#so now i have a loki that acts a bit like an ornery older brother in his mid 20s who took custody of his younger sibling
buildingunderstanding · 2 months
I am very wary of concepts of being able to hear deities and other entities. Between how I was raised and being a system, it's just something that I struggle with the concepts of personally.
That said I have had experiences of "hearing" things from Loki and I am sort of learning to sus out his communication from things like system communication and those things.
Today I think is a fabulous example of that.
I have had two dreams in which Loki has made appearances in about as many weeks and I kind of knew there was something to these dreams because he was the only person in the dream that I could never fully see. He's been encouraging me to work on my intuition, so I just rolled on the assumption that that was him in my dreams just making himself known, just to let me know that he was there.
So these kinds of concepts have been on my mind lately and have brought up a lot of contemplation about where does caution end and fear begin. Now I am not at all afraid of Loki, I do have concerns about other things pretending to be him or just...y'know, ✨️ religious delusions✨️.
So that kind of sets the stage for what just happened today. I was piddling on tiktok and pouting about my painting that didn't go the way I wanted. When I remember I haven't eaten much today so I open the pantry and get the sense of "Hey, maybe have an apple".
Now I assumed this was Loki for a few reasons. 1) it wasn't "Let's have an apple" as it would have been in my own thoughts or system communication and 2) the video I was listening to was about him and that tends to catch his attention (2.5 I had been thinking about the aforementioned communication thing).
So I grab my apple and as I reach for the cutting board I get an image of the last time I had an apple with cinnamon and sugar, now this I did think was system communication. We have aphasia so images can be easier than words. And as I agree to cinnamon on my apple the video which is now talking about offerings to Loki mentions apples and cinnamon as some of his favorite things.
The snort and giggle I heard over my shoulder when I just came to a complete and total stop.
I also want to clarify, I like tajin or peanut butter on my apples. I never put the cinnamon sugar mix on my apples till someone (I thought in the system) asked to try it last week.
So anyway I think the reason things about clairaudience keeps coming up on my various fyps despite my scrolling is because Loki has been trying to get my attention.
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