#so stay tuned for a post about our Satanic trio
seraphtrevs · 1 year
The holy trinity of blorbos/OTPs - Hannigram, Loustat, and Lacho. ❤️
So true, bestie! And thank you for giving me the opportunity to compare and contrast (I mean, not that I needed it and not that you asked for it, but here we gooooooo!)
So on Team Humanity side, we have Will, Louis, and Nacho. Will is on the side of law and order, but I'd argue he's uncomfortable there. His pathological empathy gives him a desire to use it to help others, but I think he ironically harbors a lot of resentment. He's constantly bleeding into other people, struggling to hold on to his own identity. It would be exhausting to be never sure which feelings are yours and which feelings are coming from other people. He tries to put up boundaries, but his work in the FBI requires him to not only take those boundaries down, but to open himself to the worst humanity has to offer. No wonder he's a mess. So even though he's our law and order character, I think that he's also the most tempted by the freedom Hannibal offers him In contrast, we have Louis and Nacho, who have already thoroughly corrupted themselves before their tempters show up. Louis and Nacho embrace criminality because they like money. (I think there's also something to be said that they're both men of color in a racist society, which leads them to hold law and order in contempt, but maybe that's another post.) They feel bad about it, sort of, and I would argue neither of them are in it for thrill of power. They're just extremely practical. They're also devoted to their families, which keeps them connected to their humanity, even as they make the choice to ignore their conscience for the sake of profit.
The great what-if question of Lacho fandom is what would have happened if Lalo came to run things after Tuco's imprisonment rather than Hector? Of our Team Humanity trio, Nacho's the only one who is not even a little tempted when his tempter offers him everything...but there are so many outside factors that it's hard to tell if he always would have refused, under any circumstances.
Lalo was never really an option for him because of Gus's blackmail. I think he could have rolled the dice and called Gus's bluff about the Hector stuff - like, honestly, who are the Salamancas going to believe? But once Gus had the gun to Papa's head, Nacho decided the risk was too great. He's genuinely disgusted by Lalo and Hector's conversation about what they did to the professor, but that's a conversation he never would have heard if Lalo had been Tuco's replacement
And Lalo's seduction was seriously half-assed, mostly because he took for granted that Nacho was his already. The too-little, too-late Mexican wedding proposal was lazy and would have never worked anyway because of the Gus situation.
But what if Lalo had arrived when Nacho was still able to be tempted? Because of the three of them, I think Nacho was the least bothered by his conscience. Louis felt pressure to keep his family in the style to which they were accustomed, and they happily turned a blind eye to how he was doing it (with the exception of his brother). Without that pressure, I don't think Louis would have chosen his life, and his confession to the priest shows how tormented he was. Nacho's dad, by contrast, severely disapproved of Nacho's criminal behavior. But Nacho shrugged him off. He enjoyed it too much. I don't think there's any indication Nacho wasn't having a good time being a criminal in season 1. The only reason he wants to get rid of Tuco is because he fears for his safety, not because he is morally repulsed by Tuco's evil.
So our one character out of the three who makes the firmest rejection of evil and temptation is the one whose morals are arguably the weakest. Which is really interesting!
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head-and-heart · 6 years
Cry With Me - Part 2
It’s been a century but I’m finally back again with part two of “cry-with-me-about-how-ridiculous-book!bellamy-is-and-THIS-is-why-we-can’t-just-”read-the-books”-and-solve-all-of-our-bellarke-angsty-heart-induced-problems-CAUSE-THEY-AIN’T-THE-FUCKING-SAME-JASON!!!” 
aNYway ...
If you don’t remember what the purpose of this post is: to put it short, I decided to go through all of The 100 books and pick out all of book!Bellamy’s best (worst) lines that truly show just HOW different he really is from show!Bellamy. At the very least, it cracked ME up when I was reading. So hopefully someone else will find it entertaining too.
You can read some gems from the first book here. This part will be about the second book, “Day 21″ (my personal favourite). 
Fair Warning: Potential Book Spoilers Lie Ahead
1. “I think the radiation must’ve finally scrambled your brain.”
2. “You really shouldn’t have done that.” Bellamy’s voice was low and menacing, and for a moment, Clarke thought she might’ve actually upset him. But then he grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head in one swift motion. [i can’t believe him look how dramatic he is]
3. The moon was so large and bright that there was no mistaking the grin on Bellamy’s face as he reached down to undo the button is pants, tossing them aside like they weren’t the only pair he had on the planet. [*sings* it’s gettin hot iN hEre - so TaKe oFf aLL yOuR cLoTHeS]
[Clarke] shivered again, and Bellamy slowly unlocked his lips from hers. “You must be freezing,” he said, rubbing his hands up and down her back. She cocked her head to the side. “You’re wearing even less clothing than I am.” Bellamy ran his finger up her arm, then tugged playfully at her damp bra strap. “We can fix that, if it bothers you.”
5. “You should get some rest. I’ll keep an eye on Sleeping Beauty here, and let you know if there’s any change.” [can you imagine bellamy saying this about clarke in the show lmao]
Bellamy twisted her arm behind her back, just like he used to do to the boys in the care center he caught teasing Octavia. “You’d better tell me right now [where Octavia is], or you’ll wish you never crawled out of whatever cave you came from!” [...] He reached over and yanked on the girl’s hair, bringing her face up to his. “You tell me right now, or this is going to get really unpleasant, really fast.” [...] Bellamy didn’t care if the girl was radioactive, or if she had goddamn wings. All he cared about was finding out where she and her friends had taken his sister. [...] “We kill her,” Graham stated [...] “Not before she and I have a little conversation,” Bellamy growled. [don’t you just wish you could maintain your composure as well as book!Bellamy?]
Her friend giggled. “I bet that’s why she smells like the recycling deck.” “And you’re going to smell like a rotting corpse when they finally find  you,” Bellamy interrupted.
8. Did trying to choke that piece of space trash who’d been bullying his sister count as an Infraction? [iconic]
9. “That’s a pretty name.” The words slipped out before he realized how stupid they’d sound.
10. “My reputation precedes me. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. How could you not talk about someone this good-looking?” [i CAN’T]
“You only brought two [rabbits]?”, Lila asked, trying to exchange a disdainful look with her friend Tamsin, a reedy blond girl who struck Bellamy as a quieter, and somehow even stupider, version of Lila. [ROOD] [...] “Good counting, Lila,” Bellamy said slowly, as if praising an accomplished toddler. “You’ll make it all the way to ten soon.” [...] “You’re an asshole, Bellamy.” “Ever hear the saying ‘Don’t bite the and that feeds you’?” he shot back with a grin. “Or, why don’t I put it to you this way? There are two rabbits, as you so astutely pointed out, and there are way more than two of us.” [...] “Not everyone is going to get a bite. And you just made that decision a little easier for me. So, thank you.” He extended his hand as if offering it to Lila to shake. “I’m very grateful for your help.”  She smacked his hand away and sun on her heel, tugging on the uneven edges of her shorts as she strode away. Typical Wal-ditz, Bellamy thought, using the term Octavia had coined for the girls on Walden who purposefully acted like airheaded Phoenicians.
A curly-haired girl approached him, trailed by two giggling friends. This trio had taken the cutoffs trend to the extreme, and were now tugging at the frayed edges of shorts that barely skimmed the tops of their thighs. “Hey,” the first girl said. “We need a tall person to help us fix the roof on the north cabin. It’s caving in already.” Bellamy barely glanced at her. “Build a ladder.”
13. “There’s the spot where I almost dropped you,” he said, pointing vaguely into the distance. “That’s where I stopped to make sure you weren’t choking on your own vomit. And, oh, look, that’s where you regained consciousness for a few seconds and told me that I had the biggest-” He cut himself off with a yelp as Clarke jabbed him in the stomach with her elbow. 
“Jazzed? What does that mean? Like you’re so happy, you’d be willing to listen to jazz music.” [Clarke speaking] “Willing to listen to jazz music? You must mean ‘happy because you get to listen to jazz music.’ So happy that your heart starts beating a jazz riff.” [Bellamy speaking] [...] “So what does a jazz riff sound like?” “It’s more about what it feels like,” Bellamy said, reaching for Clarke’s hand. He began tapping a rhythm up and down her arm. She shivered as his fingers danced on the inside of her elbow. “So jazz feels like some weirdo tickling your arm?” “Not your arm. Your whole body. You feel it in her your throat . . .” He brought his fingers to her neck and tapped along her collarbone. “In your feet . . .” He knelt down and tapped along the side of her boot, and Clarke laughed. “In your chest . . .” He stood up, bringing his hand to rest lightly on the top of her heart, and was very still. [show!Bellamy I-can’t-flirt-for-shit Blake is shooketh]
15. He’d kissed girls before, and it had never done anything except scramble their brains, turning them into a walking mass of giggles who always wanted to hold his hand. [BUT BELLAMY YOU LOVE HOLDING HANDS *betrayal*]
16. “Don’t you dare tell me what I understand,” Bellamy cut her off. “I never want to see you again. Maybe you can offer yourself up to the Earthborns. Wouldn’t that be fun? A whole new population of children to experiment on.” He spun around and strode off, leaving Clarke alone and trembling in the woods. [BELLAMY HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO YOUR WIFE LIKE THAT]
17. Now he was leaving for good. He’d dealt with Wells’s mind games and Clarke’s treachery for the last time. As he stuffed a few protein packets into his pocket, a new wave of anger rose in his chest at the thought of everything he’d given up to bring Clarke safely back to camp. [...] He should’ve left Clarke in the woods, letting her limbs swell and her airway close up so that she’d never be able to utter another lie again. [DAFUQ?? this is like Day Trip except written by Satan]
Was that Clarke really in there? The Clarke who could look so gravely serious one moment and then burst into laughter the next? The girl who found everything on Earth miraculous, and kissed him as if he were the most incredible find of all? “You look creepy standing there. Either come down or get going,” he said gruffly. [way to woo a girl, Bellamy]
19. “If he knows what’s good for him, he’ll go find a blond. Redheads are nothing bu trouble.” Bellamy grinned and reached for the book. “Give it to me. That thing is half your weight . . .  Carrots.”
20.  “Are you okay?” Clarke asked. “It’s just Jim Dandy.” Clarke reached over and squeezed his hand. “Aren’t you excited? You’re finally going to meet people who understand your weird, old-man Earth slang.” [TBH this isn’t that notable but I just thought it was funny since the fandom always jokes about how Bellamy’s just a soft old-man-teddy-bear]
21.  “Half-brothers,” Clarke said for what was probably the twenty-ninth time that night.. She reached out and ran a finger along Bellamy’s cheek, as if she might find some sign she’d overlooked that he and Wells were related. Bellamy smiled as he gently removed her hand, then brought it to his lips to kiss it “I know it’s hard to believe. I’m just so much better looking.” [listen to this cocky asshole]
22.  “Look at that,” Bellamy whispered in her ear. “What?” He took her hand, gently extending one of her fingers, and pointed it toward a pinpoint of light moving quickly across the sky. “Did you ever make wishes on meteors on Phoenix?” [again, this quote isn’t so much about Bellamy himself as a character in the book but it just struck me because it’s basically the reverse of “can you wish on this kind of shooting star” in 1x05 so I thought it was interesting to point out]
That concludes all of the main Bellamy parts of book two! He still has some pretty ridiculous (and SAVAGE, holy crap) moments but to be honest this is probably my favourite of the four books in the series (just in general). Hopefully you found this post entertaining - stay tuned for book three: “Homecoming”. 
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