vipnoviny · 2 years
Muži, mléko a rakovina prostaty
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Muži by možná měli zvážit omezení příjmu mléčných výrobků, aby snížili své šance na rakovinu prostaty. 
Dělá mléko tělu opravdu dobře?
Tyto snímky a reklamy s mlékem, které před několika lety vzaly zemi útokem, byly součástí vysoce efektivní marketingové kampaně, na níž naskočilo mnoho celebrit. Bohužel reklama, která z toho vyplynula, mohla mnoho mužů svést k domněnce, že si prokazují laskavost tím, že konzumují velké množství mléčných výrobků, i když ve skutečnosti tomu tak nebylo. Poté, co vědecké důkazy nesporně spojovaly mléčné výrobky s rakovinou prostaty, vyzval Lékařský výbor pro zodpovědnou medicínu místo používání reklam, které říkaly: „Navštivte mlékárnu, abyste ochránili svou prostatu“. Přesto si mnoho mužů stále myslí, že pitím mléka si dělají službu.
Víme, že riziko rakoviny je silně ovlivněno stravou. Jakou roli hrají hormony v mléce ve vašem riziku vzniku rakoviny? Měli byste se těchto přísad obávat? Jedním slovem ANO. Výzkum ukazuje, že muži, kteří pijí více než JEDNU sklenici plnotučného mléka denně, mají dvojnásobné riziko smrtelné rakoviny prostaty ve srovnání s muži, kteří pijí méně.
Vynechte také výrobky z mléka
A není to jen velká sklenice mléka, před kterou by se měli mít muži na pozoru. Každodenní jezení zmrzliny, pláteku sýra, kopečeku tvarohu, nebo dokonce každodenní konzumace smetanové zakysané smetany může u mužů zvýšit riziko vzniku rakoviny prostaty. Výzkumníci z Harvardu zjistili, že muži, kteří konzumují více než 2½ porcí (500 ml) mléčných výrobků denně, mají zvýšené riziko rakoviny prostaty. Pro záznam, porce je 8 oz (224 ml) sklenice mléka, jeden plátek sýra nebo jeden kopeček zmrzliny. Ve studii publikované v The Prostate, které se zúčastnilo 1 334 mužů, vědci dospěli k závěru, že muži, kteří pravidelně pijí mléko (více než 4 porce týdně), mají v průměru o 80 % ZVÝŠENÉ riziko recidivy rakoviny prostaty ve srovnání s muži, kteří konzumovali méně než 3 porce mléka za měsíc. Co dalšího výzkumníci zjistili? Nemyslete si, že pouhý přechod na nízkotučné mléko a jiné nízkotučné mléčné výrobky problém vyřeší, protože riziko rakoviny prostaty je ve skutečnosti VYŠŠÍ se zvýšenou konzumací nízkotučného mléka.
Proč mléko tělu škodí?
Bylo prokázáno, že pravidelná konzumace mléka a mléčných výrobků zvyšuje hladinu IGF-1 v krvi (inzulinu podobný růstový faktor). Zdravotní studie Physicians Health Study, která sledovala 21 600 mužů po dobu 28 let, zjistila, že muži s nejvyššími hladinami IGF-1 měli více než 4X VĚTŠÍ RIZIKO rakoviny prostaty než muži, kteří měli nejnižší hladiny IGF-1. IGF-1 se podílí na řadě rakovin, nejen prostaty. Nedávnou studii, ve které vědci analyzovali více než 400 000 vzorků krve, zveřejnila v září 2020 Oxfordská univerzita. Těmto výzkumníkům se podařilo identifikovat dárce vzorků, u kterých se vyvinul jeden z 30 různých typů zhoubného nádoru – v průměru za sedm let.
Jiné mléko, než za dob vašeho otce
Po pravdě řečeno, mléko, které dnes pijeme, je velmi odlišné od toho v minulosti. Proč? Jednak komerčně pěstované a upravené mléko má výrazně vyšší hladinu hormonů. Ve studii publikované The European Journal of Endocrinology bylo uvedeno, že rakovina prostaty úzce souvisí s vystavením pohlavním steroidním hormonům. Ukazuje se, že estrogen, hormon převládající v mléce březích dojnic, aktivuje IGF-1. Výsledky studie o souvislosti mezi estrogenem a rakovinou prostaty, které byly publikovány v Medical Hypotheses, nám vysvětlují, jak jsou hormony v mléce významným rizikovým faktorem pro vznik rakoviny prostaty. A zatímco některé země od té doby zakázaly hormonální injekce, jako je bovinní somatotropin (BST) na zrychlení nebo zvýšení produkce mléka a masa, USA mezi ně nepatří.
Na velikosti těla záleží
Výzkumníci také zaznamenali recidivu rakoviny u účastníků podle jejich indexu tělesné hmotnosti (BMI). Zjistili, že muži s nadváhou a obezitou měli VYŠŠÍ RIZIKO recidivy rakoviny prostaty, než muži s normální hmotností.
Záleží také na rase?
Rozhodně nechceme vynechat problém rasy v něčem tak vážném, jako je predispozice člověka k rozvoji rakoviny. To znamená, že je důležité vědět, že fakta naznačují, že rakovina prostaty je častější u černých a afro-karibských mužů než u jiných ras. Podle American Cancer Society mají černoši více než DVAKRÁT větší pravděpodobnost úmrtí na rakovinu prostaty než bílí muži. Studie to potvrzují tím, že různé populace prokázaly silnou a konzistentní souvislost mezi IGF-1 v krvi a rizikem rakoviny prostaty. Rasová složka dietního vztahu rakoviny prostaty je zajímavá. Vzhledem k tomu, že rakovina prostaty není v asijských kulturách tak rozšířená, nutí nás to zastavit se a přemýšlet. Kdy jste naposledy viděli sýr uvedený mezi přísadami v nabídce čínské restaurace? Překlad: Martin Kirschner (www.vipnoviny.cz) Zdroj: theepochtimes.com Read the full article
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artbyblastweave · 1 year
The Federal Government is meeting this week to decide what we’re gonna put in the drinking water instead of Fluoride. There’s nothing wrong with Fluoride, it's just that we settled on Fluoride when we knew about fewer chemicals. So we're gonna try something else for a bit and see if it's worse or better. Some suggestions we received in-house before we opened this to the public include Fluorine, Estrogen, Somatotropin, Carbonic Acid, Testosterone, Sodium Pentothal, and Bouillon Cubes. So don't say any of those, we don't want doubles. It's not a vote yet, we're just mapping the space
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waterfish123 · 1 year
In thinking ... sniper as a child is actually almost the same as scout is a short child, but his adoptive parents feed him too well led to his adolescence began to grow wildly tall, a sudden outbreak of somatotropin let him become very tall but still narrow
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voluminous-violet · 1 year
hi :3c
i have a writing prompt for u
cute transgirl finds some pills that promise to make her lactate and make her tits grow, but finds out it has some unintended side effects when she rapidly gains weight and turns into a big fat hucow
VM: Girl I'm telling you, this is a bad idea.
CH: What? You said you were onboard with transitioning!
VM: Yeah! In a safe way, with a doctors help not some random back alley website???
CH: Whatever, be jealous when I'm rocking sick curves and you're not, besides that site was fine?????
Ok this clearly wasn't going anywhere and besides it didn't really matter, both girls were on opposite sides of the country so it's like either one really had any physical impact on the others actions. Terra looked down at the bottle in her hand and dragged a thumb across the label. "BeST MILK" was scrawled in big white and black spotted letters across the front, with dosage instructions and ingredients in increasingly smaller text written on the side.
Terra didn't care what her friend thought about this, she was tired of not having the fattest milkers on her street and she was going to fix that tonight, besides what's the worst that would happen? They don't work? Oh no she wasn't $13 dollars and shipping on junk pills and maybe she could re-gift them as a laugh. Pressing down on the lid and twisting, the cap popped off and she shook out a handful of the pills into her waiting palm. She had be denied the body she wanted, no, the body she deserved for a long time so it was time to start macrodosing this shit.
She slapped her hand up to her mouth and jammed all the pills in, and then promptly brought up a glass of milk and sipped enough to wash them down. How many had she actually taken? She didn't really know more than five less than ten but it didn't matter, Terra needed desperately to know if these pills worked and she was going to find out tonight. It wouldn't take long for the changes to start effecting her body, but it definitely wasn't in the way she had been expecting.
There was a warm sensation spreading throughout her body, but for some reason it seemed to be located in her belly and thighs currently. As Terra looked and reached down, she quickly knew why she felt so warm. The jeans she had been wearing were quickly losing any slack they had once had and were rapidly shifting into skintight leggings rather than pants. As she legs softened and plumped up, she noticed her shirt starting to ride up, her belly beginning to pour out with new rolls of fat sagging down over her waist.
"W-what the fuck? These were supposed to make my tits fat not make ME fat! What is this shit!?"
Quickly she picked up the bottle and spun it around to read the back, though not before she let out a muffled as she rubbed her tree trunk like thighs together, something that would be happening a lot more on its own now. Looking at the back of the bottle, she realized her friend might have actually been right after all. 'Bovine Somatotropin! Growth Hormone approved by the FDA for increased milk production in cattle! Use one (1) pill per Dam and calf, not for human intake, do not mix with lactose!'
"They sold me fucking cow pills? W-well what the fuck is it going to do to m-MRUUUUOOOOOOOOOO-e?!"
Both hands instantly shot up to her face and clasped over her mouth. Did she just fucking moo? Shit shit shit, this is bad is going to turn into a cow? Is this permanent? Is- wait why does her shirt feeling wet? Terra's panic was cut off when she glanced down and noticed the growing wet spots over her nipples on her shirt. She had a feeling she already knew what this was but she had to make sure, So slowly, she brought a finger down and poked at the wet spot, just enough to both get some of the liquid on her finger, and enough to draw out a breathy moan. Her hips bucked a bit but she quickly regained her composure as she lifted the finger back to her face. While she was doing this she couldn't help but watch as her tits were steadily swelling, stretching her poor top even further than her fat frame already was. Once she had finally worked up the courage to sniff her finger and lick its tip, she knew what was going on.
Before she could even question it anymore a series of events happened in quick succession that would escalate her night to one of ecstasy. A loud ripping noise behind her clued her into the fact that her jeans had lost their fight with her new ass, as her panties were now exposed through the massive tear in her jeans. Her breasts surged outwards, pushing her shirt up and turning it into a glorified scarf. And nipples started burning, leaking like mad and begging to be relieved. All of these happening at once was too much for the girl and quickly brought her to her knees. Needing to desperately empty herself, she lifted up one of her now massive tits and shoved her nipple in her own mouth, gulping down mouthful after mouthful of her own thick, rich milk. While the other nipple was being pinched and tugged with her other hand, sending streams of milk through the air in the room.
Not a lot was going through Terra's mind at this point, but she did know two things at that moment. The first was that this was in fact money well spent, and the second, was that she knew exactly what was going to get her friend for Christmas...
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beels-burger-babe · 2 years
Fun fact: Long-term lack of sleep can actually undercut the secretion of the growth hormone ( or somatotropin ). this is because the HGH ( human growth hormone ) is mainly released during sleep!
- 🌟
Huh. You know, this explains a lot. 😅
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buyhghusa · 27 days
A brief guide to buy GH in the USA in 2024
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Growth hormone (GH), also known as Somatotropin, is a crucial hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Its primary function is to stimulate growth, cell reproduction, and regeneration in humans and other animals. While it is naturally secreted in the body, synthetic forms are also available for medical use. There are several reasons why someone should buy GH in the USA One of the most common reasons is to address growth deficiencies in children or adolescents. In cases where individuals are not producing enough growth hormone naturally, synthetic GH can be prescribed to stimulate growth and development.
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citynewsglobe · 28 days
[ad_1] Throughout the U.S. and the world, well being and health golf equipment dot the landscapes. Current generations have found and brought significantly the connections amongst train, high quality of life and longevity. Trying good and exuding vitality are necessary; so is feeling properly and protecting out of the hospital. But many well being fans have but to understand the hormonal advantages that include a constant and various bodily health regime. The truth is, a number of classes of train bear straight and positively on hormones in each amount and high quality. Optimizing hormones by means of vigorous bodily exercise yields good outcomes by way of psychological and religious well being as properly.Particular Workouts and Their AdvantagesResistance Coaching and TestosteroneAfter all, organic intercourse performs a key function in testosterone ranges, males on the whole possessing larger quantities than females. Nonetheless, train can successfully enhance relative testosterone in each sexes, permitting for larger athletic efficiency, higher emotional temper, stronger reminiscence and mathematical prowess. Muscle development, bone density and elevated libido are additionally doubtless outcomes. As people age, they're extra topic to weight problems, cardiac points and type-2 diabetes. By sustaining or bettering testosterone presence, they assist to chase away these ravages so widespread within the senior years.Resistance coaching consists largely of lifting, pushing and pulling weight, typically repetitively. Over time, trainers and physiologists have conceived extremely concentrated workout routines to focus on the varied muscle teams. These are achieved utilizing specially-engineered machines, free weights and versatile resistance bands. Newbies ought to seek the advice of with a licensed coach as to the best way to start such a routine.Mitigate Stress with Yoga and StretchingThe causes of stress are many and different. From work points to relationships to a genetic predisposition to anxiousness, stress has many roots and a number of signs like shallow respiratory, muscle stress, quick mood and lowered immunity. Though the causes are generally intractable, the signs and results of stress are sometimes well-addressed by yoga observe. Stress elevates cortisol and adrenaline to an unhealthy diploma. Really, excessive ranges of those hormones for a sustained interval can actually age an individual's cells. Research produce proof that a number of weeks of normal yoga observe -- the postures, regulated respiratory and meditation as an built-in entire -- present a decline in mobile irritation and excessive cortisol. Even higher information is that minutes of each day observe, not hours, can result in these spectacular outcomes.Excessive Depth Interval Coaching Can Foster Human Progress HormoneUsually referred to easily as HGH or, alternatively, somatotropin, human development hormone is synthesized in and launched from the pituitary gland. HGH features to stimulate development in people previous to maturity. But it's nonetheless out there after the age of 18 and may also help promote a way of youth and well-being into outdated age. A key catalyst in boosting HGH is high-intensity interval coaching (HIIT). This sequence of workout routines serves as an cardio/anaerobic hybrid the place a participant will intersperse sudden and violent resistance repetitions with a gentle cardio exercise. Period typically lasts an hour or so. All of that is punctuated by transient relaxation durations. HIIT is likely to be an excessive amount of for rookies or these of their senior years. In that case, contemplate breaking the sequence up into particular person workout routines like kettlebell coaching, squats and so forth. Combining one or two of those -- or doing all of them at a slower tempo -- can nonetheless present some advantages and may go because the finest workout routines to spice up HGH launch.Using Aerobics to Launch EndorphinsEndorphins
are the "really feel good" hormones which can be typically launched after an prolonged interval of cardio exercise. Such hormones have a status as pure narcotics and temper elevators. In a 2022 examine of post-menopausal, chubby girls -- lasting about three months -- cardio train carried out not less than thrice every week led to a extra helpful studying of the quantity of intercourse hormones being generated. Train was coupled with weight loss plan on this examine. Apparently, members additionally skilled much less despair. this isn't shocking since cardio train spurs the manufacturing of endorphins, even because it inhibits stress hormones like cortisol. The "runner's excessive" after an extended trek is the results of this endorphin surge, making the runner extra relaxed and extra cheerful.Thoughts-Physique Practices for Hormonal ConcordAs famous above, yoga may be instrumental min suppressing stress hormones and enhancing wellness. Different disciplines that interact thoughts and physique have related advantages. The far jap practices of Tai Chi and Qijong. In response to a 2011 article within the American Journal of Well being Promotion from 2011, the frequent self-monitoring and physique consciousness relative to those practices promotes the "balanced launch of endogenous neurohormones," yielding an array of therapeutic processes. Different disciplines requiring intense synchronization between thoughts and physique -- Pilates or karate, e.g. -- can boast of comparable outcomes.ConclusionAs this information demonstrates, exercising to enhance the hormone profile doesn't inevitably contain lengthy hours in a fitness center nor a each day dedication. The hormonal or endocrine system is delicate to the variations between even the reasonably lively way of life versus the sedate way of life. Reacting to sure workout routines, glands will inhibit problematic hormones whereas rising helpful ones. This underscores the significance of bodily health to high quality of life. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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axsteroidsus · 1 month
Buy Somatrobol Online: It Has Many Advantages in Bodybuilding
The anterior pituitary gland generally produces somatotropin. It is in charge of the human skeleton's typical growth. It has anabolic effects that help grow muscle. Growth hormone stimulates muscle cells to produce more proteins when it gets into the bloodstream. It stimulates the breakdown of fatty tissue. Blood glucose levels rise because of the action of testosterone, which is amplified by somatropin (GH). With a potent blend of ingredients mimicking the effects of natural human growth hormone (HGH), Somatrobol stands as a beacon of hope for those looking to surpass their current physical and mental boundaries.
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jennisha · 1 month
Side Effects of HGH: What You Should Know
Human Growth Hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, plays a crucial role in various physiological processes within the body. While it offers numerous benefits, it’s essential to understand that like any other medication or supplement, HGH may come with its own set of side effects. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the side effects of HGH, helping you make informed decisions about its usage.
What is HGH? Before we delve into the hgh side effects, let’s first understand what HGH is and its role in the body. Human Growth Hormone is a peptide hormone produced by the pituitary gland, located at the base of the brain. It is essential for growth, cell regeneration, and overall health.
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Benefits of HGH Muscle Growth: HGH stimulates the growth of muscle tissue, making it popular among athletes and bodybuilders.
Bone Density: It aids in maintaining bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.
Fat Loss: HGH promotes the breakdown of fats, leading to weight loss and improved body composition.
Improved Healing: HGH accelerates the healing of injuries and wounds.
Anti-aging Effects: Some studies suggest that HGH can slow down the aging process by rejuvenating cells.
Common Side Effects of HGH While the benefits of HGH are well-documented, it’s essential to be aware of the potential side effects associated with its use.
1. Acromegaly One of the most concerning side effects of HGH abuse is acromegaly, a condition characterized by the excessive growth of bones and tissues. This can lead to enlarged hands, feet, and facial features, as well as joint pain and other health complications.
2. Fluid Retention HGH can cause fluid retention in the body, leading to swelling of the hands and feet, as well as bloating and discomfort.
3. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Carpal tunnel syndrome is another common side effect of HGH use. It occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm into the palm of the hand, becomes compressed, leading to numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand and arm.
4. Joint Pain Some individuals may experience joint pain and stiffness as a result of HGH use. This is especially common in older adults and those with underlying joint conditions.
5. Diabetes Risk HGH can increase insulin resistance in the body, potentially leading to the development of type 2 diabetes in susceptible individuals.
6. Enlarged Organs Long-term use of HGH can lead to the enlargement of internal organs such as the heart, liver, and kidneys, which can have serious health consequences.
Conclusion While HGH offers numerous benefits, it’s crucial to weigh the potential risks and side effects before starting treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before using HGH or any other medication or supplement.
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hghsells · 3 months
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Human Growth Hormone HGH for Man, also known as somatotropin, is a vital hormone that plays a multifaceted role in the human body's growth, development, and metabolism.
Buy HGH-Human Growth Hormone Online with overnight shipping in USA. HGH packages from $1,550 for 3 boxes. Options are Omnitrope, Norditropin, Genotropin and Saizen, order HGH online at our HGH Distributor store.
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monkk08 · 4 months
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ifmns07 · 5 months
Why is a nighttime routine effective for skincare?
The skincare routine at the end of your day is different, as even your skin operates in a different manner. As you wind up for bed, the somatotropin hormone (Also known as the growth hormone) becomes more active in its duty for skin repair. Moreover, the skin produces more melatonin during sleep to protect your skin from free radicals - these cause wrinkles, dark spots, fine lines, and loose skin. Also, the skin starts firming more collagen during the nighttime. The night cycle is the ideal time to focus on skin improvement by utilizing an effective skincare routine with our cleansers, toners, eye cream, and face serum among others.
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steroidyeu · 5 months
Humano Trope Hgh
The medical community is interested in learning more about the possible therapeutic uses of Humano Trope HGH. Synthetic human growth hormone may occasionally be available to patients suffering from growth hormone deficiency or other medical conditions. These treatments can improve growth in children with growth hormone deficiencies or lessen muscle atrophy in adults with certain medical conditions. Nevertheless, using excessive amounts of HGH for non-medical purposes, such as sports enhancement or anti-aging, is controversial and prohibited.
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buyhghusa · 1 month
GENOTROPIN 12MG – Human Growth Hormone for sale
People dealing with the deficiency of growth hormone or want to explore more of his or her athletic abilities, use the Genotropin Go Quick Pen. It is a medical device filled with Somatropin to be administered directly into the bloodstream. A two-chamber cartridge is included with the Pen. The growth hormone powder is kept in one compartment, while the liquid is kept in the other. Genotropin is pre-filled into each pen for a single dosage. Somatotropin, a synthetic form of human growth hormone intended to treat growth problems, is contained in the Genotropin injections. The hormone is produced by genetic engineering and is utilized for treating growth failure brought on by a growth hormone shortage, such as low height brought on by Noonan syndrome and Turner's syndrome. The Genotropin 12mg can be purchased from buy-HGH-USA website for best quality and price assurance. Manufactured by pfizer, the Genotropin pen is the trusted ally for many people with GH disorders.
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autodaemonium · 9 months
Pronounced: rainrizplrwikoumlthndpn.
Pantheon of: seriousness, extension, extra large, unnaturalness, irregularity, subjectivity, finiteness, revocation, radioactive material, annual ring.
Pronounced: imssauhuilowuhiainaybidim Seriousness: committedness. Radioactive Material: radioactive waste. Unnaturalness: pretentiousness. Irregularity: intermittence. Legends: baa, jerry-building, dutch auction, volleyball. Relations: əətyælktʃəiaɪrnvɛtʃækəv (polyethylene), ðozləɪɪuəəztʃʃbbnɛðɒb (deuterium), spkəaʊʌwkəəɛɪbeznlpdz (tri-iodothyronine), nʌwknneinmhɑsoəɛɪrən (tallow oil).
Pronounced: nuwknneinmhahsouhayiruhn Seriousness: committedness. Radioactive Material: radioactive waste. Unnaturalness: artificiality. Irregularity: fitfulness. Legends: boring. Prophecies: headshake, devoir, naval campaign, interior decoration, contempt of court. Relations: ðozləɪɪuəəztʃʃbbnɛðɒb (lipase), spkəaʊʌwkəəɛɪbeznlpdz (guinea gold), imssæəʌɪlaʊəiaɪnɛbidim (sex chromatin), zorrədʒtbrkiəeripuðrd (port).
Pronounced: spkuhowuwkuhuhayibeznlpdz Seriousness: graveness. Radioactive Material: radioactive waste. Unnaturalness: affectedness. Irregularity: intermittence. Legends: dramatization, charity, consideration. Prophecies: lift, current intelligence, galvanization. Relations: zorrədʒtbrkiəeripuðrd (somatotropin), imssæəʌɪlaʊəiaɪnɛbidim (queen).
Pronounced: zorruhjtbrkiuheriputhrd Seriousness: committedness. Radioactive Material: radioactive waste. Unnaturalness: supernaturalism. Irregularity: randomness. Legends: reply, change of shape. Relations: ðozləɪɪuəəztʃʃbbnɛðɒb (fleece), əətyælktʃəiaɪrnvɛtʃækəv (size), ŋrmrəvpɛoʃvəɪwuzɪstð (phenothiazine), imssæəʌɪlaʊəiaɪnɛbidim (to leeward).
Pronounced: thozluhiiuuhuhztshshbbnaythoub Seriousness: sedateness. Radioactive Material: radioactive waste. Unnaturalness: pretentiousness. Irregularity: fitfulness. Prophecies: cardiac massage, reappearance, pacification, aliyah, discovered check. Relations: imssæəʌɪlaʊəiaɪnɛbidim (national insurance).
Pronounced: ngrmruhvpayoshvuhiwuzistth Seriousness: committedness. Radioactive Material: radioactive waste. Unnaturalness: supernaturalism. Irregularity: intermittence. Legends: disarming, foreign exchange.
Pronounced: uhuhtyalktshuhiairnvaytshakuhv Seriousness: graveness. Radioactive Material: radioactive waste. Unnaturalness: affectedness. Irregularity: fluctuation. Legends: squawk, lynching, gambling, dispensation. Prophecies: internal control, tidal wave, misdirection, cuddle.
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