#something something he helps her after bandits attack details details they become a duo and start falling for eachother >:D
saucywendeee · 3 months
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If spawn adventurer Astarion met a non Tav Seraphina after the events of BG3 - New Beginnings AU
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Tpotot headcanons
First of all, thanks @sshannonauthor for writing tpotot!
Second of all, nobody here cares about the founder of the Berethnet dynasty (he deserves to be forgotten), but! What about his Knights?
I just, want a prequel about the Knights and the Virtues of Knighthood, like: did they know each other before meeting their leader? (I bet they didn't know about half the things he did, or they would have dumped him)
Also, how did they choose their symbols?
For this reasons, I decided to write some random headcanons I have about them (I will not focus on physical features).
They all met and were friends before knowing their leader (I'll also write the age at which they met)
Knight of Justice:
Nonbinary, panromantic and demisexual
They worked in a tavern to gain some money
32 years old
A cruel noble had conquered the area, trapped the previous ruler (who wasn't the best, but still better) and asked enormous sums of money from the poor people. When the noble chose to visit their tavern, they were tasked with serving him; they swapped the goblet he was drinking from with another one, full of poison. The noble died, and the previous ruler was freed, but they had to escape
The previous event is the reason the symbol of the Knight of Justice are the twin goblets
Their favourite colour is violet
They and the Knight of Courtesy seem to hate each other, but in reality they're best friends and an extremely chaotic duo
Knight of Courtesy:
Male and bisexual
Son of a merchant, was taught how to read and entered in contact with lots of books: probably the most knowledgeable of the bunch
28 years old
Basically a snob and a perfectionist, nobody understands why they chose to become an adventurer; his favourite motto is "books are the best weapons in the world"
People think the motto is not supposed to be taken literally; they are wrong. One day, he repeatedly hits one of his attackers with a book until they start to bleed. People than discover that every single one of his books is either made of metal, or has a knife hidden in it
This is the reason the symbol of the Knight of Courtesy is the book
Favourite colour is black
He absolutely adores the Knight of Fellowship, but will never dare to admit it
Knight of Fellowship:
They don't care about gender, nor their own (all pronouns), nor anyone else's (they still respect everyone's opinions about it)
Orphan and adopted by a circus or something; they are extremely agile
They have dyspraxia, and because of that, they had an hard time learning acrobatics; still, they didn't give up, and became great at it
25 years old, youngest of the bunch
Quick thinker and really smart, learns easily and is therefore everyone apprentice; since they're also very nice, people fight over who is their mentor
They love it
When they were still at the circus, they tried to do a very difficult exercise, but fell and almost died. Fortunately, one of their friends saved their life by catching their hand. They swore to repay the debt
This is the reason why the symbol of the Knight of Fellowship are the joined hands
Their favourite colour is yellow
They love doing pranks, but their favourite target is the Knight of Temperance, the hardest to scare or annoy
Knight of Temperance:
Transgender female, aro/ace and polyamorous (queer platonic relationships)
27 years old, second youngest, but extremely mature
Her parents were physicians, and this is why her transition went so smoothly
Unfortunately, both of them were infected with the draconic plague, but insisted not to be killed immediately (like everyone else was); They wanted their daughter to keep track of how long it took for someone to die and other details. She obliged, and it's thanks to their sacrifice that the symptoms of the plague are now public knowledge. She waited for the death of her parents, using the clock in her house to keep track of time
This is why her symbol is a clock
She's also the medic of the group
Her favourite colour is blue
She's often annoyed with the Knight of Generosity's insistence on helping everyone (he reminds her of the parents, and she doesn't want him to follow their fate)
Knight of Generosity:
Demigender male (prefers 'he', but 'they' is also good) and heterosexual
He was a farmer in a little village
34, second oldest
Combined ADHD
His village was burned by the Nameless and its allies
This is the reason why he chose the weath as his symbol: to remember the life he lost
Will help everyone in need, no matter how impossible, no matter if the cost will be his life. Main cause of the group's adventures
The favourite colour is green
Admires deeply the Knight of Courage, and loves hearing her incredible (and possibly invented) stories
Knight of Courage:
Female and bi-curious (lesbian but considering the male appeal; she's still figuring herself out)
Has been a pirate, a mercenary, a bandit,...
Has lost a hand in battle
38 years old, oldest
Her first battle is extremely famous for two reasons: first, because she fought alongside the rebels of a pretty big city that were protesting against an unjust ruler; second, because the rebels only had wooden shields (they were too poor to buy a sword or an armour) and still won.
This is why she has the shield as her symbol
She has absolutely no business doing what she does, but does it anyways
Her favourite colour is red
After hearing about the Knight of Justice's story, she has basically adopted them as her legitimate heir
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wispyatomica · 7 years
The Rabbit, The Rat, and the Hog - (Chapter Two)
Chapter Two - The Wasteland Deployment
Want to catch up or read the full fanfic? Check out the Archive!
Apocalyptic was the only way to describe it: the Australian outback. A land untouched by any formal means of society since the destruction of the omnium nearly two decades prior. The former glorious cities and towns were all but destroyed; for this country the omnic crisis struck the worst.
Towns lay in complete waste, buildings broken and decaying, covered with dust. A layer of sky that was formerly blue now seemed to be a shade of dark gray, despite the sun still blazing down. The air was hot and heavy to any foreigner in the area. A heavy musk that few could get past aside from those exposed to it for untold years. The people who survived turned the country upside down, taking their rage against the omnics and using it to form a cut throat society of bandits and theives: The Junkers. The world knew of the existence of the society, and yet due to the high levels of radiation, not even the most sophisticated of militaries would dare to step foot to intervene. The Junker way of life had been going on for nearly two decades, a constant struggle for survival in a harsh land that new no mercy to anybody who inhabited it.
Sydney, Australia was one of the few places spared by the omnium’s destruction. Laying on the coast line, radiation levels were minimal and the few scattered coastal cities were able to rebuild themselves and start a new, though the threat of Junkers was always present. Police task forces were doubled on Sydney’s borders, and after many years the Junkers began to see less and less point in attempting to steal from the city, instead choosing the smaller and weaker towns and communities on the coastline. It was a long trip from their central home of Junkertown, located close to the omnium’s destruction, in the central part of Australia. It was here that Junkers lived in a constant state of decay and war.
For most of the world, the society of Junkers was hardly a threat, until two members dared to venture out into the world, starting an international crime spree. Those two were Jamison Fawkes, and Mako Rutledge, better known as Junkrat and Roadhog respectively.
Their crime spree saw no limits ranging from murder and theft, to arson. Their crime spree saw no end in sight, and all of the spoils of their scores were kept in a base just beyond the borders of Junkertown. An abandoned factory closer to the omnium that was hidden in a rocky outcropping, it was here that the two made their choices for scores as well as stayed during their breaks, however brief they were.
Junkrat was the unofficial leader of the duo, his personality built around his unsatiable love for explosives and destruction, no doubt fueled by life in the wastelands. Chaotic and unpredictable was the only way to describe his personality. His mood could swing from an eerie calm, to an uncontrollable rage in a moment’s notice. Crazed laughter was characteristic of him, always cackling and laughing in the few existing news footages of the crime spree of him and his partner.
Jamison Fawkes stood at six and a half feet tall with an abnormally thin and muscular build. His skin was tanned from exposure to sun, singed with gunpowder and soot, the signature components of his volatile arsenal of weaponry. Jamison never wore a shirt, instead opting for backpack straps with pipe bombs attached to them and a pair of cargo shorts embroidered with his own artworks. Each pimp bomb attached to the straps on his chest sported a crude smiley face with crossed out eyes, no doubt art done by the maker himself. On his back was his most volatile weapon, a massive spiked tire that weighed more than Junkrat himself.  Atop his head rested patchy blonde hair, balding in some spots towards the top where luckily it was not always visible. The locks of blonde had a characteristic unlike anything seen before, a near constant smolder with complementary embers trailing off every so often.
The most outstanding of  his features, was the lack of his right limbs. A mechanical arm replaced the missing one on his right side from the elbow down, a delicate prosthetic created by the Junker himself in wake of a bombing accident. His missing leg was replaced with a crude peg leg, no doubt put together from spare parts in scrap heaps from scattered places across the wasteland, and yet fully functional to the Junker. The prosthetics he sported were detailed with a burnt orange color, embroidered with rust from exposure to various liquids used during the creation of his many pipe bombs and concussion mines.
In a stark contrast to his companion, Mako Rutledge was cold and methodical. To any who encountered him, he was the embodiment of a true sociopathic killer. A factor of the environment he was forced to cope with, Roadhog became his new identity, one that allowed him to become a ruthless and efficient killing machine. In the years after the omnic crisis, he wanted nothing more than a simple life in Australia, until the omnics pushed him and many others out of their homes. The outrage built inside of him from there, and in the years following the omnium’s destruction, he turned to those who had taken everything he wanted away from him, the omnics. His hatred for the race was a shared quality of his new partner Junkrat. When Roadhog had encountered Junkrat on his own in the wasteland and attempted to subdue him for the reward stapled to his head, the two split a deal with Roadhog becoming Junkrat’s new bodyguard.
Mako stood at near seven foot eight inches tall with a heavy build. Similar to his partner, he did not wear a shirt, sporting a much thicker set of backpack straps to hold up the arsenal at his back. A large machete laid in the middle of his back, where the straps attached to the rear of his darkened camouflaged cargo pants, holding up a heavy chain winch with a large hook attached to it. Contrasting his smaller companion, he sported a large tattoo across his abdomen, a cutesy pig face surrounded by flames and engine parts for a motorcycle. The words “Wild Hog Power” were written in ribbon above and below the signature pig, one that had been the speculated reasoning behind his new alias.
The duo typically returned to their home base in the wasted Australian outback after long periods on the run in other countries from their never ending crime spree. Only small periods of relax and recollection were allowed living their dangerous lifestyle. They never wanted to stick around their secretive base for too long, lest they be discovered by the other Junkers and bounty hunters strewn across the outback searching for them both.
“Oi Roadie, Did ya hear about that new form’a show in the town?” Junkrat inquired as he hummed at a crude work desk, sketching up a new design for his concussion mine.
Roadhog often responded to Junkrat with grunts, and this was no exception. He shook his head and responded with a deep sounding grunt.
“Well I heard that it’s battling mech units! Like old scrap heaps of omnics put together ta see which is tha superior! Wanna go check it out soon?”
“Not a good idea.”
“Not a good idea? Have I ever steered you wrong Roadie? Since when would I, Jamison Fawkes, have a bad idea!” He cackled.
��Plenty of times.”
A laugh escaped from Roadhog briefly, as Junkrat continued to argue with his companion while fiddling with tools and parts around his desk, throwing papers out of his way and attempting to build the new concussion mine schematic.
“Of all the places that we had to get deployed, it had to be here. Why couldn’t it have been Brazil? I could have met Lúcio!” Hana complained to one of her companions. The young South Korean army recruit was not at all against helping her country, however, she was against going to the middle of nowhere for practically no reason at all. The friend responded to her, “I know Hana, but we’ve got a recon mission. Captain Jun-Seo wanted his best soldiers to investigate the recent omnic attack on Australia, it could potentially have something to do with the titan that threatens our home.”
“Yeah I know Sumi, I read the report before I boarded the boat. I just don’t understand why he sent us. He knows how we are on the battlefield, it would have been a better idea for us to actually go fight some omnics instead of investigate why they attacked here.”
Hana sighed as she moved from her chair, her team was composed of her friend Sumi and two other newer recruits who had shown excellence in the battle field. The group of four was to survey the damage caused by the omnics and follow up with survivors to discover if there was anything unusual about this attack. It was an extremely lack luster mission that required their team to blend in with the natives, meaning they would only use their MEKA units in case of an extreme emergency. Their suits were to be left on the dock of their ship, which would stay ported in Sydney, Australia for three weeks under a constant supervision, with only the pilots able to access their storage room.
There was a loud siren that blared from the bridge of their military barge, calling the recruits to its location for a final review of their mission from the Captain himself. Captain Jun-Seo was on a video projection screen when his four soldiers entered the room and gave him a proper military salute.
The mission briefing was very straight forward for the four person team, two people were to remain on the Australian military base where their ship was docked at all times, while the other two were to investigate the source of the omnic attack along with Australian work forces. Hana could not bother herself to understand the politics that allowed this strange alliance to take place, that was a part of the job that she refused to ever become a part of. Once their briefing was over, the team moved to the common room of their ship, discussing how their shifts would be broken up over the course of their three week deployment. They eventually decided on each of the new recruits being grouped up with either Hana or Sumi for at least the first week, that way the newbies, as Hana referred to them, could get adjusted to their new routine.
The first week went smoothly. Hana and Sumi alternated days on the ship versus days in the field with Australian militants. One thing that Hana couldn’t get used to was their particularly strange accents, it almost amused her the way they said some of the most common words. She had to stifle her laughter when she was on duty and working closely with them. When she was in the barracks, she often just watched the television and played games on her portable devices, which she almost always brought with her on deployments like this. Sumi was more methodical when it came to her days in the barracks, she would analyze any data they collected, even if the information proved useless. It was on a Saturday, closing the end of the first week when Hana was on an off duty day on the ship that something caught interest to her.
Flipping through the television stations in the mid afternoon provided her with a breaking news bulletin about a rampant attack on a robotics factory in Sydney. She paused the news story to hear out the report, suspicious that it could have been another omnic attack. Her suspicions were proved incorrect as the reporter provided security footage showing the assailants to be none other than the Junkers from central Australia. There was nobody notable in the footage, just images that asked viewers to call the police if they new who these criminals were. It was not the people who committed the crime that caught her attention however, it was the reasoning and the items stolen in the attack that did.
“Authorities on scene have reported that among the damage to the building, countless robotic parts were stolen. The parts ranged from simple framework to intricate circuit boards and wiring.”
“Huh, I wonder what they were actually after.” Hana contemplated, with the news reporter answering the question as if she heard it.
“Though we cannot confirm the reason for the attack, authorities suspect that the Junkers are increasing their attacks on robotics factories and other hardware stores in and around Sydney to steal parts for their newest form of deadly entertainment: Mech Battles.” “Mech battles?” Hana inquired, her posture changing drastically as she sat up right on the couch and leaned in towards the broadcast.
“While access to Junkertown, the stronghold of these vicious criminals is virtually impossible, some undercover authorities at the Sydney Police Department have managed to sneak their way into the city to try to put a stop to this way of life. One of those agents discovered the deadly new sport, warning all the city to be on high alert, should the form of entertainment turn to a force of destruction against us. We can only hope that authorities are able to put a stop to this and keep our city safe as they have for many years.”
The news reporter chimed out with a closing statement, but Hana Song didn’t pay attention to anything beyond the discovery of Mech battles in that desolate city known as Junkertown. She ran a hand through her hair, ruffling her bangs before sighing heavily. She was clad in a white tank top and a pair of black military pants as she moved from the barracks to her MEKA storage facility. She approached her MEKA, a standard model and color, without any of her discernable regalia and her signature pink paintjob. Captain Jun-Seo had ordered the change of MEKA in order to keep Hana from drawing attention to their military craft, something that a bright pink manned machine would most definitely do; the whole world knew who Hana Song is and what MEKA unit she piloted thanks to her combat live streams from her MEKA’s HUD. She gently patted the leg of the plain black painted machine, a small grin appearing on her cheek as a daring and potentially very stupid thought crossed her mind. “I am going to own all of those noobs.”
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