#solid financial
shiraishi--kanade · 2 days
Is that’s why you think that there isn’t much of a bullying problem within Kamiyama? Since the teachers are serious and cares about their students?
I mean of course there is still bullying in form of verbal abuse and rumors (especially towards Mizuki), but nothing really physical iirc…
While I think there is some bullying going on (as you've said, with Mizuki, although their situation is kind of complicated too), I think the most probable reason is that students at Kamiyama just aren't as stressed. We've observed girls in Miyaji being constantly on the edge because of cram schools, grades and entrance exams, e.g in one of Honami's events (I think it was her first focus? Not sure) and Miyaji Sports Festival (compare their initial approach to the sheer level of fun Kamiyama students are having), and that kind of stress makes them lash out at each other and prioritise their own safety and comfort over others. Honami's "pick a side" and other petty drama likely happens because they're just insecure in themselves and in the state of constant anxiety because of their performance.
People at Kamiyama don't care as much, and, if The Best Film Wrap is anything to go by, most of them are quite content with not getting high-paying jobs after graduation or are already secure in the choice of career, therefore they're less stressed on the average. Less pressure from teachers might be a factor but ultimately it feeds into the performance stress than anything else. But that's just my opinion on this.
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imwritesometimes · 6 months
I have had. A day that started really good! It was so full of promise for an easy day! And now. I am looking at yet another new year kicking off full of unbelievable shit. Already. I cannot fckn believe this is happening. Again. Like. I am not God's strongest warrior. I am his tiredest little creechur fool. Jingle bell hat that rings when I walk like pls.
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txintedhope · 4 months
Okay but something I'm sure RWBY fans can agree with me on
Why the FUCK does Ruby's Vtuber model look so cheap what the actual FUCK Rooster Teeth
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theoldaeroplane · 1 year
While certainly a portion of my exhaustion after work has to do with needing to build up the endurance to be on my feet all day, having to learn lots of new things, and not getting quite enough sleep, these things on their own don't fully explain the sheer distress I find myself in during the evening upon coming home.
That's rooted in a recognition of how there is just no part of me left over after making myself be out and around people and noise for the better part of my day. Not only do I not have the energy to tackle the myriad little chores one has to handle to simply keep up with life, there is just no fuel in me to draw or write or even hang out with friends, or do any of the things I consider crucial for making my life feel worth getting through. I recognize it because it's the same thing I went through at both my old jobs, which were less physically demanding. Here be dragons: the meltdown might be far off, but it is coming.
Knowing this about myself is hopeful, because it means I can try to head it off. Knowing I can't both work a "normal" job and be satisfied with my life in the long term is a really important discovery, even if it kind of sucks to learn. And I even know why it happens; my brain is simply not built to handle stimuli the same way most people's are. Autism, baybee!
The interviews I've managed to land for jobs that would not do this to me have gone very well and I'm hopeful I'll make it to the next phase for each. I'm a little worried if I don't get either simply because it's so hard to marshal myself to do anything after work, much less things I don't want to do, like send out job applications. Case in point: my taxes still aren't done and they are due tomorrow. Whoops!
In the meantime I guess I just have to strugglebus best I can. Once the paychecks start properly rolling in I'm sure that will help to some degree, as I can offload a few things more easily that would otherwise take a lot of spoons, like preparing food. And I'll eventually build up a physical endurance for the (pretty light) demands of this job. It's a pity I can't build up a similar mental endurance.
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 1 year
Worried that eventually I'm gonna get so stupid lonely and touchstarved that I'm gonna end up posting a sad personals ad on Fetlife or something ughhh 😫
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savrenim · 9 months
the worst bit about being Super Excited about a new original project is, like. the knowledge that. at best. people aren't going to see it for a year and a half to two years. and that it's really hard to go "hey trust me I'm going to have something so cool in like two years so please stick around now"
#my life#writing#and honestly that would be if I had time to legit work on it every day or at least on a solid weekly basis#which I. am not really sure that I will.#given that (a) I have a bunch of open projects including open original projects that I also need to be working on#but more importantly (b) right now my financial situation is such that if given the choice between working overtime and writing#I *NEED* to choose overtime#and will continue to need to choose overtime for the forseeable future#quite possibly years of the forseeable future#really REALLY wish I was making enough money off of writing right now for it to be a regular thing in my life#the hilarious catch 22 of it all is that I don't really have a chance of making maybe some actual money off of writing#until I'm actually publishing original works#and I don't have time to work on original works bc everyone who is currently following me for writing cares about my fanfiction#hence what little time I have is going to that#leaving me unable to finish my original works and maybe turn this into enough of a career that I can do it as much as I want to#(although also who am I kidding my game plan is still publish all my original works for free / 'choose your own price')#(just kind of. mildly hoping. that enough people might like the thing to choose an average ebook price)#(and the money all works out)#just like. hnnng. I know I shouldn't complain bc I do have a solid job that pays well#I just have a household with a bunch of people relying on me for income and a bunch of moving expenses to pay off#and Actual Human Babies on the horizon#and a bunch of responsibilities to people who aren't me and I don't Regret it but every once in a while I stare#at the things I could be doing and wish that I didn't have to choose Responsibilities over Writing#(this is brought to you by The Heart And The Heartless being so fucking cool)
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redhead-reporter · 1 year
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text mj your dinner orders, kids !
wire: redheadreporter
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fortunatelyfresco · 2 years
Arguably Al was better to Woody than Andy was! He had him all repaired and fixed up, took care to keep him in great condition. I mean yeah of course there's the idea that toys deserve to be played with and not just kept in a static state of impetuity, which I don't necessarily disagree with as an Idea vs the idea that adults shouldn't play (bad! wrong! adults deserve play!) but yeah al's crime was theft lmao
right hfdjsk like other than the literal theft, there's really no Moral component to how either Andy or Al treats the toys from what i remember, other than what the movie sort of reverse-engineers from the standpoint of "this makes the toys sad"
the toys are sad that Andy doesn't play with them as much anymore and lets them fall into disrepair, therefore it's bad that Andy is losing interest in the toys. except Andy, like everyone else, does not know the toys are alive. he is just growing up and developing new priorities and interests.
Al's toys live in isolation with very little to do, therefore it's bad that Al collects toys. except... again... he does not know that. he is just vibing. and stealing from children. that part is bad.
these movies were and are fascinating to me, as someone who had a lot of stuffed animals as a kid and also debilitating mental illness that made me think they were alive lmao.
i still have some of the stuffed animals now. my oldest one is in terrible shape and i'm planning to re-stuff him soon. by toy story standards i could be considered villainous for letting him end up like this, or equally as villainous if i had kept him under glass for 20 years. my aunt has a threadbare stuffed walrus who sits on a "retirement chair" in her bedroom. maybe that's the happy medium.
my great grandma elly collected dolls. her home was lined with them, beautiful dolls in good condition, with beautiful dresses. most of them were the size of the average baby doll from what i remember, but she also collected miniatures. she built her own dollhouse. she wired it to have working lights.
the running not-quite-joke in my family is that any time us kids would play with the dollhouse, she would anxiously/sternly ask "did you put it all back?"
the dollhouse is in my father's basement. i ended up taking a lot of the actual miniatures—because i am tragically into miniatures now, about a decade too late to discuss it with her—but i couldn't take the dollhouse. too big to transport.
the miniatures were all just thrown around inside of it. tables, chairs, bookcases, books, lamps, dishes and cutlery, a bathtub. everything. before i took most of it, i spent a couple days arranging everything nicely, the way it was supposed to look or as close as possible, and took pictures. I Put It All Back.
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superellysan · 2 years
I hear bad parent stories all the time but allow me to vibrate out of my skin real quick because I LOVE MY PARENTS SO MUCH OH MY GOSH
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notsoevilmagistrate · 5 hours
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cuntwrap--supreme · 7 days
It might be miserable being in survival mode for months but bruh? The way I put on muscle when I'm in survival mode? Not bad.
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sayurinoona · 9 days
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Like, on one hand, I'm happy for my coworker/friend bc she got engaged over the weekend. But I wanna be bitter cause everyone also thought I would get engaged during my vacation...it's a little frustrating to fake a smile and tell my coworkers that...no...I didn't get engaged....despite being in a 10+ year relationship 🙃
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29121996 · 13 days
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evils-corner · 1 month
The hardest part about waiting for things to get better is just how LONG it takes. How a few days drags on for what feels like weeks and completely disorients your entire sense of time/passage of time. Especially when it's not a given time or date and is just so vague. How things that will get better "soon" feel so unbelievably unattainable because "soon" is not now and feels like it's an eternity away. How the misery can make an hour pass by on a blip but also take four hours to get through.
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bitnest · 2 months
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In the current rapidly evolving digital currency market, decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms are redefining the shape of financial services with their unique advantages. Bit Loop, as a leading decentralized lending platform, not only provides a safe and transparent lending environment, but also opens up new passive income channels for users through its innovative sharing reward system.
Personal links and permanent ties: Create a stable revenue stream One of the core parts of Bit Loop is its recommendation system, which allows any user to generate a unique sharing link when they join the platform. This link is not only a “key” for users to join the Bit Loop, but also a tool for them to establish an offline network. It is worth noting that offline partners who join through this link are permanently tied to the recommender, ensuring that the sharer can continue to receive rewards from the offline partner’s activities.
Unalterable referral relationships: Ensure fairness and transparency A significant advantage of blockchain technology is the immutability of its data. In Bit Loop, this means that once a referral link and live partnership is established, the relationship is fixed and cannot be changed. This design not only protects the interests of recommenders, but also brings a stable user base and activity to the platform, while ensuring the fairness and transparency of transactions.
Automatically distribute rewards: Simplify the revenue process Another highlight of the Bit Loop platform is the ability for smart contracts to automatically distribute rewards. When the partner completes the circulation cycle, such as investment returns or loan payments, the smart contract automatically calculates and sends the corresponding percentage of rewards directly to the recommender’s wallet. This automatic reward distribution mechanism not only simplifies the process of receiving benefits, but also greatly improves the efficiency of capital circulation.
Privacy protection and security: A security barrier for funds All transactions and money flows are carried out on the blockchain, guaranteeing transparency and traceability of every operation. In addition, the use of smart contracts significantly reduces the risk of fraud and misoperation, providing a solid security barrier for user funds. Users can confidently invest and promote boldly, and enjoy the various conveniences brought by decentralized finance.
conclusion As decentralized finance continues to evolve, Bit Loop offers a new economic model through its unique recommendation system that enables users to enjoy highly secure and transparent financial services while also earning passive income by building and maintaining a personal network. Whether for investors seeking stable passive income or innovators looking to explore new financial possibilities through blockchain technology, Bit Loop provides a platform not to be missed.
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#In the current rapidly evolving digital currency market#decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms are redefining the shape of financial services with their unique advantages. Bit Loop#as a leading decentralized lending platform#not only provides a safe and transparent lending environment#but also opens up new passive income channels for users through its innovative sharing reward system.#Personal links and permanent ties: Create a stable revenue stream#One of the core parts of Bit Loop is its recommendation system#which allows any user to generate a unique sharing link when they join the platform. This link is not only a “key” for users to join the Bi#but also a tool for them to establish an offline network. It is worth noting that offline partners who join through this link are permanent#ensuring that the sharer can continue to receive rewards from the offline partner’s activities.#Unalterable referral relationships: Ensure fairness and transparency#A significant advantage of blockchain technology is the immutability of its data. In Bit Loop#this means that once a referral link and live partnership is established#the relationship is fixed and cannot be changed. This design not only protects the interests of recommenders#but also brings a stable user base and activity to the platform#while ensuring the fairness and transparency of transactions.#Automatically distribute rewards: Simplify the revenue process#Another highlight of the Bit Loop platform is the ability for smart contracts to automatically distribute rewards. When the partner complet#such as investment returns or loan payments#the smart contract automatically calculates and sends the corresponding percentage of rewards directly to the recommender’s wallet. This au#but also greatly improves the efficiency of capital circulation.#Privacy protection and security: A security barrier for funds#All transactions and money flows are carried out on the blockchain#guaranteeing transparency and traceability of every operation. In addition#the use of smart contracts significantly reduces the risk of fraud and misoperation#providing a solid security barrier for user funds. Users can confidently invest and promote boldly#and enjoy the various conveniences brought by decentralized finance.#conclusion#As decentralized finance continues to evolve#Bit Loop offers a new economic model through its unique recommendation system that enables users to enjoy highly secure and transparent fin
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northstarreserves · 2 months
How a Well-Structured Financial Plan Can Propel Your Washington
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It is crucial for entrepreneurs and business owners in Washington to craft a comprehensive financial strategy that lays the foundation for enduring success as they navigate the dynamics of the dynamic economic environment. As well as providing a comprehensive set of numbers, a solid financial plan for your business in Washington can also serve as a strategic compass that can be used to steer businesses through challenges and opportunities while at the same time fostering growth and resilience.
The Significance of Financial Planning
A solid financial plan for your business in Washington can be regarded as a beacon that illuminates a path towards fiscal stability and growth at its core. What makes it so important? Here are a few reasons why:
Clarity and Control: The creation of a solid financial plan for your business in Washington provides you with a comprehensive picture of your financial situation, which encompasses your assets, liabilities, cash flows, and profitability. You can then use that insight to make well-informed decisions, maximizing resources and mitigating risks in a proactive manner, armed with the right knowledge.
Goal Attainment: Having precise, measurable goals is the key to solid financial plan for your business in Washington. When it comes to scaling revenue, reducing debt, or expanding operations, a structured plan charts the course that should be followed, making progress tracking easier and allowing for adjustments to be made along the way.
Contingency Preparedness: It is imperative that a resilient financial strategy is put in place to protect businesses from unanticipated disruptions, whether they are caused by economic downturns or natural calamities. This will enable the business to weather a storm with minimal financial damage.
Capitalizing on Opportunities:  In order to leverage growth opportunities, businesses need to conduct rigorous financial analysis in order to discover untapped growth avenues and make strategic investments that are aligned with long-term objectives, whether they are aimed at diversification, market expansion, or technological advancement.
Components of a Holistic Financial Plan
A solid financial plan for your business in Washington should take into account the following elements in order to be effective:
Cash Flow Management: It is imperative that liquidity is maintained at all times. Our cash flow projections are detailed, and our collection strategies are streamlined, ensuring that the business stays financially agile.
Budgeting and Forecasting: The development of realistic budgets and forecasts facilitates the proper allocation of resources and the making of informed decisions, which is the foundation for sustainable growth.
Debt Management: As part of a structured debt management program, which includes consolidation and renegotiation, financial burdens are alleviated and capital structure is optimized.
Tax Planning: As a result of strategic tax planning, personal liability is minimized, benefits are maximized, and regulatory frameworks are adhered to, resulting in increased financial efficiency.
Risk Management: Business continuity and value preservation depend on the ability to identify and mitigate risks, whether they are caused by market volatility or legal liabilities.
Succession Planning: In order for transitions to be seamless, it is essential that succession plans are meticulous, including valuation, buyer identification, and facilitation of the transition.
Implementing and Monitoring the Plan: It is important to execute a solid financial plan for your business in Washington with diligence and adaptability in mind. The following tips will help you ensure that it is effective:
Stakeholder Engagement: The implementation of the project should be coordinated with key stakeholders such as management, advisors, etc., so that alignment with business objectives can be assured and support can be obtained.
Role Clarity: In order to ensure accountability and cohesion in the execution of the plan, you must clearly define roles and responsibilities.
Leverage Technology: The key to increasing efficiency, improving accuracy, and enabling real-time monitoring is to invest in robust financial management systems.
Continuous Evaluation: By proactively reviewing and updating the program, we ensure that it stays relevant and effective in an ever-changing market.
Conclusion: A carefully crafted solid financial plan for your business in Washington is the cornerstone of sustainable business success in Washington, and it should always be considered as such. It is no secret that proactive financial planning is key to navigating challenges adeptly as well as capitalizing on business opportunities. Through proactive financial planning, businesses are able to achieve new levels of growth and resilience.
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