#sodachi is one of my favorite characters ever
superchat · 3 months
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studentofetherium · 1 year
What do you like about Sodachi Oikura?
in short,
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to use a few more words,
Sodachi Oikura is the harshest and most realistic representation of depression i've seen and certainly the most relatable. she has a painful awareness of her own issues but that cannot save her because understanding why and how she is the way she is will not change the fact that she is that way. she's depressed, she self-hates, and she lashes out at others. she holds grudges even when she knows deep down that those grudges won't ever make anything better for her. she has psychological problems and she knows it, but that doesn't make it any better
even confronting the ostensible problem does nothing to save her. she hates Koyomi so much, has fostered this hate against him for years and let it build and fester, but when she finally talks to him, he tries to be kind. but she can't accept that. forgiveness isn't an easy thing especially when a single person has been put on such a pedestal
in a series where everything is externalized and distanced through supernatural phenomena, Sodachi is the one character who's problems are literal and direct. there's no monster to blame for what happened to her. her mom, her dad, Koyomi, the cops, teachers who failed to notice what was happening to her, and Sodachi herself. they're all just people with mortal failings. some certainly deserve more blame than others, but it's a world's difference from Suruga or Nadeko's problems
in and out of the series, Sodachi is such a unique character for how her story is handled. it's starke, it's harsh, it's uncomfortable, it's brutal, it's real. it's painful to sit through, made all the worse because of Marina Inoue's heartbreaking performance
Sodachi is, without a doubt, my favorite character in fiction. there's nothing else like her story out there
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sejinpk · 7 years
For the "ANIME Q's" ask meme: 2, 3, 10, 27, 34.
Thanks for the ask! Just a quick note, some of my answers are quite a bit more thorough than others.
#2. Has an anime evermade you cry?
Oh, definitely. I actually never used to get very outwardlyemotional when watching things (I still don’t, TBH). After a while, noticingother people’s very emotionally-resonant-sounding reactions to the anime theywere watching, I started to want that kind of emotional connection, too. Iguess I wanted to *feel* more, if that makes any sense. I’m not really sureexactly how I did it—maybe through trying to be more actively engaged in what Iwas watching, maybe trying to figure out how to express emotions outwardlymore, maybe both, maybe something else—I have made a slight change in thedirection I wanted.
Anime that have made me cry (that I remember, at least) areMushishi and Tsumiki no Ie/La Maison en Petits Cubes/The House of Small Cubes.
In the case of Mushishi, it was the episode called “Insidethe Cage,” in which Ginko is trapped inside a bamboo forest. I cried during oneof my re-watches of the series, at the end of this episode when Ginko comesback to see what happened after some time had passed. We see that both Kisuke’swife and child had died because his wife cut down the bamboo mushi that gave them life, and they had essentially become the fertilizer for acouple new bamboo children (I think?—I may not be remembering this entirelycorrectly). I just kept thinking, “They’re gone. He was so happy with them, andthey’re gone. And these two new bamboo children, much as he may come to lovethem, it just won’t be the same.” Thinking about it that way, with that senseof loss and with the tragic circumstances behind it in mind, I started crying.
Tsumiki no Ie is really interesting. It’s a 12-minute short.I have to describe it in some detail to be able to talk about my experiencewatching it, so I apologize in advance for any spoilers. The first half setseverything up. There’s a flooded town where the water continues to rise. An oldman lives there, continually building new layers onto the top of his house to escape the flooding. Itseems like all of the other residents have moved away, though he’s able topurchase what he needs from merchants who come through on boats. So, in thefirst six minutes or so, we’re introduced to this man and get to see how andwhere he lives day-to-day. At one point, he drops his pipe, which falls downthrough the cellar-like doors in each consecutive floor of the house. The manputs on scuba gear and goes after it. As he goes down deeper and deeper, hebegins to recall various important events and people in his life, like hisdeceased wife and their son who got married and moved away. Eventually, hefinds his pipe. The short ends with him eating dinner and making a toast to hiswife. I started to cry at about this point, again due to the sense of loss,even though the old man himself seems to have accepted it.
My eyes have teared up while watching the 7thKara noKyoukai film, near the end when Shiki and Mikiya are reunited after theirexperiences dealing with Lio. In this case, it was more of a happy feeling,rather than sad. It’s not anime, but I’ve also cried while watching Inside Out,at the end when Riley comes back home and has the cathartic moment with herparents. This was also a happy cry.
#3. Which anime made youlaugh the hardest?
Great Teacher Onizuka. No contest. XD
#10. What is yourfavorite ‘moe’ anime?
Bible Black.
Just kidding. X3
I’m going to answer this question in two different ways. Thefirst will be in terms of feeling “moe” as an emotional attachment to acharacter, and the second will be in terms of the moe aesthetic, which isintentionally designed to elicit feelings of moe from the viewer.
As I understand it, “moe” is a kind of attachmentcharacterized by warm, protective feelings. Stereotypically, this is marketedat otaku, and centered on female characters. I don’t usually get attached tocharacters in this way, and when I have, it’s been characters in anime that aresometimes not designed to have the typical moe appeal. Characters that I havefelt moe toward are Anna Liebert from Monster and Sammy from Time of EVE. I mayhave also felt moe toward Chi from Chobits, but it’s been such a long timesince I watched that one that I really don’t remember at this point. Thinkingback on it, it’s really amusing to me that I felt moe towards Anna Liebert, asMonster is DEFINITELY not designed with moe appeal in mind (though, at the same time, I guess having that warm, protective feeling typical of moe toward her makes sense, given what she goes through). XD
Regarding shows designed with moe in mind, whether in termsof character design (appearance and/or characterization) or the kind of show asa whole, while I’ve enjoyed shows like that, and have liked characters in thoseshows, it hasn’t been for reasons of moe. I really like Puella Magi MadokaMagica. It may sound like a weird show to list here, but I think the visualdesigns of the characters (and of the show in certain kinds ofscenes/environments) is intended to elicit moe. K-On! definitely comes to mind,particularly the second season, which I felt really excelled at capturing andconveying mood/atmosphere. I also quite enjoyed Monster Musume, which I think,even though it doesn’t have a strongly typical “moe” look, is designed toelicit moe. Of the characters I liked in MonMusu (primarily Rachnera andZombina), I didn’t like any of them for moe appeal.
So, I guess a short, direct answer is: For the first way Iapproached moe, in terms of the feeling, my favorite show is Time of EVE. Forthe second way I approached moe, in terms of design, my answer is MonsterMusume.
I do think you could argue that Time of EVE was designed inpart with moe in mind, but it’s not (one of) THE predominating thing(s) aboutthat work, so I put it in the first category.
#27. Which animecharacter are you most like?
Hmm…I don’t think I have a very good answer for this. I haveyet to come across a character and have the reaction, “Oh! It’s me!” There areat least a handful of characters I currently have (or used to have, in somecases) some things in common with, but these things generally aren’t majoraspects of my personality, identity, or self-perception. There’s actually anask meme I’ve been meaning to do for a while with a prompt that’s somethinglike, “What characters do you identify with?” Answering that meme will be athorough answer to this question. But, for a short answer that doesn’t go into the“what,” “how,” “why,” etc., I’ll rattle off a few characters, just in the orderI think of them:
-Tsubasa Hanekawa, from the Monogatari Series
-Nadeko Sengoku, from the Monogatari Series
-Tomoko Kuroki, from WataMote
-Holo, from Spice and Wolf
-Ginko, from Mushishi
-Sodachi Oikura, from the Monogatari Series
-Suruga Kanbaru, from the Monogatari Series
-There are a couple others that I don’t want to list withoutdetailing how I think I’m similar to them.
Honestly, I feel less similar in various ways to many of thecharacters I just listed than I used to. It might not be an accurate listanymore. But I’ll worry about that when I start working on my response to thatother meme I mentioned above.
#34. Have you everwatched an anime only because you liked a specific character?
Not…really? It’s not quite the same, but there are a coupleanime I’ve watched where I feel like a particular character really (or evencompletely) made the show: Onizuka in Great Teacher Onizuka and Tomoko Kurokiin WataMote. Though, WataMote might be cheating because Tomoko literally *is*the show. XD Also, I think Rumi Yokoi in Tonari no Seki-kun is a big part of whatmakes that show, as she does a really good job of bringing the viewer into theshow, even though it’s Seki’s antics that are the focus.
Again, thanks for the ask! It was fun to answer! :)
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sejinpk · 7 years
Getting to Know You Meme
I wasn’t tagged by anyone for this, but it sounded fun, so I thought I’d do it.
Relationship status: Starts with “s” and rhymes with shingle. :P
Lipstick or chapstick: I don’t wear lipstick or other makeup, and my lips don’t ever get chapped, so neither?
Last song I listened to: This very lovely version of “Nandemonaiya” from the Kimi no Na wa OST sung by Mone Kamishiraishi (Mitsuha’s voice actress).
Last movie I saw: Kimi no Na wa/Your Name
Favorite color: I think red. That’s a bit boring, though, so I’ll add that one of my favorite color “qualities” is the way that gemstones look (like rubies or emeralds), sort of translucent, with a very deep, vibrant hue. I’ve really come to love the way that purple looks with that color “quality”.
Top 3 shows: This is a little tricky, because some of my favorites I like about equally. I guess maybe the best way for me to answer this is like so:
Kara no Kyoukai and the Monogatari Series
Mushishi; if I can include non-anime stuff, this is probably a two-way tie with Inside Out
Yurikuma Arashi and Fullmetal Alchemist (2003); possibly a 3-way tie with Kimi no Na wa (if not, it’s a very close runner-up)
Yeah, that feels right. Let’s go with that.
Top 3 characters: This should be easy!
Tsubasa Hanekawa (the Monogatari Series)
Tsubasa Hanekawa (the Monogatari Series)
Tsubasa Hanekawa (the Monogatari Series)
What? That’s cheating, you say? Oh, fine. *pouts* :P
Tsubasa Hanekawa (the Monogatari Series)
Shiki Ryougi (Kara no Kyoukai)
Three-way tie between Ginko (Mushishi), Tomoko Kuroki (WataMote), and Deishuu Kaiki (the Monogatari Series)
Top 3 ships: I don’t really ship, and the romantic relationships I root for are typically the canon ones. So the closest would be:
Shiki X Mikiya (Kara no Kyoukai)
Kaiki X Money (Kaikimoneygatari)
Sodachi Oikura X Happiness (the Monogatari Series)
Well, @miyamanga​ already did this, so I can’t tag her. I guess I’ll tag @b1689q and @ronriii. As always, please don’t feel obligated to do this just because I tagged you. :)
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