#so this circle goes on papyrus and hopefully I get to do the spell during the new moon friday
dark-falz · 10 months
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And here's the new PSO inspired magic circle I wrote! (that's tailored to specifics that I'm not getting into) As well as the traditional Algolian seal (I've broken down a bit of it here) and the first magic circle I built
I drew every symbol instead this time, I find it to be the one thing easier to draw on tablet than paper, I think I'll go back to the other method next time tho it looks neater.
Ok into a bit on how its wrote/the magic building for those curious :3
So I went over a bit on it yesterday but here's the full circle that there was no way I was fitting in that tiny space.
Magic Circles are now the thing I study when I'm having my after work drink at the bar ^^;
The 3 outer circles (I keep referring to as Muut Ditts Poumn circles) while they all hold the main energies, they're all lions :3 The alchemy symbols for essence pokes out of them and toward the middle text. Leo as well as the 2 Divine beings, each associated with the Sun and the Moon. In the outer ring, where the Photon Blasts would be listed, I have other Gods that represent different phases of the Sun and the Moon, Moon Gods being separated by the female end of the ankh, as the moon is of feminine mother energy against the masculine father energy of Leo's ruler, the Sun. Sun gods border the rising & moon signs of the initiator. I probably put a bit more time into the order of the names in the ring, but PSO isn't actually conjuring magic outside our hearts and is allowed to be whatever about that.
I'd also only use the Ankh with Egyptian Gods as I only work with them aside from "celestial bodies". There is more detail on the significance of the ankh in the first post. The reason its positioned sideways is I learned horizontal lines can be a negative aspect, where as vertical lines are always positive. I still have a horizontal line in this, but with it being only one, the numerology plays in to it enough, I also didn't HAVE to add it but felt it necessary. The magic numbers are 1 and 7.
The Divine are placed in their directions in accordance to the element. Sun to the South for Fire, Moon to the West for Water. Leo is placed east due to the affinitive candle color. East represents air which is the main element of the target.
The alchemical symbols I used aren't all available text symbols, but here's what's there. (I've used so many reference books for these and they don't match each other either it just is what it is I guess)
Top Circle: (Symbols unavailable) Triangle: ♀ Planet - Venus | Metals - ♀ Copper, Brass | Zodiacs - Libra, Taurus Sides: Symbols for crystal and lapis lazuli (Divine specific) Bottom Circle: (Symbols unavailable) Triangle: ♂ Planet - Mars | Metal - ♂ Iron, Brass | Zodiacs - Aries, Scorpio Sides: ☾ Moon | Metal - ☾ Silver | Zodiac - Cancer Steel - Saturn | Metals - ♄ Lead, ♂ Iron, Steel | Zodiacs - Capricorn, Aquarius (steel is Divine specific) Right Circle: (symbols unavailable) Sides: Planet - Sun | Metals - ⊙ Gold, Brass | Zodiac - Leo
I was also able to place the alchemy symbols a bit neater this time because I didn't have odd numbers of them like in the Algolian Seal spell. The circles with the points in the outer circles represent wax, there is also a wick symbol in each of them as well as different things to dress the candles with such as oil, herbs, and fumes.
Sorry its not quite as in depth as the Algolian Seal inspired one, since its more religious sided I figured I'd skip the deeper details. Hope it was a fun read and it helps if u wanna build magic circles one day or something :3
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