#so wimdy I keep thinking that water is boiling in the kitchen but no that's just the wi(m)nd shaking things around outside
sheliesshattered · 1 year
we’ve been in the midst of a wind storm off and on all week (20-30 mph sustained winds, 60+ mph gusts) and I’ve literally lost track of the number of times I’ve said ‘it wimdy’
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bomberqueen17 · 5 years
hallow’s eve
it’s fucken WIMDY  out there, and like 75 degrees, and ugh. Like, I’m still super bummed about the yurt, but it would suck to be out there tonight, because it is spitting rain, gusting crazy winds, and is going to drop 30-40 degrees overnight and be 40 degrees in the morning, and then 30 the day after. So like. EW. 
I’m dressed as my sister today, as I Instagrammed earlier. Incidental cosplay, but Farmkid thinks it’s hilarious.
Huh. My blisters are healing okay-- both middle fingers have burnt back knuckles that keep cracking and won’t heal, but everything else is doing fine, though my thumbs are visually gross-- there’s a thin layer of blister over the whole pad which is gross-looking but it’s thin enough that I can just use them as normal. It’s going to pop and become absolutely horrible at some point, but so far it hasn’t, so I’m going to ignore it until it’s a problem. But. 
Because I didn’t eviscerate on slaughter day, I didn’t have to cut my nails, so my nails are like... office-worker long, and it’s actually kind of annoying. i’m so used to having that check on the length I don’t know what to do with myself. Also my nail clippers were in my backpack and so are gone forever, so. I’m sure there are some in this house, but. Not easily to hand, anyway.
Farmkid dressed as a black cat today. So, ears and tail and paws from Target, black hoodie and black leggings, I have sewed 0 things for her last 2 Halloweens now. I feel very slightly let down but in the end it’s just as well.
Farmsister bought me a new Kindle, which was nice, and also if she didn’t buy me one I probably wouldn’t replace mine because I only use it to read to her kid at this point, though I suppose if I were traveling I’d probably use it again. And I’m set to travel in December, so I’d be sad I hadn’t replaced it. I lost my lovely fake-leather case, though; it was peeling and old and sort of gross, but still. 
I came here to comment that it’s probably a really good thing I don’t really have time to Google tiny houses, because just reading the various books Farmsister has is like. A lot. There are so many possibilities!!!
But here’s the thing: I don’t need a kitchen in it, and I don’t need a bathroom really. I’d absolutely love to have, like, a handwashing sink, but honestly I could do just fine with a woodstove and a water jacket and maybe a sink that drains into a little tiny gray-water leach field. Which is good because no way are they putting in a sceptic system. 
I’d love to attach the outhouse to the tiny house though, and have like, the bucket be outside and the rest inside, so it’s within the heated space but wouldn’t smell so bad. Just, a real good solid toilet lid, maybe an insulated one!, and the refuse part go out into an uninsulated space so it doesn’t get cold. 
But I really don’t need a kitchen. I’d be pleased with a place I could boil a kettle to make tea, but beyond that... well. Here’s the thing-- other people may wind up using the space, when I’m not here, so I think part of the design ought to be that there’s storage for me to put all my shit away during the times I’m not there, so it’s not awkward if someone else stays there. And so probably it would make sense to put in a hot plate or some basic kitchen amenities, so other people could stay there and not rely on the house. But the major thing I want to advocate for is to have there be a bathroom, and I would absolutely share that with the apprentices, so it’d be fantastic if that had its own entryway and was slightly separated from the house. 
So really, it’s not so much a tiny house I’m looking at, as a tiny house apartment off the end of a utility shed and bath house. Still though... It’s a lot to think about.
But thinking about it is more pleasant than thinking about what I lost, so. 
I spent basically 8 hours today working with dried flowers, so I am tired, but also feel like i haven’t done shit. Tomorrow’s another day, and this weekend’s logistics are going to be insane, so. I’d really like a day to stare at the wall and not do anything, but then I’d also like a pony and a million dollars, so... 
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