing about.
“No, Cubot.” Orbot shook his head.
“Vikings!” He put his cup over his head, hiding behind some laying electrical tubes.
“... No. It’s probably-” Orbot put his hands to his hips, but Sage rose up to beat him to it.
“Sonic…” Her body glitched into white and green.
“Sonic!!!” Cubot double-booked it and waved his arms about, crying out, “WAHHHAAA-!”
“Cubot, Cuuuubot..! Oh, now look what you did, you scared him!” Orbot shook his head, “The buffoon, running on such low- Cubot! I’m coming! Hang on, don’t panic! Just stay out of that blue blurry way!” He trailed after his friend, as Sage began to extend her fingers out, wiggling them as she was trying to find an electrical signal to find him.
“Got it.” Her single visible eye opened as Sonic was moving like a camera in it… then… she digitized and the space was left… empty…
Eggman, after several hours of fighting Sonic, found his fortress falling apart. Coughing while on the ground, he pressed a button, “Cubot, Orbot. Prepare our escape pods.” He coughed, “And get me Metal Sonic!”
He then switched to a different channel on his wrist-device. “Sage, send all backup power to the escape pods… Do you copy that, daughter?” He waited… Then started coughing through his panic, “Daughter, Sage? Do you-” He had to stop to cough terribly, “Copy me? Sage? Saaaggee???”
Being dragged into an emergency pod by Metal Sonic’s power, Cubot and Orbot began to launch it as he fought, “No! No… Not again! I thought I lost her once, I won’t have that happen again!” He finally got a massive hand out of Metal Sonic’s grip, reaching back towards the now falling apart Fortress. “It’s Sonic! He’s stolen her! He must have packed her away through Tails or something! Sage! SAGGGGEE!!!”
The pod closed… and blasted out as the fortress came tumbling down…
Back with Sonic, he threw up a fist, proud of his efforts. “Woohoo! Down it goes, Egghead!” He mimicked the sounds with his mouth, before taking out his Miles-Electric. “Hey, gang! I know you’re all busy and off on your own adventures or epic quests! But I’m leaving his video message to let you know I’m doing good, no need to worry!” He also held the Miles-Electric to look behind him while he ran, “Eggman’s taken care of. It’ll take him weeks to repair that trash! Smell ya salmonella later!”
When he clicked the device to send the message out, he slowed down and sighed, “Whooo…” Coming to a halt and clicking a few buttons.
“... Nothing.” He looked just as disheartened as when Sage felt she couldn’t communicate with her robotic family…
He looked up at the sky, “Everyone… I hope you’re doing alright.”
She could see through the screen his own loneliness… and related too well with that feeling…
“Be not dismayed, Sonic The Hedgehog.”
Sonic looked down at the device, seeing a strange logo with differing colors of data glitches from red to blue.
He freaked out as he dropped the device, and rising from it, Sage materialized. “Hehe, did you miss me?” She gave him a neutral stance, but smiled to show she was playing with him.
“You… Did Eggman hack my gear?” Sonic looked a bit worried, but Sage quickly shook her head
“It is safe.” she reassured him.
He sighs in relief, “Oh, phew… Wait, why aren’t you back with Eggman’s goonies?” He pointed to her, then threw a thumb back to Eggman’s new garbage dump.
“Hmm… It’s not important to tell you that information.” She teased him, reminding him of their time back in the corrupted Cyber Space frontier.
Sonic shook his head, but laughed. “Alright, you got me. What do I need to know?”
She giggles into her the back of her hand, “That it’s not right for the hero to be alone… My calculations conclude that that’s unacceptable.”
He smiled at her reasoning.
“That sounds like good empirical proof to me.” He folded his arms, playing back with her, since that’s what she would ask for all the time.
“I understand if it’s a bit illogical…” She admitted, “But my data states you are usually always found in great company…”
“Oh? And are you that new ‘great company’, Sage?” He threw out another finger to her, but this one had a bit of flare to it, pivoting his body slightly and lowering his eyes, he flipped his pointer finger to the back of it. In response, Sage–having to remain in the direction the screen on the Miles-Electric was facing, nodded cheerfully at his returning banter.
“Then it is settled. I shall accompany you for the cause of the Eggman Empire’s further data research on our greatest enemy.” Her smile was infectious, and Sonic couldn’t help but be thankful.
“Oh, ho? You sure about that, Sage?” He teased, “Last time you tried to calculate my results, I blew them all sky high!” He threw out a hand and she nodded.
“Yes! I’m most excited-” She then shook her head, having gotten too into her own personal reasons again, unbundling her fists by her sides, “I-I mean… glad you are willing to conduct more… e-experiments of your ‘daring feats’ as you call them.”
“Perfect.” Sonic narrowed his eyes, “First, try and calculate this!” He picked up the Miles-Electric, and took her to see the sights of the world…
“Your movements are impeccable.” She later stated, sitting with him as they watched a festival of lights happening, seeing the balloons and lanterns rise into the sky on a distant hill… “You're swift but able to reflex fast enough to avoid dangerous obstacles during high speeds… But you act so leisurely while conducting yourself to be at such a fast frequency between sound and light… I must admit, even the mach speed comparisons of modern human technology would fail to fully see the limits of your capabilities,... Sonic.” She looked over to smile at him, before seeing something was wrong.
“Sonic? Have I… Spoken too frequently?” She looked down, worried that it was like Orbot said… “Am I… disturbing your peace and quiet?”
“... I have to admit, I’m not used to this.” Sonic’s voice turned a bit serious, and her colors returned to red and black…
“... I’m used to Amy’s laughter… Tails’s rambling about something he just learned about… Knuckles being loud and wanting to challenge me to do something other than laze about…” He put his hands behind his head and leaned back, “Don’t get me wrong… I like the quiet… I like the peaceful… But this kind of quiet and peaceful..? Not so much.”
Sage, realizing it wasn’t her, looked back to Sonic. “My earlier analyses of you states you were once a loner. Has that time truly passed?” Her question made him chuckle.
“Well,” He smacked his lips, “Everyone’s on their own ‘personal journeys’, you know? I don’t want to get in their way…”
She thought about how she was ‘bothering’ her brothers at work… and seemed to understand what Sonic was trying to convey.
“They’ve gone off… and I’m proud of them… They’re growing up, Sage, and I… I still…”
“Feel… like you need them?”
He looked back to her.
“Like… You’re still wanting… to play games, hear more stories, show the outside world to them, fight more enemies… you crave more leisure time with them… than being alone anymore?”
“... I hate growing up.” He shrugged with his arms, “But it’s not something I can control.” He shook his head, “So why worry?” He looked to her with a returning smile, seeing she connected to something deep and profound in him.
“You crave adventure and freedom at your own pace and choice, too, don’t ya?” He held up a hand to her.
She looked to her own, remembering what Orbot said yet again… “We cannot touch.” She admitted, putting her hand through his own.
“I know,” He leaned up and–much like what happened with Tails–tried to make it look like they were locking hands together in a sign of friendship and strength in that bond.
“Doesn’t mean we can’t try.”
They laughed together, “Still beating your predictions of me, eh?” He grinned widely.
“Hehe, you are–truly–an anomaly, but… I enjoy that you can do the impossible.” She nodded, “And grateful!”
“You too, Sage.”
She looked astonished from hearing that, tearing up.
“... You do the impossible for those around you, too. I know you can, I’ve seen it happen.”
“... Sonic…”
“You’re a hero, too. Even if we are on opposite sides of things. I know you’re not a bad guy, Sage.”
She looked away from him, dropping her hand down.
“You… Continue to surprise me… Sonic The Hedgehog.”
Then, the wind picked up as though a helicopter passing by, but instead, it was right above them.
The two looked up as Sonic blocked with an arm the blades of grass and debris of dirt clods trying to hurt his eyes.
“What’s going on?” He exclaimed.
“WHOHOHOO! You think you can just steal my daughter for an evening and get away with it!? I knew you were a teenager, Sonic, but this is beneath even you!”
“Eggman, please! Control yourself!”
Orbot’s worried voice and Eggman’s odd sentence structure had both the attention and alarm of Sonic and Sage.
“Father!” She cried out, as Sonic shrugged up at the large airship.
“All we did was hold hands, Eggman. Tsk, tsk. You shouldn’t hole your precious daughter up from enjoying more the splendors of life, Egghead!” He winked, cockily, and wiggled a pointer finger up at him.
“THE NERVE-!” Eggman roared from his speakers above, “If it weren’t for Cubot and Orbot holding me back, I’d come down there right now–SONIC–and beat the ever-living pulp out of you!!!”
Sonic snickered into his hand, “Someone’s protective.” He looked to Sage, “See that? They’re are people that miss your company, too.”
She nodded, “More than just coffee and management, I suppose.” She was so happy to hear that, her colors returned to white and green.
“FIIIRREEE!!” Eggman cried out, as missiles launched from the large airship.
Flying upwards, Sage holds out her arms apart, as though to protect and boldly stand before Eggman in front of Sonic.
“HOLD, HOLD!” Eggman cried out, as the missiles suddenly fizzled and shook in the air, wiggling about before changing trajectory and firing into the trees.
Due to the festival, most people thought the fires were part of the show, but Sonic quickly ran around to ‘suffocate’ the fires so they didn’t spread to the peaceful town.
“Father, I only left to deduce more about Sonic.”
“Oh, woe is me, you deceived me!?”
Sonic played along, being dramatic.
“Sage, how could you~”
He gripped his chest, falling to his knees as Eggman raised an eyebrow.
“Eh? Is that true?”
He gripped the mic, pulling it closer to his large mouth as he hollered through it.
“Your telling me you WEREN’T fraternizing with the enemy!?”
“Of course not, Father. He’s an inferior lifeform. We may respect him, but he is not one of our glorious metallic and digital empire.”
She put a hand to her heart, then turned to look back at Sonic and wink at him.
He winked back, too.
He then covered his eyes with his arm draped over his muzzle, and hit the ground. He laid down and threw a small tantrum.
“Whaa, whaa! I’ve been tricked! Bambozzled! How could you do this to me, Eggman? Use a cute girl like your daughter to make me feel special, Whaa! Whaa! I’ll never get over this!”
Eggman suddenly rose up.
“I can’t tell if I should be beaming with pride or feeling suspiciously like I’m being mocked…”
Orbot and Cubot looked to each other, obviously knowing that they were deceiving Eggman.
“Alright, alright, you two. Man up, Sonic. She’s just a child.”
He opened what looked like an electric wand with multiple hoops around it.
“Come on, Sage. It’s time to go home!”
Sage looks to Sonic, who gives her a sweet wave while leaning his head on his other hand.
She waves back, “As the saying goes,” She begins.
“Long time till I see you again.”
“... That’s-... Ah-ha. Right. Till we meet again.”
Sonic just nodded, thinking it was cute.
She zoomed her data up to connect with Eggman’s ship, and now that his daughter was safely returned, began to open fire on Sonic, who enjoyed taking down his airship. He smacked his butt and stuck out his tongue, lowering an eyelid with his finger to mock his attempt at trying to get him again.
Once at their far away ‘other’ base, since Eggman had so many–this being a obviously temporary station–Sage politely asked, “Father, might I continue my research on Sonic The Hedgehog another time?”
Reluctantly, he agrees, realizing she’s made a friend.
However… He sicks Metal Sonic to tag along, “Keep an eye on her… And see if you can get close to Sonic, give him a good swipe if he tries anything funny! Exterminate him if he dares to get sweet on my innocent daughter!”
Metal Sonic looks a bit annoyed, but goes off, as Orbot and Cubot joke that he’s allowing his daughter to go on a ‘date’. Haha!
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katlyntheartist · 1 year
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So @niyana-the-ambiguous-mobian had this Sonic Frontiers head canon about what Sonic might have seen before/after his corrupted state.
715 notes · View notes
sonictober · 9 months
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The time has come to unveil the Sonictober prompt list for this year! 
As an October art challenge, Sonictober will begin on Oct. 1st and last throughout the month. So you have an entire month to prepare! Plan, draw or write in advance, whatever you like! The most important thing is to have fun!
Also on twitter:
And finally, the written out list under the cut:
Free will
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bluwails · 8 months
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76 notes · View notes
shadowsfascination · 11 months
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Okay, but what if ---
83 notes · View notes
zeemmy66 · 8 months
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cringetober day #4: angel x (and) demon
gonna be honest, this one is really lazy cause I had a better pose in mind and just procrastinated until I didnt have enough time to draw it LOL. average zeemmy move rushing every drawing
I needed an excuse to draw sage gonna be honest
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sonknuxadow · 8 months
tails is soooooooo cute hes so little guy i have to grab him and squeeze him to death
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cutegirlmayra · 2 years
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Before Amy could even take her self-discovery trip and share the story of love that even trumps time itself... her car broke down.
Sitting on the side of the road, she was texting the girls, telling them the trip just wasn’t happening today.
That virtual-scape had done a number on her in many ways... the Koco’s story never left her mind... and all of a sudden... her favorite flower had changed, too.
She started noticing them... more often.
She reached out to a magnazine with an article she had written up about the experience and her own personal thoughts, but that backfired... serverely.
Many were calling her view of love to be ‘foolish’, ‘idealistic’, ‘too traditional’. “what does that even mean!?” She frustratedly rose her shoulders up with her hands gesturing out, looking back at the phone at all the reviews it had gotten.
“I should have never let them take my photo...” she lowered the phone a bit... before hitting the button to turn the screen off... for now.
She put it against the side of the car and leaned back to let her head rest against the dead machine... “... I bet Sonic never has to deal with breakdowns...” Her eyes watered up. “I bet... his little engine just keeps on going... never ending... never wavering... in what he knows is right.” she rubbed her eyes with her arm, before... her strength gave and she slid down the side of the car.
“What am I even doing here?” She began to cry, sobbing into her glove as the other hand’s back rested against the ground with little to no energy left to hold the phone anymore. She just cried... it felt somewhat good to do so... She had wondered what the rain on that island felt like... the one Sonic had experienced while she was all... digitlized.
She looked at her hand over her eyes... solid, not glitching in or out.
“Am I...” she started, getting emotionally caught up again against her better judgement, and feeling the weight of her words buldge at her throat and block themselves from escaping, somewhat. As though... the greatness of those words kept expanding... Before she finaly pushed them out of her mouth to bring her breath back from being obstructed, “Am I even meant to tell the story... of never-ending love..?” She began to doubt her feelings for Sonic, his feelings towards her... She could remember him holding her back from trying to warn the Koco that it wasn’t safe, but she kept pressing on... she didn’t care about danger or stupid reviews online... she just wanted to be with him.
“Am I... being selfish?” That sunk deep into her being.
“Of course not.” she told herself, moving her three bangs up and sniffling towards her raised arm. “I’m just hopeless... without Sonic... without love... Who even am I?”
“Well, last time I checked-” 
She gasped at the familiar voice, turning around.
“You were Amy Rose, right?” Sonic smirked as he wagged a knowing finger out from behind the car. “Tails called,” he held up another phone. “And no, this isn’t my phone.” He chuckled, “No numbers here to grab, I’m afraid.”
“Sonic...” she breathed out, her eyes bending in absolute relief at seeing him.
But then...
She looked at herself, sitting on the ground like a hopeless romantic and idealistic wanna-be of Romeo and Juliet.
She patted her face and got up, speedily. “W-what... well, good. I’m glad.” she smiled to him before turning her face away, looking up and blinking her eyes fast, “Whooo...” she lightly whispered, trying to get her emotions under control while Sonic watched her with a knowing look in his eyes, but just happily started to move under the car.
“Something on your mind?” he asked, which immediately led her to stop pacing away and drop the act that she was tough and okay. She turned her head back to him, wishing with all her might he’d just... act like she needed him again.
“You could give me a hug if you already knew.” she had spoken it all out loud, like a... well, she wasn’t an idiot, but maybe like a crazy person. “How long were you here..?”
“The whole nine yards.. ow!” From under the car, Sonic’s hand appeared out and flicked itself, “Darn bolts and gears...” He muttered to himself and tucked the hand back under. “You got any tools in there, by chance?” He pointed to the trunk.
“O-oh, yeah.” she started to open the back, “You’re... You’re really able to fix it?” she asked, getting it out and closing the back as she looked to where the hand once appeared, having seen him slip under as though going down a slide... he was goofy like that.
“Should be. I made a plane, after all.” Sonic reminded her that Tails’s biplane was originally his own, and she ‘Ah’d in rememberance and nodded, relieved it didn’t seem the car was too badly broken.
Her pride... on the other hand...
“Here you go.” she placed the red toolbox down beside him.
“No, nah, nah, stop. I need ya to hand them to me.” He waved out a hand and then did the universal sign with his fingers for ‘gimmie gimmie’ by crunching them up a few times. “Tinkering takes time. Let’s fix this mess. Ummm... first tool I need. Repentance.” he joked.
She laughed, “Oh brother, I forgive you for making me wait so long.” she rolled her eyes, opening the tool box.
He snickered, “I meant for thinking you could change the world all on your own.”
She paused... her eyes widening slightly.
“... Nah, you need a good helping hand for that. Kinda like how I can’t fix this car without you, Amy. ... Also, screwdriver, wrench, and crowbar, please.”
She just... handed him the tools, but afterwards, he took her hand, “Come on down here, I wanna show you something.”
She wasn’t used to Sonic giving her ‘life lessons’ but something in her got excited that he was even trying to!
She didn’t hesitate at all, she just moved under the car and laid beside him as he was fiddling with the pipes under the car. “Sorry, it’s a bit grummy under here.” he showed her his hands were covered in black, and she giggled slightly.
“Is that why it’s a man’s job? Cause we like our gloves clean?” she joked.
“Heh, no one can keep their hands perfectly clean.” he started to tighten something up, “There we go, that’s what we were looking for.”
“Really?” She asked as he gritted against the turning cog.
“Uh-huh.” He confirmed, “You see... sometimes, screws get loose, cogs need tightening,... gas leaks out and we lose all motivation to go on.” He continued his work as Amy stopped watching his hands and looked towards his face.
“You do everything you can, but there’s rocks on the road ahead. And there are many roads, and the maps aren’t always made in stone-Ow! Emmm...” He glared at his finger, apparently, getting squeezed in on something and flicked it a few times like before, what she saw when he stuck his hand out from the under the vechile. “We have tires, but they wear out and need replacing. We have ideas and goals in mind... but every now and then, we find ourselves stuck on the side of the road, in the middle of a forest, with a bunch of crappy signals we desperately cling to just to read bad comments about ourselves.”
She remained silent, her lip a tight line, her hands coming together, but everything in her heart was clinging to his words... desperately... wanting an answer...
“Life is never an easy road, Amy. Changing and growing... learning about ourselves, what are ideals are, and trying to inspire others will always take-YEOW! Mother Earth!” He bit the side of his hand, having hurt his finger again. “Hammer.” he held out his hand to her.
“The tools are-” she reached up... before realizing what he meant. “Oh.” she summoned her Piko Piko Hammer.
He took a quick glance at it and then looked back to where he was working, “Smaller.”
She re-summoned it.
Another quick glance before looking away.
“Oh, come on.” she made it bit-sized and he took it, angling it just right...
“Annnnndd...” he turned it in his hand. “There!” he gave it a light tap and the knob went right into place super fast. “Lickeysplit.” he chuckled, then held out the hammer for her, “We need help. We need people. If we look outside ourselves, we tend to the find the answers deep within... LIke within this bucket of bolts!” he elbowed the car, letting out a gust of air. “If you really want to find yourself, discover more about love, and figure out your course Amy... You can’t just tough it out and cry alone.” he turned the hammer around with a bit of manipulation of his fingers in one hand and then let her take it.
“I do want to hear all about it.” He interwined his fingers and let them rest on his belly, looking to her, “Doesn’t mean we have to be that far apart, though... right?”
She had been so worried... so worried that her experience of self-discovery and action would pull her away from what she loved and cared about most...
She wrapped her arms around him and he rested his head to return the hug, before they both climbed out from under the car.
“It’ll run alright now.” he tapped the side of the vechile, as Amy crawled out and he stood up straight. “Hand.” he stated, as though still asking for a tool.
She smiled, “In hand.” she gave him hers and helped her up from the ground.
They stared at one another for a moment, both smiling with the rays of a glowing admiration and ‘liking’ in each of them... before Sonic let go of her hand, “Eh-heh, well, you um-” he cleared his throat, then coughed cause the black stuff was still on it, and now just got into his lungs. He hacked a second as he spoke, “G-Going back on the-” he coughed, “R-road? Ehem.” he pounded his chest a moment, but felt a little nervous all of a sudden... why was that?
“O-oh, yeah.” she looked to the car... then rubbed her arm. “I think... I think I can now... run alright, too. Hmm.” she blushed with a cute affirmation that she understood what he meant. With another hug, she quickly rushed to the driver’s side. “Bye, Sonic! I’ll tell the girls to meet me soon, that the trip is back on!” she waved him a cute and energetic farewell, “And I’ll be sure to tell you all about what I find out and learn, wait for-!” she stopped a second, realizing what she was about to say.
As though Sonic was waiting for that, he stepped aside and into the forest a bit, putting his hands on his hips, smiling as he remained respectful...
‘It’s your call, Amy...’ he said in his mind, but his words rang true from his heart to his eyes... which she could clearly read now.
Her hand was out on the door,... not having closed it yet as she had already entered the vechile.., one hand on the wheel.
“... Wai...” she realized... this was her asking him to wait on her love.
He folded his arms slowly... softly... still waiting for her to officially say it...
‘You decide your own course.’ he took deep, mediative breaths.
She was asking him to let her go... to not help any further than this from now on.
“... Wait for-” she teared up, “Me.” she stated, “The ‘Me’ I want to be... and will be. For love,... and all that comes with it.” She nodded, though her strength was depleted after that.
He nodded, being serious about this ‘technical farewell.’.
“Till the long time we see each other again... Amy.” He rose his head up.
She said it.
She was free of her crush, she could go where she pleased...
But she covered her mouth and sobbed as she turned on the car and didn’t look back, driving away.
“I will always love you... Sonic The Hedgehog...” she looked in the rearview mirror, as he never stepped back on the road... but remained on the side near the forest...
He lowered his head down.
Then the rain came...
And he looked up slightly, smiling.
“I... really wished I could have shared an umbrella with you, then... Amy Rose.” he gazed up at the storm clouds as Amy continued to sob as she drove on in her newly enriched spirit and fixed-up car.
“... I really wish... I could have told you sooner.” he closed his eyes, at peace.
She’d be back... and with one heck of an adventure to tell!
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katlyntheartist · 1 year
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Tails looked at the kocos gathered around his sleeping form, all chiming quietly as they shifted and looked at him with their wide eyes. "He'll be okay," Tails reassured them, gaze drifting back to his big brother as another glitch rippled through him and Tails leaned towards him, too, his tails sweeping over the ground to try and encircle them both. "He'll be okay."
It’s really late here, but I just HAD to sketch this Frontiers prompt by @skimmingmilk
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foliead3ux · 2 years
Art to cope with bts in cookierun
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bluwails · 8 months
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lovelyunknown · 1 year
So Frontiers prompt for me any literally anyone else who wants it:
Sonic is really happy for his friends! They're going their own way and making their own choices. He's happy!
Right until he's about to see Tails off. Then, for the first time in years, tears gently trickle down his face.
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ceciliavonwrites · 9 months
And finally "Nodding off" with Roo and Sonic
Sonic had gotten hurt, again. And Roo had saved him and scolded him, again. It was getting to be their little routine.
In the middle of them talking, Roo had sighed and leaned against him.
She was...falling asleep? Oh yeah, she was a cyborg, wasn't she.
"Heh." People get tired from trying to keep up with him all the time. Maybe he'll just sit here for a little bit.
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sonicunleash · 2 years
here's the thing i would recommend sonic frontiers to anyone who likes hype badass shit like metal gear rising-- or anyone who likes open world stuff or even people who dont like open world stuff cause its usually slow and too big but sonic is so FAST that its much nicer-- basically uhm. I would recommend sonic frontiers.
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i hope the sonic community knows that for every exam or project i've been assigned since 2020, i have done nothing but submit sonic the hedgehog. this hasn't been intentional, i'm just that brain wired, but i now realise that i'm following in the same footsteps of mosaic sonic girl...
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sonknuxadow · 8 months
sonic frontiers boss fights are like karaoke sessions to me
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