#so no matter what for 12 hours he can't leave that stuffed animal
slumbergoblin · 1 year
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could I tell you what this is about? no I could not <3
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druigsfavwitch · 4 years
Russian Lullaby- Natasha Romanoff x Daughter! Reader
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Warning: kidnapping, angst, sad! Natasha, mom! Natasha, fluff, Stockholm Syndrome 
Summary: When you were 3, you were kidnapped and raised to believe that your kidnapper was your mother but you find out the truth when you were 16 and find out who your real mother is but you just can't forget about your past that easily
Word Count- 2493
(this is a request from my Wattpad)
Natasha remembers the exact day she gave birth. It was a grueling 12 hours of labor but it was all worth it when she heard your cries. They cut the cord and gave you to her. She cried happy tears. "Hello, моя любовь. I'm your mom. I promise to protect you as long forever. It's me and you, моя любовь навсегда." She hugged you closer and kissed your head. You grabbed her hand with your little finger and smiled. She looked down at you with pure adoration. 
As you grew up, your mom taught you Russian as your second language. You knew the meanings of simple words like "my love" and "bed".
You lived in the compound along with the other avengers. They really didn't mind because you almost never cried at night at all. You would just sit up and play with your stuffed animals until either Jarvis alerted your mother you were awake or she came in to check on you. Sometimes, Tony would stop in and peak his head into your room to see if you were awake. One time, you were just staring at him sea green eyes. He smiled and walked over to your crib. "What's up, little assassin?" He held his hand out and you gave him a high five. He smiled and picked you up. "Let's go annoy Bruce since he decided not to let me work on my projects." He walked with you in his arms to Bruce's lab. 
Bruce turned around when he heard footsteps. "Tony, if you have come to bother me about not helping you with your project again, please leave me alone." He turned around and saw you in Tony's arms with your fist in your mouth. He smiled and put down the syringe he had in his hand. He walked over and carefully took your hand out of your mouth. You smiled at him and waved. "Hey, y/n? Why are you up?" You just stared at him and shrugged. Tony and Bruce then kept you down in the lab until your mom got up. She walked to your room and saw a note pinned on your crib. She was internally freaking out until she read it. "Trip down to the lab to go to bed- Stark :)." She rolled her eyes and walked down to the lab. She approached around the corner and saw you in Tony's arms. She smiled a little. You turned around and saw her and smiled so big, you could see the few teeth you had. "Mama!" Tony and Bruce turned around to see Natasha standing in the door, smiling at you. Tony looked like he was going to crap his pants. Natasha walked over with her hands out and took you into her arms. "Hello, моя любовь. Did you have fun with uncle tony and Bruce?" You smiled and shook your head yes. She smiled and kissed your cheek, causing you to start a chorus of laughter. Natasha remembers those days and oh, how she missed them.
All the happiness changed when Natasha put you down for a nap one afternoon. She sung you a song called "Russian Lullaby." She walked with you, half sleeping into your room. She gently placed you in your crib and started humming. 
"Every night you'll hear her croon
A Russian lullaby
Just a little plaintive tune
When baby starts to cry
Rock-a-bye my baby
Somewhere there may be
A land that's free for you and me
And a Russian lullaby"
She tucked you in and kissed your head. She watched as you closed your eyes and fell asleep. She smiled and quietly shut the door. But, that nap was different than all the others. A women had been watching you and Natasha for weeks. Her name was Ella. She saw Natasha when she arrived at shield one day. Ella worked there and overheard Natasha talking to fury about you and how she was blessed to have you. Ella got jealous because she was infertile. She's always wanted kids and she could never have any of her own. She thought Natasha was too but by a miracle, she had a baby. A gorgeous, green eyed one. Ella had a plot to get what she finally wanted. She would sneak into the compound and take you.
Ella set her plan in motion the moment she temporarily disabled Jarvis. She found the vents and climbed through them. She knew she had to be quick. Jarvis could only be temporary disabled for 7 minutes. She followed the vent until it was right about your room. She carefully opened the vent and quietly landed. She walked over to your crib and looked down at you. She smiled and brushed a piece of hair out of your face. "Hello, my child." She carefully picked you up and quietly climbed back into the vent, leaving the compound.
When Jarvis came back on, he alerted everyone that someone had disabled him. Everyone got antsy. How could someone break into the compound without being spotted. Natasha had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. She made a beeline for your room, with everyone following behind her. When she reached, she pushed your door open and her heart dropped. In your crib, where she had left you no more than 10 minutes ago, was nothing. It was completely empty. She rushed over to your crib and started flipping blankets over. She checked every inch of that room and then the realization kicked in. You were kidnapped. Her knees buckled and she almost completely fell if Steve was not behind her. She sobbed and hit her hand on the floor. 
Meanwhile, when you woke up, you were in a different crib. You looked around and realized that your room was completely different. You got scared and started to cry. Ella ran in and picked you up. "Aw, it's ok. Mama's here." You cried even more and screamed. "Mama!"
Eventually, you got used to Ella and started to call her mom.
Time passed and everything seemed to be good for Ella. Natasha, however, was so upset. As soon as you were missing, she called Fury and he had a huge search. Then, all the avengers searched individually, but they could never find you. It's like you just vanished off the face of the earth and that's what hurt Natasha the most.
You quickly grew up. By this time, you were nearing your 16th birthday. It was a huge deal. You hoped this would be the day that your mom lets you get a phone or social media or something. Maybe even enroll you in real school. 
That night, you had a dream that you'd been having for as long as you could remember. You would be laying in bed and hear humming. Then, a red haired lady would come in. She would be singing a song that sounded so familiar. 
"Every night you'll hear her croon
A Russian lullaby
Just a little plaintive tune
When baby starts to cry
Rock-a-bye my baby
Somewhere there may be
A land that's free for you and me
And a Russian lullaby"
She would brush the hair out of your face, kiss your forehead and say "Goodnight, моя любовь." Then that would be the end of the dream. You never told your mom about the dream because it just seemed so weird.
On your birthday, your mom went out to get you a cake. You took this chance to explore. You always loved yo explore. You were looking in her closet to see if she had hidden any presents. You pulled something and a box fell on the floor, the top coming off. 
In the box was pictures of you being held in this red haired woman's arms. You couldn't see her face in that picture so you looked into the book for more. You saw another and almost screamed. It was the same lady from your dreams. Now that you had a clear look at her face, she looked so much like you. You continued looking in the box and saw a file folder. It had the same logo your mom used to have at her old job before she got transferred. You opened the file and started reading it. "Natasha Romanoff. Spy, avenger. Children- one." You saw your name. "Wait..." you flipped the page and saw a baby picture of you." Your mouth dropped open. "That lady in my dreams is my mother? But then who's the lady here?" You decided to find her and find out yourself. You saw the address as Stark towers. You packed a bag, grabbed a map and a few dollars. You walked out the door and waited for the bus. When it came, you got on. 
It didn't take very long for you to reach Stark towers. There was a man leaving the building. He looked fancy. He had on glasses and a fancy suit. He must know who this Natasha is. You walked up behind him and tapped his shoulder. "Um, hello. Do you know where Natasha Romanoff is? I need to talk to her?l he turned around and his jaw almost dropped. He just stared at you, in shock. He then snapped back into reality. "Yes. Yes, I know her. Um, follow me." He walked towards the building again and held the door for you. When he walked in, a voice greeted him. "Welcome back, mister Stark. I thought you had a meeting." He waved them off. "I have a more important matter, Jarvis. Tell Natasha I have to talk to her. It's important." The voice responded. "Right way, Mister Stark." Tony sat you down on the couch. "Can I get you anything kid? Water, apple juice, milk?" You shook your head. "No thank you." You gave him a shy smile. Just then, you heard the elevator ding from behind you. "What do you want, Tony?" You turned around to see that lady from your dreams. She looked up from her tablet and looked at you dead in the eye. She dropped the tablet in shock and quick ran over to the seat next to you. "Y/n?" You smiled. "Hi." She started to cry. Tony smiled and slipped out to tell everyone else. "Where have you been? Are you ok? Are you hurt?" You shook your head. "No, I'm fine. I just wanted to ask you a question." She shook her head. "Of course. Ask away." You pulled out the picture of you in her file. "Are you...my mom?" She looked at the file and back at you. "Yes. Do you...not remember me?" She seemed to look sad. You felt bad. "No. Well, I mean, I see dreams with you in them. And you're singing this song." Her face perked up. "Well. It's true. I'm your mother. You were kidnapped 13 years ago." You're eyes went wide. You were kidnapped. The lady that raised you isn't your real mother. She stripped your real mother of her kid. You audibly gasped. "I know it's a lot to take in. We can take it slow." You smiled at her. "Thank you. So, can I stay here?" Natasha smiled. "Yes. I'd like that very much."
Over the next few days, you got to know everyone at the compound. You had gotten word from Natasha that they had arrested your mother and put in a shield facility prison. You felt sorrow deep down for her. I mean, you thought she was your mother your whole life. 
You were trying to sleep one night but you just couldn't. Your brain was on overload trying to process everything. You started to cry. Then, there was a knock on the door. Natasha poked her head through and gave you a shy smile. She saw your tears and carefully walked over to your bed. "What's wrong?" You sniffled. "I know you're my mother but she raised me. I went this whole time thinking she was my mother. I don't know if I coude ever forget her." Natasha tried to give you a hug but you pushed her away. Her face turned sad as she gave you a sad smile and walked towards the door. "Goodnight." 
You had started to go on missions a few months into moving in with the tower. 
Your latest mission was was to go and retrieve a file from an abandoned hydra building. Steve and Natasha were tasked to go with you. You guys took the quinjet and arrived after a short drive. 
You could tell Natasha was keeping her distance but also keeping an eye on you. After you pushed her away, she didn't seem to push you anymore.
The mission didn't go as planned. It wasn't abandoned. It was a trap. You guys were ambushed. Two agents got you. They shot you 3 times; two in the chest and one in the leg. Natasha and Steve then took them down. After taking them down, she ran over to you. "Y/n? Can you hear me? Keep your eyes open." You tried to hard but your vision just went black 
When you woke up, you saw Natasha sleeping in the chair next to you. You grunted as you tried to find a comfortable spot. She stirred as she heard your movement. She opened her eyes and sighed. "Oh, thank god. I'm glad you're awake." She leaned over to kiss your forehead but then remembered. She gave you a shy smile and started to stand up. "I'll let you be by yourself for a while." As she was walking to the door, you called out to her in your hoarse  voice. "Can you sing the lullaby?" She turned around to look at you, confused. You gave her a small smile. She walked back over with a smile on her face and sat down next to you, cuddling close. She started humming. 
"Every night you'll hear her croon
A Russian lullaby
Just a little plaintive tune
When baby starts to cry
Rock-a-bye my baby
Somewhere there may be
A land that's free for you and me
And a Russian lullaby"
When she finished, you had cuddled next to her and looked at her lovingly. "I love you, mama." She started to cry happy tears. "I love you too, моя любовь." She then started humming the lullaby again.
A/n: ok, wow. i love this. anyways here's the song i found. i hope you like it:)
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моя любовь навсегда- forever my love
моя любовь- my love
Tag List (open) - @emmaloo21 @ssebstann @llmarvelettezll​ 
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
75 Criminal Minds Prompts
Some of these can easily go very, very dirty, and yes I’m talking about Morgan and Garcia conversations and honestly would it be a list without them?
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1 “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you’ve really stopped to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do. ― Hotch
2 “Life is a hell of a thing to happen to someone.”― David Rossi
3 “Destroying a book is like…destroying a whole world.” — Diana Reid 
4 “Trust me, kiddo. I’ve been here before.” ― David Rossi
5 “I’ve always heard every ending is also a beginning. We just don’t know it at the time. I’d like to believe that’s true.” — Emily Prentiss 
6 “He is the perfect man. He doesn’t hog the covers, and he poops in a box.” — Emily Prentiss 
7 “Went on a diet last night. Lost 185 pounds.” — Dr. Tara Lewis 
8 “Marital bliss followed by marital diss! Of course. Why didn’t I think of that?” — Penelope Garcia
9 “I don’t take kindly to being blown up. In fact, it kind of pisses me off.” — Derek Morgan 
10 “You know, I've learned that, in the short time I've had the privilege of being a dad... it heals wounds, just being there for your kid.” — David Rossi
11 “What makes you feel confident?” “Statistics.” — Derek Morgan and Dr Spencer Reid
12 “NAME , believe me when I say this, I've never known a normal day in my entire life.” — Dr Spencer Reid
13 “The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering. It's actually safer to kiss.” — Dr Spencer Reid
14 “No one gets therapy these days without a healthy dose of medication.” “What are you implying, NAME?” “That everyone is medicated.” — Dr Spencer Reid and Penelope Garcia
15 “He/She doesn't give a damn about black or white. The only color that son of a bitch cares about is green.” — Dr Spencer Reid
16 “I don't know everything. I mean, despite the fact that you think that I do.” “I never said that. When have I ever said that?” “Every day since I met you!” — Dr Spencer Reid and Derek Morgan
17 “I never have any normal fans.” — Dr Spencer Reid
18 “Hey, Baby Girl, whatever you’re doing, drop it.” — Derek Morgan
19 “Talk to me, Baby Girl.” — Derek Morgan
20 “There you go, Baby Girl, that’s sweet.” — Derek Morgan
21 “Give it to me, doll face.” — Derek Morgan
22 “Hey, doll face. Ready to work some magic for me?” — Derek Morgan
23 “Hey, silly girl. I love you, you know that, right?” — Derek Morgan
24 “Hey girl, you’re on speaker. Behave.” “Or what, you’ll spank me?” — Derek Morgan and Penelope Garcia
25 “It was once said that love is giving someone the ability to destroy you, but trusting them not to.” — Derek Morgan
26 “Hey baby girl, I need you to work that magic of yours.” “Rub my lamp, release the Genie.” — Derek Morgan and Penelope Garcia
27 “You really are afraid of the dark.” “I'm working on that.” “You should work a little harder.” — Derek Morgan and Dr Spencer Reid
28 “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, pump your brakes. What is this about?” — Derek Morgan
29 “Oh, and if you hate sad stories as much as I do, you should leave the room right now, 'cause this is super sad!” — Penelope Garcia
30 “Enchantress of all things possible, use your imagination.” — Penelope Garcia
31 “My least three favorite words strung together: I don't know.” — Penelope Garcia
32 “Hello, my pretties. I have seen the wizard and he granted my wish.” — Penelope Garcia
33 “She knew where to toe the line between right and raunchy.” — Penelope Garcia
34 “OK, let me get you on a secret: Guys, we don’t do well on subtle clues, OK? You got to be direct, straight up. Just tell him exactly what you want!” — Derek Morgan
35 “It’s who you are, Baby Girl. You see the beauty in everything and everyone no matter where you go. That part of you is never gonna change, and I won’t let it.” — Derek Morgan
36 “NAME, people need to know that they're important and sometimes you forget that.” — Hotch
37 “Don't you have something better to do?” “Than to annoy you for three hours? Hell no.” — Hotch and Derek Morgan
38 “I think, deep down, we're all capable of unspeakable things. Where it starts or what you call it, I don't know.” — Hotch
39 “NAME, this is the job, and I need to know that you can be objective.” “And I need to know that I can be human.” — Hotch and Emily Prentiss
40 “Scars show us where we have been, they do not dictate where we are going.” — Rossi
41 “You don't need to do anything you don't want to. Understand?” — Rossi
42 “Just be careful. That ego of yours is going to get you in trouble." — Rossi
43 “Somewhere along the line, I put myself first. I admit it, but I can't go back and change it." — Rossi
44 “It could be that, after all of these years, I rewrote history." — Rossi
45 “Time will pass and slowly you will find how much it hurts. And, maybe, you'll find something else to fill that empty space." — Rossi
46 “Where you headed?” “Nowhere in particular.” “How will you know when you get there?” — Rose and Gideon
47 “Only a man would waste $50 trying to win back that $3 stuffed animal.” — JJ
48 “This is my favorite part. This is where you hang yourself with your own tongue. So, please keep talking.” — JJ
49 “My father/mother believes that children shouldn't be shielded from the realities of the world. I do! Isn't that why we read them fairy tales in the first place?” — JJ
50 “Oh god, please tell me you don't have a crush on a fictional character.” — JJ
51 “You are the best ever.” “Aw, and you're the most perceptive.” — JJ and Garcia
52 “I once dated a guy/girl who washed his/her car more than he/she washed his/her hair.” — JJ
53 “Don't tell me what I want and don't want.” — JJ
54 “You do what it takes to protect your family.” — JJ
55 “Look, I don't speak smartass.” — Michael Russo
56 “How's it having NAME around?” “You can have him/her back whenever you would like.” Hotch and Garcia
57 “So, NAME, when are you and NAME walking down the aisle?” “Hey, whoa, whoa. Baby steps. Baby steps.” “When NAME says "I do", it'll be a national day of mourning for single men/women everywhere.” — Rossi, Morgan and Reid
58 “Ugh! This heat is brutal!” “You know, it isn't so much the heat as it is the humidity.” “At some point, it doesn't matter how you look at it. It all sucks.” — Derek Morgan and Dr Spencer Reid
59 “Need a minute?” “So, so badly.” — Matt Simmons and Penelope Garcia
60 “Hey. I came as soon as I could. What's wrong?” — Matt Simmons
61 “We ask questions, and we come home.” “No creepy weirdness?” “No weirdness.” “Good, 'cause I'm about full up in the creepy weirdness department for one night.” — Matt Simmons and Penelope Garcia
62 “Ooh, what about this one? Sunny, two-bedroom. It's close to work. And it's in your price range.” “NAME, you're moving? You don't like change.” “That's true. Change is my kryptonite. But the apartment is no longer a sanctuary. I have a new neighbor. Window's right here. He enjoys doing naked kung fu. Some things you cannot unsee.” — JJ, Simmons and Garcia
63 “Thank you.” “For what?” “For being you.” “Aw, thanks. I don't know how to be anyone else.” — Emily Prentiss and Dr Spencer Reid
64 “When a woman tells a man about her feelings, she doesn't want him to fix her. She wants him to shut up and listen.” — Emily Prentiss
65 “I just feel I can't understand others' emotions if I don't deal with my own, you know?” “The best way out is always through.” “Too bad it's not always the easiest one.” “You're not kidding.” — Dr Tara Lewis and Rossi
66 “It helps if they think you're crazy. They don't argue.” — Diana Reid
67 “I don’t hate you ... I’m just not necessarily excited about your existence.” — Dr Spencer Reid
68 “There are many paths to the same place. Trust me.” “Just so you know, you sound like a fortune cookie.” — Hotch
69 “I’m always right. Also, you’re secretly in love with me.” — Penelope Garcia
70 “I just gave the bartender my number in Roman numerals. If he/she figures it out, he’s/she’s worth a shot.” — Dr Spencer Reid
71 “Shh, the adults are talking. When it’s your turn to speak, I’ll give you permission. Okay?” — JJ
72 “Hey, mama, tell me something I don’t know.” — Derek Morgan
73 “Talk dirty to me.” — Penelope Garcia
75 “Hey, don’t make me spank you when I get back.” “Don’t listen time him/her, NAME, he’s/she’s all talk.” — Derek Morgan and Dr Spencer Reid
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