#sodor rebirth
www-islandofsodor · 6 months
Gordon's Retirement
Earlier today, Gordon took part in a grand ceremony held at Vicarstown Station. He was joined by all his closest friends and work colleagues. There were streamers, bunting, and banners galore; yes indeed, this was a joyous occasion.
Sir Topham Hatt gave a speech that went like this:
"Today, we celebrate the legacy of one engine who's unyielding strength and determination has paved the way for a new generation of engines yet to come. This engine, despite his many faults over the years, has proven time and time again why he's irreplaceable in the grand scheme of things. The engine in question is none other than: Gordon. He has been a crucial part of our railway for over a century now and there is no doubt that he will continue to do so for years to come. Gordon, you are, and always have been, a really useful engine. Your time with the express has been nothing short of legendary and it is with great pride as well as considerable pleasure that we send you off in fine style. Enjoy your final run Gordon, you've more than earned it."
The conductor blew his whistle, Gordon departed from Vicarstown to a delightful chorus of cheers, thunderous applause, and whistles. Scotsman puffs alongside him as the two brothers gather speed and race toward the Vicarstown Bridge as well as the mainland beyond. They will return tonight at sundown accompanied by Spencer during the final leg of their journey. Thus symbolizing the end of an era for the Gresley boys. Come nightfall, there will be a grand banquet held at Vicarstown Sheds. There will be more to come as the event progresses.
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joezworld · 2 years
I figured it's been long enough that I should update my page with a list of all the stuff I've written. It's getting hard to find things, even for me:
Unaffiliated fics - no story arcs:
The first TTTE fic I ever wrote - it doesn't even have a name!
BoCo Learns About George Carlin
BoCo and the 7 Dirty Words
More Sodor Shenanigans [Halloween]
Bill and Ben vs. BoCo
The Railway Prometheus, or, when the Diesels discover fire
Toby - Rap God
That’s so sad - Alexa! Play the Thomas the Tank Engine theme!
Mind Reading, Soul Stealing, Red Eyed, Diesel Electric Monsters!
He is Speed (Railpril 2021)
Sodor's first diesels - an Ask Response
An Alternate Universe Take on an OC
Coughs and Sneezles
God's Wonderful Railway
(Part 2 ↑) LNER
Dispatches from the rest of the world - The Virginian class XA
Millipedes and Myriapods
Operation Smash Hit [DARK]
Sodor's Lightshow (Sodor Lightshow 2021)
International Shovel
Sodor in the Days of Privatization
The Sad Story of [Insert Engine Name Here]
Percy (You're a Fine Engine)
The Fat Controller's New Car
Sodor vs the Harry Potter franchise
Green Gordon vs The Cackling Masses (Greendon 2022)
An Ill Wind (Traintober 2022)
Lost, and then Found (Traintober 2022)
The Headboard [Shitpost]
Stories with Arcs:
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (As an aside - holy shit, I wrote this almost before anything else. What was I thinking?)
Memories (Going through my archive, I felt like I was going insane because I had to have posted more than two stories. Nope! I managed to do all that with two!)
Ghosts of the Past II (Traintober 2021)
Fools in Love:
Thank You Donna Summer
Worst Thieves Ever
Seeing Red!
James and the Diesel Engine
Pride Cometh in the Fall
Fools in Love
Double Date, Quadruple Header
Gordon, the Spectacularly Unobservant
Delta Dawn
Two Diesels, Ltd.
Adventures in Human Resources:
Adventures in Human Resources
Flesh is Temporary, Steel is Eternal:
More Than Nine Lives
Iron Horse
Not Every Story Ends At The Ending (Traintober 2021)
Life and Rebirth (Traintober 2022)
Ever Given
The Initial Joke
The extremely delayed conclusion
Percy and the Swearing:
Percy Swearing
Part 2
See? I Was Right.
Percy, the wind-up engine
Tornado on Sodor (in reading order):
Thoroughly Technological Tornado (Traintober 2021)
Who? (Traintober 2021)
Red & Green (Traintober 2021)
Deputation (Traintober 2021)
Follow the Dream (Traintober 2021)
Competent Chaos (Traintober 2021)
The Truck Whisperer (Traintober 2021)
Smashing! (Traintober 2021)
Thomas Makes Some Friends (Traintober 2021)
Cherish This Moment (Traintober 2021)
Bismuth (2) (Traintober 2021) | (Sequel to Bismuth)
Non Stop (Traintober 2021)
Death and Life (No required reading order)
Angel | Demon (Traintober 2021)
Firestarter (Traintober 2022)
Unheard Prayers
Unheard Prayers 1/2 (Traintober 2022)
Unheard Prayers 2/2 (Traintober 2022)
Mountain Spirits
Mountain Spirit (Traintober 2022)
Electric Evil (Traintober 2022)
The Devil in Disguise (in reading order)
Day 21
Day 28
Day 17
Day 18
In the End (Day 31)
Starlight Express
The introduction
[Watch this space]
Still-Untitled Space Shuttle Story
(I haven't released anything for this yet, except for a short snippet. More will come eventually)
Fire in the Sky (Traintober 2022)
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sudriantraveler · 2 years
The Cronk & Harwick Railway: The Railway to Insanity
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The Cronk & Harwick Railway Is one of those bits of RWS lore which I find really interesting, mainly because we know so little about it, which leaves plenty of room for headcanon. But before diving into any of that, let's see what the IOS book has to say about Harwick and its railway.
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So first of all, based on the name of this railway, was the original plan to try to build the line all the way to Cronk? Because that is a pretty long distance for a railway located in probably the most off the beaten path part of the entire island, and which, presumably, was never all that financially prosperous.
Secondly, the railway was horse drawn. I’m going to change this for my own headcanon, and instead say the railway switched to steam engines somewhere around the beginning of the 1900s. I’m not entirely sure what I want their locomotive fleet to be specifically, but I wonder if one of the Sodor and Mainland’s box tanks could have ended up here. In any case I imagine the engines of this line are a hodgepodge of second, third, or even fourth hand engines of ridiculously antiquated designs, all held together with duct tape and prayers! Also, I think it would be fitting for the C&H to at some point acquire a pair of railmotors similar to ones used on Colonel Stephens’ light railways.
Finally, the line was apparently pulled up for scrap at some point during World War II. I would like to propose that instead of being truly scrapped, whoever the owner of this railway was actually pulled off the biggest con in the island's history! Let me explain.
During World War II the British Government wanted to tear up the old line for scrap metal to serve the war effort. The owner sold the tracks to them, but at a cost significantly higher than what they were actually worth. He kept possession of the railways right-of-way however. The railways engines were also supposed to be scrapped, but the owner claimed they had been completely destroyed by a German bomber, and pointed to the railways’ blown up sheds as proof. It was a bit weird that only the sheds had been hit… and that no one had either seen or heard any planes overhead… and that the Cregwir Quarry coincidently “misplaced” some several boxes of dynamite the night before, which were never found. However, there was a war on, and frankly, the military had more pressing matters to deal with than the sketchy behavior of a disused backwater railway which was going to be torn up anyway.
So the line was scrapped, and for the remainder of the war nothing particularly unusual happened around Harwick. The naval base which had been established there was small, and only ever housed a handful of small coastal patrol vessels, the crews of which never really ventured far out of the town. But shortly after the war had ended, and the Royal Navy was out of sight, strange things began to occur on railways all over the island. The NWR had begun a program of repairing and relaying their tracks, which had become worn out during the war. At works sites all across the railway, several segments of old rails and sleepers, which had been taken up during the day, began to go missing in the night. A shipment of bricks for the rebuilding of some of the NWR’s goods sheds conspicuously never arrived, and the Skarloey Railway reported that a small stockpile of slate seemed to have simply vanished. On the Mid Sodor Railway, the long abandoned Mountain Road, which had its rails and sleepers removed in the late 30s, was mysteriously stripped clean of all its remaining ballast. The Mid Sodor, however, was too busy going bankrupt at the time to really take much notice.
Up in Harwick however, a remarkable rebirth had occurred, with rails once again running alongside the river all the way to Cregwir. Also, as it turned out, the death of the line's old engines had been greatly exaggerated, and they were found (due to some clerical error no doubt) to have instead been stored in a disused mine-shaft up at Cregwir, where they had miraculously remained in good working order (or atleast, good by the standards of the C&H, which wasn’t saying much). The revitalized railway had even built a brand new engine shed to replace the one which had been destroyed, made of bricks and complete with a slate roof… yeah…
Nothing could ever be proven however, and so the Cronk & Harwick Railway was back! Needless to say, the NWR and the Skarloey refused to ever do business with the revitalized railway. When asked by Awdry during his research The Fat Controller refused to even admit the railway was still in existence, hence why it’s marked as abandoned on most maps, if it's even marked at all! It's possible that one of the reasons the NWR never extended up to Harwick is because doing so would have almost certainly meant having to deal with the C&H. 
Despite this, the C&H has continued to survive. How? Well, that’s a question which many have asked, but it has become accepted wisdom on Sodor that you should not go looking for an explanation. For those who have tried have all ended up becoming obsessed and throwing themselves head first into their research, isolating themselves from society and wasting further and further away. Until they finally re-emerge from their studies into the outside world, having gone completely insane after finally concluding that logic and sanity had simply given up on the Cronk & Harwick and that so too must they give up on logic and sanity!
Since then the railway has led a mostly uneventful life (at least by Sodor’s standards), though it is still as ramshackle an operation as ever, and there have periodically been rumors of the old owner hiding stores of cash and maybe even some gold in the surrounding caves! Again, nothing has ever been proven, and the old owner has since been succeeded by his daughter, who has a slightly better reputation. Needless to say though, the railway has certainly lived up to its long standing nickname of The Old Crooked and Horrible! In recent years they’ve even taken to flying the Jolly Roger over their definitely not stolen engine shed!
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www-islandofsodor · 6 months
Sodor Rebirth Headcanon:
Yesterday was officially Gordon’s last day as an express engine. Come this Monday, he will be leaving Vicarstown for one very last tour across the mainland alongside his brother Flying Scotsman.
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www-islandofsodor · 6 months
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www-islandofsodor · 6 months
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www-islandofsodor · 9 months
Sodor Rebirth fanfic hot takes:
What’s the Matter with Henry actually takes place in the early 1930’s prior to Henry’s Coal trilogy. The only difference being Edward would be in place of Emily. This version would be the start of Henry and Edward being best friends.
Scaredy Engines transpires on Halloween night 1974 but with James in Thomas’ place. It is here where Percy and James finally start becoming friends.
Spotless Record and Something Fishy take place in 1975 but with James in Thomas’ role. James would be jealous of Arthur’s spotless record; thus providing motive for playing a trick on him. It also establishes James’ disdain for fish
Salty’s Secret would take place in 1974 at the newly restored Brendam Bay China Clay Pits with Boco instead of Mavis. This would then carry over into Salty’s Stormy Night where Bill and Ben (formerly Thomas & Percy) would further tease Salty and Boco would be in place of Emily; furthering adding character continuity.
Twin Trouble would remain the same, but with Oliver in Thomas’ place. Also, instead of Annie & Clarabel, Toad & Isabel would be mentioned instead.
Oliver would be better suited for Thomas’ role in Emily’s debut episode. Especially where he bickers about new coaches to Sir Topham Hatt but changes his attitude after being saved by Emily. This would demonstrate Oliver’s pride in his individuality.
Dennis would takeover both Diesel and Thomas’ roles in Fergus Breaks the Rules. It would show that despite being a lazy prick, Dennis still doesn’t want anything bad to happen to Fergus. He would even own up to his mistakes at the end of the episode.
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www-islandofsodor · 9 months
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www-islandofsodor · 11 months
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www-islandofsodor · 1 year
Sodor Rebirth Headcanon:
Edward and his sister Alice were the first two engines of the North Western Railway. He and Glynn helped to build the NWR back in 1914
Thomas came to Sodor in 1920 painted in his CGI teal livery with the #70 on his tanks. He was painted blue in the early 20’s and re-numbered #1 as Glynn’s successor.
While working with Edward and Alice at Knapford yards, he saw the latter as a prominent mother figure. In turn, Alice saw Thomas as her genuine son. Edward says you will never see a greater bond than what those two have.
When she and the other loaned engines were sent away in the mid 20’s, Thomas and Alice were torn up about this. Alice’s last words to Thomas were, “no matter what they call you or where you came from, you will always be my son.” Thomas was in tears upon seeing her go.
Following Alice’s departure, Thomas became salty towards the big engines. Only to be temporarily pacified by Edward. It is among these factors that resorted to him having his classic RWS persona
James came to the railway in 1925 and his famous crash during his first two weeks on Sodor. Prior to that, he shadowed Gordon around and even teased Henry due to his perceived fear of rain; much to the big green engine’s chagrin
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www-islandofsodor · 1 year
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www-islandofsodor · 11 months
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www-islandofsodor · 1 year
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www-islandofsodor · 1 year
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www-islandofsodor · 5 months
Sodor Rebirth Headcanon:
Mr. Perceval gifted Duncan a chance to go to Scotland so he could visit his brother’s grave. The other narrow gauge engines went with him aboard a flatbed or two; pulled by Donald and Douglas. The Perceval family is going with them as well aboard a brake van. They are currently en route to Glasgow as we speak.
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www-islandofsodor · 1 year
Sodor Rebirth Headcanon:
Toby and Molly would easily be the firmest of friends. Both are very fond of teasing James and given the fact that they are both from the same great eastern railway, it’s no shock that they get along like a house on fire
Ever since Toby helped to replant Henry’s Forest, he and the big green engine have been the firmest of friends for many years. Hell, whenever Henry stops by Elsbridge Junction, he’ll only ever want to talk with Toby.
Duck and Oliver’s relationship in the beginning was very similar to Thomas & Percy’s from the RWS. The slight difference being that they only butt heads whenever the topic of “Great Western” comes up in conversation. Otherwise they would be described as reluctant coworkers with a begrudging professional respect.
Percy is the only tank engine on the whole of Sodor that can keep Duck and Oliver in order. Given that he and Oliver both had put up with egotistical engines in their lifetimes (Thomas and Duck respectively), it’s no shock that they get along like a house on fire.
Percy’s actual best friends are: Toby, Oliver, Duck, and Mavis (his girlfriend)
Toby’s actual best friends are: Percy, Henry, Belle (his girlfriend), & Molly
Thomas’s actual best friend is Gordon. But their dynamic is definitely that of a father-son duo
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