darkcreamz95 · 4 months
okay i know i already asked for Jure and i adore him but if you get through everyone I have a second request of Nace maybe?
adore your art!! love your work!! sending all the kisses
Hey sure no worries hun!
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"You have to give this a try this new ice cream flavour is pretty amazing!" 🍨
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lisbonsteresa · 3 years
Baby (This Rain Changes Everything)
(happy very belated nace week) (for day 2: first date gone wrong but ends incredibly right)
“Almost there” 
“Don’t worry; this isn’t the first time I’ve been blindfolded in the backseat of a car on its way to a mystery location.”
His gaze flicked up to the rearview mirror to see Nancy smirking in his direction, seeming perfectly calm and in control despite the bandana covering her eyes. “One day we’re going to have a talk about how casually you say things like that.”
“Maybe.” She replied with a snort of laughter. “Seems more like a fourth date conversation though, don’t you think?”
He laughed and agreed, suddenly very thankful that Nancy couldn’t see how tightly he was gripping Florence’s steering wheel. The idea that she might already be thinking about their fourth date was something that both thrilled and terrified Ace, especially considering how their first was going.   
First there’d been the mix-up at the movies, where whatever high schooler running the projector had decided to sub The Big Lebowski for Nightmare on Elm Street. Then Lu Chow’s had suddenly closed for a family emergency before they’d even put their order in. Nancy had seemed to take it all in stride, but Ace would be lying if he said the missteps were helping his confidence. 
And now Bess had texted him that her weather app was reporting rain on the way, which was the last thing he needed. He was already nervous enough about this last idea - he didn’t need anything else going wrong tonight.  
But, he reminded himself as he parked the car and rushed to the back door to help Nancy out of her seat, it was too late to second-guess himself any further. One hand in each of hers, he walked backwards, guiding her step by step until they were standing between Florence’s now-dark headlights. “Ready?” She nodded with a smile as he reached up and untied the bandana.
There in front of them was a thick flannel blanket, spread out across the rocky ground at the edge of the bluffs and weighed down by two of his dad’s camping lanterns he’d borrowed from their garage. A small cooler he knew contained a pint of blueberry ice cream from Nancy’s favorite shop sat to one side, its lid slightly cracked but still sturdy. 
Bess had - very enthusiastically - agreed to get everything set up for their arrival, and looking at it now, with the moon just starting to rise and the gentle crash of the waves below, Ace had to admit it did look very romantic. He just really hoped he wasn’t the only one who saw it that way.
He chanced a glance over at her, worried he’d find her expression hurt, or worse, angry. But instead she was staring straight ahead with a far-away look in her eyes, like she was seeing something he couldn’t; watching a scene he didn’t know play out in front of her. “Nancy?” She didn’t respond. 
Shit. So much for a fourth date. He’d probably just ruined their first.
“This was stupid, sorry, I don’t know what I was -” Nancy hadn’t moved; hadn’t spoken.
His face was burning; this was terrible idea; he was an idiot.
“I’m so sorry Nance. I just thought… there’s been so many bad memories on these bluffs, that maybe there should be some good ones too; that it could help…” his voice died in his throat as he scrambled to find a way to explain 
“Help that pain become love?” Her voice was quiet as she turned to him, with watery eyes and an expression he couldn’t quite make out in the dim light, but her words struck something inside him and he wondered (not for the first time) how she always seemed to understand exactly what he was thinking.
“…Yeah. Yeah, actually, exactly that. But if you don’t like it or you think it’s weird we can go, we can go right now. I don’t ever want to do anything that would hurt you, or -”
And then she was kissing him.
And the rain started.
There was no warning - no change in the wind or distant rumble of thunder. It was like the sky just opened up and the rain came pouring down.
He could feel the droplets hitting his lucky blue pullover and flattening his hair; knew the blanket must be soaked beyond saving; could imagine the cooler filling with rainwater through the crack in the lid until the ice cream was set afloat.
But when Nancy pulled away she was laughing; really, genuinely laughing for what felt like the first time in ages, and in that moment he decided her laugh was his favorite sound in the world. 
(Then her lips were on his again and suddenly he couldn’t think of anything else.)
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janesramblings · 3 years
Nancy Drew 2x11 Review/Thoughts
Also a spoiler for season seven on agents of shield which i wasn’t going to say anything about but it is a spoiler so
this is also longer than usual sorry
Okay I need to stop watching Nancy Drew in the middle of class but also I’m so excited
Wait we’re already starting out with Nick not having any memories?
That’s cool
Okay Nancy’s address is written on Nick’s hands so something tells me this isn’t the first time this has happened
Oh no it’s Celia
Ryan is not doing a very good job at being surprised I’ve got to say
“You’re a millionaire!!!” Bess is so cute
Tunji Kasim is doing an amazing job being confused
Ace is mad??? This is so weird also Nancy looks so hurt
Did George call Nancy a lying millionaire who couch hops and has no home? She’s not wrong but also ouch.
Family meeting awww I need more of Ryan, Carson, and Nancy being a family
Ladies who Yacht? I’m sorry what? How did Ryan say that with such a straight face?
“I’m not... not you guys” Nancy is wonderful also I love how she had to assure Ryan and Carson that they’re not grandparents
She’s exactly how I imagined her 
“Acey” that’s adorable
“Fully noshed thank you” I love Ace
“You’re not food free Grant” ahhhh these writers need a raise and Alex needs one too he’s so good at these lines
Murder? What?
It’s so strange to see Nick go from the rock to the one who needs help
Nancy holding Ace’s phone while he also holds his phone better not be the only nace moment we get today
Whoa I was not paying attention to Nancy where did those binoculars come from?
Okay I just rewound they came from her bag that makes sense
“Did I mention you were a mechanic before you bought a restaurant?”
What’s coming for Nick?
Can’t these guys catch a break? 
The most unrealistic thing about the Drew Crew is how they all know which seat to take in the car. It that were my friends it wouldn’t matter what was happening there would be a three way argument for the front seat.
Maybe I just need better friends who knows
This thing is a little creepy
What kind of text tone does Ace have? It sounds like those creepy clown car horns
The Captain is a much better contact name than Dad
I wonder what Nancy’s contact name is on his phone
Who names their kid Aristotle? 
Aww Nick fixed the wobbly chairs in Ace’s house 🥺🥺
Watching Nick break down about accidentally killing that guy is making me cry they did this so well
Tunji Kasim needs an Emmy my god
“Can someone sign my time card?” poor grant just wants to get his work done and these guys are snapping at him and ignoring him
“Hold it down Grant” has never felt more appropriate 
Nancy... people have this societal thing called personal space
I love how she stays a respectful distance from Bess and George and she’s practically leaning on Ace.
That guy is his roommate and hates him? Why would anyone choose to live like that? That’s like deciding you want a sibling
Nancy sounding the horn and then shouting “Get in” to a very confused Celia is the peak of comedy and no I won’t be accepting any comments about this
Did Nancy just... erase Celia’s memories?
“I trolled Aristotle so I wouldn’t kill him” that doesn’t seem like logical reasoning there Mr. I-Already-Forgot-Your-Name
Looks like Mr. I-Already-Forgot-Your-Name is the annoying roommate
“Is it because you’re ashamed of me?” did not have to be so painful
Again, this guy needs an award
Is Celia being nice? I kind of really like this can she stay this way?
“Is Nick going to come back part Celia?” is a very good question
Nancy has an answer to every question why has no one pointed this out yet?
Celia is very adorable like this she does not need to be so excited by an umbrella 
Ryan is rightfully very confused but also resigned? Does he just expect this from Nancy now?
“This is a terrible podcast” amen Ace
Okay so clearly you aren’t supposed to know the god’s name
“Was that me?” god bless Bess
Okay so no one knows who is who
Did Ace and Nancy appear from the same place?
“What like a heat emergency?” at least Bess is consistent
Okay so they’ve done this before clearly
Did they really write that Ace is a deep soul? They’re right but also... is that pivotal at the moment?
“I have a dead French lady inside me” I love George
“hey” “hi” Nick and George are very accepting of the fact that they are dating and it’s so cute
George accepting that she said so is great I love her confidence
Also whose handwriting is whose? Idk why I care but I do
“I’m not sure if that’s a last name or a first name” Yeah Ace what IS your last name? (kidding it’s Hardy I’ve predicted it)
Awww call back to the first episode with Ace’s crush
And the second with his acceptance that they aren’t going to be a couple
“Which one of you is Nancy?” that made my little shipper heart very sad
Also George’s wordless point was funny for no reason
Water gunning with holy water? Yep that was gonna work
Clearly sixth time was not the charm
Slingshot-ing steak knives? That had to have been Ace’s idea
That cut! What was that cut! That was amazing!
I’m really hoping that at some point in their memory-less state either Nancy or Ace starts flirting because how cute would that be?
I’m thinking like,,, the Daisy/Sousa kiss in the time loop episode of Agents of Shield that would be wonderful
Ace as bait??? That was an idea?? Why didn’t we see that one?
They’re dancing awww
“I like you” “I think I like you too” awww it’s so bittersweet to see what Nancy’s life could have been also they look really similar
Oof looks like they are out of memory eraser, sad
Nancy and Ace look so good together
I love how Nancy looks back at Ace instead of Bess who is right next to her
“DON’T TRUST ODETTE she will mess with you” is fantastic
Disease? That’s what killed them?
Did Nancy just finish Ace’s sentence?
“social media savant” queen
Nick lied to go eat ice cream? Seems solid I’d do the same
You’ve got to be kidding me? All of this could have been avoided if Aristotle had just not said anything?
Wow that was dramatic but also really impressive I guess
“You’re my daughter” 🥺🥺
He’s moving back home!!!
That hugggggg
Can we just keep Celia this way she’s so sweet
I really want Celia to just... accept Nancy as her granddaughter how amazing would that be?
“But I like it when you go on and on. It doesn’t happen that much anymore”
Okay sure, I didn’t need my heart anyway
Imagine a little like, preteen Ace chatting away constantly to his parents that would be so cute
I love the music in this show
Ace’s mom is amazing and she’d totally love Nancy if she ever dated Ace
Also according to the subtitles on my laptop her name is Rebecca
Aaaand Celia is still telling Everett of course she is
Nick and George are moving in together!!!! This is not a drill ahhhhhh
Awww a housewarming party how freaking adorable is that?
Lmao Nick bought the whole thing
And he needs help
That’s cool 
That was a really good episode
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