#some people have been using the mantit monday hashtag too
waywardstation · 1 year
Oi. Oi.
I'm just drop gonna this here. Not to bring down the mood but just as a plea.
For those of you participating in Mantit Monday, TAG YOUR STUFF ACCORDINGLY!!
Few people on my feed have expressed being uncomfortable with this tradition and have been unable to block it because not everyone is tagging their stuff sufficiently.
I personally think it's awesome. So much skilled artwork has come across my feed. But the last thing I want is for this wonderful thing to be seen as a pain in the tuckus for our fellow fandom members.
Be Kind, Keep Your Tagging In Mind.
--Warden Anon
Thank you for the reminder!!! PLEASE TAG YOUR WORKS FOR IT!!
We’ve discussed this in the discord and made sure we’re all using the same tag so that it CAN be blocked. But there are also people participating who are not in the discord not using them, who I’m sure are simply just unaware of this and don’t mean anything by it. This issue was actually brought up yesterday because we’re aware not everyone wants to see it ^^;
So again, if you’re participating in it, please use the tag #submas mantit monday so that it can be blocked for people who don’t want to see it!! Thank you!!!
I think this Monday was my last mantit Monday anyways. I’ve run out of ideas for it. ^^;
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